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Chapter 99: Requirements for the Academy and Candidates for the Academy’s Wine Festival (Please subscribe)

 "Which one writes the best in Thousand Character Essay and Hundred Family Surnames!"

Since people insisted on seeing him, there was no way Zhao Wen would not see him. He walked towards the Chu Palace with a leisurely expression and asked very casually.

It's not that he doesn't pay attention to it, but the Hundred Family Surnames and Thousand Character Essay are too basic. No matter which family writes it, it will never be bad. He just wants to know who is willing to change himself for Da Qin.

He will have to change many things in the future. If he is not willing to change even such small things, there will be no need to change them later.

"Mr. Xun Kuang listed Qin as the orthodox one after the Zhou Dynasty. It should be the most suitable for the Qin Dynasty!" Chu One and Chu Two followed Zhao Wen two steps closely and replied in a low voice.


Zhao Wen absolutely believed in the knowledge of Chu Yi and Chu Er. After all, they were better than him anyway. Since these two people thought that Xun Kuang was suitable, then the academy's sacrificial wine should be Xun Kuang.

Moreover, in Zhao Wen's view, the future Great Qin will definitely be based on Confucianism and the Dharma as its core, and Xun Kuang happens to be the Confucian skin and Dharma core, and is definitely the most suitable for the current Great Qin.

Especially being a Confucian is what satisfies Zhao Wen the most. Unlike other schools that are strict in recruiting disciples and have always accepted very few disciples, Confucianism advocates teaching without distinction. There are many poor students in history because they worship Confucianism.

Only teachers can achieve success.

For the future development of Da Qin, Zhao Wen must now maximize the number of scholars so that he can cultivate enough talents for his use in the future.

Dozens of the world's most prestigious academics stood quietly in front of the gate of the Chu Palace, their figures motionless, like sculptures.

The total number of academies in Jiujiang can accommodate almost 100,000 students. Coupled with Zhao Wen's identity, choosing one of them means the decline of the others. No one dares to be careless about this kind of thing.

"Your Highness, please give me a brief introduction from all the seniors!"

Chu Yi and Chu Er came out of the palace gate with smiles on their faces, and their expressions were extremely respectful.

In the main hall of the Chu Palace, Zhao Wen knelt and sat at the top. He watched the faces of scholars from various schools of thought gradually becoming solemn as they came in one by one. They even looked at him with a faint respect in their eyes. He couldn't help but smile in his heart.

The aura of the He's Bi in the box on the desk in front of him continued to exude, making Zhao Wen even more majestic.

"I also know the purpose of your seniors' coming. After years of military campaigns, civil affairs are not prosperous, so I built Shouchun Academy, where every family can recruit students for education. I will bear all the expenses during the study period, so as to promote civil affairs in the world!


Speaking of this, Zhao Wen paused slightly and looked down at the hundreds of scholars whose breathing was suddenly confused, and then continued: "Judging from the thousand-character essays written by each school and the surnames of the hundreds of schools, Shouchun Academy will be composed of Confucian scholars."

Mr. Xun Kuang serves as the academy’s sacrificial wine!”

"What about county schools and township schools in various places!"

A barefoot middle-aged man asked with a gentle salute even though his face looked sad.

"The county school teaches Confucian and Legalist books, and the township school teaches the Thousand-Character Classic and Hundred Family Surnames compiled by Mr. Xun Kuang!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

A dozen people in Confucian uniforms stepped forward with excitement, bowed to the ground, and bowed to Zhao Wen.

Loud wails rang out in the hall, and several fell to the ground as if they had been hit hard. Confucianism originally had many disciples, and with the addition of Jiujiang county schools and county schools, the inheritance of each school will inevitably be more difficult in the future.

Zhao Wen completely ignored the few people who were crying to attract his attention. He turned to look at the dozen or so Confucian scholars wearing Confucian uniforms with excited faces and said: "There are a few things Shouchun Academy must do!"

"The first thing is to prepare the history of Zhou, collect and organize the history of Shang and Xia, and record it in Qin language!"

It is the responsibility of latecomers to compile histories for previous dynasties. Some of them can still be found in the history of Shang and Xia. The fact that the First Emperor did not pay attention to it does not mean that Zhao Wen did not pay attention to it.


"There are hundreds of schools of thought that can be passed down to the present, but there are still more than ten schools left. The others have disappeared in history, but after all, they are part of our Chinese history. The academy must search and organize the classics of each school and record them in Qin language!


"Many of these classics are no longer studied by anyone, but they are also treasures of our Chinese culture. It is the responsibility of our descendants to preserve them and pass them on completely!"

"You can inform the world that anyone who presents a lost classic will be rewarded with an equal amount of gold by the Palace of Chu!"

All the classics of this era were engraved on bamboo slips. One book was as big as a cart. The time it took for a classic to be carved was calculated in years. Therefore, the number of surviving books is extremely rare. If you accidentally damage a volume, you will not be able to replace it.

Local supplement.

In this day and age, it is still possible to find some. In a few years, it would be extremely difficult for Zhao Wen to collect them, so he would rather spend a lot of money to copy and preserve them first.

After the gold is spent, he will probably grab it from other worlds, but if these classics are damaged, he won't know where to look for them even if he wants to look for them.

"Nuo!" This is a break between life and death. All scholars will be grateful. Whether they are Confucian or other schools, they look at Zhao Wen with respect in their eyes!

"The third thing is to simplify the characters of Qin. You should know that Shouchun produced a kind of treasure called paper, which is very convenient for recording text. A cart of bamboo slips can be used to record everything on a hundred white sheets of paper, but there are many characters of Qin.

It is extremely complicated to write, so Mr. Xun Kuang called on scholars from all over the country to simplify the Qin characters as much as possible to make them suitable for writing!"

Hearing Zhao Wen mention paper, everyone in the palace looked at Zhao Wen with little stars in their expressions. No one understood the value of paper better than these top academics.

Bamboo slips that could not be carved in a year in the past can now be written on paper in just one day. This alone can spread a large number of classics from various families.

In a short period of time, Zhao Wen produced a large amount of paper for various townships to use. Obviously, this item called paper was also extremely fast to produce.

"Can this paper be used by the students of the academy?" Xun Kuang looked at Zhao Wen expectantly. In his opinion, the things done by the His Highness in front of him were like saints, which made Gou Kuang think twice when he spoke.

Some respect.

"It's not possible yet. We need to print out the Thousand-Character Inscriptions and Hundreds of Family Names first. However, we are already cultivating a large number of paper-making craftsmen. Soon, there will be enough paper for everyone to use!"

"Print it?" It was a new word. Everyone in the palace looked at Zhao Wen with doubts. They never believed that the highness in front of them would say useless words.

“Engrave the words on a board and then cover it on paper to make a seal!”

"Your Highness is a great talent!" Zhao Wen said it very simply. Everyone understood at first glance that using this method, it is completely possible to print a large number of the same classics in a very short time, and the copying speed is completely different.


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