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Chapter 390 The shocking truth of 'The Game of the Ancestral Gods'

"What does it mean now?"

Jiang Qian and Our Lady of the White Snake locked eyes. The distance was so close, but they were tightly blocked by stacked vertical bars.

At this time, it was not only Jiang Qian who was surprised, but also Ayiguli, Sha Jin and Elegy who had witnessed the whole process of the prince's struggle under the altar.

Before anyone could continue to speak, Holy Mother White Snake gave the answer straightforwardly:

"Of course it is, the power of sealing the ancestral gods."

"The Ancestor God of the Holy Mountain is dead." Jiang Qian reminded.

He also held in his hand the fancy-looking forbidden water gun used to kill the ancestor gods.

However, the expression of Our Lady of the White Snake was determined and peaceful. Her gaze slowly passed over the huge inactivated heart behind Jiang Qian, and she gave the key evidence:

"If the Ancestral God has fallen, then the power that the Ancestral God has left in this world will also collapse due to the loss of its source. Those of us who died and traveled back and forth because of the power of the Ancestral God will eventually turn into nothing."

As she spoke, she turned sideways and looked at the three people under the altar:

"Elegy, Ayiguli, Shajin...including me, none of them will stand here alive."

Hearing this, both Elegy and Sha Jin under the altar couldn't help showing expressions of surprise, and were stunned on the spot! But Ayiguli's eyebrows were lowered, and her expression hinted at sadness.

On the altar, Jiang Qian was silent within the blockade.

At this moment, the mural scene he had read not long ago appeared in his mind: dying people were summoned, gained strength, and gathered in the sacred mountain...

Is he "dying"? Or has he died?

He recalled the explosive moment in the encounter with Ayiguli, the scene in which Sha Jin "resurrected from the dead" with a broken head and bleeding.

Except for Dirge's experience of being massacred, which he only heard described and never witnessed with his own eyes, based on the circumstances of the first two, it is quite possible that they were lonely souls who were forcibly brought back from the gate of hell.

As for why the elegy "lies", it is most likely due to amnesia caused by major trauma, which is no longer important.

Therefore, the correct interpretation of the first group of murals is: the dead borrowed the power of the ancestral gods to regain their vitality and gathered in the sacred mountain... As his thoughts became clear, Jiang Qian sighed softly.

While marveling at the power of the ancestor god to touch life and death in the world, he looked at the Holy Mother of the White Snake again:

"The ancestor god is still alive, is there any necessary connection with you sealing me?"

The phoenix eyes of the Holy Mother White Snake turned around, and there was an unnoticeable surprise in the gaze she cast on Jiang Qian.

When life and death are at stake, there are very few people who can maintain a stable mood and demeanor like this, quickly identify conflicts with extreme calmness, and focus on the key points.

However, facts force us.

The Holy Mother of White Snake raised her green-white jade wrist and pointed at Jiang Qian's feet.

I saw that the dark red blood vessels just connected to the huge heart were slowly and secretly squirming towards Jiang Qian! Like larvae returning to their mother's body.

The truth is coming out.

"The power of the Ancestral God is to 'resurrect from the dead and live in the soul'. You have been infected, don't use Qianlong."

The expression of Holy Mother White Snake turned to one of regret, but in the regret she also revealed some hope, and she said in a persuasive manner:

"As far as I know, except for the two ancestors who fell in the war between gods, no one can control the will of the ancestor gods. For now, the only way is to seal you here in such a forcible way."

"Although this may be unfair to you, I have no better choice. Once the power of the ancestor gods is allowed to run rampant in this world, the world order we exist will be shaken, and that will be a consequence that neither you nor I can bear...


As the words fell, the blood roots touching Jiang Qian's ankle suddenly became poisonous and festered, and quickly spread to the source!

The Holy Mother White Snake retreated a few inches without realizing it, and stared at Jiang Qian with a firm tone:

"This dome palace is designed to seal extraterrestrial powers. As long as I personally restart the seal, no matter how capable you are, you will never be able to step out of the altar!"

Jiang Qian on the altar lowered his head sadly.

The three Ayiguli people in the audience held their breaths. At this moment, Jiang Qian's aura was radiating, which made people shudder.

When he opened his eyes again, Jiang Qian had appeared on the corridor of consciousness space.

At this critical moment, we move forward resolutely...

Some of the conclusions originally predicted have been overturned.

The Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain does not seem to need to control the power of Chujun Rongpai. On the contrary, she fears the power of the ancestors.

No matter what the truth of the battle for the crown prince is, the attitude of Our Lady of the White Snake is already clear: seal the power of the ancestral god at all costs! Including myself who is suspected of being infected by this power.

However, how does the power and consciousness of the ancestral gods penetrate?

Jiang Qian had just activated his spiritual vision and compatibility power to the extreme and conducted an internal inspection, but he did not find any abnormalities in his energy structure.

Was Our Lady’s judgment wrong?

In fact, he has not been infected. Those bloodline roots that are stalking him are just a means to attack the east and attack the west?

At this moment, the Ancestor God's dying curse flashed through Jiang Qian's mind:

"I am an exile who does not belong here. Death is my release...but you, boy, you will never be free!"

——You will never be free...

These words, mixed with the arrogant laughter that belonged only to the ancestor god, made Jiang Qian suddenly stop in his tracks.

Many paradoxical images swirl in my mind:

The ancestral god who transformed into black energy and pounced on Jiang Qian several times, the difficult struggle with his own strange energy source, the groups of murals with hidden metaphors, the strange boy who was killed, and the blockbuster after the card fusion was completed...

Every scene is full of doubts, sometimes confusing, sometimes clearing the sky!

Jiang Qian's brain seemed to have exceeded its self-protection mechanism and automatically entered a state of overload and high-speed operation.

The spring of thoughts allowed him to grab a little light in the darkest moment.

At this time, Jiang Qian was already standing between the two giant cages of the Twin Beast Kings. On the left cage was the four-card fusion version of the Tang Snake, and on the right side lived the always low-key red-scaled dragon.

Although the two do not coexist harmoniously, they cannot cause any trouble.

Seeing the arrival of the body master Jiang Qian, both parties naturally paid attention to him, which was regarded as a bit of a compliment.

"He said he was forced to do it, and then he was killed by me inexplicably...like an abandoned chess piece. He still considered himself the 'Mother's Heart' until his death."

Jiang Qian stood there, staring at the darkness at the end of the corridor, smiling and sighing:

"I don't know whether I should call him stupid or praise you for your good acting skills?"

As he spoke, Jiang Qian turned sideways and faced to the left - the fused Snake Beast King of the four cards was lying in it, sizing up its owner with bright eyes.

Saliva dripped from its overly strong snout, showing the most innocent intentions.

But in Jiang Qian's opinion, these are just more exquisite performances.

The two sides faced each other in silence.

"Well, since you have no intention of confessing, I'll stop there."

An almost cold smile appeared on Jiang Qian's face:

"Remember you said that I can never be freed? Thank you for reminding me...I guarantee that you will never be freed from this cage again."

After saying that, he turned around and left!

All the clues were combined in the most reasonable way, forming Jiang Qian's current inference: it was not him who was infected, but his beast king - Tang Snake!

If so, when did it start?

Jiang Qian had reason to believe that from the moment Wei Tong showed abnormal behavior, the crisis of being infected by the Ancestral God was approaching.

Obviously, Guitong is the most confident prince in this prince battle. He has expressed more than once the preferential treatment he received from the Holy Mother as a prince.

During the battle, the two sides were unable to attack for a long time, and most of them relied on the props characteristic of the Virgin:

There are more than one set of ice coffins capable of trapping the peak beast king of the five states, poison-avoiding pearls that can easily defuse strange living bodies, and dragon scale armor with incredible defensive power...

The weird boy was like the predetermined winner. He was the only one in the audience who was leisurely and leisurely, just like the prince who was about to inherit the throne going through the motions.

As a result, at the critical moment, the supporter he believed in did not give him any support.

This "supporter", apart from the ancestral god who has the ability to use the body of the Virgin to bewitch everyone, Jiang Qian really can't think of anyone else.

Bewitchment, betrayal, adventure.

This is Jiang Qian's deepest impression of the ancestor god so far.

You can imagine what happens next. When the card fusion is completely completed and the four-card-in-one version of the Beast King Tang Snake emerges to dispel the black mist, it is a great opportunity for the Ancestral God to establish contact with it.

Looking back now, Jiang Qian also feels that the progress at that time was too smooth.

That’s why we later developed a defense against “false virgins”.

Of course, Jiang Qian has not yet fully figured out why the Ancestral God gave up on the originally planned treacherous boy for some unknown reason and chose himself instead.


The familiar voice and tone made Jiang Qian stop and raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

He turned around calmly and faced the ferocious and greedy eyes of the Snake Beast King!

The huge beast clung to the cage pillar, and the airflow of its breath stirred Jiang Qian's cloak from time to time.

The two sides looked at each other and saw "satisfaction" and "craziness" in each other's eyes.

"What a surprise!"

The ancestor god used his usual low and vague emphasis and praised in his unique arrogant tone:

"Hahaha, I thought I could deceive you, but I didn't expect that you would see through it so quickly. What a pity..."

His attitude was nothing like the decline after the conspiracy was broken.

To be precise, since the moment He was promoted as "God", He has never bowed his head to any human being! Never!

"It's not only a pity, but also quite sad." Jiang Qian shrugged and agreed.

"Pathetic, haha, boy, are you saying that I am pathetic?"

"Wrong, the sad thing is me."

Jiang Qian smiled and said frankly:

"After all, I finally tamed this domineering beast king, but now I have to accept the fact that I can no longer use it. It's so sad..."

The eyes of the Snake Beast King have changed. To be precise, the eyes of the Ancestral God have changed!

Then he said with a ferocious smile: "You are not such an ignorant person, don't use Qianlong. Think about what I can give you? Power beyond the rules of this world, unrestricted predatory power! What a good opportunity this is for you!


"Having and controlling the power I have given you, even a reckless person is enough to dominate one side and become the overlord! Not to mention you, a rare genius..."

The voice of the ancestral god was conveyed through Tang She's huge body, echoing repeatedly in Jiang Qian's empty and lonely consciousness space.

Jiang Qian finally raised his eyelids and looked at "Him" seriously again: "Even if you say so, we can't escape the seal of the Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain. I don't want to sit on the altar for the rest of my life."

After saying that, he yawned very much and waved his hand towards the giant cage: "I'm sorry, I'd better think more about how to persuade the Holy Mother to change her mind."

"Wait a minute, you worthless boy!"

Seeing that Jiang Qian was really leaving, the Ancestral God simply released the key information:

"The seal has been shaken a long time ago. The four snakes were already in my possession before they merged. How do you want to completely seal you and me with that little white snake? Haha, what a big joke!"

Jiang Qian looked moved: The seal has been shaken?!

This chapter has been completed!
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