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Chapter 237 The underlying logic of 'The Apocalypse of Hungry Ghosts'

How do "Fasting" players have their own tribe?

This question is very practical for Jiang Qian.

To answer this question, we need to go back to thinking about the pattern of the "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" copy.

Super-species players who have entered the apocalypse have embarked on three different "survival paths" through "choosing food":

All three can continue to meet the conditions for using super-species abilities through corresponding "food choices". In other words, when solving the first test "hunger" given to players by the dungeon, these three eating methods will solve the problem.

The problem is consistent. There is nothing more than a difference in efficiency and effectiveness.

Different from "fasting" players, players on the other two paths can see clear motivational directions and continue to advance accordingly: creating ethnic groups, completing migration, etc.

"Fasting" players choose to restrain their rampant appetite, choose limited foods, and endure hunger. It seems that they are embarking on an ascetic path. But careful players will eventually find that they have gained an additional benefit once and for all: their appetite is gradually increasing.

Return to normalcy.

The other two paths seem to solve the problem with the highest efficiency, but in fact the rampant appetite for food has not been curbed. The problem of "indulgence" will always exist if you advance through "indulgence" as a way of survival.

Each has its own pros and cons, but the underlying logic remains unified.

In Jiang Qian's opinion, the underlying logic here may include both the consistency of the causal relationship of each path, and the consistency of the copy test faced by the three at the same stage.

According to this idea, using the incentive directions visible in the other two paths to push back the stage goals of fasting players will undoubtedly point to: "ethnic creation".

So, how to create a group of fasting players?

He has found no relevant clues yet.

However, judging from the "nothing is better than nothing" nature of the "fasting" path, he can be said to have made no achievements now: the residents of the ideal town who have been saved by him and are grateful to him are willing to believe in him and fight side by side.

The people, in a sense, can also be regarded as his "created ethnic group".

The difference is that the first two have absolute power and control over their own ethnic groups, while he is still a nominal non-staff member for Ideal Town.

However, humans are always fickle.

Therefore, Jiang Qian didn't take this idea too seriously.

If Monat hadn't mentioned it, he would have planned to focus on this issue after solving the "side mission".

He believes that what is urgent and important at the moment is still the "side mission" and figuring out the "source of the disaster" to achieve the purpose of unlocking the item bar.

"Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" is a survival dungeon. Jiang Qian's goal is not to pass the level perfectly, but to ensure that he and Xue Yang can leave safely, mainly to ensure that Xue Yang can leave safely.

"These are troubled times, and strength is more important than ever."

Monat looked at Jiang Qian as if talking to himself:

"If you are going to be transformed after all, you will definitely feel more at ease if it is done by someone you are familiar with."

But a militiaman sitting behind him showed some complicated expressions.

Jiang Qian smiled and did not comment.

"Come on, come on, let's eat first!"

The militiamen waiting in the car had prepared dry food and handed it to Monat and Jiang Qian in the front row.

Now Jiang Qian's eating state is no longer as exaggerated as it was at the beginning, and his appetite and food intake are close to those of normal humans.

A few people started chatting while eating.

After receiving the unexpected "material", the team immediately faced a decision: to send the hard-won medicines back to Ideal Town first, or to go directly to the next stop, the mental hospital, as originally planned.

Jiang Qian made a decision immediately: "I can go to the mental hospital and library alone, and then return to Ideal Town after achieving my goal. You guys take your things and evacuate first. If everything goes well, you might be able to have dinner at home before sunset."

After all, I finally brought a large piece of medicine, and if I lose it, it will be more of a loss than the gain.

Moreover, Jiang Qian is a super-species player and has wings by his side, which is obvious to all.

"Are you sure you will come back?" Monat looked serious, as if he was worried that Jiang Qian would just get rid of the burden of Ideal Town.

Jiang Qian smiled: "Of course, my friend is still in Ideal Town."

Monat was silent for a while.

"Okay then." He glanced at the militiaman in charge of food, "Prepare more food for Dr. Jiang."


"Thank you."

Monat then talked about the last time he and Elizabeth Yin explored the mental hospital from his perspective:

At that time, crawlers were rampant, and the two did not dare to linger here any longer, so they only visited the hospital archives, the medicine library, and Dr. Kate's private ward to a limited extent.

That string of genetic source code was the notch found in the corner of Dr. Kate's room.

After the meal, the group parted ways.

Jiang Qian headed towards the approaching mental hospital without any distractions, while Monat and others turned around and headed back to Ideal Town.

In the car, the militiaman who had gone back alone to ask Jiang Qian to get in the car was silent for a long time, and finally couldn't help but reveal his inner worries: "Why do you think Doctor Jiang wants to help us?"

Monat's eyes were alert: "Cooperation, what's wrong?"

The militiaman recounted what he heard and felt in the supermarket, and then said: "I always feel that with Dr. Jiang's status and his ability and means, he does not seem like someone who can cooperate with us on an equal footing..."

The other two militiamen also fell silent after hearing this. They had never seen Jiang Qian show his skills. They only heard about Jiang Qian's "power" from the townspeople, so they ignored that Jiang Qian was powerful and his methods were also limited.

A very cruel "fact".

"They are all 'players', right? He treats his own kind..." The militiaman swallowed his saliva and said in a low voice.

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Monat suddenly interrupted, "What they were doing at that time and whether there was any conflict are all limited to your imagination."

"Um, this..."

"Since you still haven't figured it out, it's better to speak cautiously," Monat reminded coldly.

The militiaman was choked, his eyebrows lowered, his expression solemn and he said no more.

The other two militiamen also looked at each other and didn't say much.

As the car drove past the quiet street, Monat's brows gradually furrowed.

Jiang Qian rode along the street and arrived at the mental hospital not long after.

No groups of crawlers were encountered during this period.

Lianhua City Mental Hospital has been built for a long time. When the disaster occurred, many infrastructures were severely damaged. It seemed that the crawlers had used it as a nest, but now there are only large pieces of crawler carcasses left here.

The lintel is cold and in a mess.

This dilapidated and dirty environment undoubtedly increases the difficulty of exploration.

But Jiang Qian still carried out the investigation as planned with enough patience.

Not only the room where Dr. Kate lived at the time, but also any place where the patient might move, including central locations that he considered important, he carefully explored each one with his spiritual vision.

Even though a large amount of infrastructure has been damaged, some rooms have even been cut off or buried.

Therefore, he found the genetic source code carved in the corner of the room where Dr. Kate once lived; he found a strange photo album labeled with Kate's name in the locked drawer of the dean's office: the album recorded Kate and her patients.

There are photos of people playing various animals; and a secret door leading to the underground connected to the patient activity room.

This secret door was well hidden, but after observation, Jiang Qian could easily see that this door had been opened recently.

"Could it be that someone got there first?" Jiang Qian raised the corner of his mouth.

Nowadays, he is almost no longer troubled by hunger, and his abilities can be released at any time. He makes a prompt decision and enters the secret door directly with the "trophies" he has obtained.


Typos and flaws will be corrected first and then corrected.

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