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Chapter 296 'Containment' Harvest

There was no expression on Butterfly Knife's honest, dark face, but his small eyes were glaring, and they stayed where Jiang Qian was hiding.

He slowly turned around and approached Jiang Qian step by step.

Coincidence? The invisibility cloak can block the smell and body temperature. I pay great attention to the traces under my feet. I have not stepped on any blood or sticky substances. There will be no flaws... Jiang Qian stood still and stared at the opponent, holding the pen tightly in his hand.


The current prey was stronger than anyone he had come into contact with before.

The Butterfly Knife and Fireworks Scalper are both three-state fusions. The Fireworks Scalper has tried his best, including his alien limbs, various props, and all available special skills, but he was still easily broken by the Butterfly Knife.

The Butterfly Knife has such a good chance of winning that they don't even bother to use their alien limbs. The whole process is stress-free.

Facing such a master, Jiang Qian was a little unsure whether the opponent had the means to identify him.

The distance between the two continued to shrink.

Jiang Qian tightened his grip on the pen, ready to strike first.

However, a tiny detail made Jiang Qian adjust his strategy in time: the butterfly knife focused on Jiang Qian's direction, suddenly stopped, and stepped back...

When Jiang Qian turned on his spiritual vision, he threw his body sideways!

At that time, the wall where he was standing suddenly cracked, and then, with a "boom", an antlered orc rushed out!

The huge antlers are hung with fresh blood foam, and their sharp tips are enough to send a lion to the west.

Plus the current speed and momentum.

If Jiang Qian were to take a step slower, the chivalrous cloak would not be able to protect him unscathed.

The Antlered Orc also failed to gain any advantage from Butterfly Knife. Its sneak attack was seen through, and Butterfly Knife easily dodged and kept a safe distance from Leng Touqing.

However, the deer-antlered orc was not a reckless man. After circling the butterfly knife in a menacing manner, he chose to retreat without hesitation...

This guy is not stupid, he is just a coward... Jiang Qian complained silently.

However, since the "container" of the butterfly knife was on the antlered orc, and the butterfly knife did not have the opponent's container, he could not attack the opponent directly, so he could only follow it and catch up.

Jiang Qian followed Butterfly Knife and continued his free-range hunting mode.

Don't be in a hurry, let's watch the show first.

Facts have proved that Jiang Qian still underestimated the extent of the antlers orcs' ability to understand current affairs.

Seeing that the strong man was about to follow, the antlered orcs hurriedly threw the butterfly knife doll as they retreated, and disappeared in a puff of smoke!

The butterfly knife naturally rose and fell, cutting the doll in two, destroying the container used to contain itself.

Then he stopped, wiped the blade of the knife slowly, and continued moving forward.

Jiang Qian followed him quietly.

Butterfly Knife is obviously a person who never takes action unless necessary, and also a person who never talks too much unless necessary.

There have been situations where the two people they met on the way were not the target of each other's containment, and Butterfly Knife was always the first to turn around impatiently.

Even if the other party curses or intentionally insults, Butterfly Knife will not give him a wink.

Jiang Qian secretly thought that this guy was somewhat obsessed with dungeon missions.

But the kung fu is really hard!

Presumably his identity card is also a master who is good at killing and fighting.

Could it be that he was ashe or something... During the one-way journey, Jiang Qian couldn't help but speculate on the identity of the other party.

Until, for the first time, a colorful room appeared in front of them.

Butterfly Knife was slightly startled, the corners of his lips raised, but his steps did not stop.

Jiang Qian clearly remembered the description in Ji Ming's strategy: All directions are white, and all flaws, shortcomings, and attempts to hide them will have nowhere to hide in this pure space.

The route they are currently walking on is not a scene outside the scope of Ji Ming's description.

This place had been transformed, but his spiritual vision couldn't tell the difference.

Jiang Qian followed him calmly, and stepped into the gray-brown walls together with Butterfly Knife.

But the moment he took his first step, Jiang Qian realized the problem.

What the feet are stepping on is not a solid ground, but more like stepping on some kind of soft and slippery "**"...

Without any explanation, he stopped his feet in time, stepped back, and let the Beidou Button Camera move forward.

But Butterfly Knife walking in front of him continued to move deeper into the space as if nothing was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, the "door" to this space was suddenly sealed!

Jiang Qian can only watch the internal situation through the real-time image of the Beidou button camera:


A human face emerged from the wall behind the butterfly knife. It was a woman's face.

She is old but charming, with the nasolabial folds at the corners of her mouth as deep as ravines, and the wisps of crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, which are full of charm. She smiled and said from behind the butterfly knife:

"Husband, welcome home."


Butterfly Knife was obviously not surprised by this line.

He turned around and faced the woman's face inlaid on the gray-brown wall. He gave up the idea of ​​quarreling with her and instead raised his arms, showing the blade, ready to use his own way to make the other party happy.

Sober up.

The woman was in no hurry to take action.

The Butterfly Knife is her prey, but her container is not on the Butterfly Knife's waist.

The butterfly knife cannot actively attack a prey that does not have its own container.

He could only wait and wait for the woman to take action against him.

As long as the opponent takes action, he is sure to kill the opponent and harvest the opponent's performance.

"Husband, is that a knife? Ah, you, what are you going to do to me again... I'm so scared..." The woman's face made a pitiful and aggrieved expression.

But her image only made Butterfly Knife more disgusted: "Crazy?"

"Husband, husband... don't hit me!" the woman cried out.

Butterfly Knife stared coldly, waiting for the opponent to take action.

During the stalemate, Jiang Qian had discovered something strange from the outside: although there was nothing weird about the spatial structure within the range of his spiritual vision, the internal space captured by the Beidou Button Camera was slowly shrinking.

Perhaps the other party used some kind of camouflage prop to block the spiritual vision's observation of life forms and structures.

The interior colors are mostly the work of this female license holder.

Wait, she looks like... a snake?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! When the gray and brown walls began to squirm, Jiang Qian suddenly discovered that the other party's pattern and the markings on his body had the same style, and his eyes suddenly became clear and his heart calmed.

suddenly see the light.

This time Butterfly Knife encountered a tough opponent. Not only was his mental illness worse than mine, but his identity card was also similar to mine... Jiang Qian sighed softly and mourned for Butterfly Knife.

During this period, internal conflicts finally broke out!

As the four walls continue to shrink and squeeze inward, the butterfly knife's foothold is gradually running out.

But even so, he still did not violate the behavior prohibited by the dungeon rules: launching an attack on players outside the containment target!

He always held the two swords and remained motionless.

What really made Butterfly Knife take action was the letter that the woman spat out at him in a face-to-face manner.

There was poison on the letter, but the butterfly knife avoided the poison. He raised the knife and performed tongue-cutting surgery on the woman...

What happened next became out of control.

Butterfly Knife's current space for movement was very narrow. After being forced to "comply with the law", he targeted the woman's face and attacked frantically!

Gouge out eyes, cut throats, and use deadly attacks! His knife is still fast and accurate, but it still misses everything.

The woman's face disappeared into the soft grey-brown wall very flexibly, and suddenly grew out from the other side, spitting poisonous poison and saliva at the butterfly knife.

The butterfly knife was deep in the cramped space, and it was difficult to use it, so it gradually fell into a hard battle.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Can't you move?"

The woman's tone was caring, but the snake letter she spat out mercilessly cut the butterfly knife's wrists, arms, and back...

Even his two knives were corroded by the unknown liquid, and their sharp blades became extremely slippery.

When the environment was extremely unfavorable for combat, Butterfly Knife abandoned the weapon, and finally his skin and arms grew!

Thick dark brown hair quickly covered the body surface, wrapping the wound tightly; short and thick but strong enough arms were connected to five extremely sharp claws.

Butterfly Knife raised its head and roared, let go of its arms and legs, and pounced on the astonished woman's face!

Of course, he didn't catch the target, but he didn't stop there either.

His five fierce claws dug into the last place where the woman's face appeared, tearing apart the gray and brown soft wall, biting and tearing it to pieces... As the woman roared angrily, flesh and white bones burst out from the cracked soft wall,

Became the object of Butterfly Knife's vent.

But it's not enough.

He still couldn't escape, and this little skin injury was not fatal enough to the python woman.

As the python woman was further angered, the already suffocating space shrank sharply again!

Butterfly Knife struggled hard, holding on to the breach he had just bitten through, and fought to the death with the python woman, with no intention of giving in.

This physical appearance, this will to fight to the death, most likely it is a wolverine... Jiang Qian struggled to control a Beidou button camera behind Butterfly Knife, trying to prevent it from getting involved in the brawl.

In this battle, Jiang Qian won with the butterfly knife.

The python is certainly scary, but the wolverine is the pinnacle of the Weasel family after all.

Weasels are naturally capable of defeating snakes...

The desperate fight inside escalated again. The python woman's face suddenly opened its bloody mouth, her upper and lower jaws opened at an exaggerated angle, and her exposed teeth were like two long knives piercing the shoulder of a butterfly knife!

However, the butterfly knife seemed to feel no pain at all, and continued to bite the python girl's wounds crazily! It did not hesitate to end the battle in such a lose-lose way.

The soft gray-brown wall that almost tightly wrapped the butterfly knife twitched violently!

The python girl's teeth were stuck in Butterfly Knife's shoulder blades, unable to move, and the venom spilled out from the python girl's body surface, infecting Butterfly Knife's blood and respiratory tract at 360 degrees...

During the violent struggle and biting, the scene was suddenly interrupted.


No need to guess, Beidou Button Camera has been reimbursed...

Jiang Qian didn't have time to worry about the props, so he set off to avoid the closed battlefield.

He can't observe the situation inside now, but based on what he just observed and the status of the two people inside, the result will be clear!

As expected, the room in front of him began to tremble and distort.

Then, a roar erupted from inside, and the closed white arch collapsed with a "kacha" sound!

The fresh fishy smell overflows and is disgusting.

Under Jiang Qian's gaze, Butterfly Knife staggered out of the white arch, resting on the arch with one hand and panting.

He was covered in blood and his wounds were inside out, the severity of which was staggering.

However, Butterfly Knife still had fighting spirit in his eyes.

The number of dolls on his body has increased again...

This means that Butterfly Knife has completed the containment of the python girl.

Killing a thousand enemies and damaging yourself by eight hundred, this situation is very dangerous... Jiang Qian secretly judged the situation of Butterfly Knife.

After Butterfly Knife took a breath, he quickly grabbed a pill from the locker and swallowed it.

He continued to take out a bag of medicinal powder and sprinkled it into the air filled with blood mist. The whole air became clear to the naked eye!

At the same time, Jiang Qian smelled the fragrance of wild grass.

It seems to be a deodorant.

Butterfly Knife knows very well how much trouble such a strong smell of blood will attract.

But he was still a step too late.

To be precise, paper cannot contain the fire. It is difficult to make such noise without alerting nearby hunters.

Butterfly Knife's eyesight in front of him gradually shrank, his expression full of vigilance.

Not far away, a strong man with a gourd hanging on his waist and an iron ax in his hand was walking from the arch on the other side.

From a distance, he saw Butterfly Knife covered in blood, and the corner of his mouth showed the joy of a fisherman's gain:

"Hey! Buddy, you've gained a lot...it's not a good thing to take over everything. Why don't you let your brothers help you share the burden?"

Jiang Qian's eyes moved slightly. This man seemed to be a practicing practitioner as well.

A practicing practitioner who is arrogant and ready to pick up the slack...

"But it's really strange. Brother's business is a bit busy right now..."

The man holding the iron ax touched the two dolls that were flashing red at his waist. One was similar to a butterfly knife, and the other was a young man with wings on his back and a face dyed with snake scales.

"How about we make a quick decision? Don't delay anyone, don't you think so?"

The man dragging the ax seemed to be in a hurry to rush to the next scene. Butterfly Knife didn't even say a word before he accelerated and charged with the long ax!

Butterfly Knife gritted his teeth and said nothing, his arms regenerated again, but he was unable to gather the momentum he had against the python girl before.

The pros and cons of winning and losing can be clearly seen here.

Jiang Qian remembered Ye Xiaojing once said: This is how real battles are. Sometimes you are clearly well prepared and have everything ready, but the opportunity to fight is always missed; sometimes you have worked hard to get the upper hand, but you can't predict the timing as well as others.

One move to win.

Seeing that the man with the ax was about to harvest the achievements of Butterfly Knife, the physical distance between the two became closer and closer.

The man with the ax is already confident of victory.

He ran quickly, secretly calculating at which point he would draw the butterfly knife's head.

But I saw a cold light flashing before my eyes!

A slender weapon passed across his eyes like lightning, cutting off his path.

The man dragging the ax suddenly stopped, his body slumped, and the long ax dragged a string of arc-shaped dazzling sparks on the ground!

"Who is this?"

He looked stunned. When he shouted out the question, he saw the figure of the other party clearly, so he was even more shocked.

Butterfly Knife was also stunned on the spot, pressing its claws against the wall and looking forward with blazing eyes.

Jiang Qian has emerged from under the invisibility cloak.

The pen extended out from his palm, just crossing the path of the man dragging the axe...

not only that.

If he had rushed any faster, he might have lost his head.

This move is not actually an interception, but a death-defying move!


Typos and flaws will be corrected first and then corrected.

This chapter has been completed!
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