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Chapter 226 'The Apocalypse of Hungry Ghosts' Did you massacre the town?

Canyon Lao Liu calmly withdrew his gaze and turned a deaf ear to the little fan’s cry for help.

With nimble hands and feet, without looking back, he jumped up the wall a few times and distanced himself from the "beast" through a rapidly turning space route.

Ideal Town, Academic Affairs Building.

Yin Lisabai gradually understood Jiang Qian's meaning: Don't wait until the time comes!

She glanced at Monat who was guarding the door. As expected, the man's brows were furrowed and his face was solemn.

Jiang Qian had a panoramic view of these details, but he did not rush or criticize. He had to give the other party sufficient space to make a decision.

After all, if the negotiations between the two parties only stay at the level of exchange of interests between leaders and residents, then the issues related to scientific research and secret medicine that Little Allen mentioned before will require Jiang Qian to explore on his own through other means.

Jiang Qian has reason to believe that the dungeon will issue a side mission when Yin Lisabai makes the invitation, which means that Yin Lisabai and Monat may carry clues related to the "source of disaster".

"Can you give us some time?"

Yin Lisabai looked embarrassed, she seemed not ready to confess some more "core" content.

But she was obviously aware of Jiang Qian's value, so she didn't directly deny it or change the topic.

"Okay," Jiang Qian nodded, "but my time is limited."

"How long will you stay?" Elizabeth Yin asked impatiently.

Jiang Qian quietly concentrated. It seemed that the other party needed him more urgently than he thought.

"20 days."

He said extremely frankly: "If this time passes, we may not continue to stay in Ideal Town."

The period of 20 days is drawn up based on the player coordinates announced in the next instance.

According to Jiang Qian's estimation, the next time the coordinates are announced, there is a high probability that it will trigger a rather bloody competition for resources: maybe it is based on food and survival resources, maybe it is based on side tasks, or other reasons that he cannot predict yet.

And the closer we get to this time point, the frequency of unpredictable events will only increase, not decrease.

After his fever subsided, Xue Yang woke up from his nightmare.

He sat up from the bed, looked around, and was horrified to find that the surrounding environment was no longer the small dressing room he was familiar with!

This place looked like a simple and abandoned student dormitory, and he was lying on the lower bed in the dormitory, with a blanket covering him...

The current environment is much more comfortable than the previous small locker room, but it still makes Xue Yang anxious:

Because Jiang Qian is not around!

"Old ginger?!"

Xue Yang called out in confusion, not even expecting to receive an immediate response.

However, Jiang Qian's voice came from above his head:

"Here you are, awake?"

Then, Jiang Qian's legs were seen hanging from the upper bunk, he jumped down, put on his shoes with a calm expression, picked up two pieces of clothes from the back of the chair next to him and threw them to Xue Yang.

"The residents of Ideal Town donated them. They are about the same size. Please change them yourself."

Xue Yang took the clothes and looked at Jiang Qian blankly: "Old Jiang, you..."

He said and swallowed.

This time it was not hunger but nervousness.

"...You massacred the town?"

Xue Yang asked tentatively, Jiang Qian looked at him calmly.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, which startled Xue Yang.

Jiang Qian calmly stood up and walked over to open the door.

Xue Yang noticed that Jiang Qian had also changed into a worn but clean monochrome shirt.

Although it was worn out, it was dressed neatly by Jiang Qian.

This makes him look a lot like an outstanding class cadre who works hard during a work-study program, leading freshmen who have just entered school and have no idea of ​​their situation to open the door to a new world.

A conversation came from the door that made Xue Yang continue to be confused:

"This is my oil lamp. Here is the pen and paper you asked for. Take it first and use it!"

"If you don't dislike these quilts, you can use them... It doesn't matter, I still have some at home, no trouble, no trouble! You will have to work harder in the future to take care of my husband..."

"Is Dr. Jiang here? This is the dinner sent by Monat. It is for two people. Please use it slowly!"

Xue Yang was dumbfounded and smelled the fragrance of rice...

After a while, the door closed.

Jiang Qian carried the food tray and returned to the inner room with a large pile of daily necessities. He glanced at Xue Yang, who had a strange expression: "It's time to eat."

Xue Yang was already shocked by Jiang Qian's operation!

How is this a "slaughter town"? Is this a sign of inferiority to the entire Ideal Town?!

So Xue Yang came to the table obediently, lowered his voice, and asked cautiously: "Old Jiang, what is the situation now? What have you done to those stubborn aborigines?"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

Jiang Qian slowly pushed the dinner plate to Xue Yang and made a "please" gesture.

While the other party was eating, he roughly told what happened when he was unconscious.

Xue Yang was stunned for a moment and almost choked on the soup in the bowl.

"So, not only will we not go to jail in the future, but we will also have to be fed and drank freely by them??"

Xue Yang was so happy!

Jiang Qian chuckled: "Eating and drinking for free is not considered free, but you must put in some effort. Although they haven't put forward specific demands yet, they are 80% likely to achieve the same goal as our mission."

"Mission?" Xue Yang was even more confused.

When Jiang Qian triggered the side mission, he was still asleep.

But Jiang Qian didn't hide it from him, and briefly described the content of the side mission.

And summarize the current situation:

"Currently, there are still 20 days before the next time the dungeon announces the player coordinates. We need to complete the side mission within these 20 days. Once the side mission rewards are unlocked and my props are unbanned, the freedom of the dungeon at that time will not be imaginable at all now.


"Of course, this also means that other players may also trigger side missions, and may complete the mission before us and obtain the combat power of the prop dimension. Therefore, we still have to be cautious in our words and deeds towards similar super-species players and not be reckless.


"In terms of super-species abilities, we currently have food and drink, and can still protect ourselves, but we still need to pay careful attention to the issue of 'hunger'. You must know that many players have chosen a radical way to play dungeon life."

"According to my thinking: The fact that they can easily obtain power now must mean that there is a huge price waiting for them; and we are now tortured by hunger and endure it with difficulty, there must be corresponding rewards waiting to reward us, otherwise, our

The way of survival loses its meaning."

Having said this, Jiang Qian suddenly changed the topic and said with a calm expression:

"Of course, maybe the path we choose now is meaningless. There will be no rewards in the future, and there will be no hope if we stick to it..."

These words made Xue Yang's already excited face suddenly freeze, as if he had eaten a fly.

Jiang Qian's words made him realize that maybe those terrible patience before were meaningless and ineffective. Those so-called "differences" and the analogy between mutation and law may be just their wishful thinking!

Xue Yang thought over and over what Jiang Qian said, and finally smiled suspiciously:

"Don't lie to me, Old Jiang, you are so smart, how can you persevere and endure for meaningless things?"


Typos and flaws will be corrected first and then corrected.

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