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Chapter 414 Winning the Medal

After bidding farewell to everyone, Jiang Qian and Xue Yang, accompanied by young officers from the Security Department, returned to the underground garage of the Twin Towers.

The car was parked there, and as he watched these young Security Ministry seedlings move Xue Yang's groceries into the trunk and respectfully return to pay their bills, Jiang Qian felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had seen him before.

"Senior Jiang! Everything has been put away. Is there anything else you need help with?"

The leading boy looked at Jiang Qian with longing, his bright eyes shining with unconcealable admiration! It was as if Jiang Qian was their benchmark, idol, and guiding light.

This subtle emotion came to the fore when they first went to Jiang Qian's new office. Looking at Jiang Qian, who was similar in age to them but was rising at an alarming rate, the thoughts that arose in their hearts were not envy or jealousy, but worship!

The same month I joined Vanzhong Group, I was hired by the Special Affairs Center. Within half a year, I had my own office with a conference room... The boss's desk, couch, refrigerator, coffee machine, projection equipment, etc. were all available and properly maintained.

Poker players are treated like royalty.

Judging from the exaggerated floor space of its independent office, it may be in short supply among the offices of powerful people.

It's not just a matter of space and convenience.

In Wanzhong, the size of the office is a symbol of status and power, which means that Jiang Qianqian already has a status that these young people can only dream of in a leading large company like Wanzhong Group.

"Okay, thank you."

Jiang Qian looked at the eager expectation in the young man's eyes and reached out to pat the other person's arm.

As a former senior in the Security Department, he uttered the same classic line but full of atmosphere: "Do it well."

"Yes!" Several young people's eyes flashed with joy, they raised their chests and raised their heads, saluted Jiang Qian again, and then left.

Xue Yang, who was next to him, was stunned for a while.

"Old Jiang, why do I feel that you seem to be a different person? Is it the difference in status that makes me unable to understand you?" he said, pretending to be bitter.

"It's not a status difference."

Jiang Qian raised the corner of his mouth and turned his back to the surveillance camera. A summoning bagpipe appeared in his palm and handed it to Xue Yang: "Your prop has been repaired."

To be precise, a Kraken was replaced inside.

Kraken, who had accompanied Jiang Qian in the promotion ceremony, had undoubtedly been "sacrificed". Fortunately, "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" was rich in resources, and he filled the gap with another one.

"I don't want it, I'll give it to you! Anyway, I still owe you a heart. Isn't it a priceless treasure? This will be regarded as interest." Xue Yang said boldly.

Jiang Qian thought for a while: "Have you been downloading a dungeon again recently? Well, after clearing "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse", the super-species world should no longer send you to low-end games, but the mortality rate in high-end games remains high.

, how can you break it if you don’t have a decent trump card?”

Xue Yang originally wanted to be tougher and waved his hand freely! But when Jiang Qian said this, he couldn't be tough anymore.

He stared eagerly at the props in Jiang Qian's hand, feeling itchy in his heart.

"Take it." Jiang Qian put it in his hand.

He is not short of this item now, and behind him, there is a resource library of magically modified items waiting for him to turn over at any time.

"Hey, Old Jiang, when will I catch up with you..." Xue Yang put away the bagpipe, feeling filled with emotion in his heart.

Jiang Qian was about to speak when suddenly, a wave of malice triggered his alertness!

That malice is fleeting.

Jiang Qian quickly turned on his spiritual vision and looked at their surroundings from all directions.

Except for a few security officers who had walked from the basement to the glass door of the elevator hall, there was only one suspicious stranger around:

The man was of medium build, about thirty years old, wearing a black hoodie, black jeans, and black canvas shoes. His back was turned to him and he was walking in the direction of several security department officers...

Jiang Qian took a closer look and felt bad:

This person is actually a mutant whose energy structure has collapsed!

Although the evolutionary level is not high and there is only one state, how can a mutant openly sneak into the realm of the Wanzhong Group?

During this moment of doubt, the mutant dressed in black suddenly quickened his pace, and in an instant, white light exploded in front of the elevator hall.

The dazzling bright light instantly involved several security department officers. Accompanied by thunderous explosions, the strong air flow carried scorching flames and rushed towards Jiang Qian and Xue Yang!

"Old ginger!"

Before Xue Yang could stop screaming, the chivalrous cloak stopped in front of the two of them, isolating the impact of the explosion.

Jiang Qian held a corner of the chivalrous cloak, and through the dazzling light caused by the explosion, he saw the Security Department officers lying down in front of the foyer. All four of them were dying, and some of the alien limbs were blown away by the sudden explosion before they even unfolded.

Exploded to a bloody pulp.

And the man in black he just noticed is still running, targeting several people from the Security Department!

Some of the Security Department officers were still conscious and were struggling to get up when they saw a strange man attacking them quickly! The officer felt something was wrong, but was unable to resist and could only stare helplessly.

The opponent is approaching quickly.

As the crisis approached, his pupils shrank more and more. The strange man's ferocious face and sneer were reflected among his colleagues, and then, a barrier blocked his sight.

Isolate them together with the attacker.

The chivalrous cloak buzzed amid the roar of the explosion, and the charging attacker swung a blow, but it was like hitting cotton, the force was completely removed, and a bullet of the same force followed at any time.

Only then did he notice that a doll's smiling face was revealed at the core of the cloak.

Bounce handkerchief!

When his sight was completely drawn by the child's smiling face, he stretched out a hand out of the air, slapped the attacker's chest with the palm with hidden fangs, and slammed the attacker to the ground, choking out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Qian revealed his true face from his invisibility armor and calmly stared at the attacker who fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the attacker, who was clearly a one-dimensional attacker, did not lose his fighting power.

After coughing up a few mouthfuls of black blood, he suddenly attacked at close range and opened his claws to grab Jiang Qian's face!

Close at hand, Jiang Qian focused his attention, and a brand that he was quite familiar with appeared in the open claws...

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Immediately afterwards, the attacker's wrist was grabbed by Jiang Qian, and he twisted it hard. The opponent's palm was facing up, and his body was forced to twist and then he knelt down with a "clang".

On the ground.

When Jiang Qian went to check the suspicious brand carefully, the attacker's body detonated without any warning!

The explosion occurred in the palm of the hand, exploding along the joints and body, and shooting out scorching flames.

Under the invisible armor, the reverse scales stand up!

Xue Yang, who was in the distance, was pushed directly against the car. After falling, he shouted Jiang Qian's name and staggered towards the center of the explosion. Of course, he was overturned by the heat wave again within a few steps.

Xue Yang took out his summoning bagpipe and was about to mobilize reinforcements without hesitation, when he suddenly saw an independent figure in the smoke that faded from the firelight.

"Old Jiang...Old Jiang!"

Jiang Qian stood there, holding the almost scrapped invisibility armor in his hand. The prisoner under his feet had been burned away by the explosion, leaving no trace.

It's like this person has never been here.

Along with the familiar mark of the round mouthparts that resembled a lamprey, the traces were also erased.

It turns out that the malice was always directed at me, haha... Jiang Qian looked up indifferently and found that the underground garage that had just been baptized by a strong explosion had not been significantly affected. Judging from the traces on the ground, it seemed that something had destroyed the explosion.

The force is limited to a relatively narrow range.

He then turned around to see the injured and unconscious security officer in front of the foyer.

Unexpectedly, at this glance, I saw another incredible scene: a pair of very different double pupils were projected on the transparent glass door!

Just as Jiang Qian looked at the other party, those double pupils were also focused on Jiang Qian.

Dr. Cai? No... Jiang Qian remembered the female doctor who performed the thoracotomy on him. She also had such a pair of alien double pupils, but their auras were completely different.

Dr. Cai is a kind-hearted doctor, and his double pupils are used to treat illnesses and save lives. Although they are very different, they are not cold. However, the double pupils that appear on the transparent glass door embody the intimidation and oppression of the superior.

However, just when Jiang Qian was confused, the double pupils disappeared and the alarm sounded in the underground garage!

After a while, a large force from the Ministry of Security rushed over and sealed off the underground garage as quickly as possible, especially the area where the incident occurred.

Several officers from the Security Department who were seriously injured and unconscious were immediately taken away for rescue, while Jiang Qian and others stayed for questioning.

The person in charge of the security department who had just met him not long ago came to the scene in person and walked towards Jiang Qian with a solemn expression.

"Director Jiang, we meet again."

"Yeah." Jiang Qian nodded and showed his ID card from the Special Affairs Center. The identity of the Wanzhong Group alone is not enough authority.

The other party was startled, and his expression softened slightly: "What exactly happened?"

The two of them dispensed with unnecessary politeness and went straight to the point.

Jiang Qian briefly described the entire incident, excluding, of course, the special branding part. That was the confidential content of the Ashes task force, and it was inconvenient for the Wanzhong Group Security Department to get involved in depth.

However, after hearing this, the person in charge looked more complicated.

Because this means: except Jiang Qian and Xue Yang, no one else can prove the authenticity of this description.

If it weren't for Jiang Qian's special identity, he could have included Jiang Qian in the investigation of suspects.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while.

An officer from the Security Department came to report: The surveillance equipment did not capture the incident, and the specific reason is being investigated.

The person in charge subconsciously looked at Jiang Qian again.

Jiang Qian looked calm: "It seems we can only wait until those colleagues wake up before we can draw a conclusion."

"Sorry." The other party said in a deep voice, "I can only ask you two to stay within our sight for the time being."

"Wait a minute," Xue Yang reacted next to him, "Are you going to detain us?"

The person in charge of the security department was speechless for a moment when asked.

"Hey, it's not our responsibility if there is a problem with the company's monitoring. You should go find the perpetrators. Why do you always point the finger at us?" Xue Yang was unhappy.

They had just experienced such a dangerous thing, and now that the aftermath has not been resolved, the two "victims" have become "suspects."

"However, the surveillance data is lost, and we are still unable to determine the identity of the perpetrator." The person in charge of the security department was also in a dilemma.

"Then you suspect that we are lying?" Xue Yang asked anxiously.

"Xue Yang." Jiang Qian pressed his shoulder and signaled to stop talking.

He knew that Xue Yang had experienced such twists and turns for the first time and was still in an emotional state. If this continued, it would only get darker and darker.

Fortunately, even though he was in an emotional state, Xue Yang was still willing to cooperate with his instructions and remained obediently silent.

So Jiang Qian turned to the person in charge of the security department again and asked, "Can I make a call?"


Just as the other party was waiting for an answer, the phone on his belt started buzzing, so he had to answer the call first.

After a while, the head of the security department turned around and came back and politely explained to Jiang Qian: "I'm very sorry. The situation you stated has been confirmed. You two can leave at any time."

"Thank you. Is there any progress?" Jiang Qian asked.

He vaguely guessed that a third party seemed to come forward as a guarantee, which directly eliminated his suspicion.

"The hidden camera device captured an image that is consistent with your description. The perpetrator was confirmed to be an ordinary employee within the Vanzhong Group. He was not a licensed person when he joined the company, and he has not behaved unusually recently. I don't know why he is holding props in the company today.

Carry out a terrorist attack."

The person in charge of the security department sighed and continued:

"This case will be handed over to the Special Affairs Center for follow-up investigation immediately. I have caused trouble for you today, Captain Jiang!"

"No trouble, you go ahead." After Jiang Qian said that, he pulled Xue Yang into the car and prepared to leave.

He was now basically certain that he had just been assassinated by the Ashes Organization.

A very clever design: using an Ashes supporter with a low evolutionary level as a medium to attack in the east and west, taking the enemy by surprise, and then killing him with one blow.

The attack on several young officers in the Security Department was just to confuse the public and lower their guard. The other party's real target was him.

"Old Jiang, are you... okay?"

Xue Yang got into the car, his anxious mood finally calmed down, and he began to care about whether Jiang Qian was injured in the attack just now.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "I'm fine."

Jiang Qian answered while driving.

When his cell phone rang, he answered it without hesitation.

Ji Ming's voice came from the other end of the phone, asking the same question: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, Minister, you already know?" Jiang Qian was not surprised, "I have a situation here that I want to report to you."

He suspected that the call that made the head of the security department suddenly change his face was from Ji Ming.

"Well, come to the branch quickly!" After Ji Ming finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Jiang Qian sent Xue Yang back, immediately drove to the Special Affairs Center of the Public Security Bureau, and went straight to Ji Ming's office.

The first words I heard when I entered the door were:

"The cooperation with Ashes ends here. From now on, you have to be more careful."


Jiang Qian also told Ji Ming everything about the raid that happened today.

Ji Ming nodded thoughtfully: "It's the Ashes South Sect."

"Ashes Southern Faction?" Jiang Qian found that he had missed a lot of information during the time he was away from the Ashes task force.

"The one who uses the lamprey brand to spread his disciples is the God of Destruction among the two Gods of the Ashes South Sect." Ji Ming explained.

Since the Battle of the Training Island, the Ashes Organization has reached an agreement with the authorities to no longer pursue Jiang Qian, a special talent who has mastered mutation healing technology; in exchange, the authorities must also cancel the wanted hunt for the Ashes Organization.

But now, Jiang Qian was assassinated by the Ashes Southern Faction, and the friendly agreement was terminated.

What is the reason?

Jiang Qian didn't ask.

Since ancient times, good and evil have been incompatible. The so-called "shake hands and peace" are also temporary reconciliations based on each other's interests and needs. Once the balance of interests tilts, the so-called agreement will become a piece of waste paper at any time.

"Ash was the first to break the contract, and the trigger was the Shenshan incident."

Jiang Qian didn't ask, but Ji Ming wanted to tell him because the matter was closely related to him: "Ashes' purpose is your identity card. They want to get back the Dragon God's 'relics'."

Is it really for a "Dragon"? Even the unformed "Dragon" card has already attracted coveters... Jiang Qian thought this way and asked out his confusion:

"Even if it's a card that fails to transform into a dragon?"

Ji Ming nodded: "Even if they have not yet transformed into a dragon, it is at least certain that the four cards of Tengyi Snake, Transformation Snake, Ringing Snake, and Hook Snake come from the Dragon God, so they were once part of the "dragon". Even if they have not transformed yet.

If the dragon succeeds, there will be no possibility of transforming into a dragon in the future."

"But how did the news leak out?" Jiang Qian frowned.

Not many people know about this.

Only Lan Junxian and Ji Ming of the Shenshan Task Force knew the details, and then there were the Venerable White Tiger, the Steward Di, and the Dragon God's daughter who met on the Bund that day.

So, who will be the leaker colluding with Ashes?

Jiang Qian was thinking about it, but Ji Ming reminded him from the side: "It's not just external organizations. Even within the ten tribes, there are many people who are obsessed with unconventional forces."

This chapter has been completed!
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