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Chapter 363 'The Game of the Ancestral Gods' Pause Button

It is sinking to the west day by day.

Jiang Qian is still walking through the deep mountains, traveling and exploring at the same pace according to the set goals.

Although many questions about his father's identity and the motivation for mapping had arisen in his mind, during the exploration process that was about to begin, Jiang Qian became more and more aware of Jiang Xuesong's professional ethics as an excellent geologist.

Compared with the actual terrain conditions, the geological map in my memory is meticulous and insightful. It not only outlines and records the established facts, but also highlights the unique features of the topography.

Jiang Qian used this to avoid many terrain and environmental disadvantages.

He doesn't care about the progress or position of other princes who have entered the "game". He only focuses on the present and maintains his own rhythm.

In the evening, Jiang Qian approached another strange village.

While walking through the woods near the town, he discovered a small wooden house in the woods that seemed to have traces of human habitation.

Since the owner of the wooden house was not nearby at the time, Jiang Qian just stood on the outside of the house and observed it. Then he turned on his spiritual vision and scanned the furnishings in the house. He only inferred from the stacking habits of indoor utensils and the size of clothing that the people living in this house

It's about a female.

It was getting late at this time, so Jiang Qian did not stay long and continued to rush to the town.

Like an ordinary poor traveler, he took the opportunity to ask the villagers about the location of the hotel or B&B where he was staying, and gained some information along the way.

Most of the people in this town wear costumes with ethnic minority characteristics. The folk customs are simple and simple, and they are not too wary of foreigners.

Jiang Qian casually inquired about the surrounding environment from the villagers, and most of the villagers told the truth.

Except one thing.

When Jiang Qianzhuang accidentally mentioned the cabin in the woods found near the town, the hospitable townspeople suddenly showed strange expressions and hesitated for a long time without giving any explanation.

When I asked other people, they all had the same avoidant attitude.

This aroused Jiang Qian's vigilance.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, not to mention this is an area so close to the "Sacred Mountain".

Jiang Qian had an idea: "Uncle, I still need someone to help carry some luggage. Can you come with me?"

"I have luggage, is it much?" The uncle who ran the inn hesitated.

"Not much, just some collection of ornaments, but your trip will not be in vain."

"Okay then!" As soon as he heard that he would be paid for his hard work, the uncle relaxed and followed Jiang Qian out of the town with a cheerful face.

When he reached a visible place, Jiang Qian stretched out his fangs and lightly slashed the uncle's back, easily depriving him of his consciousness.

The strange pollution source has the effect of occupying the will, and ordinary people have almost no possibility of struggling.

The enthusiastic town citizen finally told everything Jiang Qian wanted to know. What Jiang Qian also learned was the stereotypes and superstitious ideas about women and children in the area.

After the uncle finished telling him what he knew, Jiang Qian let him sleep peacefully.

When recovering the strange pollution source, we also removed the harmful toxins that had accumulated in the uncle's body for many years.

After doing this, it was already getting late.

Jiang Qian took advantage of the moonlight and returned to the woods outside the town, approaching the wooden house that everyone avoided.

This time he was not disappointed. The owner of the cabin was at home. Not only that, there were other guests as well.

They were five outsiders in mountaineering attire, facing where Jiang Qian was hiding, chatting with the owner of the wooden house, their attitude was very humble and polite.

The owner of the wooden house, a young girl, was answering the hikers' questions with her back to Jiang Qian.

Jiang Qian's eyes focused on the girl's back.

The girl was dressed in exotic clothes, with her long hair tied up elegantly and delicately. When viewed from behind, both her figure and temperament were undeniable.

The most important thing is that this figure matches someone in Jiang Qian's memory.

No, it's her... Jiang Qian recalled the cases related to the Peacock Spider case that he had talked with Lan Junxian. What he saw at this time was consistent with the composition of the "cursed girl" case at that time: a girl living alone outside the village, and

Five foreign climbers.

Coupled with the reason why the girl was driven out of the village that she just learned from the townspeople, the connection between the two is even more self-evident.

This is a fact that has happened before, why is it happening again here? Is all this really my delusion... Jiang Qian's eyes focused on the girl in the wooden house, keeping an eye on the situation.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the five climbers to make a request. The girl was a little resistant and hesitant at first, but the two sides started "communication."

Jiang Qian wrapped himself in an invisibility cloak and got closer before he understood the "points of difference" between the two sides:

The five climbers were anxious to explore the mountain, but the girl thought it was not safe to enter the mountain at this time and suggested that they stay in a small town for the night and then go into the mountain during the day, otherwise she would be helpless.

This was originally an impossible deal.

It wasn't until the climber took out a large amount of money as a gift that the girl who originally resisted to lead the way was shaken.

"Little girl, we sincerely want to ask for your help. This is the guide's deposit. You are so beautiful. You can use this money to buy more beautiful clothes and jewelry for yourself as a dowry in the future! You can't be alone here.

Are you going to hide here for the rest of your life?"

"Or use the money to honor your parents. They have paid so much for your reputation, but you rarely have the opportunity to repay them..."

"Take it! We are all professional climbers and very experienced. You just need to lead us to the foot of the mountain. There will be no problems!"

Each of the five hikers said something to you, and I encouraged and urged them, gradually confusing the girl's mind.

It seems that I'm not the only one here who has snooped out other people's secrets. These five guys look like human beings, and their actual words are heartbreaking... Jiang Qian observed secretly, and finally saw clearly the girl's natural and agile appearance.


It was indeed an unforgettable surprise!

It’s no wonder that it attracts deliberate deception from those with evil intentions.

But after all, she is a girl who lives alone who is not familiar with the world. When faced with other people's invitations, she not only has no defense, but is also worried about the other person's safety.

She finally agreed to lead the other party into the mountain, but refused the cash offered by the other party and insisted on waiting for several people to return safely from the mountain before charging the guide fee.

During this process, one of the five climbers retreated, perhaps out of conscience, but was glared back by his companions.

This kind of thing, once you get on board, there is no reason to leave midway.

What happened next was as bad and despicable as described in the "Curse Girl" case file.

The hikers showed their ferocity on a secluded trail somewhere, took down the girl's defenses, tore off her clothes, and took advantage of the darkness to start acting like crazy animals!

This process lasted for a long time, and the girl's cries were drowned in the mountains, and no one would come to save her.

However, the situation exceeded the expectations of the five climbers, and the girl did not move.

Several people began to panic, but their first reaction was not to rescue but to throw the body into the wilderness - the girl was pushed down the mountain road and rolled down the steep slope.

The five perpetrators hadn't even finished pulling up their pants. Seeing the raped girl falling out of sight, they began to hurriedly arrange their clothes and prepare to flee the scene.

"Hurry up, go away! Damn, today is really unlucky!"

"Didn't you say that no one cares about this girl? Even if she goes missing, no one will care. Look at how scared you are..."

"Be careful with your ten thousand year ship, no one is allowed to tell anyone about this, do you hear me?!"

Several people were preparing to evacuate along the same route when they suddenly noticed a figure standing at the intersection, watching them motionless.

"Yes, there is someone!"


"There... right there!"

"Damn it, who are you! Who are you trying to scare?!"

The mountain road at night was very dark, and these hikers who had just done something evil were still frightened and emboldened themselves with curses, fearing that they would be targeted by evil ghosts and dead souls.

But it turned out that they really shouldn't have yelled at Jiang Qian, especially when facing someone they didn't understand at all about his danger.

The pen shook out from his sleeve and passed through the throat of the arrogant hiker. During the recovery process, his body was brought to Jiang Qian's feet. He died before he could leave a last message.

Several other people were so frightened that they didn't dare to act rashly.

This made it easier for Jiang Qian to tie the four living people together with the dead person who was killed instantly, and kick them down the steep slope.

Several of the perpetrators fell to the bottom of the valley, and the surviving ones almost died, but there was still a glimmer of life left, and they screamed for help.

Of course, no one will come to save them.

Jiang Qian could only sneer at the temptations offered by these villains.

After doing this, Jiang Qian stayed away from the incident again, waiting on the periphery to verify his conjecture.

The girl who was pushed down the mountain lay disheveled on the other side of the climbers, as quiet as a withered flower.

The night is very long.

The hikers who were tied together screamed one after another, their voices getting hoarse and faint...

Jiang Qian remained unmoved and just watched the changes.

Finally, someone answered their call for help.

Next to the half-dead climbers, the girl who had been silent suddenly straightened up her delicate body and stared at the scene in front of her in shock, especially the five men who were tied together. Their expressions became more horrifying and painful.


No one knew what she remembered, but it was definitely not what she wanted to recall...

The girl covered her face with her hands covered with mud and screamed to release her inner fear and anger. This outburst stunned the gasping hikers on the side.

Jiang Qian concentrated his attention, focusing on the changes in the girl after she woke up.

But all he saw was the girl's eyes full of fear and regret!

As the emotions surged, the fear in the girl's eyes gradually subsided, and the other part, the regretful part, grew crazily, gathered in her eyes, and gradually formed another "divine consciousness".

Completely different from the previous gentle girl who was eager to help outsiders, the current girl is wrapped in a burning rage and indescribable evil spirit!

Ignoring the scars all over her body, she stood up unsteadily from the ground and walked towards the five hikers who had brought her here...

"Help, help!"

The climbers screamed and struggled, apparently realizing that the situation was out of control.

But it's too late.

The girl's eyes lit up with a fierce purple light in the night. The moment the purple light fell on the struggling climbers, their bodies seemed to be locked, becoming stiff and unable to move!

For a time, fear enveloped the perpetrators, and the vision before them made them dare not have any illusions.

"Little girl, Miss Xia Mu... calm down! We are guilty and we can pay compensation! Can you ask us to surrender and let the law punish us?"

"We really don't dare anymore, please help us!!"

These pleading words did not comfort at all, but made the girl who was already out of control even more angry and furious!

She came to a few people with burning eyes, looked down at the hikers who were insulting her just now, and slowly crossed her hands on her chest.

When her "hands" unfolded again, the two arms had transformed into six!

Her strong hands had also formed into sharp claws, and she swung them with all her strength towards the lingering instigator...

Two-state xenobiotic... Jiang Qian watched this scene quietly and connected the current scene with the memory of the peacock spider showing its skills: If what he saw is true, then the "cursed girl" who was bullied many years ago is at least two-state.

·Alien license holder.

It can be explained that the few climbers who narrowly escaped legal punishment did not end well later.

Yes, now Jiang Qian has been able to confirm the girl's identity.

Whether it's the one who just died in the bullying, or the one who's taking revenge now.

Ayishamu, Ayiguli, cursed girl...

Although it is unbelievable, all the details point to the established fact that it has happened.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The night wind blows.

The thick smell of blood came towards him, and Jiang Qian calmly watched the end of the bloody feast.

The girl was covered in blood and stood up slowly from the bones, like a Shura in the dark night.

It is also like the blooming flowers of the other shore, which is daunting...

After a while, the girl turned her face and looked at Jiang Qian's hiding place.

The anger in her eyes was not gone, and she rushed towards Jiang Qian almost without thinking!

Jiang Qian was well prepared at this time, and the sharp whip turned from the pen struck out, inevitably changing the direction of the "cursed girl" and effectively widening the distance between the two parties.

But she doesn't seem ready to give up.

When she pounced on her again, the only remaining dress on her body was completely torn apart, and except for her head, her body had completely taken on the shape of a spider.

"Three-state · fusion..."

The situation has further escalated, but for Jiang Qian, who has reached the four states and complete body, this is not yet a threat.

After spreading his wings and avoiding the incoming spider web, Jiang Qian hit the peacock spider with the speed and movement of a snake shadow!

At the moment of contact, Jiang Qian's fangs broke through the body surface one after another, stabbing the "cursed girl"'s vitals from different angles, forcing her to fall to the ground.

Her six spider hands were stuck in the gaps between the fangs, her legs were pressed by Jiang Qian, and she fell to the ground, grinning and glaring at Jiang Qian.

"Fortunately, you are not in the Four Forms and Perfect Body yet, otherwise you would have to spend more effort."

Jiang Qian said, approaching the "cursed girl"...

This action seemed to remind her of bad memories, and she suddenly started struggling wildly regardless of her injuries!

Her teeth were gritting loudly, and she obviously regarded Jiang Qian as her murderous enemy.

When she raised her bloody hand to grab Jiang Qian's face, a fang was nailed into the girl's shoulder!

Her "hands" hung down feebly, but her eyes were telling her enemy: if given the chance, she would eat his flesh and drink his blood like a demon or beast, making him unable to live or die!

Jiang Qian looked at him calmly: "Is this the reason why you are angry at all men?"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Qian lost control of his body...

To be precise, he was unable to control his body to react at the moment!

Is it these eyes that are shining with purple light? Impossible, my evolutionary level is higher than hers, how could I be restrained by her so simply and completely... The incident happened suddenly, and thoughts flashed in Jiang Qian's mind.

Until two "options" appeared in front of him, standing between him and the captured "cursed girl"——

“Domestication” and “erasure”.


I would like to apologize to everyone. Due to some reasons that have affected the updates in the past few days, I will not go into details. I will adjust my mentality in the future and try to maintain daily updates.

This chapter has been completed!
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