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Chapter 213 Chen Xinyi and Xu Zhijun (5000 words in one)

Chapter 213 Chen Xinyi and Xu Zhijun (5000 words in one)

"Forget it, just thinking here, why not investigate it yourself."

"The big deal is, I'll die a few times."

Wang Hao got up from his office chair, put on a mask, and hurried to the legendary Building 3.

This is a major outpatient clinic building, with people coming and going and it's very lively.

After watching here for a long time, I couldn't see much. The patients seemed to be just ordinary patients, and there were no problems with the doctors and nurses.

We came to the sewer area to the north of Building 3 again.

[You smell a faint smell of blood and decay, and feel an inexplicable sense of crisis in your heart.]

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment and became wary when he saw an "aunt" wearing cleaner's clothes.

The aunt turned her back to him and muttered: "It's blocked again, it's blocked again, I have to open the sewer every day, I'm exhausted..."

"I don't know what was flushed into the sewer!"

Wang Hao swallowed and did not go directly.

He was a little worried that the aunt would suddenly twist her neck 180 degrees and laugh at him.

Many horror movies will have such a setting...

The scene was quite cliché, but scary enough.

I passed by "Aunt" cautiously and glanced at her from the corner of my eye.

In an instant, the pores shrank!

"who is this?"

Wang Hao observed that the aunt looked a bit like his own woman - "Chen Xinyi"?

Her expression was a bit dull, like that of a fool with trisomy syndrome. Her face was so dirty and impure that she was almost unrecognizable.

"What's going on? Why did Chen Xinyi come here and become a cleaner?"

A small card is hidden in Ms. Chen's pocket. It looks like an employee ID card, a plastic card that can be hung around the neck at any time.

When he passed by Ms. Xiao Chen, Wang Hao used a move - "Flying Dragon Exploring Cloud Hand"!

With his 300 points of physical strength and 5,000 points of mental strength, even without pickpocketing skills, he took this card out of the opponent's pocket.

"This is the difference between a master and a mediocre player!"

Wang Hao felt deeply that the game points were not wasted.

If he were a different character, he wouldn't be able to do this move at all.

Not even Li Qingshan can do it.

Taking a closer look, there are the words "Qingtian Hospital Cleaner's Guide" written on it.

On the front is an ID photo with personal identification information written on it.

【Chen Xinyi, female, 24 years old.】

She is indeed a woman from my own family!

The reverse side is written with dense text.

【Code for Cleaners】

[This code is designed to protect the life safety of every cleaner. Our employee welfare is famously high in this area, but in order to ensure your life safety, there are some rules you must abide by, even if they don’t seem very clear.

It’s reasonable, you have to believe that this is for your safety.】

[1. Every cleaner needs to clearly understand the existence of red. There is a red label in the upper left corner of the manual. Please read it for three minutes before going to work every day. If you find that your awareness of red appears.

If there is any deviation, please inform the cleaning team leader and ask for a day off.】

[2. If you see any red garbage, red blood stains or other red items in the hospital, please do not clean it up rashly. When a doctor instructs you to clean up, you can clean it up. When no one instructs you to clean up, please ignore it.

these items and leave directly.】

【3. Don’t communicate too much with other people, just do your own job well. 】

[4. Staff training is conducted every morning. Our slogan: Keep clean and tidy to serve Qingtian Hospital.]

[5. Be sure to keep your personal employee handbook. If it is lost, please contact the cleaning team leader in time. Your identity number is: (a series of numbers, and Ms. Chen’s ID photo is posted on the other side)]

There is only such a small page.

The content... is extremely weird.

Wang Hao swallowed and adjusted his breathing: "This world is too crazy. There are dangers everywhere. Can people here really survive?"

"How did this woman get here?"

The hand shook and the small card fell to the ground: "Hey, you dropped something!"

Chen Xinyi, who was cleaning garbage in the sewer, realized that she didn't recognize Wang Hao, who was wearing a mask, and said in a dazed way: "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Be careful next time, hang it around your neck and don't drop it!" Lao Wang warned him.

"thanks, thanks!"

"How did you get here?" Wang Hao tried to strike up a conversation with her.

"thanks, thanks!"

As a result, Ms. Chen didn't seem to pay much attention to people, and she still worked there as a excrement worker. She only said "thank you".

"That's right, her code says not to strike up conversations with strangers... Although I don't know if this code is completely correct, it should be partially correct."

Wang Hao originally wanted to visit the morgue in Building 3, but after all the trouble, he changed his mind temporarily.

Because there is no janitor code in the archives, it means that this paragraph was not promulgated by the "Dean"'s office.

In the hospital, there may be other people with deep knowledge.

This insider is most likely the leader of the logistics team.

However, when he arrived at the logistics team's office, he found that he had come to nothing.

The original team leader has resigned, and now a new person takes over.

This young man is about 30 years old and has only been here a week.

"Do you want to see the logistics team's manual?" His face seemed a little embarrassed, and he clasped his hands together awkwardly, "But... is this really good? Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing. The logistics team of Qingtian Hospital has always been

I have been working alone since then and have nothing to do with the hospital. This is the decision of the city health bureau..."

Wang Hao didn't recognize the city director, so he asked, "As the director of the archives, it would be inappropriate if I didn't know this information at all..."

"After all, there is often a smell in the sewer of Building 3. I don't know what's going on... You know, if the smell is not removed for a long time, some accidents may happen."

The young man was still hesitant.

Wang Hao asked again: "By the way, where did the previous logistics team leader go?"

"Well... her health is not very good, and she has returned to her hometown to rest. This logistics team manual was not written by her. Someone else may have been doing it for a long, long time. The identity... can no longer be checked."

The young man was a little nervous and didn't know what he was thinking.

Wang Hao quickly said: "If it really doesn't work, forget it, I just want to take a look... But you have to know that some things are not as imagined. Things develop dynamically and remain unchanged. It is good to maintain the status quo.


Wang Hao looked up at the blue sky and acted like the Riddler.

He sighed in his heart, it would be great if the paper manipulating skills were brought in. Then there would be no need to waste more words, he could directly control the paper man and crawl into the drawer to detect information.

Unfortunately, the legendary ability of this reincarnation is "suspended death"...

"Can I make a call?"

"Okay, I'll wait."

The young man ran outside and made a phone call.

I don’t know who I was calling, but I ran back panting a minute later.

He asked: "You were transferred to Qingtian Hospital two years ago, right?"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, then nodded in acquiescence: "Yes."

"That shouldn't be a big problem...but you need to tell which color is red."

Wang Hao nodded, indicating that he understood.

He selected the red card from a large pile of cards.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, took out the "Cleaning Team Leader's Manual" and handed it over.

[Code of Logistics Team Leader]

[This code is designed to protect the life safety of every cleaner and security guard, and also to protect yourself.]

[1. The number of cleaners in Qingtian Hospital remains at around 600-700. One cleaner is generally responsible for a cleaning area of ​​250-600 square meters. The number of security guards is around 600.]

[Record their attendance time every day, and each person's working time should not exceed 8 hours. If it exceeds this standard, they should be reminded that they should take a rest.]

[2. When recruiting new employees, try to select middle-aged people who are diligent, taciturn, whose intelligence is below average, and whose family background is relatively poor. They tend to have higher tolerance and will not ask too many questions. 】

[3. The identification of red is something that every cleaner and security guard should do. In the team leader’s office, there is a set of color cards with the color names written on the back. The color identification of these people must be checked every week.

People who cannot distinguish the color red need to go home and rest for 1-3 days. If they are still unable to distinguish, they will be fired directly and will not be hired again.】

[4. If the team leader cannot distinguish red, please resign and go home. 】

[This job pays well, but you don’t want to lose your life in vain, right? Follow the above rules and you can work safely.]

[The above are the basic rules for the leader of the cleaning team. Our hospital is the best hospital in the world. We are engaged in a proud profession. It is insignificant but crucial. Please be proud of our work.]

"Is that all?"

Wang Hao gently put down the card in his hand, feeling an indescribable smell brewing in his heart.

Could it be that the price of using the power of [The Moon of Illusion] is to make these cleaning workers color blind?

Although it's not impossible... In this crazy parallel world, everything is possible, but the price... shouldn't be that simple, right?

Or maybe the color red has something to do with the san value?

Wang Hao frowned and thought hard.

"Yes, that's all." The young man carefully observed Wang Hao's face, trying to get some information.

It's just a pity that as of now, he looks like he is in his fifties, and has a rather wealthy character, but nothing can be seen from his face.

Wang Hao asked again: "What was your last job? Can you tell me?"

"This... is not convenient to disclose." The young man said.

"Hey, thank you for your hard work." Seeing that he didn't want to say anything more, Wang Hao stopped forcing him and turned around to leave.

"This man should be from the local government? He may know something..."

Wang Hao recalled the little girl "Feng Ling" he had rescued, who belonged to an organization called the "Abnormal Foundation" and should be a local resistance force.

But the collapse of this world is a bit outrageous, and it is no longer clear what is true and what is false, and the official can only maintain a semblance of order.

There are many written rules, but they may not be completely correct, and they may even be completely different.

Most people just know what it is, but don't know why it is so. They just write some rules based on superficial phenomena.

Maybe, knowing only a little bit is a safer state.

While being respectful, you will not deliberately break the rules.

He even admired the human beings in this world for living fearfully under such extreme pressure.

After Wang Hao's figure disappeared completely, the young man made another phone call and reported the incident with a somewhat nervous expression...

"Yes, yes... the director of the archives office of Qingtian Hospital got crazy and suddenly came to investigate the rules and regulations of the cleaning team."

"I don't know... what exactly he wants to do."

"Who is he? Was he transferred from another place?" The young man's face changed slightly, "Can't find the dean's personal files and family files?"

"Okay, I understand... don't pursue it any further. Just leave it like this. Judging from his appearance, his mental state is normal... Sigh. He should want to do something."

The young man stood at the door dejectedly. In this world, there are many people who cannot find their personal files, many...

No one knows where they came from or what their purpose is.

Perhaps, they are the puppets of [Delusion], perhaps the product of some kind of delusion, or perhaps other unknown phenomena...

"Hospital, nothing will happen, right?" The man clenched his fists. This is the best hospital in the world that can treat almost all diseases!

Wang Hao continued to explore this strange hospital with a very high cure rate. He was on his way to the morgue in Building 3.

"There should be some clues in the closed morgue..."

Suddenly, I discovered that a tall man was blocking the way I had to pass.

This guy is wearing a security uniform and may be 2.5 meters tall. He is his other character - "Xu Zhijun"!

"No outsiders are allowed to enter here!!" Xu Zhijun said angrily.

I don't know why, but Wang Hao always feels that Xu Zhijun is a lot smarter.

In the last dungeon, Xu Zhijun spoke vaguely, but now he can actually speak complete dialogues, and his figure is not as fat as before.

"Am I an idler?" Wang Hao took out his official authority, pointed to the work permit on his chest, and spit out a series of questions, "How do you speak, what is your name? How long have you been working here?"

Although the official position of archives director is small, it still has a higher status than that of a security guard.

"This place... has been sealed off by the wall." Sure enough, Xu Zhijun's voice lowered, and he said somewhat flatteringly, "It's useless even if we pass."

A thick wall blocked the front.

The entire corridor was blocked by concrete!

"It's still a concrete wall, not a cement wall..."

Wang Hao knocked, and a line of text "You can't break this wall" popped up on the screen.

He was speechless secretly.

Concrete and cement walls are two different magnitudes.

Cement walls can be broken with a hammer, but it is really not easy for ordinary people to push concrete walls. They have to use a cutting machine.

Xu Zhijun explained again: "Didn't the dean order the morgue to be sealed? It's no longer needed anyway, and it saves on cleaning. This order has been in effect for several years."

"how long have you been here?"

"One year, two years, I can't remember." Xu Zhijun started chatting, but the nonsense started to increase. He even winked a little to please, "It is said that the freezer inside was broken and the body stinked! The hospital paid a lot of money!

It is no longer allowed to be used in the future. You said that the freezer is in good condition, why is it broken?"

Wang Hao laughed dryly: "People are born, old, sick and die, and things will break."

"That's true, Qingtian Hospital has existed for a long time. Our Building 3 was built more than 40 years ago. At that time, it was still the tallest building in the city."

Xu Zhijun seemed to be very familiar with this place, which made Wang Hao feel very excited.

This guy is obviously from Earth, and he went to work as a security guard in this damn place, yet he actually looks like he's familiar with it.

Chen Xinyi, who had always been cheerful and generous, turned into a dementia; and Xu Zhijun, who was stupid, turned into a talkative person!

I pushed the wall hard twice, but it didn't budge.

A 300-point physique, even if it is the peak of human beings, is just that. If you want to punch through a wall, you can only do it in a dream.

"Don't bother, Director, please leave immediately."

"Okay." Wang Hao found that Xu Zhijun also had a piece of paper hidden in his trouser pocket, with a few big words written on it: [Qingtian Hospital, cures all diseases!]

What does this mean?

After wandering around for several times, there is only one road leading to the morgue, which is equivalent to the door being blocked by a wall.

"What should I do?"

Wang Hao frowned and thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with any good ideas.

There was no way he could order the wall to be demolished.

Although he is the director of the archives, he is just a petty official and not the director of the hospital.

It is estimated that many people will jump out to oppose this kind of serious violation of "rules".

More importantly, he had to find enough workers and suitable cutting tools to knock down this unusually thick concrete wall.

After thinking about it, I know that this plan is unlikely to be passed.

So after thinking about it for a while, I had no choice but to give up.

"Then we can only go to the top floor of Building 3 to have a look!"

It turned out that the hospital's elevator could only reach the 20th floor, and the stairs leading up were blocked by concrete walls.

"You are making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger!"

【In this place, you smell a faint smell of blood.】

This line of prompts popped up on the screen.

Wang Hao's face was solemn. In fact, he felt a subtle sense of suffocation on the 20th floor of Building 3.

This atmosphere seemed very strange. Everything around him was obviously normal, but whether he was a doctor or a nurse, they looked mechanical and rigid.

If you ask them a question, this guy will have a response similar to that of a human being; if you don't ask him, he will just sit there in a daze, as if he is dead.

(PS: Two in one!)

This chapter has been completed!
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