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Chapter 248 Attack on the Moon (two in one)

In the conference room, everyone was discussing somewhat seriously.

"Regarding matters related to the moon landing, we must do it as soon as possible! If this matter exceeds [the game's] expectations, we may have to find a way to complete the corresponding investigation ourselves."

"Yes, it must be as soon as possible!"

Everyone is worried.

Everyone sitting here, although you are in a game training camp, [Game] has always been cold and cold, and it never communicates with humans.

No one knows how it thinks. Some people even think that [the game] may not have self-awareness, but is just a collection of some complex algorithms.

[Game] It is not necessarily calculated that there will be an accident on the moon.

A think tank from the West said: "The current moon landing rocket, the Saturn, has not been produced for decades, and there is no backup rocket. Regarding the resumption of production of the Saturn-class rocket, it can be as short as four to five years, and as long as five or six years

Year... cannot be achieved in a short period of time."

"Even the global industrial chain will take two or three years."

After several years of production, the daylilies have become cold!

But this is also a fact. Industrial production is not magic. The original industrial chain has collapsed. How can it be so easy to recover? Not even with money!

This matter is indeed a headache. Major countries do have some rockets that can launch lunar rovers... but lunar rovers and manned spaceflight are two different levels of difficulty.

"What about supernatural science?" the old man in black clothes asked.

After half an hour of discussion and gathering the power of global elites, people came up with several barely feasible solutions.

"The first way is to send a few outstanding investigators directly to the moon through the Stairway to Heaven! Find out what exactly happened on the moon."

However, this plan also has great risks.

The moon is not the earth. An area like this where no life originally existed is called an "extraterrestrial planet" in academic terms.

Physical rules are isotropic, whether it was hundreds of millions of years ago or now; whether it is the earth or the distant Alpha Centauri constellation, the physical rules in all regions are the same from the perspective of time and space.

But idealistic rules are not isotropic.

As time and space change, idealistic rules will undergo subtle changes.

On the "extraterritorial planet", the idealistic rules will be dominated by the "Principle of Humanity" that humans are accustomed to, and will be transformed into the "Principle of Human Survival".

It may even be the "principle of survival of the weak"!

Explain in simple language: In a world where humans exist, humans will change the surrounding environment, and idealistic rules are friendly to humans.

In a world without humans, idealistic rules will tend to slowly change in a direction that humans are not "adaptable to".

This may cause some supernatural items to directly fail.

Therefore, the Stairway to Heaven may fail. Once it fails, the investigators who enter will be trapped inside.

"Actually, I think it's still possible to land on the moon..." Lu Tianming whispered on the 12th, "At least humans have landed on the moon and left footprints there."

"But what can I say? It's impossible to let me go, right?"

"It is indeed possible to land on the moon, but it is extremely difficult." No. 24 nodded in agreement, "Probably climb about two thousand floors. There are only a handful of people who can complete this level of difficulty."

If you want to travel directly to Mars through the "Stairway to Heaven", it is almost impossible. It may be more difficult than reaching the realm of [God]!

Because no humans have ever left their own footprints on Mars, academically, this kind of planet is considered "a world that rejects the existence of human idealism rules."

"There is a second way, which is to launch a rocket and use a series of supernatural means to increase the rocket's carrying capacity."

Physical methods do not need to consider idealistic rules.

Even in the future, if humans build a base on the moon, with the long-term daily life of humans, the idealistic rules on the moon will change from an "extraterritorial planet" to a "barely friendly" small world.

The astronomer explained on the screen: "We can use ordinary rockets to load some space-type wonders with a large amount of fuel and send them to near the synchronous orbit."

"Then let the astronauts assemble a moon landing spacecraft in synchronous orbit. This will solve the problem of insufficient rocket carrying capacity."

"Of course, the number of people landing on the moon cannot be too large, no more than 5 people. The risk of this plan is slightly smaller than the Stairway to Heaven. But letting space-type wonders help climb the gravity well may require a lot of resources and funding.

It consumes a lot of money.”

"How much will it cost?" Director Rojef of the Mystery Bureau asked.

"Using idealistic means to transport 1 ton of material to geosynchronous orbit may require 1,000 units of sources."

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, this price...

It's indeed a bit expensive.

Much more expensive than ordinary rockets!

But there is no other way, even idealistic creatures must abide by the law of conservation of energy.

Otherwise, a perpetual motion machine can be easily manufactured.

After some intense discussions, especially the wrangling over funding, people still carefully chose the second option.

A few big countries bear the most "sources" of costs, gritting their teeth and finding thousands of units of sources, they can still afford it.

The selection of astronauts was also quickly decided, totaling 5 people.

Two of the best astronauts are responsible for the operation of various space instruments.

The three investigators are Li Qingshan from the Black Guard, "Smith" from the Mystery Bureau, and the famous fortune teller "Jenny".

There are naturally deeper reasons for choosing these three people.

[Game] Two of the anchored characters have gone to another world, leaving only one Li Qingshan here on Earth, who just happens to come in handy now.

Sending him to the moon is also a notification to [Game]: There is something strange about the moon, don’t ignore it!

Two foreign investigators, one is "Smith", an old acquaintance of the Mystery Bureau, and they are obsessed with the one who wants to eat large intestine sashimi.

In "Gluttony Paradise", he may have had contact with [Game] and was also arranged to play.

The last place is the famous fortune teller Jenny, she may be able to glean some information from the moon.

This adds up to a total of 5 people.

Just like that, the vigorous lunar expedition was officially launched!

On this day, a world-class news broke!

Countless astronomy enthusiasts have invariably observed a grand celestial phenomenon: countless dust caused by a major lunar earthquake formed an extremely huge vortex and enveloped the entire moon.

Even the sunlight reflected by these dusts vaguely forms the image of an egg in human vision.

The moon... actually turned into an egg?!

"Excuse me! The moon explodes with destruction and huge earthquakes, staged a doomsday scene!"

"The meteorite that cracked the moon is about to hit the earth, and the sixth mass extinction of life is about to take place!"

"A terrifying creature is hatching in the core of the moon... Godzilla!"

"The cultivators are devouring the moon..."

"Earth is in danger!"

The sudden change of the moon soon turned into a carnival of human society.

All kinds of rumors and rumors are coming like snowflakes.

That's right, no one really cares whether it's the end of the world or not. People just want to be entertained by it. All kinds of eye-catching titles filled every corner of the Internet within a few minutes.

It is extremely difficult to cover up such an obvious astronomical phenomenon that can be seen with the naked eye at the level of public opinion.

Therefore, government departments across the country generally adopt the attitude that it is better to block than to open up.

The International Astronomical Organization announced as quickly as possible: "Into Science: A huge meteorite hit the back of the moon, triggering this earthquake. The moon cannot be seen clearly because of the huge dust on its surface. On the moon

Under the influence of gravity, these floating dust will fall to the ground again after a few years, and the moon will return to its original shape by then."

After all, the earthquake on the moon did not affect the operation of society. It was hot for a while and would soon subside.

On the contrary, many doomsday enthusiasts started a doomsday carnival, claiming, "How could an earthquake turn the moon into an egg?"

"That's an egg, and a terrifying creature is hatching inside!"

There are also some astronomy enthusiasts who tirelessly observe the moon, and various high-definition photos are spread back and forth on the Internet.

We can actually see some of the dust's trajectory, but it is indeed not an "egg". However, someone photographed a huge shadow moving in the dust.

Due to "unknown" reasons, the dissemination of these photos has led to the ban of countless accounts such as Qingkou, WeChat, Blue Bird, Fei Die, and Line.

Wang Hao, of course, was also eating the melon with gusto.

Whether it is news network, the Internet, or even some casual online games, this matter is also being discussed.

The young lady in the news said in a professional voice: "The International Astronomical Organization announced that if this meteorite hits the earth, it will cause 7 billion casualties! The degree of extinction is no less than the mass extinction of the dinosaurs!"

"The earth, under the protection of the moon, survived!"

Wang Hao couldn't help but gasped: "Real or fake? Seven billion people died? This is really thrilling."

"Didn't this sudden meteorite be observed beforehand? It shouldn't be..." Han Xiaoyue sat on the sofa watching TV, dragging her head and muttering, "Isn't there some kind of hydrogen bomb defense system?"

Her bright eyes looked towards the ceiling and the direction of the moon from time to time, with a faint smile on her face, as if she was waiting for a good show to be staged.

Wang Hao responded casually: "It must have been calculated that it would hit the moon, so it was not announced."

However, he didn't take it to heart.

Since nothing really happened, it became a topic of conversation after dinner.

In fact, this matter will become a classic material in science fiction movies, science fiction games, and novels in the future.

I picked up my phone and took a look at the KouKou group. I saw that the "Earth Times" and "Kunlun Mountains" I had added were blocked for spreading harmonious images. What a bad luck!

On the contrary, "Save the Multiverse" has become a place outside the law, and the sand sculptures are naturally also having a carnival, with all kinds of messy pictures everywhere.

"It's over. Sister Chang'e was directly killed by the meteorite, Wu Gang was also killed, and the five-hundred-foot-long laurel was smashed to pieces."

"The Tengu was also smashed to death. I hope no more dogs will be licked in the world."

The group was really lively.

After one minute of absence, there are 99 unread messages.

[Most Eternal]: "How about writing a novel about the moon falling? The moon fell, causing a huge tsunami, and less than ten human beings were left."

"When mankind barely restored order, it was discovered that the moon had just filled the Pacific Ocean, and terrible monsters crawled out of the depths of the earth!"

Someone replied: "This is a great idea! The volume of the Pacific Ocean is just a little larger than the size of the moon. It also has a bit of a sci-fi feel."

"The moon seems to have been separated from the earth in ancient times."

[zero]: "At three o'clock in the morning, the official alarm message woke you up. The message read: Don't look up at the moon. Start with this and write an article."

Wang Hao yawned. Now he had no time to play games, so he could only brag and spank in the group to kill time.

But the quality of this chat is too poor.

These guys who watch cow hooves all day long actually start chatting?

What do they know? They know a hammer!

People who don’t even bother to read online novels and science fiction channels actually talk about it?

Is "light year" a unit of time or distance? Do these idiots understand clearly?

[Namo Gatling Bodhisattva]: "There is another rumor that the international coalition government is sending astronauts to the moon to explore the precious meteorites that fell on the back of the moon."

"This is the first moon landing in forty years!"


Surprisingly, it was really a photo of a rocket launch.

This news once again set off a wave of chat trends.

The fun people in the group began to debate whether the "American Empire" successfully landed on the moon more than fifty years ago.

Some people think that the moon landing was "fake" and was a video tape fabricated in a studio! Even now, it is so difficult to land on the moon, let alone more than fifty years ago?

Others believe that the "moon landing" was a real historical event, but the investment was huge but there was no profit, so the plan was stopped.

Wang Hao was made to break into a cold sweat by their nonsense. He couldn't help but tap the keyboard and typed: "Why are we going to the moon again this time? Is there any benefit? And you are in such a hurry?"

[Namo Gatling Bodhisattva]: "It is said that that meteorite is made of gold!"

"It fell on the far side of the moon!"

"So, several big countries are anxious to land on the moon and want to declare the ownership of that piece of gold. Of course, our Daxia country has a share in it... This matter must be done as early as possible. Everyone who understands it understands it, and those who don't understand it can't be told.

If you don’t understand, don’t ask, the interests involved are too great.”


Wang Hao took a big sip of Coke and complained in his heart: That's bullshit!

Gold has some industrial value, but it is not used in many places.

Things are rare and valuable. How many billions of tons is a gold meteorite with a diameter of 100 kilometers?

If it could be transported to the earth, then the price of gold and mud would be the same.

He typed again: "The gold industry has few uses. On the contrary, it will destroy the human value system and bring social chaos. I see that the spot price of gold has not moved at all and the capital market has not responded. This news should be false."

"If the fallen meteorite is rich in minerals such as titanium, lithium, and rhenium, the value will be much higher. Because our earth's lithium ore is completely insufficient, and the price of lithium ore has become a major constraint in the manufacture of energy storage batteries.


"If a large amount of rare metals are discovered on the moon, there is a real possibility of ushering in a new interstellar era... Well, no matter what, it will take fifty or sixty years? It seems good to declare ownership rights now?"

A big country always takes five, ten, or even fifty years to do things.

He even typed a few lines: It would be great if a treasure of supernatural and mysterious elements were discovered. Of course, he deleted these lines.

After all, as a group leader, you need to be aloof and avoid being sarcastic.

The screen started to refresh below: "Listening to your words is like listening to your words."

"Listening to your words is as good as listening to your words."

Wang Hao happily joined the government and gave advice in the group for a while, about industry, space, the future of mankind, social systems, etc. He was very happy to promote words.

Then I went to happily play games with Xiaoyue.

There was a wrestling brawl recently, and the duo queue was very fun.

Summer vacation is almost over...

Every day of life is very fulfilling!

(That’s it for today, the problem is too serious, and I’m not in a good mood. Kunlun Mountain and Earth Times, two KouKou groups that have existed for several years have been blocked, and appeals will not be returned. The new group is in "Author's words"

"Inside, I hope that everyone will be less censorious, and even if the censorship is of a higher quality. Hey, that's it.)

This chapter has been completed!
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