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Chapter 306 A seriously underestimated talent

"Want to take leave and go home?"

Jiang Qian mentioned this before, and Ji Ming was already prepared:

"After experiencing the assassination in the hospital and the plot in this "containment", you should understand how serious the threat you carry to the mutant organization is with the technology you carry."

"How much they want to get rid of you means how afraid they are of you. They are afraid that you will grow up and completely cut off the benefit input of certain people. That's why they will keep pestering you, and they may become even more crazy in the future."

Having said this, Ji Ming paused for a moment and asked in an unkind tone:

"Even so, do you still insist on bringing uncertain risk factors to your family?"

Jiang Qian was silent.

Ji Ming continued:

"Maybe this doesn't sound very good. But your personal safety is related to the interests of the entire license holder organization, and even all people at risk of mutation. You cannot appear on missions until the mutation healing and re-engraving technology has achieved a fundamental breakthrough.


"Your family is protected by the highest-level secret security team at the headquarters. Even I have no right to interfere with the work of this team. But what is certain is that as long as you remain firm, nothing will happen to your family."

Having said this, Ji Ming will not elaborate further.

After a long while, Jiang Qian smiled and said:

"Actually, it's not for taking leave. I want to invite the minister to escort me during the promotion stage."

Bai Ji on the train was reading the popular discussions in the official forum, feeling secretly sighing.

After just a few hours of fermentation, the news about Qianlong Wuyong's participation in and overcoming the technical difficulties of "mutation healing" has already hit the forum!

The name "Qianlong, don't use it" has once again become the focus of controversy among official licensees.

There were many discussions about not using Qianlong, which made Bai Ji sigh with emotion:

Narcissus is Poisonous: The dungeon strategy genius, who first entered the field of mutation science research, challenged and broke through the peak of technology that no one has touched in more than 20 years? Please! Who can tell me how does this high-level player’s brain grow?]

Tiangao Ren Wufei: It is said that the derivative ability coincides with the key technology of mutation healing. But I prefer to believe that it is the horizontal radiation of the talent of Qianlong Master.]

Snake Essence Disease: The sky is high and I can fly, how can I speak human language?】

The sky is high and I can fly: A truly talented person can show his ultimate talent in all aspects. Maybe it is a technical difficulty for us, but for a real master like Qianlong Wuyong, it is just a small step in the growth process.

Interlude, just do it as you say. Of course, I am just making an analogy, don’t spray, don’t spray!]

Roast Suckling Pig with Red Wine: How come he can make whatever he wants without even thinking? It’s so hard for ordinary people to get along!

Shan Hai Yi Zhi Hua: Upstairs, I guess he also wants to keep a low profile! But his strength does not allow it]

Taozi is very big: I am so unwilling! Why was such a charming man taken over by the Jinping branch? The girls in Jinping are so happy]

While Qianlong should not use fandom to support its "idol", opposing voices are also taking advantage of the situation:

Dog Wolf Ah Hei: It’s too exaggerated to say that the sky is high and I can fly. I preach about extraordinary talent every day, but what’s the value of hard work? And don’t use Qianlong is far from as high-sounding as you said. His shortcomings are obvious and it’s useless.

A so-called "genius" who is quick-witted and weak in fighting skills, but whose shortcomings are obvious and yet is praised by the heavens, will not be able to last long in the super-species world.】

Intelligent Multi-Star Centipede: Intelligence level and physical level are two levels of ability. Outstanding intelligence does not mean that you can fight. This is a very simple truth. Don’t play with mythology.】

Mr. Chuan Qian: Frankly speaking, I also feel that Qian Long Don’t Use has become a bit of a myth recently, no, it is almost being demonized.

Mad Dog: Damn, it’s all the forum’s publicity team’s fault. I’m still not sure whether the “mutation cure” thing is real or just hype!]

The Golden Mouse is playing with the cat: Is there anyone knowledgeable? Let’s talk about the shortcomings of force that Qian Long should not use.]

Ancient Lament: No combat information on him was found, but I heard that he was a pure rookie before joining the official team, without any martial arts foundation. How much combat ability can such a person have in just two or three months? 】

Dr. Cockroach: What you said seems to be true. The high-difficulty dungeons that Qianlong Don't use that guy to clear are mostly in the puzzle-solving genre. Looking at it this way, his shortcomings in force have been perfectly avoided, which is really lucky.

Dancing with Firefox: Isn’t it right? But I heard that he showed his fighting ability in the "Children's Paradise". It is said that he can kill with one hit. He is so handsome]

Bai Wumian: With that kind of unconventional props, it’s easy to be cool...]

Cat and Dog: Bai Wumian,???Props??]

A piece of paper brain axe: There is a story! Please expand and tell.】

When we talked about the shortcomings of Qianlong, many people rushed out to watch the fun and water, as if they had been given blood. Bai Ji, who was watching the diving, shook his head and sighed.

"It's really not easy. Consultant Qianlong... has been brought to the forefront. Any small flaws will be magnified infinitely, making it like a public execution."

Bai Ji sighed and sympathized in his heart, and continued to browse with gusto.

"It's a pity that the news that Qianlong should not be used to clear the level of "containment" has not been released yet. I really want to know what these people will think about it after they find out..."

Although Bai Ji wanted to support Jiang Qian, he also understood that simply "clearing the "containment" copy" was not actually that big of a news.

Players who hold 30 experience points and clear "containment" alive and hold 190 points are actually two different states.

The former is a fluke, the latter is worthy of the name!

So the real big news is like what Ji Ming did: get ranked first and clear the "Containment" dungeon like a top player!

"It's impossible to do..."

Bai Ji thought and shook his head with a smile.

He has similar views to many colleagues who have commented on the forum. They all believe that Qianlong Wuyong is obviously an intellectual genius and do not have high expectations for his physics level.

Until a new message from his superior interrupted his reading interest.


But Bai Ji didn't dare to delay at all and immediately clicked to view.

An email popped up, and it turned out to be Jiang Qian's "Containment" copy strategy materials!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Attached is Bai Xiaoxi's instructions: The "containment" record is broken, file it as soon as possible.

"File it as soon as possible, okay."

Bai Ji responded without hesitation.

However, he was immediately stunned!

The record... is broken...?


Bai Ji swallowed hard, opened the document with trembling fingers, and tried his best to maintain his rational image in public.

Inside a famous local specialty restaurant in Jilin Province.

Canyon Lao Liu and Dongbei Jia Cuicai, who are reunited in the private room, are planning a special project: the approval and live broadcast announcement of the "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" dungeon guide article!

Here's what happens:

Since "The End of the Hungry Ghosts" involved news about mutation healing, the news was in a "blocked" state at the time, so the approval of the related "The End of the Hungry Ghosts" strategy was also blocked.

Now that the "mutation healing re-enactment technology" is being implemented, the news that the mutation can be cured has also been released, and the strategy review and approval chain has been advanced, Canyon Lao Liu will soon be able to complete the agreement and clear the "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" details as soon as possible


"To what stage has the approval been reached, and to whom?"

The Northeastern home-cooker quickly served a few spoonfuls of sour soup and fat beef to Canyon Lao Liu, and got closer to pay attention to the approval progress of the dungeon guide:

"Oh, it's coming soon! Brother Monkey, as soon as your article is published, won't all my colleagues know about the great achievements of the three of us in the low-frequency copy?"

"Well, more or less. Judging from my personal experience of writing so many guides, this guide article should be the most complex and the most curious one."

After the Canyon Lao Liu privately sent a strict and polite message urging approval to the approval leader, he picked up the kuaizi and put two pieces of ridge in his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, I saw Dongbei Home Cooking with piercing eyes and said:

"That's great. Then all our colleagues will know that we are the right-hand man for the Qianlong Master copy!"

"You? Your right-hand man?" Canyon Lao Liu couldn't help but sneered, "How can you, a cook, just have a sense of presence..."

Northeastern home-cooked dishes are immediately popular:

"Brother Monkey, you can't say that. No matter what, we are still international bilingual chefs! In that kind of famine environment where birds don't lay eggs, how many meals did you two eat from me in total?"

"Oh, yes! Not only you two, but also those people from Ideal Town, each of you, do you still need me to be careful about your appearance? You two can't forget my contribution..."

The corners of Canyon Lao Liu's mouth twitched and he remained silent.

Saying too much hurts feelings.

Anyway, he is a cook, so it does not affect the perfect operation of Qianlong Bu and I, who are evenly matched... Canyon Lao Liu thought smugly.

After experiencing the close cooperation of "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse", Canyon Laoliu has completely evolved from Qianlong Wuyong's "dead enemy" to its "number one fan"!

Of course, it all comes from his own definition.

Jiang Qian's strategizing and ingenious thinking left an indelible impression on him.

However, what finally made him change his mind was Jiang Qian's "relaxation": no burden, no pressure to fight to the death, solving problems logically and appropriately. No complaints, no wavering, abandoning past grudges,

Clear away distracting thoughts.

In the process of running towards the goal together, he felt the "divine" power of Jiang Qian:

When discussing the future, analyzing the pros and cons and making key decisions in a huge dilemma, he realized the talent and calmness of the strong;

While dealing with various forces, reaching a consensus, and becoming invincible, he appreciated Jiang Qian's leadership charisma and tremendous energy;

Use "lies" to rebuild the world's beliefs, use the power of religion to wash away evil thoughts, and implant virtues and education into the disintegrated aborigines to dismantle the "source of evil" and restore social order... In the eyes of Canyon Lao Liu, this has gone far.

It is beyond the scope of the strategy copy, but Jiang Qian can execute it beyond the scope.

As a result, Canyon Laoliu "fell" because of this.

He is no longer obsessed with creating the perfect strategy himself, but tries to use the most authentic, rigorous, and rich perspective to present a fully objective and exciting customs clearance strategy!

Even if the star of this guide is not himself.

While waiting for the approval reply, Canyon Lao Liu was chewing snacks, sliding the mouse randomly, and wandering around the homepage of the forum.

"The screen is full of discussions about Qianlong Da Shen and Mutation Cure?" Dongbei Home Cooking came closer to watch.

"It's probably all meaningless gossip and speculation..." Canyon Lao Liu opened one of them nonchalantly, flipping through it for entertainment.

It doesn't matter if you don't read it, this time you read it, you just happened to find a discussion about Qianlong not to use "shortcomings in martial arts" and "excessive deification"!

"How dare you say that! Qianlong's martial arts skills are weak? The people from my ancient tribe haven't spoken yet. What qualifications do these unknown guys have to say Qianlong shouldn't use them?"

Canyon Lao Liu couldn’t stand it anymore:

"Excessive deification... I think it is a serious underestimate! These people have never seen the methods Qianlong should not use, and they are more brave than the others!"

"Yes, nonsense! It's all nonsense!"

Northeastern home-cooked dishes also followed suit with indignation:

"Oh my god, look at how funny this guy is, saying that Master Qianlong relies on his face to make a living? Maybe he is just a freeloader??"

"Hahaha, it's fair to say that you rely on your face to make a living, but we don't know whether you can make a living or not."

Canyon Lao Liu sneered while continuing to read and made comments casually.

Northeastern Home Cooking also took out his mobile phone and bravely joined the battle of saliva!

The two of them went through post after post, and finally came across a piece of gossip that contained some gold:

Tang Bohu clicked on the firecracker: I heard that Qianlong Wuyong will participate in this year's promotion ceremony for powerful people. For this reason, many reserve soldiers have withdrawn from the competition for promotion qualifications this year, saying that they are afraid of "crash" and waste super crystals in vain.】

Frog World: I have also heard that many dignitary reserves from the Scale Clan, the Deep Sea Clan, including the Zerg Clan, have given up their opportunities this year, fearing that they will meet Qianlong Wuyong.】

Deep Sea Flower: What do you mean, you are frightened by the reputation of my baby Qianlong?】

Dance of Firefox: A flower in the deep sea, your home? I really dare to say it, I heard that Qianlong Wuyong has a girlfriend]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Deep Sea Flower: Dance of the Foxes, does he have a girlfriend, what does it have to do with me liking him?]

Millennium Bug: Deep Sea Flower, eh, don’t you know? Looking at d, I thought you were from the Deep Sea Clan. You should have heard about it long ago.]

Deep Sea Flower: Millennium Bug, I am not, my husband is, go home and ask him.】

Dr. Cockroach: Damn it? You have a husband? How dare you chase stars on the forum...]

Deep Sea Flower: Dr. Cockroach, I'm sorry, does it have anything to do with whether I have a husband or not, and my preference for Qianlong?】

After climbing the wall to this point, Canyon Lao Liu and Dongbei Jia Cuicai looked at each other in silence.

Looking further back, they all insinuate that Qianlong should not use his deep background and speculate that he has resources to crowd out other people's quotas.

There are also people who use the paid "anonymous" function and claim that Qianlong's promotion to the powerful is "a big death". He is not optimistic about it and hopes that he will take care of himself and return the place to the winner.

These topic discussions were obviously still "fresh", and the forum administrators had not yet had time to control them, so they were spied on by Canyon Lao Liu and Northeast Home Cooking.

The current situation is no longer a matter of underestimating Qianlong Wuyong's strength, but has touched upon the sensitive concerns of many ordinary colleagues:

The issue of equal rights between poor families and famous families, ordinary people and children of aristocratic families!

"People are famous, there are so many right and wrongs..."

The sixth person in the canyon has a lot of heart, and has a deep understanding of what it is to be afraid of people's words.

"Brother Monkey, you also have to participate in this year's promotion of powerful people, right?" Northeast Home Cooking asked abruptly.


"Ah, I heard that the promotion training camp is quite cruel. All the reservists from each family have to go, right?"

"It's okay, what's wrong?"

Canyon Lao Liu looked at his former fan with some confusion.

"It's okay, it's okay. Brother Monkey, you're sure to be foolproof! I'm just wondering if the Qianlong Master will go to the training camp... He's said to be a golden reserve fully supported by the ten tribes, so he can't be squeezed out, right?


Northeastern Home Cooking playfully expressed his concerns about his idol.

This chapter has been completed!
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