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Chapter 365 'The Game of the Ancestral Gods' The Disappeared Tomb

"Ancestral God?"

Jiang Qian tilted his head pretending to be confused, but did not stop: "I've never heard you mention it before."

"If Brother Jiang hadn't rushed to defect to the authorities, I would still have had the opportunity to give you a warning."

Ayiguli sighed regretfully and looked into the distance with a pair of affectionate eyes:

"But even if you knew it, it wouldn't be of much help to the competition for the crown prince. 'Ancestral God' is another name for the sacred mountain, just like 'sacrifice' is another name for 'Crown Prince'. The people of the sacred mountain are afraid of the unknown power of the sacred mountain, so they call it this

God; the people of the Holy Mountain hope to inherit its power, and send the prince to the Holy Mountain to obtain gifts through competition."

People choose to worship the powerful unknown force because they cannot defeat it. If they cannot defeat it, they become one. This is the most common way of thinking in China.

Jiang Qian stopped, and Ayiguli also followed Jiang Qian's steps.

An opportunity for correction took shape in Jiang Qian's mind:

"Why is 'sacrifice' another name for 'Crown Prince'?"

Ayiguli was startled when she heard this. She didn't expect Jiang Qian's attention to be so sharp. This was the question she was least willing to answer as a sacred mountain saint.

Unfortunately, she was already Jiang Qian's teammate at this time, so she naturally had no reason to refuse this question.

So he avoided the important matter and said lightly: "Isn't this easy to understand? Because most princes will lose their lives in the competition. The princes who lose their lives are no longer princes. They are just pitiful victims, so there is a saying of sacrifice."

Jiang Qian nodded calmly and continued walking forward.

At the same time, he said: "You said that the ancestor god is another name for the sacred mountain. The people of the sacred mountain are afraid of the unknown power of the sacred mountain, so they call it a god. There is a logical problem here."

"What's the problem?" Ayiguli secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time had to cheer up.

"It sounds like the 'ancestral god' refers to the unknown power that exists in the sacred mountain, not the sacred mountain itself, right?"


Ayiguli's expression gradually became solemn:

"The sacred mountain itself is the manifestation of the unknown power... I know it is difficult to understand, and it is difficult for me to describe it! But the 'ancestral god' is such an existence, it controls all laws, time, space, elements, phase

, cause and effect... As long as it wants, no one can escape its curse, and as long as it wants, everyone's past can be exposed by it!"

Speaking of this, Ayiguli suddenly changed the subject:

"But did you know? My brother Jiang, the sacred mountain, does not exist in this world!"

Jiang Qian's expression changed slightly when he heard this, but then recovered: "I understand."

"Understood?" Ayiguli was puzzled this time.

"I understand why the official license holder has been unable to find the specific location of the sacred mountain."

Jiang Qian sighed softly and answered as if he was just an outside observer:

"Because it never existed at all, there is no way to trace it, and even if it is traced, there will be no results. The sacred mountain does not exist in the real world. Only a few people control the interface between the sacred mountain and the real world, and of course these people are not as consistent as a mountain.

You can move and hide as needed, so you can repeatedly avoid official tracing."

"Theoretically, as long as your evasive actions are timely, even if someone else travels the entire west, they won't gain anything. Am I right?"

Ayiguli remained silent, but her expression betrayed her thoughts.

"It is precisely because the location of the Holy Mountain is not fixed, so you must return to the Holy Mountain through the old woman and sand gold. But this is what I can't understand."

Jiang Qian turned to look at Ayiguli, and Ayiguli also looked at Jiang Qian. The two looked at each other, each with their own thoughts.

"You...what else don't you understand?"

Ayiguli regretted asking this question!

She didn't want to know Jiang Qian's questions at all, because even if she knew, she wouldn't be able to answer them. Not only would she be unable to answer them, but it would also destroy the interest alliance they have formed at this stage.

The two were silent for a while, then Jiang Qian smiled:

"Let's go. Rather than all this, it's better to help me find the second piece of chess. After winning this competition, we will have plenty of time to talk about other things."

The sensitive topic was sidetracked in this way.

There are some issues that cannot be judged until the other party talks about them.

The focus has returned to the current core contradiction: how to win the current battle for the crown prince.

Until then, Ayiguli finally asked: "Since we need to get the second chess piece quickly, won't Brother Jiang release the Beast King to help track it down?"

Beast King? Uh... Jiang Qian said calmly: "I have my own plan for this, just follow me."

Ayiguli kept up the pace with some confusion.

It is rare that the two of them are grasshoppers on the same boat. During the break, Jiang Qian had the opportunity to sort out the current clues:

First of all, the realm here is different from the rules of reality. Perhaps after jumping out of the window, this is the territory of the "ancestral god".

The Ancestral God means "unknown power", and it is also the power inherited by the Lord of the Holy Mountain who finally won. No matter how specific it is, even Aiguli, the saint of the Holy Mountain, cannot describe it accurately.

Next, the first village and town that I traveled to after entering this realm received hints about the rules of this place from the "chess game", and verified the hints in the following experiences, and captured the "auxiliary chess piece" of Peacock Spider Ayiguli.


According to current observations, according to normal procedures, Jiang Qian's progress should be led by the "Beast King", but he could easily find the path just by relying on the map left by his father...

Is it a coincidence?

Jiang Qian doesn't think so.

So he wanted to verify the validity of the map again.

Of course, even if he doesn't do this, there is no other better choice. By avoiding the high risk of taking spoon poison, he is also giving up the convenience of the Beast King to lead the process.

However, it is unclear whether the guidance of the Beast King is a "convenience" or a "disaster". In the puzzle related to the sacred mountain, Jiang Qian is suspicious of anyone's "warning".

Including Ayiguli and Da Jiaojiao, who is in official prison.

This is not because they are so crazy that they are unwilling to cooperate even if they die together, but because there is insufficient evidence, Jiang Qian cannot guarantee that what they both believe in must be true and exist.

"Brother Jiang, do we want to hike up the mountain?"

After a while, Ayiguli became suspicious of Jiang Qian's "own plan":

"At this rate, we will lag far behind the other three princes."

Jiang Qian opened the shade of the tree in front of him and made a "stop" gesture: "Stop, there is someone in front."

A few miles in front of the two of them was a large field.

Above the fields are hills.

On the hill, two thin shadows vaguely appeared.

Jiang Qian took a closer look and saw that there were two tombs, one tall and one short...

"What's wrong?" Ayiguli whispered.

Jiang Qian paid close attention, and the two tombs disappeared again...

He subconsciously pointed to the hill and asked Ayiguli: "Did you see it?"

"what did you see?"



Ayiguli was startled, followed Jiang Qian's wishes, and shook her head in confusion: "No, it's just a hill..."

Speaking of this, Ayiguli's charming and smart eyes gradually opened wide and looked at Jiang Qian.

The two people quickly confirmed their eyes: This is it!

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. If nothing else happens, the second "secondary chess piece" will be hidden here.

"Do you recognize all the holy envoys and saints?" Jiang Qian asked.

"Yes, I will try my best to help you determine the identity of the other party, and you can decide whether to choose it or not."

"Then it will be hard work."

After establishing the goal, the two people immediately started taking action.

Continue to go deeper along the fields, looking for traces of human survival and habitation.

A short lone figure once again ran into Jiang Qian's sight!

This time Aiguli also noticed it, so she aimed at the target and threw the spider silk, but when she pulled it back, she found nothing.

"Is it an illusion created by the 'Ancestral God'?" Ayiguli was a little annoyed.

In contrast, Jiang Qian was much calmer: "Relax, since you know it may be just an illusion, why should you be confused by the illusion?"

Ayiguli suppressed her anger, stroked her cheek, and sighed softly: "That's right, Brother Jiang has the determination~"

The two of them continued to search forward.

I stayed alert like this for several hours, and never saw a human figure or any trace of human habitation.

"Are we being fooled?" Ayiguli couldn't help but mutter.

Jiang Qian smiled nonchalantly: "The ancestor god dragged us here to fight to the death. In the final analysis, isn't it just to fool us?"

Ayiguli was stunned, unable to refute this point of view.

"Since this is a fact, why should you be angry? Don't forget who our opponent is." Jiang Qian reminded calmly.

The two continued to move forward.

After a while, Jiang Qian heard Ayiguli sigh: "You really don't look like a human being."

This is Ayiguli's most intuitive feeling, regardless of other conditions.

The young man in front of him has clear goals, is calm in dealing with problems, and acts decisively. It seems that nothing external can interfere with his emotions or affect his judgment.

Jiang Qian turned his face and said with a smile: "I just thought you were complimenting me."

Ayiguli fell into silence.

Once upon a time, the other party was still a "puppet" that she could manipulate at will while talking and laughing. Now, she has to rely on the other party's ability to gain a chance of survival in this predicament... Think about it, the situation is really changing!

But Jiang Qian was able to coexist harmoniously with her without any suspicion at all, and it was awe-inspiring to think about it deeply.

"There is a situation."

Jiang Qian's whisper brought Ayiguli out of her reverie.

She subconsciously looked in the direction Jiang Qian was looking at: "...Village?"

Parting through the bushes, not far away, halfway up the mountain, there are large and small thatched houses with poles and bars. The structure is simple, with two floors: the upper floor is a house structure for human habitation, and the lower floor is for livestock.

Judging from the various household furnishings scattered around the thatched houses, the people here have not yet realized modernization, and the energy they use is still fire rather than electricity.

Of course, these are not enough to constitute Jiang Qian's so-called "situation".

Looking far into the distance from Ayiguli, there are many people surrounding the open space blocked by the front row of thatched houses, and they seem to be participating in some kind of ceremony or activity.

"Let's go and take a look," Jiang Qian patted Ayiguli on the shoulder, "Don't miss any detail."

As a result, the two of them "showed off their special powers", walked past the houses in the village, and quietly lurked near the crowd.

Even in the causal mirror of the ancestor god, the card holder's awareness and insight are far beyond the reach of ordinary humans. Therefore, the two quickly witnessed what happened at the scene.

This is a succession ceremony.

The son of the former leader of the village inherited the power of his father who died of illness and became the new owner of the village.

The surrounding villagers followed the priest's instructions and performed various movements of worship and loyalty. They all had pious expressions and murmured words. The whole ceremony conveyed a solemn aura.

The ceremony went smoothly until the whole process was over.

The new leader of the village is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He is tall and strong, with dark skin. He walks majestically, which is synonymous with "strength".

His slightly older wife is solemn and dignified, standing beside her with her two sons. The eyes of mother and son reflect their admiration and pride for their father.

So far, there are no signs of anything big happening in this pristine village.

Behind a certain big tree, a tiny peacock spider crawled out from Jiang Qian's collar, and Ayiguli's question came from Jiang Qian's ear: "They seem to be over, what should we do?"

"Are there any familiar faces here?" Jiang Qian asked.

"I haven't found it yet."

"You stay on guard while I keep an eye on the new leader. I'll let you know if anything happens."


After explaining to Ayiguli, Jiang Qian put on his invisibility armor again and followed the new leader towards his residence.

If this situation is reflected in the causal mirror, then some disaster must be brewing.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Jiang Qian quietly approached the leader's double-story thatched house and hid outside the second floor window, preparing to gather information.

At this time, the new leader had returned home with the priest and two important "cadres" and closed the door, as if he wanted to study something important. His wife silently went to the kitchen to cook, while the children stayed outside the thatched hut.


Jiang Qian stood outside the window and listened intently.

After a while, a strange chanting came from the room. This voice belonged to the priest who was presiding over the succession ceremony today.

After a while, the singing stopped, and a deep sigh came from the room.

Then, an older cadre said: "This matter is a sign of great danger, and the leader needs to consider it carefully."

As soon as he finished speaking, another young cadre put forward the opposite view: "It all depends on man-made things! If we can't even protect our women, then what else can we protect?"

"This is not a question of protection or not, but Yuan Xi herself... Alas!" The older cadre sighed again, with unspeakable pain in his tone!

"Why not? If it weren't for the old leader's obedience, how could that guy easily abduct the young lady? If something goes wrong, blame it on a weak woman. That's the sign of a coward!"

"You know that's not what I meant..."

The older cadre was about to argue, but was stopped by the leader: "Okay! Stop arguing. I have made up my mind on this matter."


There was silence in the room for a while, and then the man's rich voice came: "This matter should come to an end, but now is not the time."

"Are you planning to...?"

"As long as that person is not eliminated, it will be difficult for us to succeed..."

The three of them began to plot.

Jiang Qian, who was listening outside the window, was confused. He secretly turned on his spiritual vision and observed what was going on in the house.

It was then that I unexpectedly discovered that the two children who had been ignored had returned to the house at some point. Their behavior was exactly the same as Jiang Qian's. They were pressing their young bodies against the door and eavesdropping on the adults' conversation.


But the children were careless after all, and the adults in the house soon discovered their actions.

However, the leader's eldest son reacted quickly and escaped quickly. Only the slow-moving younger son was caught by the leader, stretched out his arms and "beat him violently". His crying and making noise immediately alerted the mistress in the kitchen!

The wife of the new chieftain was very protective of her son. No matter the reason, she would kneel down to her husband upon entering the house to ask for forgiveness for her youngest son's faults.

By this time, the eldest son had already run away...

Jiang Qian took advantage of the chaos and ordered to his collar: "There is a boy who ran out towards the south of the village. He is about twelve or thirteen years old. He is the eldest son of the new leader. Please help me keep an eye on him."

"Okay~" Ayiguli's voice immediately echoed in her ears.

His "secondary chess" was very cooperative, but Jiang Qian was not in a hurry to be happy, but continued to warn: "Logically, you have your own way of doing things, so I only have one request."


This chapter has been completed!
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