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Chapter 161 [Dimensional Space Gate]

Chapter 161 [Dimensional Space Gate]

Listening to these people hiding in a comfortable air-conditioned room, talking about international politics, while I pedaled my bicycle under the scorching sun...

Lao Lu is a little mentally unbalanced.

He coughed heavily in the earphones several times: "Everyone, let me finish my report first. Then you can talk about your major international affairs to your heart's content, okay?"

“So far, the [game] training camp has been upgraded twice.”

"Maybe it's because it anchors the history of our world and brings it some special benefits. Now this training camp is so big that you can't see the end of it at a glance. It's not ruled out that it will be upgraded to the third level.


The discussion in the headphones fell silent.

"It has become so big, and it is definitely not satisfied with anchoring a piece of our history."

"Even if we, the black-clad guards, deliberately hide it, [the game] will jump out on its own..."

"So, I have no objection to selling [game] news at a good price."

While describing his thoughts, Lao Lu rushed towards the newly emerged functional area. Due to his excessive excitement, the speed of the bicycle was comparable to Foshan Wuying Legs.

As for – why ride a bicycle?

Of course - poor!

Visitors have to pay to use everything here!

The stingy [game] is like Zhou Papi, wanting to squeeze out the souls of visitors!

In order to save money, he "can only" use these primitive means of transportation!

But the training ground is too big, and after riding for a long time, I found that I was still dozens of kilometers away from my destination.

Lu Tianming gave up riding and lay lazily on the curb on the side of the road: "I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Send the characters in quickly."

"I'm an outsider, I don't have enough funds, I'm old, and I'm not popular. Riding here is exhausting."

The team on the opposite side of the headset was silent for a moment, seeming to be discussing something with others: "Your suggestion is very good. A new star has appeared in the outside world. It is probably the anchoring effect [game] has brought to our world.

It seems that this news is really difficult to hide."

"Wait a moment, we have three game characters come to the training camp to investigate the changes in [the game]."

After about a minute, Li Qingshan showed no expression, Chen Xinyi had his thoughts written on his face, and Xu Zhijun, a new member with a simple and honest face, appeared.

Enter the game training camp.

"Wow! This air is super fresh!" Chen Xinyi jumped on the ground, "This is the first ray of air that created the world. Maybe it is the legendary Hongmeng Purple Air!"

"The game training camp has been upgraded!"

She is very busy these days, she has been writing an investigation report on the "Blood Demon", every detail cannot be missed, it is extremely crazy.

Li Qingshan remained expressionless and carefully observed his surroundings.

For this big operation, he was not selected by the [game] master, and he was not even chosen as a supporting role. Deep down in his heart, he was still a little disappointed.

Of course, he is in charge of "cleaning the anchor".

Many "anchors" are rich and powerful...

Someone has to take responsibility for this dark side of society...

As for the newly joined Xu Zhijun, he looked around stupidly.

After an intelligence test, his IQ dropped to 70 and he lost emotions such as "fear".

Fortunately, he is a veteran and has sufficient discipline.

"Zhao...where is Zhao?" Xu Zhijun was still looking for the middle-aged man "Zhao" who disappeared in the gluttony paradise.

"Don't worry about him, there is no way he will die. Just take care of yourself." Chen Xinyi said with a smile: "Maybe Comrade Zhao will lead the team on the next mission."

"Otherwise, why are we a three-person team?"

Game characters have higher permissions than guests and can use everything here for free.

As for why there is such a setting...

They were all people who should have died, but now they are living here. Maybe some things in fate have already set a price.

Soon, the three men found a luxury bus on the roadside and drove for half an hour to find Comrade No. 12 squatting on the roadside.

Although Lu Tianming was used to being treated differently, the moment he saw this luxury bus, he still felt a subtle sense of psychological frustration.

This bus is actually plated with gold? Yes, gold!

Look what this nouveau riche looks like after getting rich!

Look at this ostentation.

As a result, I still have to pay for riding a bicycle...

After getting on the bus on the 12th, Li Qingshan drove the car towards a new place.

"Mr. No. 12, after a while, when my psychic strength increases to 300, I can enter the etheric sea and randomly generate a super power... What kind of power should I choose?" Chen Xinyi said excitedly.

"Congratulations, congratulations, 300 psychic strength is a level. However, superpowers are not chosen by you, but are given to you by the etheric abyss." No. 12 was sitting on the bus, observing the new changes in the training camp.

In addition to the innate ability, resonance with the etheric abyss is a relatively common method in the natural genre.

The etheric abyss is an extremely complex idealistic aggregate.

People usually think that "the world will disappear as soon as you close your eyes", "the mind determines matter", and "there is mind first and then matter" is called "solipsism", which is an extreme form of subjective idealism. At the academic level, subjective idealism

There is no point in discussing it.

Under scientific methodology, there are currently three focus issues of objective idealism.

First, how does "consciousness" or "soul" drive the actions of the "matter" that constitutes the human body and the animal body?

The second focus issue is: from the perspective of inanimate things, matter can definitely exist independently of consciousness. From the perspective of animate things, consciousness can be placed on the existence of matter.

However, can consciousness exist independently of matter?

So far, no trace of the soul being completely separated from the body and existing alone has ever been found.

The third focus question: Can matter and consciousness transform into each other? Or can we say "creation"?

The true answers to these three questions, which can explain almost all signs of superpowers, are called the "three questions of the ether."

The sages of the East wrote magnificent works such as "Tianwen" in ancient times.

Of course, humans have so far not found the real answer to this kind of question, not even the beginning...

All in all, in the eyes of scholars, the existence of the etheric abyss is objective, and the existence of matter is also objective, but the movement of all things constitutes the chaotic consciousness of the abyss.

The human world is located in the shallow light layer of the abyss, and is naturally part of the etheric abyss. As an intelligent low-entropy body that resonates with chaotic consciousness, it is a simple way to give birth to superpowers.

Lu Tianming said: "The superpowers that humans can possess are directly proportional to the strength of their souls. The soul is equivalent to a container. The larger the container, the more it can carry."

"300 is a more appropriate level, allowing some simple abilities."

"After you jump into the sea of ​​ether, don't reject that vague and complicated will. Treat it as your own mother. When you wake up, you will find that you have new abilities."

"Is it that simple?" Chen Xinyi raised her eyebrows.

"It's that simple. It is nature, a majestic nature that transcends our planet and our world. Natural selection and survival of the fittest are the main themes here."

"It's just a pity that our understanding of it as humans is too shallow... We can only live under the protection of the world."

Lu Tianming said with emotion: "In our previous era, we still had to learn the "Heart Origin Flow Method" to communicate with the 'etheric abyss', but now we don't need it. I can still recite that article on spiritual practice..."

He shook his head and started chanting: "The sky has three treasures: the sun, the moon, and the stars; humans have the three treasures: the essence, the energy, and the spirit. If you always hold the three treasures, the sun, the moon, and the stars will flow forever."

"...this essence, energy, and spirit are not acquired turbid essence of kidney qi, acquired breathing qi, and acquired thoughts..."

Sounds like a Taoist work.

Under the protection of the world, humans in the past were unable to directly access the etheric abyss, so they invented various strange techniques.

However, in the game training camp, the etheric sea is part of the abyss, and Chen Xinyi can go to that ocean to acquire new abilities.

"Oh, by the way, you can choose some drugs in the Grand Academy of Sciences to achieve targeted selection of superpowers. But the negative effect is that the etheric abyss may reject you, and you will not be able to obtain more abilities from now on."

"Forget about medicine, I still choose to accept the gift of nature." Chen Xinyi said with expectation.

While chatting like this, the first destination arrived.

In the center of the square, a very strange white halo flashes. The circles of light are like ripples of water, surging back and forth in the space. This light and shadow special effect is comparable to the best science fiction movies.

The moment he approaches the aperture, more explanatory text pours into his mind.

【Dimensional Space Gate】

The name of the aperture.

Because the current area of ​​the training camp is so large, this door is a space door that can reach various places instantly, so there is no need to drive around tiringly.

"There are a total of 108 portals in the training camp. You can travel back and forth and arrive instantly...Visitors can use it for free twice a day. Hey, is it a free function?!" Lu Tianming was delighted.

He immediately realized that [Game] was really going to make a big move, but it was not that Grandet.

Free delivery twice a day, which is pretty good!

In addition, through this dimensional space door, it is easier to return to the earth.

Currently, there is only one area that can be returned to - Mount Tai.

"Why Taishan?" Li Qingshan frowned slightly.

But soon, a look of shock appeared on his face, "Is it... could it be because..."

"Your guess is correct." Lu Tianming nodded, "Because there is its main anchor on Mount Tai."

"The altar of the unknown saint has been completed, but the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth has not yet been held."

"Just tomorrow, the unknown saint and your ancestor, Comrade Li Xianfeng, will be recorded in history and in the training manual of the new generation of black guards."

This chapter has been completed!
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