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Chapter 319 Battle of Seven Clans

Island three rings.

There are many species as tall as humans walking through heavy rains in various areas. They use skilled technical skills to dismantle detonating devices in commercial buildings, B&Bs, stations, and underground pipes, and quickly move them to the destruction point.

Ji Ming handed the communication equipment back to Ye Xiaojing and helped her up.

"That explosion..." Ye Xiaojing raised her eyebrows, with obvious anxiety in her eyes, and the rain was sliding down her cheeks.

Ji Ming's dark eyes swept across Ye Xiaojing's face, and he said in his usual cold tone:

"This is an attack signal. The enemies at sea are going to land, but they will not succeed. The priests of the deep sea, scale tribe, and ancient tribes have been waiting at sea for a long time. Trespassers will never come back."

But these words did not seem to comfort Ye Xiaojing.

She grabbed Ji Ming's wrist and said urgently: "It's not just a signal, but also... sky fire!"

At this point, a block near the two of them suddenly burst into flames!

Ji Ming and Ye Xiaojing followed the reputation.

But with the ignition point as the center, the surrounding blocks were igniting scarlet flames one after another.

The thunderstorm could not stop the flames from rising, and the rain curtain instead became a "fuse" and "accelerant", and the ignited fire snake climbed up and burned towards the sky.

"It's a battle of misfortune." Ji Ming said, his dark right eye focused.

Ye Xiaojing's eyelashes trembled slightly. She had heard of this name before, and it belonged to the six-state priesthood in the Black Alliance.

"They want to use this sky fire to bring down thunder and sink the island into the sea. This is what their people confessed before they died. Area 1 of the third ring of the island is the altar where they ignited the sky fire!"

"Just for the sake of a hidden dragon, you go to such great lengths to fight?"

At the critical moment, Ji Ming actually smiled, turned around and looked up at the several fire snakes that kept running up, and said to Ye Xiaojing:

"The six-state priesthood is not something that can be dealt with, but I will try to control the situation, and you will protect me."

After saying that, he told his communication device:

"I heard it all, Mo Sheng, report the situation here to the commander-in-chief."

"Roger, I understand!"

Ji Ming took off his coat, and the eagle wings on his back suddenly spread out. He jumped into the air and climbed into the deep sky along the heat wave.

Ye Xiaojing faced the scorching rain and fixed his eyes firmly on the most arrogant and tallest fire snake until it suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The other fire snakes that were climbing up also slowed down, and some gradually stopped, their aura flickering unsteadily.

Behind Ye Xiaojing, the dark and sticky life forms lurking in the puddles are eager to try and approach in groups.

Ye Xiaojing looked away, his face turned cold, and his arms gradually transformed into blades.

At this time, there was only one important thing in her mind: to protect Ji Ming and intercept the sky fire. The island was safe, and Jiang Qian would be safe too.

At this moment, the leeches on the ground were piled up in front of her.

In the puddles formed by the heavy rain, fat leeches were wrapping around her boots and climbing up...

The slash was as fast as light, and the poisonous blood sprayed across the cross section splashed in all directions in an exaggerated manner!

Ye Xiaojing was carrying poison avoidance tools, so he naturally disdained such a level of venom erosion.

However, the venom spilled is not only a poison, but also a igniter.

"See you underground! Dead leaf mantis."


The stained Ye Xiaojing's expression did not move. The spread wings rotated outward like lightning, and in an instant, the stained juices all over the body were pulled away by centrifugal force!

The fire exploded all around, inevitably destroying parts of its wings and clothing.

Ye Xiaojing landed lightly, slashed with both swords at an incredible range, and dug out the culprit from the pile of thick leeches!

Under the reflection of the sky fire, the muddy and extremely ugly face was even more ferocious and heart-wrenching:

"Dead leaf mantis!


The opponent roared and used inertia to counterattack.

The fully doubled body and the hook-like mouthparts that suddenly opened suddenly swallowed Ye Xiaojing whole!

The narrow passage was squeezed so deeply that Ye Xiaojing's arms were unable to exert force for a moment?!

Immediately afterwards, venomous stingers suddenly protruded from the flesh membrane that was close to Ye Xiaojing. Some were stuck in the wings and carapace, and some were directly inserted into the skin.

The internal air was instantly emptied, and the feeling of suffocation, dizziness, and fatigue caused by high-frequency combat all erupted with severe pain at this moment.

The delayed sky fire is still burning in mid-air.

The thunder was loud and the rain was pouring.

The giant leech crawling in the water slowly twisted its fat body, from wrestling to fighting to the death, in just a few dozen seconds.

Reaching a certain point, the black people around him poured into the surrounding "fire pool" as if they were desperate, and seemed to be dying to fuel the burning of the sky fire.

In this incredible situation, the giant leech writhing in the mud suddenly burst from its back, and a figure jumped out of it, it was Ye Xiaojing who was covered in blood.

In Mohu's sight, the huge leech stopped struggling and allowed its blood to stain the entire street red.

This also includes Ye Xiaojing's own blood.

She covered the wound with one hand and slowly straightened up using her mantis arm as support. Her dynamic vision never neglected the unusual movements around her.

At this time, a hook-like arm suddenly stretched out from the sky-reaching fire stick, and at a supernatural speed, it grabbed the mantis arm that Ye Xiaojing used to support his body!

At that moment, she didn't have time to turn around and meet him with her blade.

But the hooked withered claws failed to arrive!

Looking closely, the withered claws had been stepped on by a gentleman in a suit with slightly curly hair and a dignified appearance.

"White Tiger Mountain God?" Ye Xiaojing breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

In the blink of an eye, several more withered claws struck from the surrounding sticks like lightning!

But I saw a dark shadow passing through the rain curtain like a dark light. Wherever it went, there was a withered claw nailed to the mud.

"Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Ye. We will take over the next work."

Ye Xiaojing's smile did not disappear, and the figure of a cold and charming woman in leather clothing was reflected in her slightly tired eyes.

At this time, a fishy wind was sweeping across the vast and distant sea outside the island, like an ancient battlefield that had been destroyed hundreds of times.

Countless overturned boats are swaying on the rough seas, floating and sinking, warning the world of the insignificance and fragility of life.

Under the water, there were even more corpses lying around.

Together with the crushed large rocks and the heavy machinery torn into pieces, they were all quietly left in the abyss.

The only thing that is still a little lively is the area around the island below the water surface.

There are still a few survivors in the secret tunnels that were dug secretly two weeks ago.

They are still immersed in extreme fear!

It was the fear of riding on the momentum of great momentum, but being defeated in an instant, completely losing control, and panicking and not choosing the right path.

They are both lucky and unlucky.

Because they don't know yet, there are more unexpected disasters waiting at the end of these passages.

In the martial arts test venue, everyone is waiting for the scores to be announced.

The evaluation instructor had finished calculating the scores, but the chief instructor Bai Wuhen shook his head at the scoring results and asked for a recalculation.

The whole place was silent.

Floating in the air is everyone's dissatisfaction, confusion and anger!

Including instructors who dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

"What's going on? Is it difficult to calculate the score? How long has it been and there's still no result?" A reserve soldier complained in a low voice impatiently.

"I should be out of luck this year, but at least I saw a good show today! Look how the chief instructor of the training camp threw his face on the ground for show." Someone said bluntly.

"Hush! Do you also want to go out sideways? That guy even dared to beat Qianlong Wuyong, who is the focus of the ten tribes. Do you think you have enough face to avoid revenge?"

"Is there something wrong with what I said? I'm very curious if such a person can stay here as a chief instructor. What's the point of being proud of a peak four-state player who beats a three-state reserve team..."

"The outside world has said that Bai Wuhen has a bad temper and is terrible at doing things. I think it's absolutely true!"

"What kind of character is this? He deserves to be punished by his own father."

Canyon Lao Liu listened to the six directions and secretly observed Princess Senxi who was waiting quietly.

He quietly walked over and was about to ask the other party if he knew something...

But I heard Sen Xi whispering without squinting: "Just wait and see what happens."

Canyon Lao Liu was slightly startled.

Just then, a reserve soldier stood up and asked the instructor's chair:

"How long until the martial arts test scores are announced, and when can we leave?"

"It's almost here. Please wait patiently." Rafflesia soothed. "The careful and careful calculation is also to give you a fair and satisfactory result."


The reservist also knew that there was little hope of getting a promotion spot this time, so he dared to express his current dissatisfaction:

"If this martial arts test was really fair, we probably wouldn't have seen how the chief instructor at the top of the four states bullied a reserve who had not yet been promoted."

Bai Wuhen was sitting in his seat with his shoulders closed and his eyes closed, turning a deaf ear to the reservist's dissatisfaction.

Rafflesia explained from the side:

"Challenging the instructor is a routine part of promotion training, and it is an option that the ring master actively chooses in the martial arts test. Only reserve members who are confident enough in their abilities can get the opportunity to compete openly with the instructor."

"Of course, since it is a martial arts competition, there will inevitably be some bumps and bruises, and there is no such thing as bullying."

Night Dragonfly couldn't help but stood up:

"As far as I know, the reason why Qianlong Wuyong challenged the chief instructor was because the chief instructor used his power to bully others and refused to apologize for verbally insulting the girl, right?"

"How can this be considered an active challenge? It's clearly coercion. If you don't defeat me, you won't be treated fairly by me. How is this fair?"

Sen Xi didn't hold back and could only shake his head and sigh.

But she also secretly admired Night Dragonfly's courage to say these words.

Rafflesia was speechless and turned around to look at the chief instructor beside her. The other person had no intention of explaining!

The emperor was not in a hurry, but the eunuch was. Rafflesia was so angry that she sat back.

Seeing this, other reservists also took action:

"Aren't the scoring results out yet, waiting for us to celebrate the New Year here?"

"I need to go to the toilet, can I go out?"

"Please instructor, how have we offended you..."

The evaluation instructor handed the score calculation results to Bai Wuhen with sweat all over his head. This was the third time.

Bai Wuhen glanced at it and was still dissatisfied: "This place is not clear enough. Please refine the deduction points."

After saying that, he threw the scoring results back.

"Boss, is this not enough?"

"You should have calmed down just now. If we don't announce the scores, these brats might not be able to organize our training camp when they go back..."

"Mr. Bai, let these living ancestors go back quickly!"

Rafflesia said, took the score sheet and stood up:

"I'll announce it!"

Bai Wuhen opened his eyes, waved his left hand towards the back, and suddenly nailed the open back door with a moon-white halberd!

The instructor who tried to open the door was stunned on the spot and looked straight at Bai Wuhen's silent back.

"Bai, Mr. Bai! I'll go out and get some calculation paper..."

"Did I let you out?"

Bai Wuhen turned around, completely ignoring the surprised looks from Rafflesia and other instructors, and stood up to look around the venue:

"I made it very clear that everyone is on standby and no movement is allowed. Including the instructors!"

The instructor was completely innocent: "But why is it like this?"

"Old Bai, don't be like this, it's too much..."

"Shut up." Bai Wuhen said coldly.

"Hey you……"

"I quit!"

The instructor who was about to take the opportunity to go out suddenly put aside his words and said:

"With a chief instructor like you leading the team, the training camp deserves to be scolded! I've had enough..."

As he spoke, he pushed open the door at the rear of the venue. Bai Wuhen's halberd was still stuck on the door, still lying in front of everyone.

The reservists were still surprised when someone in the crowd shouted:

"Let's go! No more waiting!"

The reservists are also elite backbones with prominent status in each family. If no one takes the lead, they will not be able to leave the martial arts test site without authorization.

But today, Bai Wuhen was injured and bullied the reserve team. Everyone was holding back their anger and just followed the trend.

Seeing that everyone was about to go out, Princess Senxi pulled the old man from the valley and said, "Someone wants to take advantage of the chaos to cause trouble."

After saying that, she stood up and spoke to stop everyone:

"Wait a minute, everyone, don't fall for the instructor's trick!"

This sentence immediately had a miraculous effect, and several reserve soldiers who were waiting to rush out of the venue stopped and turned around to look at Princess Senxi in surprise.

All eyes are focused on Sen Xi.

This princess of the tree tribe had a calm and beautiful face, her bright eyes were as bright as spring water, but she made the most vicious accusation:

"How is the Chief Instructor unfair to Qianlong Wuyong? He is just dissatisfied with our reserves. Don't forget, the instructors have the right to decide the lower limit of the number of candidates who will enter the promotion ceremony every year. If we do not obey the management today, from this fan

If we walk out, won't we give them the opportunity to criticize us at will and deduct quotas?"

Everyone was startled!

The reservists couldn't help but wonder secretly, while all the instructors were on pins and needles.

But Bai Wuhen showed his most "sincere" smile today and sincerely praised: "That makes sense."

Princess Senxi ignored Bai Wuhen's teasing and continued:

"You are all the elites of each family and the pillars of the future. Why should we be controlled by others here? It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in three years. We will not do anything inappropriate today. If the instructors still have any trouble for us, don't do it.

It’s my fault that we turned against each other and became ruthless.”

After saying that, she took the lead and sat down safely, with a relaxed attitude of "I will fight you till the end."

So the reservists followed suit and returned to their seats.

Canyon Lao Liu has already approached the door, carefully listening and observing the changes in energy and information around him.

Only the instructor who was still standing at the door and taking the lead in attacking, and the two people who took the initiative to induce the reserve troops to leave, looked obviously ugly.

But they have no retreat.

As if they had agreed, the three of them suddenly rushed out of the door, but were bounced back by the thick tree trunks growing densely outside the door!

When they turned around, they saw Bai Wuhen standing behind them.

At this time, the appearance of the martial arts test venue has been wrapped in layers of dense vegetation.

Including the medical center next to the venue, it is also sealed with three layers on the inside and three layers on the outside. Those outside cannot get in and those inside cannot get out.

Jiang Qian and Honghu Yufei were waiting in the ward with scattered roots.

During this period, the previous female dignitary of the tree tribe briefly synchronized the "movements" near the training camp with Jiang Qian and Jiang Qian:

There were five-state dignitaries and six-state priests fighting nearby. The scene was difficult to describe in words. Thanks to the seamless and close cooperation between the Tree Clan and the Yu Clan, it was manageable...

Jiang Qian seemed to be listening carefully, but in fact, he was constructing a scene in his mind in which the masters of various free organizations were deliberately trying to intercept and kill him, and he soon fell asleep.

When he regained consciousness again, before he opened his eyes, he heard Ye Xiaojing's voice:

"What happened to him? Who did it to hurt him like this?"

"When you wake up, you can ask him."

The latter sound comes from Ji Ming.

Jiang Qian opened his eyes and found that he was lying in a dark sleeping cabin, as if he had just experienced a long journey.

Ye Xiaojing held his hand, his eyes full of eagerness.

She was injured, and there was no color on her face... Jiang Qian rolled his eyes, and his eyes fell on the bandages wrapped around Ye Xiaojing's body one after another, and finally looked at Ji Ming.

Ji Ming seemed unscathed and looked at him coldly.

"If you have nothing to do, just get up. The commander-in-chief wants to see you."

Jiang Qian stood up holding Ye Xiaojing's hand, his thoughts gradually clearing up: "Commander in Chief?"

"The commander-in-chief of the battle of the seven tribes, my direct superior, the priest of the ancient tribe."

The legendary head of the Jinping Special Affairs Center, the ancient tribal elder who is said to be the most powerful person in the country, but rarely appears in public, and is said to have lived in seclusion in the deep forest?

Jiang Qian quickly answered:

"What do you want from me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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