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Chapter 216 The scene in the mortuary

Chapter 216 Scene in the morgue

The owner of the diary is trying hard to reveal something.

But the diary is not over yet, and the handwriting in the next few days seems a little messy.

"June 26th, the weather is sunny."

"My name is Zhou Haoran. I am 45 years old. I am 1.73 meters tall and look mature. I measured my height and found that I have grown one centimeter taller, which is incredible."

"I remember committing suicide yesterday? But it didn't succeed."

"The cyanide seems to be fake. It really poses a huge problem for me. How could there be cyanide in the hospital? It's fake when you think about it. The so-called suicide is just a joke. Why would a good person commit suicide?

Woolen cloth?"

"Oh, by the way, I don't actually have the habit of keeping a diary, do I?"

Wang Hao was sweating in his heart, a little worried about this guy's mental state.

"...It is no longer possible to know what I did yesterday and whether the cyanide is real or fake."

"But I almost understand what I want to express. I really don't want to stay in this crazy world for a second."

"Or, use nitroglycerin to make explosives, a big one?"

The next diary entry jumps directly to eight months.

This guy seems to be really too lazy to write a diary, and is secretly brewing something.

"On February 2, the weather was cloudy."

"I spent eight months using materials in the hospital to accumulate enough nitroglycerin. Pay attention! I will definitely get a big one! I will! I will definitely! I will definitely!"

"Of course I'm going to fail, aren't I?"

Next is a sketch photo with a sketch of a Labrador drawn on it.

(I don’t know why, but I like dogs so much.)

The date of the next diary entry jumps another week.

But the handwriting has changed slightly. It may be written by the same person, and the handwriting is more neat than before.

"February 9th, the weather is sunny."

"Explosives plan..."

"The plan was discovered by the security guards. Fortunately, they didn't find out that I had set it up. So I fled back to the office."

"Factual memory tells me so."

"Do I really have the courage to blow up a hospital? Don't be kidding. Homemade explosives can only open up a small pit."

"I don't know, I don't understand. I'm probably just a coward. I choose to work hard here and not know more about the truth. The ignorant are fearless, so don't know too much."

"But I observed something strange: a brain doctor in her forties, a lady named Feng Ling, actually resigned and left the hospital."

"I don't understand how she did it at all...she..."

"I'm not the only interesting person."

Wang Hao frowned.

Is this "Maple Bell" the "Maple Bell" I picked up? Why... She's in her forties? Shouldn't it be a girl in her twenties?

Facing this strange notebook, Wang Hao's scalp felt numb when he looked at it, his heart was beating wildly, and he felt that his whole body was about to be mentally polluted.

A baffling diary with an explosion of information!

The diary continued:

"...I have always been thinking, what kind of person am I? Genius and fool are always one step away."

"I must have been an adventurous person before,"

"Exploration is always difficult. If I want to explore, I must face this opponent. But the opponent actually doesn't understand us."

"Because of my opponent, I look at myself, because of my opponent, I understand myself, because of my opponent, I become a stronger myself, hello, my opponent, one day, I will become a better me."

"A me who can defeat my opponents."

"If I have the courage to commit suicide, then read the following content. If not, just work hard and don't think too much."

Wang Hao flipped through this page and suddenly felt the weight of fate.

The sea, the mulberry fields, the birds, the human heart.

At this moment,

It seems to be concentrated.

[I investigated her who left and how she left.

[It’s strange that her traces are slowly fading, but have not been completely erased.]

【How did she really leave?】

[Colleagues believe that she is a real genius. She has fearless courage and firm will, and she can also come up with some genius ideas. 】

[Before she left, she had been taking psychotropic drugs for a long time. Specifically, she included... (A lot of redacted text.)]

[I only investigated up to this point because during the writing process, I found that I could no longer identify the color red, which is a sign of danger.]

[I have to take a good rest for a while, or maybe I will be a stronger me soon.]

[It doesn’t matter, I must be a stronger me when I see this line of text, right? 】

Here is the final chapter of the diary.

Wang Hao sighed and felt a sense of respect for this Comrade "Zhou Haoran".

"Is 'I' a stronger me? No, I just stand in a higher dimension. No matter how much information I know, it will not be modified by memory."

Human beings are indeed very miraculous living beings. Although the disappearing life temporarily drifts away like smoke, it also leaves its own unique mark. This is the so-called "mark of history".

It can be seen from this diary that "I" may have died many times, but somehow, "I" came back to life again.

I don’t know what’s going on with this, but it’s actually quite frightening.

Wang Hao blinked and suddenly realized that the entire field of view on the screen had turned into black and white.

Just like a black and white photo, it can be distinguished but not clear.

"I see, I can't see the red color anymore. Is this a warning that San is about to be attacked... hurry up, we haven't done much yet in this reincarnation."

Wang Hao got up from his chair, went downstairs with a bang, and once again asked the leader of the logistics team about the color.

It's not that he forgot the rules of the cleaning team... but that he wanted to use a paper man to eavesdrop on whether this young man was an official power.

Just like the first reincarnation, after he asked this question, the young man ran out and made a phone call.

"Yes, the director of archives behaved a little strangely today. He said... he can't see red anymore." The young man said on the phone, his expression gradually becoming depressed, "There is nothing you can do, is that right? Advise him to take a good rest.



Perhaps because of his low ability, the young man did not notice that there was a piece of paper at his feet.

There was a paper figure drawn on the paper, quietly eavesdropping on his phone call.

"...Only the current situation is the most reasonable..."

The content of the phone call was very vague, but it can also prove that the young people are most likely an official organization.

"Abnormal Foundation..." Wang Hao thought for a moment.

She still hasn't figured out whether the Feng Ling she rescued and the Feng Ling in the hospital are the same person.

If so, the age level is not appropriate.

After the young man called back, Wang Hao asked directly: "Do you know anything about Dr. Fengling who resigned?"

"No, I don't know much." The young man refused, "When she left, I had not participated in the work here..."

He also kindly reminded: "You may need to rest for a while. Don't think too much in the near future."

"Otherwise your symptoms will worsen."

From the body language, it can be seen that this guy is a little nervous?

Lao Wang thought about it for a while and decided that he should not embarrass the other person. In a world where people will die if they talk too much, why should humans embarrass humans?

"Thank you, I will rest." Wang Hao turned around and left.

There are so many clues now that they are like a tangled mess, and there are mysteries everywhere, but Wang Hao has a wonderful feeling in his heart that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

In "Cross Dimension Game", missions with difficulty levels of 1 to 3 stars have relatively single scenes and fewer clues. Even through the exhaustive method, you can pass the level relatively easily.

But once the difficulty rises to 5 stars, it becomes a large and complex scene.

How to summarize and sort out this mess and turn it into a real technical activity.

"Watch my brother perform a real skill!"

I passed Ms. Chen Xinyi, a manure digger, and Comrade Xu Zhijun, a talkative security guard. Both of them had their memories rewritten, and they actually had nothing to talk about.

He threw the made paper figures into the air conditioning ducts.

Under the control of mental power, the paper man tried his best to move in the pipe.

Destination: A morgue sealed by a cement wall!

The paper man's eyesight is not very good. It is like a black and white camera screen, densely packed with pixels.

Fortunately, the paper man seems to have night vision, and can still see some things clearly in a dark environment.

After trying several times, the paper man finally climbed to the pipe of the morgue.

The picture changed drastically, a black horror filter appeared, and everything around it took on a black and white halo. Darkness like ink shrouded it from all directions.

Wang Hao bit the bullet, controlled the paper man, and jumped down from the vent.

There are freezers here, and the cool air is constantly blowing out.

"Isn't it possible that there are dead people inside? The dead are resurrected."

However, the paper man's power cannot open these freezers and explore what is inside.

Wang Hao felt a chill on his back, so he couldn't help but control the character and walked to a place where the sun was shining... Although doing so was of no use at all.

On the west side of the mortuary, there was also a large mirror, and I actually saw the picture in the mirror: a large group of people keeping vigil in the funeral parlor!

The movements of the group of people were vivid and no different from real humans...

Stranger things happened!

An old man in one of the coffins suddenly came back to life, causing a dispute.

Of course, the mirror has no sound, so I don’t know what these people are communicating...

Wang Hao actually saw the sneaky Pan Hao in the mirror!

As if he had seen something extraordinary, this guy had a look of extreme shock on his face and fled the funeral parlor in a fit of piss.

This chapter has been completed!
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