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Chapter 287 It cant be such a coincidence

Liu Xiao...Jiang Qian took a deep breath, unable to finish a word.

At this time, I heard Ye Xiaojing say: "At 9 o'clock, the singer Li Tian'er is approaching me. She seems to be quite interested in you."

After a pause, Ye Xiaojing began to move around and continued: "It seems that you are quite popular with girls."

Not only did she say that, she also specially released the Beidou button camera and synchronized the visual effects to Jiang Qian.

The Beidou Button Camera, a power-level prop, will be completely invisible when used during the day; only when used at night, will the prop shine like stars.

"see it?"

Jiang Qian immediately received the synchronization of visual images.

"I saw it."

Jiang Qian coughed lightly and said calmly:

"My sister is an insider. I have met these two through my sister before, but we have no contact. They are not interested in me, they are interested in the sudden comeback of my outdated sister."

Ye Xiaojing's tone was half-belief: "Are you so eager to clear things up? It's a bit heartless."

"People who already have girlfriends must be ruthless towards other girls."

Jiang Qian said confidently:

"Don't worry about them for now. Let's get down to business. My sister will be on stage to present awards in about twenty minutes. She will then rush to the nearby Western Restaurant on the top floor of Yun Sheng Building before the end. We will try to find the black trench coat before she sets off. If we can't find it,


Jiang Qian hesitated for a moment.

Ye Xiaojing took over the words and said: "If she is not found, I will go to Yunsheng Building with her and act accordingly. Don't worry."


The communication was temporarily cut off, but the images transmitted through the Beidou button camera still followed Ye Xiaojing's route of action and continued to be transmitted to Jiang Qian.

While Jiang Qian was paying attention to the environment around Ye Xiaojing and the people coming and going, he was also thinking about the dangers in the whole thing that he was aware of but not yet aware of.

Jinping Bund.

Under Lin Zhuo's instructions, Chen Bodong supervised the shiploaders to transport batches of wooden boxes onto the ship, and finally returned to the warehouse to count the numbers.

It was his own idea to return to Lin Zhuo and work for Lin Zhuo like an ordinary license holder.

Jiang Qian only asked him to "appear" next to Lin Zhuo and release the news that he could cure mutants, but he did not ask him to dedicate himself in this way.

But young people with hot blood can sometimes be so impulsive, eager, and persistent with no hesitation, and even do not hesitate to fly moths to the flame...

For example, this time, the goods were shipped by sea.

Chen Bodong had never heard of Lin Zhuo having such an exposed "business" besides his underground casino business.

But he still followed the hustle and bustle quietly, hoping to win Lin Zhuo's trust through various means.

After verifying the cargo information, Chen Bodong was about to go to the cabin to report to Lin Zhuo, when he heard an unusual noise next door to the cargo warehouse.

He showed no clues at the time, but waited for other workers to evacuate, then quietly returned and put his ear against the door panel of the warehouse next door to listen to what was going on inside.

After waiting for a long time, there was no suspicious sound.

Chen Bodong even had to wonder if it was his illusion just now?

But he still waited patiently for a while.

He held the warehouse door with both hands and pressed his ears tightly against the door panel, trying to block out the noise of the waves lapping against the ship's hull, trying to capture the strange human voice just now again.

Still no sound.

But Chen Bodong's eyes opened wider and wider, not from the sound, but from the smell...

In the warehouse next door, there were traces of a smell that he couldn't stop before, but now it made his scalp numb.

He quickly left this "place of right and wrong" and returned to the plywood. He was busy with other trivial matters to calm his inner shock, and at the same time he began to try to sort out the current situation:

The cargo ship stopped at Jinping and was destined for Fujian Province.

And the smell just now was undoubtedly that of corpses...

Mixed with the corpses was the smell of fresh living people, and the quantity was huge enough to fill the entire warehouse.

Lin Zhuo was transporting stowaways to the south... A reasonable hypothesis emerged in his mind.

But this idea was quickly dismissed by him!

This ship did not depart from Jinping and stopped in Jinping to reach Fujian Province. During the stop, the warehouse next door was not opened. That was not the "cargo" we were responsible for. The smell of the corpse just now was probably due to lack of oxygen.

The stowaways have been there for a long time...

Chen Bodong tried to calm himself down.

He kept an extra thought in mind: this trip to sea might just be a test given to him by Lin Zhuo, and he couldn't act rashly at this moment.

Wanting to understand this, he forced himself to stop paying attention to things in the warehouse.

Backstage of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

At this time, the event is in progress, the stage entrance is highly mobile, and there are a large number of people. It is obvious that security measures cannot be comprehensive.

Ye Xiaojing sneaked in with Jiang Qian's appearance and attire, avoiding possible conversations and questioning, and paying attention to what was going on in front of the stage.

"How's it going? Have you found that guy?" Jiang Qian's voice came from the instant message.

"Not yet, I'm watching your sister award the award." Ye Xiaojing replied.

The angle of view of the Beidou button camera was adjusted just enough to allow Jiang Qian to see what was happening on the stage.

I saw Yu Xuan, with long curly hair, standing gracefully as a presenter, standing side by side with the former best actor, to present the award for the best actor of the year.

She is wearing a pale gold wrap dress. The elegant dress buries exquisite design in the details. Only the simplest accessories are used to set off Yu Xuan's exquisite appearance and vivid and unrepeatable smile.

As soon as Fang opened his mouth, enthusiastic feedback from his peers came from the audience.

Although Yu Xuan left the circle very early, his reputation and popularity in the circle have always been pretty good.

When Hong Jiang retreats, it is also the time when she gives up the most resources.

Ye Xiaojing looked at Yu Xuan, who was shining brightly on the stage, and the indifference in his eyes gradually became filled with a look that seemed like "appreciation".

"Your sister is so beautiful."

She sincerely expressed her truest feelings at the moment.

Yu Xuan's dazzlingness comes not only from her beautiful figure and appearance, but also from her unconventional dressing style and the aristocratic temperament she carries.

Many people have speculated about Yu Xuan's origin. Entertainment news practitioners did not hesitate to dig deep and rack their brains to find out Yu Xuan's family background. In the end, they found that she was just the adopted daughter of an ordinary teacher's family.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Some people even came up with the argument of "good fortune in the previous life", which made the fans' love and pity for Yu Xuan increase.

She is a rich woman after all... Jiang Qian sneered and replied, "Really? Why do I think Sister Xiaojing is more beautiful?"

Although she knew Jiang Qian was coaxing her, Ye Xiaojing couldn't help but curl up her lips: "Hypocritical."

However, Jiang Qian's voice suddenly became calmer: "Sister Xiaojing, at 4 o'clock, the on-site staff at the guest seats."

Ye Xiaojing immediately looked in the direction Jiang Qian pointed, and sure enough, he found a staff member wandering around the guest seats suspiciously, looking around in the dim light of the guest seats, as if he was looking for something.

"I'll go over and take a look."

At this time, the award ceremony was still going on, and Ye Xiaojing approached the guest seats from the side of the stage.

When there were only twenty meters away from the target, the black trench coat wandering around the guest seats seemed to sense the danger. He paused for a moment and quickly ran towards the safe passage.

Ye Xiaojing speeded up.

At this time, Yu Xuan was also captured by the Beidou button camera, leaving the stage from the side and walking to the backstage lounge.

Ye Xiaojing stared closely at the figure in black windbreaker, using Mantis's best dynamic visual capture to lock it firmly.

The movements of both of them are speeding up, but the distance between them is shortening!

Unless a three-state fusion mutant like Jiang Qian has the special characteristics of unconventional evolution, it is basically difficult to escape the pursuit of the withered leaf mantis.

When the distance shortened to less than ten meters, Ye Xiaojing heard a harsh vibration, and the staff and guests who occasionally passed by suddenly fell to the ground with their heads in their hands!

However, Ye Xiaojing's Mantis card has the ability to actively "turn off hearing", and the wave of attacks from the black windbreaker was directly blocked by her.

"Oh shit!"

In a panic, the black windbreaker dashed left and right along the corridor, using his last strength to crash into a guest lounge.

The moment the door closed, Ye Xiaojing appeared from around the corner.

Facing a row of closed doors, she hesitated briefly.

The sound of music and performing arts in the venue was heard backstage, rumbling and resounding, masking the murderous and violent atmosphere that was brewing.

"Sister Xiaojing, it's the second door."

Jiang Qian estimated the location of the room where the opponent was most likely to hide based on the opponent's traveling speed and distance from Ye Xiaojing, excluding the time it took to open and close the door.


Ye Xiaojing was about to approach the second door...

At this moment, a familiar figure walked out of the first lounge nearby!

Li Tianer.

Li Tianer, a new generation singer, was also recommended and cared for by Yu Xuan.

As soon as she saw Jiang Qian, she immediately revealed her familiar and enthusiastic side, and walked forward with a smile: "Jiang Qian! Are you here to see Sister Yuxuan? She should be back soon after awarding the award."

Ye Xiaojing, who was facing Jiang Qian's appearance, was slightly startled.

Then, Li Tianer was seen grabbing Jiang Qian's wrist with ease and taking him to the door of the second lounge: "Sister Yuxuan's room is here!"

Jiang Qian and Ye Xiaojing tightened their gazes at the same time.

Ye Xiaojing couldn't think about Li Tian'er's feelings at the moment. With the help of the other party, he stepped forward, put his arms around the female singer's shoulders, and gently placed his hand on the back of her neck.

Li Tianer, who was looking confused, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Ye Xiaojing moved quickly and carefully, supporting the girl's body and slowly lowering her body to the corridor.

Immediately open the door and enter Yu Xuan's lounge...

"Be careful!"

Jiang Qian's slightly urgent reminder came from the earphones.

Ye Xiaojing did not answer and did not need to answer. She had worked in the official operations department for many years and she was still very confident in arresting the three-state fusion license holders.

At this moment, all her attention was focused on paying attention to what was going on in any corner of the room.

When the door of the room was opened to the limit and there were no unnecessary people or objects in the unobstructed lounge, Ye Xiaojing was still surprised.

"He's in there."

Jiang Qian's judgment was conveyed to Ye Xiaojing from the communication device.

The first door is Li Tianer's lounge, and her natural and smooth reaction to meeting "Jiang Qian" can rule out the possibility of her colluding with Hei Fengyi, so Hei Fengyi is unlikely to be in the first lounge;

Based on Ye Xiaojing's estimation of the net distance of tracking the other party, Black Windbreaker had no time to cross the first two doors, enter the third door and complete the closing action;

So the only thing he entered in panic was the second door, his sister's lounge...

A familiar feeling from the "Whispers of the Inner Demon" copy came to mind, making Jiang Qian feel a little uncomfortable.

This kind of "discomfort" rarely occurs to him.

"I see."

Ye Xiaojing spoke calmly and disappeared into the second door under the gaze of the Beidou button camera.

The door is closed.

Jiang Qian was originally sitting at the table in his residence, staring at the images captured by the four Beidou button cameras. He followed Ye Xiaojing to pursue the black windbreaker and eliminate risks.

However, when Ye Xiaojing disappeared inside the door and the button camera was locked out before he could enter together, Jiang Qian still couldn't sit still:

"Sister Xiaojing?"

His voice did not arrive.

Because immediately after, the communication device that provided contact between the two made a "beep" sound and was also cut off!

To make matters worse, someone has returned to this stall.

As footsteps, chatter and laughter suddenly came from far and near in the corridor, Yu Xuan was seen walking around the corner, surrounded by his manager Sister Lin and friends in the circle!

Jiang Qian felt his heartbeat speeding up.

In desperation, he put his hand on the bag of tips given by Dean Zhuhe!

Under the perspective provided by the Beidou button camera, Li Tianer, who fell on the ground, was the first to win everyone's attention.

Then there was a commotion. Everyone came closer to check Li Tianer's condition and called for help.

During this time, everyone was still in the corridor.

Sister Xiaojing is a master of the four states and the complete body. Even the powerful people in the four states may not be her opponent, let alone a rattlesnake in the three states? She will be fine. I can't hold her back...

Jiang Qian took his hand away from the kit and clasped his hands together, forcing himself to calm down and maintain his IQ at a normal level.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He "watched" the commotion in the corridor subsided. Accompanied by Sister Lin, Yu Xuan held the door handle of the lounge and pressed it down gently.

Then, they walked into the room talking to each other.

Jiang Qian's eyes focused.

As the synchronous controller of the Beidou button camera, when Ye Xiaojing was temporarily offline, he remotely controlled the button camera to follow Yu Xuan into the room.

As Jiang Qian's vision opened to his sister's lounge, he was surprised to see the neatly arranged furniture and interiors. The entire lounge had been peaceful for years, and there was no sign that anyone had broken into the room or that there had been a fierce fight.

At this time, Ye Xiaojing's voice came from the communication device, still clear and steady:

"nailed it."

Ye Xiaojing said:

"That guy doesn't seem to be here for your sister. I found something on him, like a music score."

"Music score?"

Jiang Qian suppressed his joy that his girlfriend was safe, and his attention was replaced by curiosity.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a picture of you."

While she was talking, the button camera that followed Yu Xuan's room flew out of the window and came to Ye Xiaojing, who was hanging on the side of the building.

The camera zooms in, and the music score synchronizes into Jiang Qian's perspective.

Looking at this detailed score, Jiang Qian used some music theory knowledge he had learned from his sister, and compared it with the content of the singing performance at today's event... His breath suddenly stopped!

"It can't be such a coincidence...Sister Xiaojing, did you notice anything strange about the guests or audience in the venue just now?"

"Strange...what do you mean?"

Jiang Qiangang was about to convey his speculation to Ye Xiaojing.

Unexpectedly, the cell phone next to me rang, and the screen displayed the caller: Ji Ming.

Book recommendation!

"My new work is the Immortal God Yan! A great contribution of the ancient fairy tale's fairy grass!"

The young author has read a limited number of fairy tale books before and is afraid to taste them. However, out of admiration for Yan Shen’s writing power and character, he believes that the new book produced by Yan Shen must be trustworthy and a good work worthy of its reputation!

Produced by a great god, it must be a high-quality product. Book friends who like fairy tales should go collect and appreciate it!

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