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Chapter 278 Are you sure now?

The results of the mutation healing experiment from one state to three states showed amazing results: the cure rate of Jiang Qian's "surgery" reached 100%!

Every person who has mutated or is on the verge of mutating has received almost perfect treatment.

Several cases of energy structure repair processes that have been recorded are like carefully crafted artistic creations, so smooth, well-proportioned, and meticulous.

The more you watch it over and over again, the more you will marvel at the exquisiteness of the superb technology.

As the only technical consultant, after the chief surgeon completed all experimental tasks, Jiang Qian said goodbye to the experts in the technical operation team and returned to the room to rest.

As for the difficulty in recruiting volunteers for the four-state and complete mutations that the expert group was having a headache for, Jiang Qian didn't pay too much attention.

And this "headache" matter also reached Dean Zhuhe smoothly.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Xiaojing came to the door of Dean Zhuhe's office with a bag of tea cakes with simple and thick texture.

I overheard a clip in which the head of the technical operation expert group and Dean Zhuhe reported the experimental results:

"Excellent talents! All the experimental volunteers who have been arranged today have received complete treatment. Even the water-playing mermaid who has been in a coma for more than a year has regained consciousness!"

The person in charge of the expert group couldn't help but speak kindly of Jiang Qian. It had nothing to do with worldliness, but more like a heartfelt admiration for those who are capable:

"All the precious practical images are recorded in Eucalyptus. If you want to see the details, I will play them for you..."

"No need...what's the overall result?" came the slow and low voice of Dean Zhuhe.

"The success rate is 100%!" the head of the technical operation team said excitedly.

Dean Zhuhe said "Hmm" and seemed to be flipping through something. During this period, he praised very restrainedly: "Hey! This guy does have two brushes." Lan.

Asked again: "When will the experiment on the four states and complete body be carried out?"

"Preparing..." The other party's tone was hesitant.

"Well, are you having trouble?"

"One thing, Dean, the number of four-state complete bodies in our campus is not large. We counted them yesterday and no one has agreed to participate in the volunteer experiment yet." The person in charge muttered.

"Why?" Zhuhe asked bluntly.

"I think on the one hand, it's due to distrust and lack of expectations in the regulatory center. On the other hand, the chief consultant's level as a three-state fusion body... they don't buy it."

In the hierarchical sequence of the super-species world, the four-state perfect body is only one level away from the three-state fusion body, but in terms of strength, there is an essential difference between the two, but there is a bloody tribulation in the middle.

, a great realm of rising strength! Lan

Therefore, card holders with four states or above are separated from the popular sequence. In terms of status, they are classified as "powerful people" in the super-species world.

In addition to differences in strength and evolutionary level, it also means a clear distinction in status.

In this case, every card holder who is promoted to "powerful" will inevitably have a strong sense of superiority when facing regular sequence card holders who are slightly lower than themselves.

But Dean Wen Zhuhe snorted and commented sharply:

"Okay! Those four-state dignitaries are so reserved. They have brought themselves to the verge of mutation, and they are still so arrogant and arrogant that they can't let go of their status! Compared to those who are on the verge of mutation from one to three states, they have mutations.

The risk of change is much higher.”

The person in charge of technical operations who was in the office did not dare to speak too much.

Standing at the door, Ye Xiaojing felt mixed feelings in her heart.

She had also been a holder of the Power Card who received treatment here, and she knew very well how stringent the treatment plan was for those with Power Cards who were on the verge of mutating.

The four-state, complete body on the verge of mutation resists the mutation cure experiment not entirely because of pride, but also because of a lack of trust in the supervision center.

Moreover, according to the principle of "transparency of voluntary experiments", Jiang Qian's three-state fusion level will indeed cause some misleading, making those who are on the verge of mutation in the four-state have more complaints about the supervision center.

"Call the resource team over. The experimental value of the four-state complete body is immeasurable. Assuming Qianlong can succeed, even if it is only once, we can invest resources in technical reproduction regardless of the cost."

"Okay, Dean!"

The discussion in the office quickly came to an end.

Ye Xiaojing waited at the door for the expert team to leave, then knocked on the door and walked in with a gift: "Dean, this is the tea that Minister Ji Ming brought to you. He said it has the taste you like."

"Hey? Where's that boy Ji Ming? Why don't you come to see me?"

Dean Zhuhe immediately took the gift with a smile on his face, holding it in his hand and looking at it carefully.

"Minister Ji had an emergency and was recalled to the branch." Ye Xiaojing replied.

"Hey! This guy can trust me to leave his people to me." Dean Zhuhe said, shaking his head and placing the tea cake gift box on the inside of his desk.

He looked up at Ye Xiaojing again and asked with concern: "Did you insist on fasting after you went back? How do you feel?"

"Well, I have been fasting and taking medicine, and I haven't had any unusual cravings so far."

The second half of Ye Xiaojing's treatment in the supervision center was taken over by another high-end medical team from the capital city.

Therefore, she was given a priority to return to work before other four-state and complete body on the verge of mutation who were still undergoing treatment.

Of course, this doesn't mean she is "cured".

Fasting and long-term drug control are all shackles that bind Ye Xiaojing, reminding her at all times that she is completely different from other normal official licensees.

"Not bad, not bad, it's good if there are no abnormalities!"

Dean Zhuhe groaned, patted Ye Xiaojing's shoulder kindly, and comforted:

"Don't worry, you will get through it soon, and technological breakthroughs are only a matter of time."



Ye Xiaojing slowly said: "Can I be a volunteer for Qianlong's experiment?"

These words made Dean Zhuhe slightly startled: "You want to be an experimental volunteer?"

He looked at Ye Xiaojing carefully and saw from the other person's calm eyes and calm mood that this young powerful man was not joking.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Is it okay, Dean?" Ye Xiaojing asked.

Dean Zhuhe looked at Ye Xiaojing and treated her sincerely: "I don't recommend you to be a volunteer."

"Why?" Lan

"You have received treatment and achieved certain results. Now your condition has stabilized and you are ready to return to work. You can wait until the technology is mature and stable before considering treatment. Why take the risk now?"

Having said this, even Dean Zhuhe was a little curious. In his impression, Ye Xiaojing was not such a person who acted impulsively in the past, so he took advantage of the situation and asked:

“Why do you want to volunteer?”

Ye Xiaojing lowered her eyebrows and did not look into Zhuhe's eyes:

"Although my risk of mutation is temporarily under control, I deeply understand the harm and pain caused by mutation and the danger of mutation. It is your high-end medical team who have done their best to allow me to return to work...

I, I just want to do something for the supervision center."

Dean Zhuhe listened to Ye Xiaojing's explanation and paid attention to her deliberately avoided gaze, revealing a meaningful smile in her cloudy eyes.

But he did not expose Ye Xiaojing. Of course, he did not agree to her request either.

"The complexity of the four-state complete body healing experiment is completely different from the one-state and three-state situations. I have seen the operation video of Qianlong Wuyong. Judging from his current computing power and operation level, can he

It is unknown to complete the mutation healing experiment of the four states and the complete body."

"Go back first! Think about it later."

Ye Xiaojing returned from the dean's office. Along the way, she was thinking about the communication between dean Zhuhe and the technical operation team.

As long as Jiang Qianqian completes a four-state and complete mutation healing experiment, the Yu clan can invest resources regardless of the cost and promote the implementation of the mutation healing project...

The implication is that if the results of the four-state experiment are delayed, the progress of the entire project will be affected.

Now that Jiang Qian is about to be promoted, the resource support he needs needs to be replaced through this project. The road to promotion is extremely dangerous. If there is a slight mistake, the ladder may be destroyed and people will die.

Another possibility is that Jiang Qian was forced to give up participating in this year's promotion because he had unique technology and failed to complete the technology re-enactment in time...

The reason is simple: do everything you can to avoid risks and ensure Jiang Qian's safety to protect unique technology.

But this will definitely severely restrict Jiang Qian's personal development.

Ye Xiaojing stood at the door of her room, hesitated for a while, then turned and walked towards Jiang Qian's door.

As night fell, Jiang Qian took a nap in his room. After waking up, he got up and made a cup of coffee, and began to think about the many things to be done and checked since the return of the "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse":

First of all, the copy of "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" is under its own monitoring. There is no suspicious situation at present, and the Shenshan Project has not mentioned any new developments related to this copy.

The second is the exposure of the "mutation healing" ability.

As he expected, this matter was quickly coveted by many forces at home and abroad, both positive and negative. He was in this "flood" and took advantage of the situation and made his own response. At present, everything is developing in the expected direction. Lan

Third, the watch given by my sister was "abnormal".

In the copy of "The End of the Hungry Ghost", the watch given by my sister was blocked along with the props, which shows that the watch is inextricably linked to the super-species world, and it is even a special prop!

But why did such a thing appear in my sister's hands? Is it because there are "unstable factors" related to super species in my sister's huge social network, or is there something else hidden?

This matter must be clarified as soon as possible.

Although the watch has not brought him any disaster, but has brought some help, this does not mean that the source of the watch is absolutely trustworthy.

Fortunately, there is a "little devil suit" at home to keep the house in check, and there is the double guarantee of the official logistics department, so there is no need to be too nervous for the time being.

Thinking of this, I will take out the sealed bag containing the watch debris from my pocket.

The sealing bag was torn by him during the battle, and the watch fragments protruded and pierced his skin...

Jiang Qian looked at his watch carefully.

The style is simple, the color is high-quality handmade leather strap, the cracked dial is moderate in size, and the style is restrained.

Even if there is no big brand logo, wearing it still shows the wearer's high taste... assuming it is not broken.

Unable to see its properties, Jiang Qian could only rely on speculation based on the timing of the watch's "damage" to deduce the opposite of the watch's antagonistic effect: most of it was related to animality.

The first crack occurred when the source of pollution from the source of the earth's veins was seized on the island of Davos in the "Apocalypse of the Hungry Ghost";

The second time was during close contact with Ye Xiaojing, which caused the watch to break.

The third time was even more strange. During the battle of wits with the assassin, Jiang Qian randomly tested the "performance" of the watch, which indeed alleviated the side effects of animality.

When Jiang Qian held the pieces of the watch, his evil thoughts miraculously disappeared in an instant, and the miraculous effect was remarkable.

But this performance is not entirely an advantage.

Just as I was thinking about this, I heard a knock on the door.

Jiang Qian put away the broken pieces of his watch and turned on his spiritual vision as a habit, and saw Ye Xiaojing standing at the door.

It's still a familiar outfit, a windbreaker in a wood color but with different styles. Inside is a British-style inner wear with coordinated colors that shows off your temperament. Under the shorts and on top of the boots, the only exposed, slender and tight legs are exposed.

"Here we come." Lan

Jiang Qian stood up and opened the door, letting Ye Xiaojing into the room.

"You've been busy all day and haven't rested yet?" Ye Xiaojing walked into the house generously, as if he were walking through the bedroom of his own home.

"I just slept for a while, and I'm much more awake now." Jiang Qian said with a smile, "What are your instructions, Sister Xiaojing?"

Ever since he started working as an assistant to Ye Xiaojing, Jiang Qian has completely abandoned his obsession with daily affairs. As long as Ye Xiaojing doesn't take the initiative to find him, he will almost forget that he still has a formal job...

But tonight his prediction was biased. Ye Xiaojing was not here for work.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Did today's experiment go well?" Ye Xiaojing took the coffee from Jiang Qian and asked.

"Well, it went pretty smoothly. We were all within range." Lan

Jiang Qian actively reported on the project progress:

"Based on the current progress, as long as one more four-state and complete mutation healing experiment is completed to prove that this method can be effective in both regular and elite levels, the project can enter the implementation stage."

He seemed not to know about the suspension of the four-state volunteers... Ye Xiaojing thought for a while and asked, "Are you sure?"

"There is some certainty."

"Some, how many?"

Jiang Qian was startled, not expecting Ye Xiaojing to ask for such details, and explained:

"As long as there is enough time to observe, master, design and repair the energy structure of the experimental subject to ensure that it can operate healthily and normally, you will be done." Lan

"And my 'certainty' is based on the comprehensive completion of the observation, design, operation and repair of the energy structure of the experimental object."

This explanation is somewhat "adaptive to local conditions".

It's not Jiang Qian's intention, it's just the fact.

Ye Xiaojing turned her head to contemplate for a moment, raised her cheek, and asked Jiang Qian in a consulting tone: "How about I be your first experimenter?"

Jiang Qian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he vaguely guessed the reason why Ye Xiaojing appeared here tonight.

Seeing that Jiang Qian didn't respond, Ye Xiaojing said carefully again: "Don't you want to cure me? I can be your experimenter."

"No." Lan

Jiang Qian looked at Ye Xiaojing, his tone was calm but firm:

"I have not cured any case of a four-state, complete body on the verge of mutating. I am not absolutely sure. I will not put you at high risk in experiments."

After being rejected, Ye Xiaojing was not angry:

"As you just said, your confidence is based on the comprehensive completion of observation, design, operation and repair of the energy structure of the experimental object. I remember that you have already started observing my energy structure, right?"

"That's not enough." Jiang Qian was not going to agree at all. Although he also guessed that there might be a problem with the recruitment of experimenters for the four-state powerful mutants and those on the verge of mutants.

But Ye Xiaojing did not give up: "Then what is enough?"

Jiang Qian sighed softly and turned to face the window: "Lan"

"I need to observe and study more carefully and without obstacles, taking into account all possible risks. I need to study until I have a complete grasp of every detail of your energy structure, and I need to study until the surgery can be foolproof..."

“Detailed and accessible?”


Jiang Qian stated the facts in the hope of convincing Ye Xiaojing to retreat:

"Physical distance and transparency will affect the clarity of the viewing angle."

At this time, the indoor curtains are closed.

But at this point, Jiang Qian still saw through the thin layer of white gauze the action of Ye Xiaojing taking off his windbreaker in the reflection of the glass.

Jiang Qian turned around, and a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes when he met Ye Xiaojing!

"Now, are you sure?"


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This chapter has been completed!
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