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Chapter 189 Even Jiang Qian betrayed me!

 Are pet pets frequently stolen from the male dormitory building of Jinping University?

Jiang Qian and Ye Xiaojing glanced at each other without revealing their expressions.

Reports like "pet theft" are indeed not very common, but they are not to the point of being taken over by the Special Affairs Center, right? And Xue Yang actually resisted saying anything about such a big matter, so he thought it should be

There is another secret... Jiang Qian secretly speculated.

Due to his recent experience in the super-species world, he blocked all the school class groups.

Yun Zhongyou, director of the Jinnan Office, handed the dossier to Jiang Qian and began to describe this series of bizarre events orally from the shallower to the deeper:

"This is not a small-scale pet theft incident. Since the mysterious theft of reptiles was discovered three months ago, as of last week's statistics, a total of 376 reptiles of all sizes and sizes have been stolen."

"This matter did not come to our Special Affairs Center at the beginning. The case was taken over by the Public Security Department. At that time, they went to the school to conduct routine investigations and visits, but there was no special discovery."

"In the end, the incident was characterized as a prank between students, and the University of Tianjin decided to resolve it internally. They did not want their students to get a bad reputation."

"After ideological education and communication within each dormitory class involved, although the perpetrator was not identified, there were no similar theft incidents during this period."

"Until a week later, the theft incidents continued..."

Yun Zhongyou sighed and continued:

"At this time, the incident has not actually escalated. The school still hopes to find out the problem internally to avoid involving the Sheriff's Department in the school... Until a month ago, the reptiles were kept in the animal and plant laboratory and were only for viewing.

, also disappeared one after another."

"Are the ornamental species in the laboratory also stolen?" Jiang Qian frowned slightly.

"Yes! And the scale of the theft is not small."

Things have gone very wrong.

If it is a prank between students, it should stop in the dormitory building. If it involves the school laboratory, the situation will be much more serious. Both in terms of magnitude and scope of involvement.

These days, every biological species that can be purchased and raised by schools at high prices for the future talents of the motherland to study and visit has a certain academic value.

"After that, the Public Security Department investigated the case twice. This time it was more detailed than the previous investigation, and the contents are all in the file."

"It was precisely because of this investigation that the Public Security Department transferred the case to our Special Affairs Center."

Yunzhongyou further introduced the key results of the second survey in detail.

One of the most groundbreaking discoveries was that an eyewitness encountered a suspected thief near the laboratory. After being attacked, he fled desperately, turned to school security for help, and was finally rescued.

This witness provided a large number of statements about the incident, including a partial description of the suspect.

"This is the current progress of the situation. Generally speaking, there is a lot of pressure on the school. Students have been complaining about pet thefts, and now there are attacks."

"For us, the presence of super-species players lurking on campus is also an event that cannot be underestimated. Once the other party exposes his super-species identity in public, the impact and losses will be immeasurable." Yunzhongyou Shen

vocal channel.

Listening to Yun Zhongyou introducing the entire situation from beginning to end, Jiang Qian then raised his own question:

"So, the Public Security Department believes that a super species player attacked the target witness but did not maim him to death, and let him bring his confession alive to us?"

"Well, we can consider the possibility that the criminal suspect has just obtained an identity card, is not yet proficient in using super-species skills, and is probably not very aggressive." Yunzhongyou explained.

Jiang Qian nodded slowly.

"How's it going? What do you think of this eucalyptus?" Yun Zhongyou asked immediately.

It seems that I can't wait to hear what this popular dungeon strategy expert in the forum has to say about this confusing pet theft.

"Thank you, Director Yun, for the very detailed and specific information you provided

But the specific views need to be discussed after we read the details of the dossier. Can you lend us a conference room nearby?"

This is the first independent piece of information Ji Ming has given to Jiang Qian. Jiang Qian believes that it is necessary to give his superiors a satisfactory answer sheet when the new official takes office.

For this reason, Jiang Qian did not plan to go back to the apartment anymore. He wanted to strike while the iron was hot, memorize the contents of the file, and then go straight to school.

Five minutes later, Jiang Qian and Ye Xiaojing appeared in a small conference room on the second floor of the office.

The files were spread out from the conference table, and Jiang Qian and Ye Xiaojing entered office mode.

Obviously, the contents of the dossier are much more detailed than what Director Yun dictated.

Even the type of pet, the stolen floor, and the dormitory number are all clearly marked.

Not surprisingly, Jiang Qian saw that his dormitory was also on the list!

Judging from the number of stolen reptiles, Xue Yang, a big reptile owner, must have suffered heavy losses, but the other party has not even lost anything yet.

This kid really thought I had dropped out of school. Why didn't he tell me about this? Jiang Qian couldn't help but curse.

Compared with the male dormitory building, the number of thefts in the laboratory is not very impressive.

In other words, the perpetrator's main target is still retail investors, and he does not want to alarm the school...

But if that's the case, why bother starting it?

Jiang Qian is constantly sorting and analyzing the information in his brain:

Judging from the surveillance investigation report given by the Public Security Bureau, the perpetrator should be a very cautious person, so he repeatedly escaped surveillance and avoided direct conflict with the security officers.

But how could such a person be witnessed by a female student, and then let the female student leave without causing any substantial harm to her... This is very strange.

Jiang Qian picked up the photo of the witness from the file.

On the front, there is a familiar face: straight bangs, long and straight black hair, round cheeks, small and delicate facial features, melancholy and introverted eyes. On the back is her name: Chu Qian.

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"What, do you know this girl?" Ye Xiaojing's clear girlish voice came from beside her ears.

Jiang Qian looked sideways and saw that the other party was looking at the photo in his hand with great interest.

"Oh, my classmate from the next class is my roommate's crush." ​​Jiang Qianyan said concisely and comprehensively.

"Oh?" Ye Xiaojing said meaningfully, "You even remember your roommate's crush?"

Jiang Qian responded with a calm gaze: "Nothing to make a fuss about, I remember the dormitory aunt's crush."


Jiang Qian put down the photo, pulled out the written version of Chu Qian's confession, and handed the video record to Ye Xiaojing: "Play this for me."

"Okay, Captain."

Ye Xiaojing got up to adjust the equipment in the conference room.

After a while, a girl's figure appeared on the projection, which was as inclusive as the photo:

His clothes are simple, his features are small, his face is round, but his complexion is very pale, like a frightened bird, as if he has just been seriously frightened.

Therefore, throughout the entire process, the security officer's attitude was very friendly and she did not excessively ask her to answer some key questions.

For example: the perpetrator’s physical description.

In this part, Chu Qian showed a very nervous and scared look, repeating over and over again: "I didn't see clearly, I don't know!"


"This female classmate of yours is very good at crying scenes." Ye Xiaojing commented expressionlessly from the side.

"Well, maybe she's too scared." Jiang Qian followed, "Of course, maybe she's scared of something else."

From Chu Qian's micro-expressions, Jiang Qian did interpret tension, anxiety, and fear.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go to Jinping University."

Jiang Qian stood up and announced.

"Leave now?" Ye Xiaojing was a little surprised.

"Well, if the previous two rounds of investigations were conducted by the Public Security Bureau instead of the official licensee, I think there would be a big deviation in the focus of the file contents

We should still visit on the spot to understand the real situation." Jiang Qian said simply.

So the two of them were ready to set off.

Just as he reached the door, Ye Xiaojing stopped and gestured to Jiang Qian to retreat.

Then she calmly held the door of the conference room and slowly pulled it open, revealing her colleagues waiting outside the door one by one. She also called them "Qianlong, don't use true fans"!

"Teacher Ye? Are Master Qianlong busy?"

"Can we take a photo with Qianlong Wuyong?"

"Can I sign?"

"I want it too~"

The beautiful figures with the expressions of eager anticipation on their faces are hard to refuse.

However, Ye Xiaojing replied coldly: "Sorry, we are about to handle the first case since taking office as captain. You don't want him to be late, right?"

The fans' voices weakened and they rationally gave way.

We are all adults, and most of them have superpowers. This makes sense, but we are all a little emotionally frustrated.

"But if things go well, you fans can be allowed to meet each other when we come back to get married." Ye Xiaojing said expressionlessly.

As soon as these words came out, the Qianlong fans in the Jinnan office immediately rejoiced!

"Master Qianlong will be fine!"

"It's good to have your words! I'm waiting for your good news~"

"Thank you, Teacher Ye!"

"All the best, have a nice trip~"


Until he got into the passenger seat of Ye Xiaojing, Jiang Qian was still a little confused: "Before you agree to them, at least discuss it with me?"

"Is your opinion important?" Ye Xiaojing drove a sports car as a matter of course, "You are a public figure now, so you must pay attention to maintaining the relationship with the public."

"Okay, then let's strive for a quick victory, and I hope your promise won't come to nothing."

As Jiang Qian spoke, he rolled down the window and looked at the nearby ancient streets.

The market atmosphere and cultural life atmosphere here are very strong, and it is a place where college students like to gather and travel.

While slowing down at the intersection, a crisp ringing sound suddenly came as the steps swayed, instantly triggering Jiang Qian's alertness!

"Sister Xiaojing, stop for a moment!"

That was the important clue Ajie revealed to him after the handkerchief-throwing game in the "Children's Paradise" copy: the mysterious woman with a bell on her body and the bell ringing when she walked was trying to cover up the traces of the incident he was investigating.

The car stopped quickly.

But there is no trace of the ringtone.

Jiang Qian's spiritual vision has been turned on. He screened the figures who showed strange changes in their behavior paths to the maximum extent, trying to catch the target person who escaped from his attention, but he was unsuccessful.

No one could be found within the scope of his spiritual vision.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiaojing felt strange about Jiang Qian's abnormal behavior.

"Maybe I got the wrong person, let's hurry up."

Jiang Qian did not explain much about this.

So far, he is not prepared to disclose the secret investigation of Jiang Yang's disappearance to anyone.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaojing didn't take this incident to heart.

The two arrived at Jinping University all the way and stopped at the school gate closer to the male dormitory buildings.

"I will first go to the dormitory to find out the specific situation. I haven't been in school for a while, and I almost don't know the way back to the dormitory... Then we will make an appointment with Chu Qian and find a place nearby where we can sit and have a drink.

"Okay, Captain, is there anything you need me to do?" Ye Xiaojing is even less familiar with Jinping University than Jiang Qian.

"You?" Jiang Qian hesitated, "You have to solve the identity problem first."


Room 202, Male Dormitory Building 1.

Xue Yang, who has a full head of yellow hair, is huddled under the quilt, half asleep and half awake.

Next to my ears is the conversation between two other roommates and other classmates who came to visit:

"Guess when I went to Wanzhong for an interview,

Who did you meet?" Bai Shitong, who lives in the dormitory next door, was hired as an intern by Vanzhong Group due to his excellent overall quality and social skills, and is about to start his internship career for at least 3 months.

"Your kid has been hired by Wanzhong Group? You are so awesome, who can you meet? It won't be the CEO who you finally met, right? Hahaha..."

"It's okay for an intern to meet the CEO, hahaha..."

"Hey, I'm not kidding you!" The other party was a little anxious, as if eager to share a shocking secret, "I met Jiang Qian from your dormitory."


"I'll go..."

The two brothers in the dormitory were dumbfounded and showed disbelief: "Impossible. If that guy was interning at Wanzhong, he wouldn't have told us earlier. Why would he have to wait for you to brag for him?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, he is not an intern..."


At this time, Xue Yang stood up from the upper bunk, looked at the three people who were having a heated conversation with dull eyes, and said righteously:

"Don't insult Lao Jiang! He has long said that he despises the extravagance and bureaucracy within the Vanzhong Group, and he will never participate in any job fair related to the Vanzhong Group."

The three of them only stared at Xue Yang for three seconds, then turned their heads in unison and continued to whisper:

"What's going on with that boy? He looks like a resentful woman."

"Damn! This guy has lost all his pets and his soul. Don't mess with him."

"Yes, the entire class's losses were not as heavy as his alone..."

Xue Yang's ears were pointed and he frowned and turned over: "You don't believe it? I'll find the chat records for you. As far as Lao Jiang and our relationship are concerned, there's no way he could lie to me."

"Harm! Stop looking for it!"

The buddy in the dormitory next door was unkind, and Chi Guoguo exposed him: "Jiang Qian is not an intern at all, he is a well-connected person!"

"When I first met him, he was accompanied by a fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged girl. She took great care of him and was more enthusiastic than that personal assistant..."

"Wake up! People are living a comfortable life in Wanzhong Group. Who will remember a friend of your level?"

After hearing these words, the last trace of energy and spirit was drained from Xue Yang's dull eyes...

The corners of his mouth twitched, and the man's tears of dissatisfaction came at the drop of a hat!

"Xiaohong, Xiaozhu, Xiaolu, Xiaohuo, Xiao... I just said no to it and it's gone!

Now? Even Jiang Qian has betrayed me?"

Just when Xue Yang was desperate!

The phone rang...

The caller ID showed "Old Jiang", which instantly restored the health of Xue Yang who was in a state of collapse!

He showed the caller ID of his mobile phone to the three of them: "Lao Jiang called me! I'll ask him personally, huh~"



The status was too bad yesterday. Today I optimized the previous chapter and added 700 to 800 words of content, but the payment has not changed. Feel free to subscribe~

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