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Chapter 134 Earth, Dangerous!

Chapter 134 Earth is in danger!

It was a crazy, heavy, sleepless night of despair.

First, the Blood Demon continued to rise, and more and more serious disasters began to appear all over the world.

Then the Doomsday Roulette was turned, and the Doomsday Angel opened his eyes.

Then this omen disappeared suddenly...

Next, there were actually 128 prophets who predicted the same scene through various methods!!!

Due to different abilities, this picture is either clear or blurry.

But the general plot is almost the same: an expedition team and a child were killed by the natives of Taoyuan Village decades ago, and the expedition team was made into paper figures and hung on the tree.

This scene makes Monk Zhang Er scratch his head, but it seems to reveal something profoundly...

"I have placed the fragments of the dream in the crystal ball."

Among them, the most famous prophet, Ms. Jenny, a gypsy, once again gave new predictions.

All images are presented in a crystal ball.

Jenny, who is 32 years old, feels numb at the moment. As a famous prophet, power and wealth are simply within reach.

She can easily avoid some disasters and can predict the long-term trend of stocks; she is a celebrity among the upper class nobility, and there are many princes and nobles who pursue her.

She once thought that she was the center of the world and would leave her name in history.

Until she came into contact with a wider world.

Too much happened tonight, and she was in a state of panic.

At a time when life may disappear at any time, power and wealth are just floating clouds.

She had never been so confused before, and even had a little doubt about her abilities.

In the struggle between giants, humans don't even know what is fighting.

There are also those weird paper figures and inexplicable customs. Endless unknowns are coming. In comparison, human beings are really just babies in their infancy, and it is difficult to even protect themselves.

Earth is in danger!

A spokesman from the Bureau of Mystery said: "Since so many people predicted this scene at the same time, it is most likely a strong warning from Gaia's consciousness."

"Everyone, please analyze the scene in the crystal ball and what it means..."

In fact, there are quite a few missing parts in this piece of information.

There was no sound, and I didn’t know what everyone in the expedition team was talking about.

Secondly, the picture is blurry, and the details cannot be clearly seen. Everyone's face is blurred, and even the expressions and expressions cannot be distinguished, and there is no way to analyze lip language.

This is the limit of Jenny's ability, and the contents in the crystal ball cannot be made clearer.

Kunlun Mountain, Black Guard Video Conference Room.

For such a big matter, everyone in the Black Guards naturally participated in it and studied it carefully.

The influence of the Blood Demon Incident continues to ferment, and even the most generous people cannot sleep peacefully.

Fortunately, mental strength is equivalent to mental strength to a certain extent. If these people don't sleep for a day or two, it won't be a big problem.

Everyone expressed their opinions and had different opinions.

"This kid...can't be the eldest brother of Comrade No. 12, right?"

"Is that brother who descended from the gods on the 12th already... dead? He dug a well and died?"

"But didn't they escape from that ghost place? Why did they go back again?"

No. 1 was performing a mission in the "Gluttony Paradise", and Comrade No. 2, who was about the same age, held a relevant meeting: "Comrade No. 24, do you have any special opinions about the prompts from Gaia's consciousness? If you have any comments, please share them.


Number 24 from the University of Science and Technology thought for a moment and stroked his glasses: "About this piece of information..."

"If it really happened in history, it can only prove that the derived power of the Blood Demon has caused the surrounding indigenous residents to form a series of terrifying customs and habits."

"These customs can effectively prevent their death."

There are many precedents in the past for the strange existence that triggered special human customs.

For example, in some places, there is a legend that "if you hear someone yelling when you are walking on a mountain road, don't look back." Because turning back will trigger weird attack rules.

This weird thing is called "Don't Look Back" and it's at the level of an evil god.

There are even some explanations for this: There are three oil lamps on a person, one on the head and two on the shoulders. It is said to be the Yang fire on the person. When walking at night, if someone calls your name

, be sure not to look both ways. If it is blown out, it will attract ghosts.

All in all, the local people came up with these customs through trial and error in their lives.

No. 24 paused for a moment: "Of course, there is another possibility. These customs will bring certain benefits."

There are all kinds of weird things, and there are quite a few that give some benefits in advance.

"The ability of the Blood Demon is to make people live longer, which will indeed bring certain benefits."

"So, I am currently leaning towards the latter theory. Maybe these villagers sacrificed the expedition team for immortality and a longer life."

The conference room seemed a little silent.

Everyone is thinking seriously.

"However, there is still too little information. How can these prophetic images help us? At least I haven't found the answer yet. This should be a story decades ago. How useful are they in solving this incident?"

"It's impossible for us to imitate these indigenous villagers and summon the Blood Demon?"

"And we don't have those weird materials, and what on earth is that well, that tree...well, it does look inexplicable."

These pictures are indeed too vague, and with so many smart brains from around the world, it is difficult to give a clear explanation.

Suddenly, No. 24 seemed to think of something: "Wait a minute, do we trust the prophecy too much?"

As a scientist, he habitually doubts some current conclusions.

"What do you mean?" No. 2 frowned and asked.

"Is this really a prophecy issued by Gaia's consciousness? Maybe it's the interference of a certain demon god?"

"Or maybe the demon has some kind of connection with Gaia's consciousness that we don't know about. It deliberately wants us to see this scene by bewitching Gaia."

Prophecy is the ability of the time system.

"The Diamond Sutra" says: "Subhuti, the past mind is not accessible. The present mind is not accessible. The future mind is not accessible."

It means that none of us are sages, so we all think about problems, and when encountering things, our hearts will not be calm. This is the state of a normal person. When we are thinking about problems, every thought will be reflected in the next second.

Become the past.

You can't grasp all the thoughts you had in the past.

I can't even grasp the thoughts of the future.

This is true for one person, and even more so for the world.

Various parameters at the timeline level are the biggest variables in the etheric abyss.

Due to too many variables, being able to achieve an accuracy of 70% to 80% is considered a world-class predictor.

However, because the ability of the devil far exceeds that of humans, the devil who specializes in manipulating time can accurately interfere with the prediction results of humans.

Now, the black-clad guard happens to know a time-based demon.


"Um, Comrade No. 24, is this reasoning a bit far-fetched?"

On the 12th, Lu Tianming was lying in the training camp, talking on the Conch headset: "We can't blame any unknown phenomenon on [the game]? [The game] why did it tinker with this thing? I don't quite understand its intention. Could it be?"

To show off?"

"Does it need to show off? It doesn't..."

No. 24 was also a little confused. He shook his head and said: "It doesn't have the need to show off, but it has the need to anchor our world."

"Didn't [the game] create a character who was a fun-loving person? Maybe it was one of the people who was sacrificed by the villagers."

Lu Tianming asked again: "But how does it anchor our world? Can it be anchored by sending a few pictures into people's minds? This is obviously not true."

It must be complicated for the Demon God to float up; the Blood Demon has planned for thousands of years and placed a large number of anchors in the human world; and [Game], an even more gigantic giant, wants to float up just by relying on a few precognitive pictures, then

Simply wishful thinking.

"I just don't rule out this possibility." No. 24 from the Academy of Sciences said, "Although I can't guess what the current intention of [the game] is..."

"Gaia's consciousness has no subjective initiative. When a crisis comes, it creates a crisis and will find some information about parallel worlds from the timeline and send it to us at will. It cannot tell whether a demon is causing trouble.


"Oh, I hope No. 1 and the others can succeed." No. 2 sighed and sat in this position. Before his butt was warmed up, a lot of things happened. "Be prepared with both hands. The first is to prevent the blood demon from rising.

.If it really escapes, we can only use a big one!"

"Second, we need to observe the rise of [Game]. Use a seismometer to lock it."

"Seismometer", a strange object invented by ancient sages.

It has always been locked on [Blood Demon], but now the eighth bead is crumbling, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that [Blood Demon] is about to rise to the world, and there is no longer much need to lock it.

At this moment, this ancient instrument made of fine copper and eight feet in diameter changed its target.

One of the contractors of [Game], Li Qingshan, dropped a drop of blood.

The "Seismograph" has found the depth of the Demon God [Game] in the etheric abyss.

"Dang!" The first dragon ball fell. It's normal. As long as it interacts with the human world, the first dragon ball will definitely fall.

"Cang!" The second one.

"Cang!" The third one.

Finally, within 1 minute, 5 dragon balls fell.

The sixth one is hanging.

5, means that the demon has the ability to cause a small amount of interference in the human world. But there is still a long way to go before it can truly rise.

Everyone in the black-clad guards breathed a sigh of relief.

This chapter has been completed!
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