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Chapter 350 Task Operations Department

There are hundreds of dignitaries participating in the training this time. The auditorium for the opening ceremony is 800 square meters. The luxurious ceiling is brightly lit. The dignitaries sit around a round table and face the podium.

Jiang Qian followed Ji Ming and sat at the main round table of the Predator family.

He recognized two familiar faces on the round table at a glance: the white tiger dignitary, who was elegant, cold and tall, and the black panther dignitary, who was dressed in black leather and wrapped his superb figure in a very tempting way. They had encountered the mutant organization in Jiang Qian.

They came to support during the chase, so they had an intersection.

There are many acquaintances, and the personnel standards are relatively high. Is it really as Ji Ming said that the training of new dignitaries is just a pretense... Jiang Qian nodded to the two of them and sat down in a low-key manner.

The six-state clergy elders do not sit with the dignitaries. Their positions are at the table closest to the rostrum.

While the opening ceremony had not yet begun, Jiang Qian silently paid attention to other dignitaries in the auditorium.

At the round table of the Yu Clan, one of the three major families, in addition to the familiar Honghu Yufei, there was also an unsmiling middle-aged dignitary sitting next to Honghu Yufei.

Jiang Qian remembered that this was the commander who collaborated with Honghu Yufei on the mission during the fountain pen incident. His identity card was most likely of the Eagle type, and his level was in the five states.

Now Jiang Qian only needs to look at the energy structure to judge the level. The clarity of the opponent's energy structure in his perspective explains the opponent's evolutionary level.

Then comes the last of the three major families, the Ancient Tribe. Among the dignitaries sitting around are Bai Wuhen and Canyon Laoliu, whose levels are respectively the peak of the four states and the early stage of the four states.

After that comes the Deep Sea Clan.

Jiang Qian saw Lan Junxian chatting in a low voice with a mellow elder in the clan. The other person was also at the peak of the five states and was about to enter a new realm.

On the round table of the Dark Night Clan was the intelligence officer Bai Xiaoxi who he had met before.

When Jiang Qian's eyes fell on her, this short-haired woman with mediocre appearance but extremely feminine charm raised her eyes just right and gave Jiang Qian a friendly and cordial greeting.

On the round table of the Tree Clan, sat the radiant Princess Senxi, and two new dignitaries of the Tree Clan with Senxi as the core.

Among the other tree clan dignitaries, in addition to the former instructor Rafflesia, there was also a female dignitary whom Jiang Qian had met in the training camp and who was responsible for protecting his safety during the battle of the seven clans.

Next to it is a huge round table belonging to the Scale Clan.

Since he has not been in the super-species world for a long time, Jiang Qian has not had many interactions with the Scale Clan who live deep in the south. Looking at it at this time, he can only feel that the family's aristocratic temperament gives people the impression that most of them are aloof and taciturn, and strangers are not allowed to enter.

The dignitaries of the Zerg tribe came the most, and one tribe occupied three round tables. It can be said that the population is prosperous.

I heard Lan Junxian say before that the Zerg tribe is the largest tribe with the widest branches and the largest number of people among the ten tribes. In the early years, it was ranked first among the three major families. However, in recent years, there have been frequent internal struggles within the family, and the reputation has dropped again and again.

, eventually fell out of the position of the three major families, and almost turned into a crisis with other families.

It was not until the contemporary patriarch was ordered to face danger for thousands of years that he used thunderous means, a stick and honey, and cut off his arm to save himself, and the Zerg tribe was able to get back on track.

Having so many people come to study at one time and supporting the work of the headquarters so enthusiastically shows that the Zerg have a very clear understanding of their position among the ten races... Jiang Qian quietly noticed and secretly speculated.

However, he suddenly found a young man in white looking at him with a look of jealousy in his eyes at a round table where the Zerg tribe's four-state dignitaries were the main ones.

Jiang Qian didn't care, and there was no change in emotion when his eyes crossed.

Sitting further back is the Bear Clan. The dignitaries of the Bear Clan seem to have inherited the body and temperament of their status cards. Most of them are broad-shouldered and round-waisted, with a rugged appearance and a strong voice when they speak.

This reminded Jiang Qian of the bear card holders he first met: the Bear Team of the Operations Department, and the popular Second Captain Bear.

It's a pity that neither of them ended well.

Finally, there is the Dog Clan. It is also located at the back, juxtaposed with the Bear Clan’s round table position.

Some of them have sharp and focused eyes, inspecting the flow of people in the auditorium, and some are enthusiastic, taking advantage of the convenience of being in the back row, chatting and greeting the dignitaries next to them, which sounds a bit noisy.

Of course, before the opening ceremony, such a highly differentiated social scene is not surprising.

Jiang Qian withdrew his gaze and looked ahead near the rostrum.

Seeing that the elders were already seated at their seats, they stopped observing and waited patiently for the ceremony to begin.

Sure enough, not long after, Elder Helian of the Predator family stood on the stage and gave a speech on this training session for the powerful.

After Elder Helian, Elder Jin from the Yu clan and Elder Sven from the Dark Night clan all came to the stage to communicate.

The legendary bloody elder never showed up.

Jiang Qian silently sorted out the main ideas of the three people's speeches and summarized them into the following aspects:

First, the attitude towards the mutants: explore whether the stability maintenance strategy between the lawful card holders and the mutant organization is in line with the current environment, and then detail the various actions of the mutant organization in recent years, and the attitude towards the lawful ones.

On the other hand, social stability has had a negative impact.

This seems to be a politically correct pavement for subsequent actions against the mutant organization.

Second, the attitude towards lawful casual cultivators: In the past, in order to ensure the quality of the team, the official license holders set the screening standards for casual cultivators to join the official team too high. In the future, reasonable adjustments will be made to solve employment problems in various places.

It seems that the license holder officially wants to recruit troops, and lawful casual cultivators are one of the main sources of troops.

The last item involves the establishment of a new official system: a task operations department directly under the headquarters will be established.

This department is directly dispatched by the licensee's headquarters, with high authority and authority. In addition to covering the work involved in the above two contents, the affairs it is responsible for will also include "peak" tasks directly assigned by the headquarters.

When Jiang Qian heard "Task Operations Department directly under the headquarters", he had already realized what the main purpose of the license holder's headquarters organized this training for powerful people.

However, Jiang Qian is not the only one who understands the implication. Many dignitaries here are eager to try this "new department" that holds great power and has a long way to go!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, the elders did not express the details of the formation of this department, but only hinted that everyone should take this training seriously.

After the opening ceremony, Jiang Qian and Ji Ming got in the car back to the hotel.

Ji Ming asked Jiang Qian for his opinion for the first time: "What do you think of the elders' speeches today?"

Jiang Qian truthfully stated his understanding.

Ji Ming nodded slowly: "Yes, I have seen some clues. The headquarters is indeed going to take action against the mutant organization. But do you know the reason?"

"Elder Helian's original words were to look at problems from a developmental perspective and keep pace with the times?" Jiang Qian did not dare to guess randomly, but quoted the elder's words, waiting for Ji Ming to reveal the answer.

Sure enough, Ji Ming sneered.

Then he said: "The domestic mutant organization colluded with other places and touched the bottom line of the headquarters."

"That's it. No wonder they mobilized troops and mobilized people like this."

"Originally, this project was not so urgent. The battle between the seven tribes intensified the conflict."

Ji Ming looked at Jiang Qian meaningfully:

"If the officials had not confronted the joint attackers head-on on the training island and had not directly captured evidence of the presence of those organizations, the matter might have eased. But now, they have no choice but to reap the consequences."

Jiang Qian was slightly startled: It was actually because of him.

"Don't be stressed."

Ji Ming put his palm on Jiang Qian's shoulder and said something that sent chills down Jiang Qian's back: "Just be yourself, the quota for the new department has already been decided."

"Minister..." Jiang Qian was a little embarrassed.

"I have a date tonight, let's talk about it tomorrow."

In this way, Jiang Qian and Ji Ming separated in the hotel. Seeing Ji Ming rushing to the appointment, Jiang Qian was a little confused.

From what Ji Ming said, it seems that he has been appointed by the "new department"...

Jiang Qian immediately thought of Ye Xiaojing, who had just become deputy director of Jinping Operations Department.

The plan to eat soft rice but hard food was completely ruined.

No way!

While hesitating, Jiang Qian heard someone calling his name.

"Don't use Hidden Dragon? Ha, nice to meet you."

The voice did not come from an acquaintance.

Jiang Qian turned around and saw a muscular man wearing a baseball cap, a gray hoodie and matching sweatpants getting out of a luxury car and walking towards him with vigorous steps.

This man had a dark face, rough features, thick lips, and eyebrows flying into his temples. He stared at Jiang Qian with piercing eyes, and there was a hint of sarcasm hidden in his smile.

"Who are you?" Jiang Qian remained calm.

"Dog Clan, God of Wasteland Killing!" The man stopped in front of Jiang Qian and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to shake hands in a friendly way.

However, Jiang Qian's "Emperor's Discernment" skill clearly sensed malice from the other party.

They were also powerful people, but the other party was at the peak of the four states, but he was dissatisfied with himself as a new powerful person. Jiang Qian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the other party calmly.

The hand of the wasteland killing god stopped in mid-air, and no one responded. His expression suddenly flashed with embarrassment, and then showed anger: "What do you mean, don't give me face?"

He did not take back his extended right hand, but instead stared at Jiang Qian, as if he was competing.

Forget it, this is the capital, so it’s better to keep a low profile... Jiang Qian smiled, took a step forward, and took the right hand offered by the other party: "Nice to meet you!"

However, before he finished speaking, he felt his palm tighten, and the other party deliberately exerted force, as if he wanted to crush his bones.

Fortunately, Jiang Qian had no sense of pain, and at this time he only felt numb from being squeezed.

The two of them were in a stalemate.

"Senior Wasteland, do you plan to hold my hand like this forever?" After a long while, Jiang Qian asked the other party calmly.

The Wasteland Killing God was startled for a moment, then frowned, looked at the clenched hands in front of him, and suddenly lost his judgment on Jiang Qian's immediate reaction.

Then, he let go of his hand in confusion, subconsciously took a step back, and looked at Jiang Qian warily.

Jiang Qian calmly took his hand back: "You have something to do with me?"

"No, just...saying hello." Seeing Jiang Qian's easygoing attitude, the Wasteland Killing God was somewhat distracted.

Without waiting for Jiang Qian to speak again, he immediately said goodbye: "Well, I'll leave first, see you later..."

He turned around angrily and strode towards the stairs!

"Oh, okay, see you later."

Jiang Qian's reply came from behind.

The God of Wasteland Killing frowned even more. He quickened his pace and stopped as soon as he was out of Jiang Qian's sight. He raised his palms and asked himself:

"That's not right...that's not right...I almost crushed his hand off, how come this guy still acts like nothing is wrong?"

The weirdest thing is: Not only was everything fine, but I also answered him fluently!

Thinking of Jiang Qian's joyful expression, the Wasteland Killing God suddenly felt a little horrified.

This chapter has been completed!
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