Turn off the lights
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Chapter 148 'Children's Paradise' 1 hour before darkness strikes

 "That's right, since you have an item that can guarantee a win, why go through all the trouble to find a "switch" to end the night?"

Jiang Qian followed Ye Qingfei's thoughts and his eyes gradually deepened:

"In this way, normal people will most likely not choose the relatively complicated second winning path. But the question is, with this sign, is it really safe?"

As soon as these words came out, Yehuo Liaobubu, who was equally happy before, also fell into silence.

Night Dragonfly blinked, took Jiang Qian's "Do Not Disturb House Sign" again, and carefully checked its properties.

"That's right. Judging from its properties, it can indeed resist the invasion of monsters at night. There are no restrictions on its use. It can be used at any time and place..."

"Okay, let's change our thinking."

Jiang Qianxunxunshan said:

"If I hold this card and raise my arms and shout: I have a magic weapon that will win, everyone come and hide with me!"

"So all 15 players relied on this card to hide in the same room and win. When night fell, we were unable to do anything. Do you think the dungeon would allow this to happen?"

Through this backward reasoning, several people immediately understood!

Of course not.

Based on the moral integrity and urinary character of the "Children's Paradise" copy, such low-level ugs will never be allowed to exist.

Besides, this UG was handed over from a copy? How is that possible!

"There is a pit, there is definitely a pit!" Ye Huo Liao Bu Chuan said depressedly, scratching his bald head.

"There is no money here! Hanging a sign outside the door will clearly tell the trick that someone is inside, and you won't be able to run away if you want to." A towering pine tree, which has always been silent, couldn't help but participate in the discussion.

"You mean, this prop is most likely a misleading message thrown out by the copy?" Honghu Yufei cast a questioning look at Jiang Qian.

He also vaguely felt that there was something wrong with this game, but he couldn't tell what exactly it was.

Jiang Qian nodded slightly and concluded:

"Not just this prop, the entire game is now confusing."

"Now, we only know that there are two ways to win, but we don't know the part about trickery at all: what is trickery? In what form does it appear, what is the attack method, and how many are there? The copy has not revealed it to us."

"But have you noticed? After the rules of the game were announced, most people have already followed the inertia of their thinking and started what they think is the most reasonable behavior pattern: working on their own, looking for hiding places and defensive props."

Honghu Yufei followed the trend and said: "So you mean to do the opposite?"

"Yes, everyone else is hiding, and we will find a way to turn off the trick."

Jiang Qian approved:

"Use the one hour before dark to the fullest and make complete preparations, so as to avoid encountering uncontrollable situations and being unable to recover after dark arrives."

"Of course, to put it another way, we also have a Do Not Disturb house sign as a guarantee."

Several people thought about it and agreed.

"What should we do now?" Night Dragonfly asked immediately.

"Find enough clues, use the clues to deduce the dangers you may encounter in the dark night, and determine the location of the special room."

In the end, you still have to search for each room.

But no one argued with Jiang Qian. Because for the same behavior, the results of clear thinking and recklessness are completely different.

Now the thinking of the few people is clearer. They will no longer make a fuss or worry about a single prop or incomplete clues. Instead, they will focus on the team and be fully prepared to overcome the additional questions.

"By the way, I just found this under the TV cabinet..." Yehuo Liaobuquan took out a house book.

"House book?" Several other people joined in.

"There are house structures and room function settings inside. I wonder if they are useful?"


Jiang Qian opened the house book and opened the house structure and room function diagrams sandwiched inside.

This bungalow has a total of

On the lower two floors, the room settings are:

Upstairs: master bedroom, second bedroom, baby room, study room, chess and card gym, bathroom;

Downstairs: kitchen, dining room, living room, guest room, storage room, bathroom.

The living room of this house runs through two floors and is directly connected to the ceiling of the second floor.

Several people discovered that there was an attic in the mezzanine directly above the living room, but the picture showed how to use it, and there was no mark on where the "entrance" was.

All in all, the amount of information is huge, and the scope of the search is wider than expected.

"This loft doesn't look simple." Honghu Yufei looked up at the chandelier above his head.

"Well, the voice of the hostess before seemed to have come from above?"

"But the key is how to get in? You can't just blow up a "door"..." Night Dragonfly also raised its head and made a mistake.

"Let's not consider the issue of blowing up the door for now," Jiang Qian brought the attention of several people back, "We still have time, let's find clear clues first."

Taking rash actions may trigger irreversible disaster consequences.

After preliminary discussions: Since most of the players were concentrated upstairs, they decided to move at a staggered peak and divided their troops into two groups to search from the first floor:

A towering pine and a wild fire are partners. They form a team and search guest rooms, storage rooms, entrance halls and corridors;

Jiang Qian, Honghu Yufei, Night Dragonfly form a group, form two groups, search the living room, kitchen, and dining room.

The five met again in the living room 20 minutes later to review the harvest.

"In order to facilitate contact and provide timely support in case of any situation, I will hand over this button camera to you two."

Jiang Qian handed one of the Beidou button cameras to Wild Fire.

Ye Huo Liao took it seriously and held it in his hand for a closer look: "It's a power-level prop? It's awesome..."

That was the reward Jiang Qian received from the Black Alliance mission.

"The audio and video are synchronized and can be used as a walkie-talkie at critical moments."

Speaking of this, Jiang Qian suddenly smiled mysteriously:

"Also to disclose, when other players left just now, I also placed this prop on some of them. At present, they are like mobile anchors, working hard to help us collect clues."

"But this does not mean that we are treating them unfairly. We have to turn off the trick switch, and everyone will benefit from it."

Jiang Qian explained in passing.

Of course, there was a deeper consideration why he did this action without telling other players.

At this time, Ye Huo Liao Bu Chu volunteered and said: "I can also "plant grass" anywhere there is soil, and act as the eyes and ears of our team, as a fixed-point monitoring!"

"I also have a prop that can be used to spy on other people's surveillance behavior on us." Honghu Yufei raised a kaleidoscope-like device, "Just in case."

"Very good."

Jiang Qian nodded with satisfaction.

"Finally, I would like to remind everyone that in this game, each of us has free and open props and skills. This shows that the game allows games between teams and between people."

"Such open-ended game rules have advantages and disadvantages. When players show off their talents, they must also pay attention to their own safety risks."

Several people immediately responded positively:


"No problem, let's go~"

After the plan was finalized, the two groups of people quickly performed their respective duties with clean and neat actions.

Jiang Qian stood there without moving.

"Teacher Qianlong? You..."

Night Dragonfly took a few steps and stopped, thinking something was wrong with him.

Jiang Qian looked as normal and said: "Oh, I have to pay attention to other people's movements alone. Please protect me while searching carefully."

Night Dragonfly: "..."

Honghu Yufei: "You are really relieved!"

"I'm quite relieved." Jiang Qian didn't joke with the two of them.

Now, he is paying attention to the pictures of 7 cameras at the same time, his brain is running at high speed.

Quickly organize messy information.

At this time, Lin Zhuo and the others were "wreaking havoc" in the chess and card gym on the second floor...

They rummaged too much without considering the consequences, and with the convenience of other players' secondary searches, they made the interior of the room a mess.

Scar Girl actually followed them unswervingly, neither helping nor provoking further, but just following step by step. It was difficult to judge whether she wanted to blackmail the other party or seek asylum.

In addition, other retail investors were rummaging through various rooms.

Master bedroom, second bedroom, baby room.

Most of them were more careful and did not make any exaggerated noise.

Of course, nothing has been gained yet.

Less than 10 minutes have passed, so don't rush... Jiang Qian continues to observe and spend some time sorting out the characteristics of the area he is currently responsible for.

A very ordinary living room, European style and simple, not overly luxurious or very different in style.

A photo of the host and hostess of the family hangs above the fireplace to the east of the living room.

The two stood side by side, holding their right hands with their left hands, and their free hands "showing their hearts" toward the camera, seeming to convey love.

Judging from their clothes, they are clearly close to middle age, but from the looks of them, the male and female owners of this house look a bit like the naughty ghost and the little boy when they grow up.

"This couple is so strange..."

Night Dragonfly squatted next to the standing cabinet, picked up the photo frame placed on it, and looked at it carefully.



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