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Chapter 175 The Underground Door (2 in 1 6K words!)

Chapter 175 The Door Underground (2 in 1 6K words!)

The voice on the radio paused for a moment and then said: "In the next mission, you may also meet newbies. Please enlighten them and stop thinking nonsense. Just complete the mission."

"This is just a normal job. Although the environment is dark, there is no danger. I can assure you of this."

"I saw a line of writing on the wall..." Wang Hao said, "It said..."

Before he could finish his words, the radio replied: "There are always some enemies who will cause destruction. Don't believe any words above."

"You can use coal on the ground to cross out those words. I know you have a lot of doubts, but this is a national confidential project. The value of the minerals hidden underground is beyond your imagination. It is greater than the value of gold. This

That's the only thing I can say to you."

"You can't know too much, and I can't reveal too much. Even I don't know too much. You should be able to understand: there are always some secret agents who are causing trouble."

The other party said in a firm and serious tone: "Okay, now please keep moving forward. You have to complete your task as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances, it can be done in an hour. If there are not so many problems, you only need half an hour.


Wang Hao couldn't tell whether the content was true or false, but no matter what, he had no special method.

In addition to moving forward, you have to go back, or get into some small passages that can only accommodate one person...

In the end, he could only bite the bullet and move forward.

The road ahead gradually becomes narrower.

In the end, it could only accommodate one person passing through, which can be described as a serious "small intestine passage".

This scene reminded him of the "line of sky" landscape of famous mountains and rivers.

The only difference is that the so-called "line of sky" is buried underground without any light, which brings unprecedented psychological pressure to people.

The darkness in all directions is so dense that it is about to engulf you, but this darkness seems to be a psychological reaction. Under the illumination of the searchlight, you can still see the surrounding environment.

Suddenly, a pale palm stretched out from the darkness!

Wang Hao immediately stopped and remained silent.

When he took a closer look, he found that the palm suddenly disappeared again.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp little sound of "hee hee" and "hee hee" came from behind him. When he turned his head, the sound also disappeared.

"Wardfa! This scene is so well done!"

"It would not be wonderful if you suddenly saw a figure behind you. The constant mental pressure, but you don't know why, brings greater fear."

Wang Hao prided himself on being an expert and bold, but he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of anxiety. This pressure was like drowning, almost blocking his nose, and he couldn't help but hold his breath.

He dialed channel 2, and there was a snowy noise. The signal in this area seemed to be interrupted.

After taking a few steps forward, there were densely written words on the wall.

It’s so densely packed that just looking at it gives people trypophobia!

[What do you think is in the backpack? That’s my heart!! We can’t go any further!!]

[We are just using our lives to sacrifice to an evil god! Open your backpack and take a look, what is that? 】

[A lie repeated a thousand times will never become true! Lies, lies, lies! Crazy, the world is crazy! I am crazy too, everyone is crazy! This is not the truth! 】

【Don't go any further, you will die!】

[You can escape by getting into the path on the right.]

[Death, death, death, death (there may be hundreds of words for ‘death’)]

The handwriting varies, but is generally crooked, uneven, and somewhat messy.

Wang Hao saw that there was indeed a trail on the right. It was dark and he didn't know where it led.

A rigid and serious voice came from the radio again: "(*noise) This section of the road is not easy to walk. You may have seen some strange words. (sharp noise) Those people want you to open the backpack behind you.

, I advise you not to do this."

"Because it contains not only daily necessities, but also some special chemicals for mining ores. After opening the backpack, these substances will oxidize with the air and explode. You will be dead by then. Even if you survive, you will face huge compensation.


This is a good reason.

Wang Hao grinned. Fortunately, I was a tourist who came to experience the script. If I were a real human being... I wouldn't know how desperate I would be.

"You may also hear some strange..."

Just then the tone of the radio suddenly changed: "(*gloomy voice) There is a trail on the right. You can see this trail and get in. Ha... ha... you want to live, right?"

"If you don't want to die, just get in. Ha...haha."

Whispers and laughter came from the radio.

The announcer couldn't control his emotions and started to laugh faintly.


Ha ha.


The laughter came in waves. At first it was just a low, hoarse laugh, but then it became louder and louder, turning into a wild laugh.

This wild laughter seemed to be composed of the voices of hundreds of thousands of people. It penetrated into Wang Hao's ears and made his scalp numb.

"What a depravity..."

Wang Hao bit the bullet and turned off the radio.

The laughter disappeared and there was silence.

He saw that there was indeed a small hole on the right, but he didn't know where it led.

I don't even dare to get in.

I used a miner's lamp cap to shine inside, but I couldn't see through the thick darkness.

Little by little, Wang Hao moved slowly through the gap between the sky and the sky.

Dial the channel to channel 3.

The grumpy old man scolded online: "What the fuck, what kind of place, this bullshit organization, if you don't install a few electric lights, you won't find a robot to deliver things, you have to rely on manpower to move things here. (Rustling sound.)"

Hearing the human voice, Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you again, you seem to be scared, young man. Maybe you are struggling in that narrow area?"

"It's really strange there. You can't go randomly on the trail. You made the right choice."

"(*Noise)...Oh, did you hear the laughter? Then you might..." The grumpy old man paused, "The channel has been hijacked, right? There are only a few accessible channels in this area.

The competition is fierce. I can only think this way, what other options are there?"

"Thinking too much will only scare yourself."

The sound of a lighter came from the radio, with a soft "click" sound, and the grumpy old man took a puff of cigarette happily: "Listen to your commander, don't think too much, this is a national secret, don't be curious. After sending the things

, collect your reward.”

"You will come back. The money comes in so fast, it's faster than committing a crime!"

"Ten thousand yuan for half an hour. If you work for a few years, you will have a house. Isn't that great? In this day and age, if you have money, you can travel all over the world, but if you don't have money, it's hard to move around. It's even hard to find a wife."

The two chatted for a while. In fact, the old man was under a lot of pressure.

Wang Hao suddenly discovered that the world this old man was in was not the earth's world, but a parallel world with a similar worldview.

Because this old man claims to be a "Dadong country", and there is no Dadong country on earth, only one Daxia country.

Of course, except for the different names, the rest of the settings are basically the same, and even the culture is similar...

Wang Hao was silent for a moment and asked: "Let me ask another question...Brother, do you remember your name?"

The old man was stunned for a moment: "I...what's my name? I...can't remember it. According to the instructor, you have to clear your memory of some things before you can deliver the express. It's safer not to know who you are." "

"I don't even know how I got here. It seemed like I was just in a trance. After a nap, I came here. I was carrying a backpack..."

The other party paused for a moment and then said: "Actually, I have talked about this problem with other couriers, but they don't know. They always think there is something weird about this place."

"But I know that ten thousand yuan is a lot to be able to receive money. I remember this. They paid very readily and there was no hesitation."

Wang Hao asked: "Then how do we get out after we deliver the express? We don't even know the exit."

"How to get out? I don't know... I don't have this memory. How did you get in? How do you get out?"

"Forget it, don't think too much. After completing the task, not only can you get money, but you can also scold the liaison officer hiding behind. (The voice suddenly became louder) It would be good to scold her severely when the time comes. of!"

The old man asked again: "Is your liaison officer male or female?"

Wang Hao said: "The man has a rigid and serious voice, and he sounds like he is forty or fifty years old."

The other party said: "My liaison officer is a girl, only in her twenties. As long as I yell harder than her, she will obey and be frightened by me. It's very interesting! But sometimes she is also doing it for my own good. Bar……"

"I'm going to arrive at my destination soon, and I'll be able to leave this hellish place soon! Goodbye, I'm going to collect my money. Maybe we can talk again next time."


The rustling signal sounded again, the old man cut off the channel, and the conversation was interrupted.

Wang Hao took a few deep breaths, sorted out the existing clues in his mind, and continued to move forward.

After chatting for a while, I felt a little better.

We have to admit that humans are social creatures, and no matter how stubborn they are, they cannot break away from the entire group.

The road under his feet was not smooth, with many potholes and gravel. The two walls were also uneven, and it took him a lot of effort to cross this section of the gut tunnel.

Channel 1 suddenly rang.

"(Laughs) It seems that someone was frightened by that laughter just now. I'm really sorry, you cowards."

"I will write an elegant paragraph below to describe the beautiful life in heaven."

"There the orioles are singing, and the mountain streams are gurgling. The sunrises are brilliant in the morning, the sunsets are romantic, the forests are full of green in midsummer, and the wheat waves are golden in late autumn. Naughty children are playing across the field ridges, and the elderly people are also Anran may have simple and warm folk customs. But the outside world is not that beautiful, materialistic and dirty... (*noise)"

"But no one would have thought that heaven is just...(*noise*noise*laughter)"

Wang Hao waited for a long time and found that there was no more behind.

This writer is indeed neurotic and always tells contradictory things.

"He may be referring to something in a subtle way..." After thinking for a long time, I still didn't understand.

Can only switch to channel 2.

The serious and old-fashioned voice was still instructing him: "Our channel has just been hijacked by enemy agents. I hope you have not been affected."

"Very good, pass through that gap and you will be close to your destination soon."

"It's very simple, right? As long as you don't hesitate and hurry up, it actually doesn't take more than a few minutes."

Wang Hao just wanted to ask some questions, but was forcibly stopped by the other party.

"At this point, you must have a lot of questions to ask, but what I can tell you is that you just need to complete your task and don't think too much about anything."

"You will see a door later, that is the gate of our underground base."

"But your identity does not allow you to enter the underground base, understand? Once again, you do not have permission to enter. Once you enter, you will be shot and killed by the security robot in the base."

"So, when I saw that quaint door, I took off my package and threw it into the door with all my strength."

"Confirm that the package is thrown into the door, no matter what sound it makes, turn around and go back the way you came."

"During this process, you may see some strange things and hear some sounds. Just ignore them. They are disguised by enemy agents. It is difficult for us to clean up foreign enemies. You must listen to me (*noise)(

A loud siren sound - "beep")."

That strange laughter sounded again.

Ha ha.


The laughter came one after another, and the goosebumps of those who listened could not stop falling.

Channel 3, the grumpy old man's channel, was just silent.

In desperation, Wang Hao could only temporarily turn off the radio and continue walking forward.


He stopped because he did see something strange...



Wearing the same raincoat as him, it seems to be a brand new raincoat that has not been used for too long.

But all that was left of the body was the bones.

Even the bones were broken, and the flesh and blood of his body had been eaten away by something unknown.

The backpack on the corpse also disappeared.

Lao Wang, who has experienced many battles, will naturally not be frightened by such a simple, ordinary skeleton.

But for some reason, layers of goosebumps are appearing on my skin.

The script I am experiencing now seems to have reached a critical point.

He has only one life.

This copy is quite special and cannot be resurrected.

Next to the body, there was a small radio and a half-lit cigarette, extinguished by the dripping water.

"Fuck!" Wang Hao recalled that the grumpy old man he had been chatting with lit a cigarette in the middle of the conversation.

Turn on the switch of this radio.

Channel 1 is still the channel of the street writer.

But this time, it seemed to have become mechanical, repeating the same sentence back and forth: "Sacrifice is inevitable (noise)"

"Sacrifice is inevitable (noise)"

"Sacrifice is inevitable (squeak - a huge and sharp sound)"

I knew this damn writer was unreliable and started making trouble at the last moment.

Wang Hao's mind raced.

His whole body began to sweat.

Then he switched the radio to channel 2. Since the owner of the radio was this corpse, it was a female voice. She seemed a little guilty: "I'm sorry. Although your temper is bad, I can understand that.

Not everyone can bear the pressure in such an environment."

"I'm sorry. Goodbye. Farewell."

"Your mission is accomplished...goodbye."

There was a rustling sound.

The channel is silent and the other party has disconnected.

Channel 3 is also silent.

Wang Hao turned on his radio, tuned it to channel 3, and said.


The other radio, the one with the corpse, also made a "hello" sound.

At this moment, the pupils dilated.

It was as if there was a creepy chill running straight from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai!

Lao Wang swallowed and seemed to understand what was going on.

The grumpy old man... is he dead?

This...is this really one star difficulty?!

Lao Wang, who had experienced hundreds of battles, could not help but feel his heart beating wildly and felt at a loss.

"Why is he in front of me?"

"Is this true or false..."

The truth was beyond his imagination, as if there was a terrifying shadow blocking the truth.

He began to adjust the channels in the tape recorder, and there were either "haha" or "hee hee" laughter, or quiet sounds, and occasionally there were bursts of noise.

As for the next few blank channels, they also laughed "hehe".

Further forward, he saw a door.

A door carved from some kind of black stone, with simple patterns and carvings painted on it, is the final destination of this mission.

Underground mining base?

of course not.

The door is open.

On the other side of the door, a sunset hung high in the sky, and a breeze blew in my face.

There, the orioles are singing, and the mountain streams are gurgling. The sunrise is bright in the morning, the sunset is romantic, the forests are green in midsummer, and the wheat waves are golden in late autumn. Naughty children are playing across the field ridges, but the elderly are safe.

, maybe the folk customs are simple and warm. But the outside world is not that beautiful, it is materialistic and dirty...

The other side of the door...

that is……

Is it the ground?!

Seeing the sunset outside the door and the sunlight spreading on the ground, Wang Hao was stunned for a moment.

The dark underground, the dark underground, but there is sunlight on the other side of the door?

But he didn't dare to act rashly, his thinking was a bit messy.

Because he recalled the last sentence of the street writer: "But no one would have thought that heaven is just..."

It’s hard to guess what heaven is, but it’s probably not something too good.

"First of all, let's assume that this street writer is neutral. He may be controlled by something, so he can only give some vague hints."

"As for Channel 2 and Channel 3, there is only limited information."

"As for the writing on the wall...it's hard to tell if it's true or false."

Wang Hao had some inspiration. It was probably the conflict between personal interests and collective interests that led to the appearance of these words on the wall.

"In other words, after sending this package, will it bring bad things to me personally? Lose my life? Sacrifice to the evil god?"

He exhaled the breath from his chest and began to dial his radio.

Channel 1 is still repeating the same sentence: "Sacrifice is inevitable (*noise)"

"Sacrifice is inevitable (*faintly wanting to laugh)"

Channel 2...seems to be back to normal again.

The old-fashioned and serious voice: "You have been stagnant for a long time. You may have seen something or heard something. But the destination is already ahead. Throw your package outside the door, then turn around and leave, returning the same way.

.Your mission is accomplished.”

Wang Hao asked: "Channel 1 said that sacrifice is inevitable...what does it mean?"

The other party said: "That's just some nonsense. The signal here is not good, and sometimes some unbelievable content will come in. There are many weird things, all to stop you from delivering this package."

Wang Hao asked again: "I found a corpse here. It may be the colleague from Channel 3. Why did he die here?"

The other party was silent for a moment and replied: "You can think that it is enemy agents trying to interfere with the activities. What you see and what you hear may be some kind of disguise."

"The person you contacted has actually returned successfully. And this body is actually something they want you to see and make you hesitate."

"Even if I say this, you may not believe it. I also know that you don't trust me, but I still hope that you will complete the mission and come back."

Wang Hao was not too excited, and said in a low voice: "There is the surface outside the door. Why don't I return to the surface, but choose to return the same way? Where is the underground base you mentioned? Where is it?"

The voice on the other side of the radio was silent for a moment and said: "You don't have to report what you saw or heard. Because what you see may be different every time."

He sighed softly: "There are some things. Everyone has realized something. We can only understand things that are unspeakable."

"But why you still do this, there must be a deep-seated reason... I don't know why this happens, and even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you any answer."

"What you have to do now is just throw the package into the door and then turn around and leave."

"But what if I die like this colleague?" Wang Hao's voice became louder, "He died right in front of me! And outside the door is the surface, and there is sunlight! Why don't I return directly through the surface?


"He's not dead, he came back successfully. But he can't talk to you directly. This is a rule!"

"And I said, you can't come in! Otherwise you will die!"

"I have seen too many smart people like you... You should be able to feel that I am the only person here who can talk to you, a normal human being. Do you want to go back the same way? Before delivering the package, you

You can't look back, otherwise you will encounter something even more terrifying."

"Complete your mission and throw the package through the door, it's the easiest way!"

The sunshine on the opposite side of the door is just right, the breeze is blowing, and the birds are flying happily in the sky...

Inside the door, the atmosphere was cold and dark, like an abyss of hell.

(PS: Two chapters in one!)

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