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Chapter 205: Falling into the dungeon 'Hungry Ghost Apocalypse'!

 "Jiang Qian...Jiang Qian!"

Her body gradually lost control, and Jiang Qian fell into Ye Xiaojing's arms. With the rare loss of control and anxiety in her voice, her consciousness returned to darkness.

The familiar feeling of weightlessness.

What follows is a copy prompt:

[Player ID: Qianlong, do not use]

[What you matched this time is copy number am01 "The End of the Hungry Ghost"]

[Type: Multiple Death]

[Difficulty level: Nightmare]

[Betting chips: Life*1/Super crystal*30 (three states)]

[Introduction: This is a world on the verge of destruction due to the expansion of lust and evil thoughts. When more and more human beings put down their dignity and bottom line on the stage of competing for interests, they use oppression, deception, terrorist threats and other means to walk around the world.

, a nightmarish disaster happened.]

[People don't even know how "it" happens: some humans are "transforming" into another species: ferocious, greedy, hunting their own kind for food... People call them "crawlers".]

[The world order was rewritten as a result! A large number of humans died or were transformed, and species war broke out.]

[The city you came to is called "Lotus City".]

[Three years have passed since the disaster. A small-scale human settlement has been formed here. The survivors of white, yellow, and black races interact with dangerous species in an extremely backward, difficult, and restricted way of survival.

Checks and balances.]


[Main mission: Survive in the dungeon for 7 days (converted to real world time: 1 day in the Hungry Ghost End = 1 hour in reality)]


[Please complete your bet selection first.]

"Super crystal, thank you."

【Bet completed.】

In the darkness, Jiang Qian quickly sorted out all the information given by the copy:

First of all, this is an A-level multiplayer dungeon, so there is no "surprise" for me. But Xue Yang and I were recruited at the same time. He is just a novice who has passed the ordinary C-level dungeon. This dungeon is a big surprise for him.

There are challenges.

After landing, I need to find Xue Yang as soon as possible to clarify the status of his super crystal.

Second, I have never seen the copy of "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" in the official database. It may be a new copy like "Ace", or it may be a copy that has not been conquered by official colleagues... Even the official license holder is as huge as

A copy that no organization has ever touched?

Isn’t it the low-frequency copy that Sister Xiaojing mentioned?

What a coincidence, I haven't had time to read the contents of the USB flash drive.

"We can only adapt to circumstances."

Jiang Qian has a calm mind: When the information cannot be verified, it is difficult to tell whether it is helpful or hindering after hearing too many rumors that are both true and false. It is better to go and find out for yourself.

The Hungry Ghost Apocalypse, judging from the only introduction content, seems to be a classic world view similar to Resident Evil.

It's just that the pollution source of "Resident Evil" that he is familiar with is biochemical weapons, but "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" does not give a specific background cause, but broadly implies that the factors leading to the apocalypse are: human greed and lack of bottom line.

Hungry ghost, greedy, no bottom line...

Jiang Qian naturally connected the background of this world with the various strange events he has been exposed to recently.

Is it a coincidence?

Most likely not.

The long-faced mutant is the trigger of the anchor props. He should have the ability to decide which copy we are trapped in, otherwise he would not show that arrogant face in the end...

The next question is particularly worthy of consideration: Why is this copy of "The End of the Hungry Ghosts"?

Does it mean that the other party can get something from this copy, which will help them escape in reality, stay away from official pursuit, and even complete their revenge on me?

[In other words, it is currently the best for reading and listening to books. Change the source and install the latest version.]

Third, the main plot of the dungeon with hidden mysteries.

This instance requires players to survive for 7 days.

7 days,

What concept? Nearly a quarter!

This kind of span is actually rare in survival dungeons for people below the powerful.

Does this imply that the crisis setting in the "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" dungeon is not a long-distance, short-term pressure crisis, but rather an immersive level that focuses on clues, the complex interweaving of human nature, and requires in-depth experience?

Does it also mean that this dungeon, which is set to last 7 days, contains a lot of information and clues, and each player needs to explore his own way of survival?

Then, from the first second after entering the copy, observation, analysis, judgment, and weighing begin.

If this is the case, Xue Yang's survival rate may have to be lowered again.

It’s not that Xue Yang isn’t smart enough, but that he lacks experience in dungeon strategy and his personal survivability in extreme environments is limited.

Out of respect for the identity tag**, he had not deliberately understood Xue Yang's identity tag and super-species abilities before, so it was difficult to grasp Xue Yang's chances of survival for a while.

"In any case, Xue Yang was implicated in entering the dungeon because of me. He didn't need to go through this evolutionary screening that was beyond his own level. We must find him as soon as possible."

When Jiang Qian thought of this, his feet slowly landed.

Things in front of me gradually become clearer.

He found that he was at an abandoned bus stop next to the outdoor road.

It was daytime at this time, about ninety o'clock in the morning.

The sun shines on the deserted road, and weeds cover the curbs. Even a dilapidated bus parked not far away is covered with moss and obviously poisonous fungi.

Looking back, I saw that all the text on the bus stop sign had been obscured by plants.

Jiang Qian tried to take out the pen and open the creeping plants to see the words on the stop sign clearly...

But found out: the super-species prop has been "disabled"!

But what’s interesting is that the bell he held in his hand before being anchored also appeared in his locker! This shows that the bell itself is also a prop with super-species attributes.

In addition, the watch his sister gave him also appeared in his locker...

In the past, when Jiang Qian entered the super-species world, except for the clothes on his body, any equipment that had nothing to do with super-species energy, that is, non-props, could not be brought into the dungeon.

For example, mechanical watches in the past had to be taken off in advance.

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But this time he was "anchored" suddenly, and there was no time to make these preparations. Logically speaking, the watch his sister gave him would be left in Ye Xiaojing's arms after he entered the dungeon.

Unexpectedly, he followed him in...

Could it be that my sister found something dirty? Or... a cold look flashed across Jiang Qian's eyes.

After all, Yu Xuan was once a public figure, and she also had the attributes of a wealthy woman. It was inevitable that she would come into contact with super-species people...

When I go back, I want to find out where the things came from, and secretly investigate my sister’s network.

With the protection of the devil clones and the official endorsement of the license holder, Jiang Qian has always been relatively confident about the safety of his family. Especially since the peacock spider incident came to an end, his attitude toward his family has dropped. Now it seems,

It's still too early.

But these should be discussed in the long term after the copy is completed.

Focus on the current situation: the props are temporarily unavailable.

But fortunately, super species abilities can still be activated.

Jiang Qian tried spiritual vision, latent shadow snake movement, fangs, scales, etc. in turn... but he was a little tired.

He swallowed, manually cut off the plants blocking the bus stop sign, and saw clearly some key sites on the bus stop sign:

"Special Line 10... Economic Development Zone, Shibei Supermarket, No. 1 Middle School, Hospital, Farmer's Market, Automobile Factory, Passenger Terminal..."

The location I am in is an economic development zone. Well, it is an economic development zone that was just photographed with zero land development progress... Jiang Qian looked at the bus covered with "grass" and complained silently.

Three years after the disaster, I wonder if this bus can still be driven?

If you drive along the stop sign, at least you won't get lost, but it would be better if you have a map...

Jiang Qian stretched out his fangs from his fingertips, turned on his spiritual vision, and cautiously approached the bus.

However, when two overlapping and interacting figures appeared in his vision, his steps stopped.

At this time, Jiang Qian was close to the back door of the bus, leaning against the car body, and the window above his head was half open. From this, a strange, fine chewing sound continued to reach Jiang Qian's ears:

"Squeaky, squeaky"......

Like a dog chewing a bone.

However, in Jiang Qian's field of vision, the person chewing the bones is not a "dog", but a "human".

But that is by no means a human being in the strict sense.

No human would have such huge, pincer-like mouthparts in its mouth, and a tail spine as long as a ginger fang would protrude from its buttocks.


Jiang Qian's eyes focused.

What is being eaten under the "person" is already a skeleton of flesh and blood.

The putrid smell spreads outward along the open windows and doors.

There was a mixture of red and yellow liquid slowly dripping from the car door next to Jiang Qian, pouring out a small pool of sticky corpse water on the ground.

This is not the scariest thing.

Jiang Qian's Adam's apple rolled for the second time and he swallowed silently.

What surprised Jiang Qian at this time was that he was not disgusted by the "stench" emanating from the bus!

Not only is he not disgusted, but he even wants to go in and share the feast with the monster inside who is having a delicious meal... No, even the monster itself, which has human appearance but does nothing, is also stimulating Jiang Qian's predatory appetite.

This is so weird, am I infected?

When did it start...

Jiang Qian made a quick decision and abandoned the bus!

And quickly turned around, unfolded the alien wings on his back, and spread his wings into the sky.

The strange wings belonging to the snake did not disappoint Jiang Qian. When he flew to a certain height and gradually overlooked the current wide-angle view of the city, he truly appreciated the loneliness and loneliness of the end of the world.

There is no movement of vehicles, flashing billboards, or the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

The whole city was as quiet as death, full of dilapidation and lifelessness...

Jiang Qian did not stay at high altitude for too long.

That's dangerous.

He quickly found a house with a relatively good view and landed, and used his spiritual vision to check for traces of "dynamic life" nearby.

Just after the safety was confirmed, the dungeon prompt sounded suddenly:

[Attention, all super-species players! Attention, all super-species players!]

[The IDs and location coordinates of each player will be released soon, please pay attention to receive them.]

As the words fell, a panoramic view of the city quickly unfolded in front of Jiang Qian!


This city panorama is highly similar to the map logo in Jiang Qian's impression. It has regional divisions, travel routes, and landmark locations and buildings. It blends into his memory with the bus stop route he just saw.

On the map, there are still some green dots.

Jiang Qian glanced at it and found 0 green dots. Above each green dot was a line of text floating, which was obviously the ID information of the player who entered the dungeon this time.

He quickly located his location and was surprised to find Xue Yang's ID floating in a supermarket not far from him!

The straight-line distance is less than 10 kilometers.

Jiang Qian quickly set off and flew against the wind at the speed of a snake shadow, dragging out shadows in the air and heading straight towards Xue Yang's position.

At the same time, the reminder sound of the copy is still ringing in my ears:

[Tip: Real-time coordinates will be turned off in minutes! The next time it will be turned on will be 4 days later.]

Minutes, enough... Jiang Qian soared in the air while imprinting the initial positions of others in his mind, and thinking about the purpose of the dungeon to announce the real-time position of players.


In an abandoned car factory.

The long-faced mutant opened the door and walked out of the guard room. His movements were very slight, his narrow eyes looked around, and his long nose was there

Shaking in the air.

His ID is "Nose", and his ID tag is an endangered species: the anteater.

People around Nose will combine his original last name and ID and call him: Zhang Nose.

The trembling nose gradually turned red, as if confirming certain information.

He stopped sniffing and walked toward the "too silent" workshop...

During this process, Zhang Nose's shirt tore, and his body gradually expanded. His leather armor and long hair covered his thick body, and his claws stretched out, and he fell upside down to the ground.

In this way, he transformed from a two-legged beast walking upright into a human-faced anteater walking on four legs!

When this scene appeared, there was a rustling sound in the shadow of the originally silent workshop.

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The human-faced anteater has no fear and marches majestically.

At this time, several scrawny black figures lying on the ground rushed towards the human-faced anteater from four directions at the same time!

Their movements of crawling on the ground are exaggerated and violent, the sharp mouthparts on their faces are moving at high frequency, and the spikes extending from their tail vertebrae are even more frightening.

However, their siege appears to be superficial.

Although the human-faced anteater has a huge body, its movements are extremely sensitive, especially the sharp claws on its five fingers. They are not only extremely sharp, but also coordinated in an orderly manner. Each attack hits the vital point!

His figure jumped left and right among seven or eight black shadows, and the opponent's mouthparts and tail spines could not pose a threat to him...

On the contrary, every time he attacks, he must use a killing move, and every move must hit the vital point!

The battle-damaged shadows were splashed with blood on the spot, and new shadows were running towards the ground.

In just a few minutes, several black figures actively attacking had their necks broken by claws, their chests were hollowed out, or their abdominal cavities were slashed and they fell into a pool of blood...

After experiencing the killing spree by the human-faced anteater, the "aboriginals" hidden in the darkness of the workshop began to retreat strategically.

The human-faced anteater did not pursue it. He leisurely licked the flesh and blood from the tips of his claws with his long tongue covered with burrs. He waited for the natives to evacuate, then lazily turned around and walked towards the dying prey lying on the ground.

He picked the fattest prey.

His slender nose was close to the other person's face and he sniffed carefully, all the way to the severed neck. Finally, he slowly stretched out his claws and dug out the internal organs in the other person's chest, eating with relish.

"Squeaky, squeaky"......

He satisfies his appetite very naturally.

In this process, physical strength is quickly replenished, and body functions are continuously stabilized and even enhanced.

The prey that has lost the ability to speak is struggling desperately, but it seems that the harder it struggles, the more it arouses the anteater's appetite.

Even if the dungeon prompt sounds, it will not affect his eating rhythm.

After finishing one bite, he walked leisurely to the next one.

"Squeaky, squeaky"......

The sound of eating food is endless, echoing in the dark machine workshop.


Lianhua City Railway Station.

A young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks poked his head out of the leaky train carriage, showing a trace of confusion when facing this desolate and dilapidated world:

"I didn't even see anyone who could breathe..."

He was wearing an eye-catching orange sports suit, goggles, and a small braid on the back of his head. He was the initiator of the hot post on the official forum: Canyon Lao Liu!

A few seconds later, he jumped out of the car.

From the time he opened his eyes to now, Canyon Lao Liu analyzed the current dungeon information as quickly as possible and scanned the entire carriage along the way, but gained little.

"Although it is an A-level dungeon, I have no impression of it. Is there any chance of a small chance of happening?"

Low frequency copy.

Information is sparse and inaccessible! Level A is comparable to the level of regular dungeons.

"The survival time of 7 days is a bit outrageous. I need more information."

While hesitating, deputy

This map prompt appears.

When the panoramic view of Lotus City lay flat in front of his eyes and 0 small green dots appeared in his field of vision, Canyon Lao Liu's interest instantly increased - don't use Hidden Dragon?!


The large supermarket located between the Economic Development Zone and No. 1 Middle School was in a mess.

Xue Yang curled up in the ventilation duct of the control room, recalling the "eating scene" he had just peeped in his mind, and he got goosebumps one after another!

Xue Yang is now very nervous and hungry.

There are monsters in this supermarket! And there are no ingredients to be found at all!

That's right, three years after the disaster, there is no longer anything edible in large supermarkets.

"Why! Why am I here...shouldn't I be in the hospital?"

Xue Yang felt bitter:

"I promised you to eat meat directly after you pick me up. I believe you, Jiang Qian! Ouch, I'm so hungry..."

His silent accusation seemed to alarm the "residents" walking through the supermarket, but when he heard a rustling sound coming from the exhaust duct behind him from far away, Xue Yang's scalp immediately went numb.

Almost at the same time, the copy prompt sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a map spread out in front of him, regardless of Xue Yang's will, showing the entire city where he was, including the coordinates of 0 green light spots including him.

Then, a moving green light spot visible to the naked eye finally made him strong in despair:

"Don't use Qianlong..." Xue Yang was about to cry, "Old Jiang, it's Old Jiang!"



Correct typos and defects first and then correct them later.

Happy New Year everyone!

Crazy elegance

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