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Chapter 268 We have won!

At exactly two o'clock in the afternoon local time, the Anomaly Foundation headquarters observed a terrifying anomaly in space!

The scarlet eyeball suffered a fatal attack from another powerful being at the moment it broke through the seal.

A ripple like water ripples appeared in the sky 380,000 kilometers away. The entire starry sky seemed to have been reduced to one dimension, and abstract stripes appeared like oil paintings.

In a trance, people saw a black moon, which was grabbed by a withered black giant hand under the sea level!

This stalemate lasted for a minute, and the two returned to the seal and disappeared completely.

A light rain began to fall in the gray sky, as if in silent tribute to this short demonic war.

The Anomaly Foundation soon discovered that the rainwater was contaminated by the unknown power of [Delusion], and issued a notice on radio and television stations as quickly as possible.

"Citizens, please be aware that high-energy radiation dust from space is coming to Blue Star. Please do not get exposed to the rain. Citizens who have been exposed to the rain, please wash your body as quickly as possible. If you feel unwell, please seek help from the corresponding government department immediately."

"Dear citizens, please pay attention... please stay at home... happy and peaceful days may not be far away." Halfway through the broadcast, the host seemed to have learned some news, and his voice continued to tremble.

The bloody rain had a faint red color, and some animals and plants mutated after being watered by the rain.

Fortunately, at this moment, most of the human beings were hiding in the houses and escaped this disaster.

About half an hour later, the sky cleared after the rain, and the bright sun tore through the gray sky curtain, revealing a brilliant scene of sunlight.

The local government is extremely busy, but the attention of most insiders is still focused on the moon.

The moon hanging high in the sky - shrouded in faint blue light.

"The battle between [Dark Moon] and [Wuxu]... has decided the winner..."

"Report! A large number of mutated creatures appear outside the suburbs, and they mutate very quickly! The army needs to be dispatched to clear them out!"

"Understood, send troops immediately."

"The twisted creatures in the old neighborhood are also fighting each other. I don't know why they are crazy."

"The remains of [Delusion]'s power are losing activity... I repeat, they are losing activity!!"


People can't believe this fact.

Several observers rubbed their eyes in disbelief, but everything proved that we had won!

The strange images in the sky completely disappeared, and the demon [Void] that had troubled the world for tens of thousands of years was actually re-sealed on the lunar spacecraft!

A large number of anchors on [Delusion] were directly lifted.

Of course, this part of the power is not lost, but it loses its former "activity". Some of the power is left in the human body and becomes part of the superpower.

Next, people received a simple notification from the "Paradise" artificial intelligence, which introduced the approximate causes and consequences.

Mr. Black Gold, the leader, clenched his fists and sighed: "It is indeed the devil from another world who helped us. But it did not die in the end, it was just temporarily sealed."

"In the future, it is still possible for it to escape."

"But its strength has been greatly weakened. At least for hundreds or thousands of years, it is unlikely to escape."

"We no longer need to promote a series of [rules]."

His voice gradually became louder: "We... can finally live the life that ordinary people should live!"

Happiness comes too suddenly.

This is the joy of surviving a disaster, the ecstasy of a night watchman who survives the darkness before dawn and sees the sun.

Heijin knew about the "self-destruction" plan, but at this moment, the boulder in his heart suddenly fell. Thinking back to his efforts over the past few decades, he couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

Even if it is just a "temporary" victory, it is not easy.

Many soldiers of the Abnormal Foundation also cried with joy, hugged each other, and people cheered loudly for the victory.

There were others who stood there in a daze, some of them unable to believe it. The victory came too quickly, too quickly, and some of them did not dare to accept it.

Ms. Chen Xinyi was also very excited. Her heart was surging and she hugged a young lady, her nose was sore.

She wiped away her tears: "Oh, they may not know that this world... has been destroyed twice!"

"It's not easy for victory to come."

Half an hour.

After quickly confirming the fruits of victory.

A solemn and serious televised speech was issued by the government leader.

This televised speech can be seen on every radio, TV station, and mobile phone live broadcast: "Ladies and gentlemen, the war between humans and unknown anomalies has achieved victory in the first stage. As a Blue Star person,

I feel deeply proud of the bravery of mankind, the heroes who sacrificed their lives, and the civilians who wrote the [rules]."

"Here, I must tell everyone the cause and effect of the matter."

"Why have so many [rules] appeared in our world in recent decades? Why do people often disappear mysteriously? Why has the world become a little weird? I will discuss all this in the next speech."

“…(a lengthy essay of thousands of words)”

During these few hours of TV broadcasts, more and more people concentrated in front of the TV.

People listened carefully, and some brave people have begun to touch the [rules].

There are more and more cheers on the Internet.

"(High-pitched voice) Ladies and gentlemen, with the help of our friends from another world and the sacrifice of our heroes, we have achieved a staged victory!"

"But everyone should remember that this is just a phase, and it does not mean that we can slack off or relax our vigilance."

"[Its] residual power still exists and will not disappear due to the seal. Changes are occurring in the suburbs outside the city. We must take up arms as soon as possible to protect the people!"

"Even within the city, there are still quite a lot of anomalies contaminated by [it]. It may take us tens or hundreds of years to contain and clean up these anomalies."

"We need to reproduce, develop science and technology, and achieve greater progress. We must deeply understand that we are not strong."

"Finally, let us all salute the warriors who sacrificed their lives in the disaster and the great fighters! A moment of silence!"

The TV station's announcement quickly spread throughout civil society.

Careful attempts, loud cheers, passionate discussions, and sad silences. In a short period of time, four completely different emotions appeared in society.

Ms. Chen Xinyi personally experienced the evolution of a civilization.

The human government set aside safe zones in various cities as quickly as possible, and government leaders delivered exciting speeches.

"Friends and comrades, the past war is over, but the story of mankind is not over yet."

"Although the lost lives are temporarily dispersed like smoke, their spirits are eternal. Human beings will not forget history, nor should they forget history!"

Countless people caroused all night long in the safety zone, and overwhelming cheers resounded through the sky.

Human beings can observe the moon unscrupulously, and there is no more so-called "cosmic radiation".

In the safe zone, the most important task is to recruit soldiers!

A large number of young and middle-aged people picked up firearms and practiced shooting.

Countless factories are running all night, producing supplies to cope with possible survival crises in the future.

"Anyone who has accidentally been exposed to rainwater, please come here!"

Chen Xinyi is distributing supplies, a supernatural item called "antagonistic soul potion" that can resist the soul mutation after being exposed to the rain.

Hearing her shout, the crowd lined up in an orderly manner.

"Thank you, madam!" a little boy who lost one eye said to her - his eyeballs had mutated due to observing the moon in the past.

"You're welcome, little comrade, you don't need to thank me for such a small thing."

"Thank you, madam! I want to do something for you." Another aunt in line said. Her right hand was thicker than ordinary people. The reason is unknown.

"You're welcome. You can go to the office on the right."

Everyone has a smile on their face, but also has a deep look after the disaster.

Chen Xinyi felt a magnificent sense of power, as if every cell of a giant had been mobilized to mobilize the huge organizational power.

She couldn't help but think about whether the other world, the "Blue Star People", would develop faster and become more powerful than humans on Earth after experiencing such a disaster?

The world on Blue Star has been unified, unlike Earth, which is divided into more than two hundred countries.

Blue Star's supernatural concept has spread to the hearts of the people, and everyone has accepted this fact.

People’s expectations for the future are extremely strong.

And the earth... Due to some historical reasons, the existence of supernatural facts cannot be directly disclosed, otherwise it will inevitably lead to social chaos.

Of course, there are also a series of difficulties faced here.

Just the series of mutant creatures that have experienced the baptism of rain is enough for humans to eat a pot. It is only the first day, and those monsters are still evolving and growing. As time goes by, more powerful mutant creatures may appear.


"The race of civilization is a marathon."

"Although the current Earth is much more powerful than Blue Star, we have to admit that Blue Star's development potential seems to be higher than that of Earth. If mutated creatures can also be made into sources, and then traded with game training camps. These things can be used

Okay, it’s a treasure! This is a steady stream of free prostitution!” Chen Xinyi’s eyes flashed, “It’s great to have such a treasure!”

"Forget it, why do I think so much?"

She came back to her senses, took a deep breath, and after completing her mission, she presented a bouquet of flowers at the monument built by the Anomaly Foundation.

And the dark scales flashed with colorful black in the sunlight, telling stories that had happened in the past.

Seven o'clock at night.

A hazy crescent moon hangs high above the head.

Ganlu Temple seemed a bit deserted at night.

An old monk in his sixties came back from working in the nearby farmland. A lot of corn had mutated and turned bright red. He didn't know if the corn could still be eaten, so he had to pick it first.

, save it for now.

I also encountered a mouse as big as a cat in the field. Their instinct in the past caused them to be afraid of humans. In just a moment, the mouse was lured into the mountains.

"... Disasters come one after another. The future is uncertain, and these rats are still afraid." The old monk took the red corn home with him. If the government comes to collect it, he will hand it over directly.

A basket of food, a cup of drink, a simple life, but it brings peace of mind.

There was also a small radio in the room, and the female host's melodious voice was particularly passionate today: "Full of blood, fighting to the death. The old world has been completely destroyed, and the new world has been created with brilliance."

Another channel: "...Some experts pointed out that if the plants show signs of redness after being watered by rain, please do not eat them rashly... It is strictly forbidden to eat any wild animals. You are responsible for your family and health, and also for society!"

"According to research by paranormal scholars, red rainwater will slowly lose activity after three hours, but the spiritual energy inside will remain."

The old monk sighed softly: "If we continue like this, there will be no food harvest in the past six months..."

"But I should be able to hold on until next year."

He turned his head and looked towards the deep cave leading underground.

He couldn't help but think back to the unknown man he met a day ago; he also recalled the past events that happened decades ago.

Countless able men and women with lofty ideals have entered this depraved place where they will never return.

Just today, has the black hole of desire that devoured people completely disappeared?

Just thinking about it, suddenly the earth shook and the whole ground shook slightly!

In the old monk's astonishment, the black cave was opened again, and a large group of people poured out!

A lot of complaints followed.

"What, why did you drive us out of the paradise?"

"I haven't spent all my money yet? I can still pick up crystal stones again!"

"Don't all the wishes you made before count? You are betraying your trust!"

"I want to complain about your paradise!"

The crowd complained incessantly, but they were just impotent and furious.

An invisible force forcibly controlled their bodies, prompting them to leave the cave.

Once out of the cave, these dominant forces disappear.

These guys collapsed directly to the ground.

But there were also a few people who immediately struggled up from the ground and shouted to the sky: "This is Blue Star... we are back!"

"We are back! Victory!"

These are soldiers of the Abnormal Foundation, and they immediately took over the order of the crowd: "Move forward, don't step on them, everyone move forward!"

Comrade Lou Ronggen, who survived, saw the old monk and sat on the threshold with relief, looking at the crowds that kept pouring out. A total of 500,000 people were all driven out of the "paradise".

He searched for a long time but couldn't find the figure, so he couldn't help but sigh softly.

"What a nightmare, old monk, you are still here..."

The old monk burst into tears and wiped his eyes: "I am also very happy to see you, very happy... It's just that he and them will never come back. We who are living an ignoble life have returned here, back to Lanzhou."


Lou Ronggen said: "Although it is only a staged victory, at least our generation's mission has been successfully completed. As for whether [it] will break out of the seal again, it has nothing to do with our generation."

The old monk picked up the Buddhist beads on the table, cried and recited: "Everything with its own form is empty. If you see all forms without form, you will see the lamp-burning Buddha..."

"Stop reciting sutras, old monk, [Wangxu] is not the one who was killed by you reciting sutras." Lou Ronggen smiled mockingly, "Do you have any wine? Today, I just want to drink and drink to my heart's content! I'll drink till I die.

Drink until you don’t think about anything, drink until dawn!”

The monk said: "I don't have any wine here, only a cup of tea."

"Whether it's fresh tea or wine, let's drink tea instead of wine. Cheers!"


Not long after, a large number of troops dispatched by the local government arrived.

The soldiers transported these decadent people away one by one.

It is quite troublesome to deal with this large group of people who are confused. They are used to living a life of luxury and lust. If they are sent home directly, they may be hidden social unrest elements.

But it is impossible to shoot them directly. After all, they are still human beings and have not violated the law. There are quite a few of them, 500,000 in total, and they can stand in several football fields.

How to deal with this large wave of people will test the political wisdom of the government.

Mr. Heijin of the Abnormal Foundation immediately met Lou Ronggen and other old people who had been staying in the "Paradise" for decades.

The two shook hands vigorously.

Heijin asked excitedly: "Thank you for your hard work. Staying in the paradise for more than 20 years must be very painful."

Lou Ronggen shook his head and sighed: "The suffering is indeed very painful. When I think that the behavior of human beings picking up crystal stones is actually helping [Wanxu] break through the seal, it feels so uncomfortable..."

"Do you know what happened in the end?"

"The details are not very clear. External variables have helped us, and we have also contributed to it... Otherwise, according to the original plan..."

Heijin nodded: "The original plan was for the spacecraft to self-destruct. Of course, very few people know this. You probably don't know either, right?"

Lou Ronggen smiled bitterly and said: "I guessed a few things...There is no other way except self-destructing the spacecraft."

"In addition, there is a mysterious force that forcibly took over the paradise and expelled everyone. That external force seems to want to personally supervise [Delusion]? I don't quite understand who it is... Anyway, it took the moon spaceship

They were all snatched away.”

Heijin and others were silent for a moment: "Can this cave be re-entered?"

"No, we can't. We can only come out now, not enter."

Lou Ronggen approached the cave and waved his hand, as if there was an invisible layer of glass blocking humans who wanted to enter.

One think tank said: "It should be related to the variables in the parallel world?"

"Well, it's possible. Call them over and give it a try."

This chapter has been completed!
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