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Chapter 107 The Last Five Hours

Chapter 107 The Last Five Hours

Chen Xinyi's voice was trembling, and she asked tentatively: "But the red mist outside is so big, how do you find it? Follow the direction that Boss Guo left?"

"If he turns a corner in the middle, you won't be able to find him."

Wang Hao replied: "This question... do you want to go out and search with me?"

Chen Xinyi hesitated for a moment, and her heart suddenly jumped into her throat!

Her face turned pale, and in an instant, tension and uneasiness filled her heart.

What kind of inferior demon is that?

The person she is talking to now may be a... real person...

Do you want to follow him and go together?

The sky above our heads is dark red. It's like a huge ball of blood, weighing heavily on the top of the world.

She said with a trembling voice and a numb scalp, "Okay, I'll go out with you."

Wang Hao is quite satisfied with his female role. Although her performance is a bit spicy at the beginning, her mental outlook is actually much better than that of Smith next to her.

The subjective initiative is also good, I can think about some problems, and I have enough courage.

"Are you crazy? You must be crazy! Ms. Chen, you must fully realize your own inadequacies!" Smith felt that these people were like idiots and shouted cursingly, "Isn't it good to let us wait for rescue? I bought it.

Wow, what a stupid choice, I can’t understand it!”

The ignorant are fearless, and sometimes they feel panic after knowing a little bit.

But in Chen Xinyi's mind, this is a good opportunity to analyze [the game] up close and should not be missed.

As a fan of [Game], she believes that by following [Game], she will not die.

[Game] is much stronger than [Blood Demon]!

"Forget it, forget it, really don't go, stay here and wait for the guards in black to rescue you."

After Wang Hao heard Smith's yelling, he immediately abandoned the woman.

Because having one more teammate means little. If a woman dies, it would be troublesome to spend money to resurrect her.

He couldn't bear the expense.

There is no way to make money now, so I can only be stingy when playing games.

"Okay, then I won't go. I'll just wait here."

Chen Xinyi did not dare to refute, feeling a little happy, a little disappointed, and even a little resentful.

"But I will give you all the equipment."

"Thank you so much. If you lose this property, you will be criticized...I may not return these things to you." Wang Hao joked.

"Then I will have to wait until I am rescued before I will be criticized."

Ms. Xiao Chen began to rack her brains, trying to increase her favorability.

After thinking about it for a while, I really dug out a very valuable question from my chaotic brain.

Chen Xinyi said excitedly: "Since the source of infection, 'Boss Guo', has an upper limit on his food intake, other gluttons should also have an upper limit on their growth."

"When they grow to a certain level, will they leave here like Boss Guo did? They may also enter the red mist and head to that unknown area."

"Yes... it's not impossible." Wang Hao's eyes lit up, this was a very good suggestion.

"Where is their final destination? There must be more information hidden in that unknown zone."

"There is another big question, why is 'Boss Guo' conscious?"

"If it wants to regain power, there is no need to awaken people's consciousness."

Listening to the conversation between the two men, Smith's scalp was numb and he was sweating profusely.

They have to face a lesser demon god, a lesser demon god? Why did these two guys suddenly become excited? Is there a hidden mental illness spreading in the air?

Thinking of this, I shuddered secretly, took out a mask from my backpack, and put it on myself.

He said with a pale face: "It's not strange to regain consciousness. It may be because of the instinct of the human soul. Just like if we crush an insect to death with our hands, the insect will struggle a few times. The human soul will also rebound.


"But follow the glutton and leave, Zhao, do you really want to do this...that inferior demon..."

This really exceeded the limit of his imagination.

"Let's not mention how dangerous these weird things are. Tracking a glutton is not something we can do."

"This red mist will cause irritability. We cannot stay in it for a long time, otherwise we may become insane."

Wang Hao turned off the computer and sighed: "What you said is correct, but I have made up my mind. Let's wait for my good news."

"Oh, by the way, don't we have a lot of civilians on our hands?"

"The subjective initiative of civilians may not be very high." Chen Xinyi couldn't bear it. "Asking them to track the movements of gluttons is tantamount to risking death and has little meaning."

In extreme cases, when civilians are used for experiments, the Black Guards will not be held accountable.

However, Chen Xinyi has never even killed a chicken and has not been a member of the Black Guards for a long time. After all, she does not have such a hard heart.

Smith opened his mouth and felt that the meaning of using civilians for experiments was unclear.

"I just want to know the characteristics of the red mist and how long it will take for the red mist to trigger people's rage..." Wang Hao took a deep breath and looked at the gluttons wandering not far away, "It will not endanger their lives.


"Okay, I'll help you with the experiment." Chen Xinyi calmed down and took a deep breath, "Let's drive a car and enter the edge of the red mist, okay?"

She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt at ease, as if she had been injected with spiritual power.

Although the source of this spiritual power is a bit abnormal...

Will the sky fall?

What is the thinking of [Game] like?

Human reason is useless in the face of certain evil gods. They can easily penetrate the human mind and trigger certain desires in humans.

He even plays with human thoughts through applause.

Many people think they are normal after being exposed to evil spirits.

But the result is often tragic.

What's more, [Game] is a real demon.

"I must be crazy."

Ms. Xiao Chen wanted to cry a little, but also wanted to laugh a little, and there was even a little bit of resentment inside.

It turns out that the protagonist of this game is not me...

Looking at the game time, there are still more than five hours left.

Five hours is enough, and the completion of the game must be improved.

Wang Hao said: "Then hurry up and let these guys devour them in twos and clear out a safe living area."

"You two continue to observe the path of the glutton in the high-rise building. I will use food to lure you. Those who are willing to enter the red mist and conduct experiments can also start."


For the next hour or so, the operation went quite smoothly.

The "Glutton" who knows the rules of killing has a simple intelligence model and huge behavioral loopholes, like a puppet on strings.

Wang Hao has no fear at all. He even feels like he has returned to the past when he played World of Warcraft and was a MT who mocked monsters.

As long as these gluttons are brought together, they will fight with each other. There is no simpler game content than this.

The other two people gradually became familiar with their jobs and overcame their fears.

As expected, these "gluttonous eaters" devoured two by two, and when they grew to a certain level, they would stop eating and have an urge to go deeper into the red mist.

It was as if there was some mysterious force controlling them, entering the depths of the red mist.


A dull swallowing sound sounded.

A glutton at the scene devoured another to his heart's content, which is reminiscent of the term "whale swallowing". He swallowed it directly without even chewing.

Almost in the next moment, its belly expanded a lot.

They seem to have infinite digestive capacity and are completely immune to rotten food, plastic, wood, and toxic substances.

"What an unreasonable creature."

Wang Hao stayed not far away and watched, thinking at the same time: "But even if I find the blood demon's body, how should I kill it? Rune blade, holy water talisman?"

I have a vague feeling that this issue is very important.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of a reason.

"Why do you think they want to go to the depths of the red mist?" Wang Hao couldn't figure it out himself, so he could only find a way to ask, "There is another question, even if I find its true body, how can I kill a lesser demon god.


As long as the key information of [Blood Demon] is not involved, its attack will generally not be triggered. This kind of general conversation is not a big problem.

Smith said: "Zhao, not all questions can be answered. After all, idealistic life forms are inherently unreasonable. They only have superficial logic, but no deep logic."

"Surface logic refers to some logical methods in daily life. People need to eat when they are hungry and drink water when they are thirsty; while deep logic is the way of thinking at the scientific level. The protein structure of many idealistic species is a mess and is completely different from that of normal life forms.

It’s different. It’s the emergence of idealistic rules that makes them become like this.”

"Therefore, it is actually impossible to truly understand everything in the final analysis. We currently have very little understanding of idealistic rules, and we are only in the stage of summarizing experience."

"As for how to kill a lesser demon god? If you can't kill it, even if you find its true identity, it's impossible. This is why I stopped you." He spread his hands and said helplessly: "It's really impossible.

!This involves the concept of information depth, which is very complicated to explain.”

"Only world-class wonders can kill these weird things... This is the foundation of major supernatural organizations around the world. If they come to rescue, they will definitely bring these items. But it is only possible."

"Ahem, that's it..." Wang Hao didn't lose heart. Anyway, playing a game wouldn't be unsolvable.

"The next best thing is not to kill it, but just to prevent it from floating up?"

Smith said: "It is much simpler to stop it from floating. Just remove most of the anchors."

"If it is anchoring people, kill them all and cut off contact. After losing its anchor, it will not be able to float. A major purge is inevitable."

This chapter has been completed!
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