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Chapter 165 The Trusted Demon God! (2 in 1)

Chapter 165 The trustworthy demon! (two-in-one)

The underground circulation of supernatural items is a huge market worth trillions.

But the risk is equally huge, and it even confirms the old saying of Daxia, no tears will be shed until the coffin is seen.

Now that they saw the real coffin, people were afraid and finally started to think of ways to join forces.

In the new Rare Objects Trade Conference, some more open and fair Rare Objects Trading Rules will be formulated to make the underground market clear.

If you need to hit, you will hit hard; if you need to let go, you will let go slightly.

Red dates and big sticks, both are indispensable.

The second and more important thing is that the star in the sky means that an unknown demon is rising!

That is a real demon god, not a lesser demon god!

A lesser demon [Blood Demon] can make the whole world go crazy. A real demon may destroy the world!

Fortunately, this unknown demon seems to have no motive to destroy the world.

According to the gossip: The black guards may reveal some information about this unknown demon god during this meeting!

“It’s really exciting.”

"If it weren't for this unknown demon god turning into a star in the sky, the guards in black might have continued to hide it."

"It seems like the black-clothed guards have a big appetite. The benefits brought by the unknown demon have actually made them change their past conservative style."

Amid this speculation, the gypsy fortune teller, Jenny, came to her room and put away her luggage in a good mood.

The rich cultural atmosphere of Taishan Altar seems to have even the air in the residential area tainted with a solemn atmosphere.

But this cultural atmosphere is different from Western religious culture.

Western religious culture emphasizes an exclusive nature. If you integrate into it, you will find that this is a special way of life, and all circles are here.

If you are unable to blend in, you will be strongly rejected, as if everything is incompatible with you.

Eastern culture, on the other hand, is simply solemn and solemn, and its xenophobic nature is not too serious.

Daxia people do not make fun of their ancestors. Swearing on their ancestors is regarded as the most vicious oath. This is due to this culture.

After all, Jenny is a young person. After feeling the culture of a foreign country, she quickly started taking selfies with great interest. She smiled on her face, made various gestures, and took many selfies with her mobile phone.

"Ana, why don't you go up there and take a walk?"

She sent a tweet to her friend.

"Okay, okay, this is the first time I've been to the Black Guards branch."

According to historical records, the formal worship of heaven and earth in Daxia can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty, which was still a slave society in the second millennium BC.

Taishan Altar, as a major branch of Heiyiwei, covers a total area of ​​27.9 hectares, and its main building is called "Dasi Hall".

It is a gilded dome, blue tiles and red pillars, and a magnificently painted three-story circular hall with double eaves. There are more than two thousand simple stone tablets placed inside.

This circle of stone tablets contains certain elements of mysticism, giving people a profound spiritual inheritance, and is the foundation of Xia culture.

The above describes the major historical nodes starting from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the establishment of a modern country.

From the oracle bone inscriptions at the beginning, to bronze inscriptions, seal script, official script, cursive script, regular script and running script.

The last stone tablet recorded the relevant biographies of the "Anonymous" saint and the black-clad guard "Li Xianfeng". It was also the last important piece of history recorded.

Normally, you would never see these historical stone monuments!

The atmosphere in the exhibition hall is very quiet, people admire it silently and chat quietly.

No knowledgeable person will miss this cultural trip-especially if it has something to do with mysticism.

"I'm a little bit infected."

The fortune teller beside her, Ms. Anna, whispered: "Five thousand years of history is their great wealth. A lot of their power comes from this."

"Yes, the long history and uninterrupted inheritance will always bring people a solid spiritual power that comes from the land beneath their feet."

The fortune teller Jenny realized something in her heart and said with some emotion: "If you rashly end this inheritance, you will become a sinner of history."

"This has evolved into a special cultural phenomenon. They do not believe in gods, but believe in their own history and culture."

"This series of stone tablets is like a giant dragon hovering in the mountains, recording a few words of a high-dimensional life."

"This is the high-dimensional life that spans the timeline level. The fate of everyone in Daxia constitutes a link in this four-dimensional life. It urges everyone to make continuous progress."

Anna thought deeply about these fresh remarks.

As a fortune teller, the prediction of many things requires inspiration from somewhere.

This kind of inspiration can be called "personal talent", which is rare.

When Director of the Bureau of Mystery Rojef heard these remarks, he smiled and said: "Ms. Jenny, this is the first time I have heard of your remarks. Do you liken history to high-dimensional life? Doesn't that make it a metaphor for Gemini?


Jenny recognized Rojef and smiled: "No, no, no, this is fundamentally different from Gaia's consciousness."

"Gaia consciousness is a collection of thoughts at the spatial level and the complex evolution of life all over the world; while history is at the time level and is the collection of all logical events."

"I wonder if you can understand my explanation?"

Rojef smiled and said: "I almost understand. It is equivalent to a photo album on the timeline, full of major events. Are these major events also another form of life... It may not be impossible."

Jenny added: "Occasionally I get a glimpse of the river of destiny, and I am full of awe of this vast high-dimensional life."

"It may be unconscious and ignorant, but it is also wise and foolish. Why do heroes always come forward in this land at critical moments? It is because this ancient high-dimensional life form has an instinctive tendency to protect itself. This is the so-called

The Theory of Luck."

Rojef asked doubtfully: "However, Bactria is not the oldest civilization in our world. The earliest civilization is ancient Egypt. The luck of the Egyptians cannot be said to be good. Their development has almost stagnated."

Jenny shook her head and explained: "No, the historical life from ancient Egypt has interrupted the life process."

"Because the people of that land, whether in terms of beliefs, writing, or culture, have all changed. Therefore, they cannot draw spiritual power from history. They have not formed their own high-dimensional history to provide luck."

"A country where heroes are born in large numbers is more likely to have heroes in the future. And vice versa."

Rojef also said: "Your point of view is not necessarily the same. Only the outbreak of disaster can give birth to real heroes. The era when heroes are born is just because of the serious disaster."

The country he lives in is a very young nation, and its heritage comes from the West. When building its national culture, it encountered some impacts.

On the contrary, the Gypsies are a race with a long history and still retain some cultural heritage.

If you talk about this topic, you may fall into the other person's words.

"That's true." Jenny smiled and said, "Even ancient Egypt is not the oldest civilization. According to the latest archaeological research, human beings have been separated several times. The history before the Paleolithic Age cannot be verified.


Archeology is a popular subject in this world. At least in the supernatural world, it is absolutely popular.

In the past 200,000 years, humankind has been interrupted at least twice. In some huge disasters, the surviving population did not exceed four digits.

Note the "at least", the reason for which is unknown.

For unknown reasons, humans left the African grasslands.

And for unknown reasons, a race called Neanderthals has become extinct.

This fact is terrifying to think about.

Compared to a story that spans 200,000 years, the Black Guard with a history of 5,000 years is just a fledgling child.

Therefore, the investigation of ancient history has always been the focus of international research.

This is about everyone's life.

"Let's not talk about it for now, Mr. Rojef, do you want to know the information about that star in the sky?" Jenny asked with a smile.

"Oh, do you know? Or maybe you have already paid the price?"

The stars are hanging there in the sky, and if you want to know them, it's just a matter of paying the price.

"I have no idea."

"I'm just curious. Don't you even have any information?"

Rojef said: "It's normal. Our Mystery Bureau has a big family and a big business, but we also have financial pressure."

"After all, the Black Guards have an ancient heritage. Even if there is a demon god helping them behind the scenes, I wouldn't be surprised. If the Black Guards are willing to make it public, why should we pay an exorbitant price?"

Jenny smiled and said: "Please come here with me."

Jenny led him to a conference room of more than 100 square meters.

Many old acquaintances were sitting in the room, including the Pope, Cardinal Nicholas, and other leaders of Western organizations, large and small.

They were discussing something in whispers and enjoying the exquisite afternoon tea.

The West is a big concept, and they all believe in the devil [God].

On the earth, according to the civilization camp, seven major modules can be divided, namely Eastern culture, Indian culture, South Asian culture, Western culture, Middle Eastern culture, Latin culture and African culture.

Calculating it this way, [God's] influence is simply terrifying, spanning several civilizational camps.

However, heretics are more hateful than heretics.

These civilizations are not monolithic.

The benefits provided by [God] are limited. In ancient times, due to various interest disputes, countries were even more confused than others.

Of course, with the development of modern society, the life-and-death relationship is no longer the same as it used to be.

While there is competition with each other, there is also cooperation.

The world is very big and deep, with countless areas for exploration, and it is more dangerous than human imagination. Therefore, the current trend is still based on cooperation and development.

"Dear friends, good afternoon."

"Hello, Rogerif." The Pope nodded and was the first to say hello.

Jenny handed a piece of obsidian to Roger, the director of the Bureau of Mystery.

Rogerif was stunned for a moment, obsidian was a medium that conveyed certain mysteries.

However, in broad daylight, he was not afraid of anything and carefully took the stone.

I heard a faint voice echoing in my ears.

"Is this...a telepathic superpower? Interesting discussion."

Rogerif smiled and quickly understood the intentions of these people.

In the territory of Daxia, you can't just sit down and discuss things openly, otherwise you might be eavesdropped.

But with the help of superpowers, you can talk confidently and boldly. Current technology is not yet capable of cracking telepathy.

An old man's voice echoed in people's hearts: "A new demon god has appeared in the world. It may be one with a higher degree of cooperation, and may even reach an unprecedented level of trust!"

"Trust level? Even [God] is only controllable level."

"Where did your news come from? It's not just imagination, right?"

"You don't need to know the source of the news. But as a trustworthy demon, you should be able to recognize what it will bring...it will bring huge changes to the whole world!"

According to the purpose of the devil, they are divided into "uncontrollable level", "semi-controllable level", "controllable level", and a trust level that has never appeared before.

Among them, the number of uncontrollable levels is the largest, that is, the purpose of the devil, which is contrary to human beings' desire to pursue a better life.

They spread disease, killing, chaos...

In fact, it is difficult for humans to defeat the real devil. The only choices available are "cooperation" and "non-cooperation".

Those who cannot cooperate can only try every means to make them sink.

And the trustworthy demon god is unprecedented!

Will show greater influence than [God]!

Another voice said: "...Daxia, not only did it not suffer any losses from the Blood Demon incident, it also gained a lot of benefits."

"Whether it's the international reputation level or the material level, they have gained a lot of benefits."

To solve the Blood Demon incident, every organization must participate and be divided according to their contribution.

Either provide money, effort, or surprises.

Some small organizations that are unable to take responsibility cannot provide people and can only provide other compensation.

but now……

The solution is really easy...

"They must know something. There is a high probability that it has something to do with the extra stars in the sky."

"Not only that, they are also purchasing large quantities of 'sources' and cheap failed experiments from all over the world!"

"This may have something to do with the unknown demon."

The discussion was very lively.

Rogerif touched his chin and laughed dumbly.

Human beings are like this. If they were allowed to go on the front line to fight against the [Blood Demon], no one would dare to join them, for fear of losing their lives in vain.

The solution is too easy now, and I feel a bit psychologically unbalanced.

"But why did the black guards want to acquire the 'Source'?" He thought curiously, and naturally they also obtained this information.

As a kind of spiritual energy source, "source" can be said to be useful. It is indeed of some use and has been used in quite a few paranormal experiments.

It's useless, but it doesn't seem to be of much use.

Because various materials for supernatural experiments are themselves rare and cannot even be obtained repeatedly, their value may be hundreds or thousands of times more precious than the "source".

The "source" is actually the cheapest material in the experiment.

"Source" can even extract the souls of ordinary animals.

So the price has been quite stable.

"Why are the black guards frantically acquiring sources? Is it... related to the devil in the sky?"

These people sitting in the conference room are also making random guesses.

"Ahem." Rogerif coughed slightly, "How did [God] react?"

[God] As a "controllable level" demon, its true purpose is still unclear.

Its biggest feature is that it doesn't take care of things very much.

In addition to the taboo that "God cannot look directly", even if you scold it behind its back and speak ill of Jehovah, it will ignore it every day.

It doesn't really care if the belief anchor is less or more, as long as it's not too little.

Therefore, after thousands of years of exploration, [God] was classified as "controllable level".

"[God] showed no reaction as always. Only the statue of Seraph opened its eyes, and then..."

Seraph is a character who communicates directly with God. He is a pure spirit with only light and thinking, and resonates with blazing faith.

"Then what?"

"Then it closed immediately..."

What does it mean when it opens its eyes and closes them again?

(PS: There was something urgent at home, which delayed my writing. So I will be short today, sorry.)

(Back to normal tomorrow.)

This chapter has been completed!
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