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Chapter 280: The Current Situation of the Mountain and Sea Realm

Li Qingshan's endurance was still not as good as Xu Zhijun's, and after a while, he was defeated.

He wiped his sweat and said: "I deeply reflect on my shortcomings."

"I always thought that being vigilant enough would prevent death, but obviously adaptability and interpersonal skills are more important in that world."

"Pfft, even though I'm out to play, you still have to write a review."

"Looking at the stern look on your face all day long, I know why you are so desperate." Ms. Xiao Chen couldn't help but laugh. "When asking the indigenous people for some information, you have to be relaxed. If you are too serious, they may be blamed by you.

Scared to death."

Li Qingshan's face turned dark and he didn't know how to refute.

Indeed, most of the information was obtained by Mr. Pan Hao.

Another girl, Feng Ling, as a new "game character", was even more worried. She looked at the blue sea as if she had something on her mind.

"Don't worry, the most difficult step has been taken."

Chen Xinyi smiled and stretched out her claws to attack her chest: "[Game] should be more merciful, right? It won't send the poor little doctor to die. After all, it is proficient in calculations."

"How is this possible? The devil shouldn't have such a mind." Feng Ling attacked with a backhand.

"That's true."

The two girls started laughing and joking.

During the following short vacation, the team of four experienced rock climbing, mountain climbing, or driving a tank or flying a plane!

The feeling of driving a big steel bird soaring in the sky is so stress-relieving!

On this day, Li Qingshan suddenly felt that there might not be much rest time left for him.

Of course, he was ready to go on another expedition.

"Regarding the interest value of the Mountain and Sea Realm and the specific difficulty of land reclamation, the currently known information is as follows..."

"The above is what I saw and heard before my death."

"As for what happened after my death, there is no way of knowing." Li Qingshan said at an international report meeting, "I have a hunch that a new journey may begin soon, and I will bring you some information at that time.

New news coming."

The audience in the conference room totaled more than 200 people, including experts from all walks of life in the two worlds.

The human civilization of the mountains and seas is before our eyes, and many scholars are very interested in the culture of this alien plane.

A black-clothed guard's think tank said: "Listening to Li Qingshan's description, the evil god's 'Center of Disaster' is in the etheric abyss. There is a high probability that it is the evil god level. This kind of weirdness is generally distributed in the Moho interface."

"As for why black dog blood, black beans and other things can remove impurities, there are corresponding ancient legends in our country of Daxia. The so-called groundless rumors may actually be effective in the mountains and seas."

"Well, there are corresponding legends here in Blue Star."

"In other words, the ideology of the Shanhai Realm has affected the operation of our civilization to a certain extent?"

"It's possible."

This is a very novel discovery. The culture of the higher spiritual plane is actually closely related to the cultural inheritance of the main material civilization, which has caused everyone to discuss it for a long time.

The think tank of the black guard added: "Our Comrade No. 12's life status is normal, and Comrade Pan Hao has not returned. For the time being, it can be considered that this strategy was successful."

"But why doesn't [the game] take the next step?"

"Perhaps it is processing this harvest... Anyway, there is no need to worry too much, [the game's] computing power will only be higher than ours."

"I have observed that the fee for teleportation tickets to the Mountain and Sea Realm has been reduced from 50,000 units to 10,000. This should be tangible evidence of success."

Because the battle plan may be successful, everyone here is scratching their heads and scratching their ears, waiting a little anxiously. What about yellow scarf warriors, Taoist priests, black dog blood, "abcesses" that can restore youth, etc., have exposed the world of mountains and seas.

A mysterious corner.

A small corner is really attractive.

Now that the first step of opening up wasteland has been taken, the next step is to transport manpower and material resources on a large scale to crush agricultural civilization with the power of industrial civilization.

Even the first batch of land reclamation personnel, from combat personnel to scientific researchers to logistics personnel, etc., have been prepared.

I don’t know how many meetings were held and how much gossip was raised about this!

The famous fortune teller Jenny said: "Opening up wasteland cannot be completed overnight. Please listen to me for a moment."

"The world of mountains and seas is biased toward Eastern culture and is disturbed by idealism. The current upper limit of technology is estimated to be the steam age, and the technology of the electrical age will be seriously affected."

The main reason why it is affected is because of the poor technical level of human beings.

If various "idealistic phenomena" can be cracked, the techniques of materialism can still be used normally.

"In addition, after foreigners enter, they may be more severely excluded, which will lead to misfortune. Thieves' misfortune can kill people. I don't know if you have seen the movie "The God of Death". The way of death looks like

It’s an accident, but it’s inevitable.”

This matter is not difficult to do. You can use "painted skin", "pretender" and other rare props to achieve a certain degree of disguise.

At worst, drink a little bit of the abscess water from the mother who caused the sores.

"Having said that, microbial issues cannot be ignored. It is best to collect some local microbial samples and develop targeted vaccines to reduce the possibility of getting sick."

The current pioneers are invited by the devil [Game], so it is unlikely that they will die from a minor illness.

Even if you die, you can be resurrected directly.

But those who enter at their own expense may not receive such good treatment.

Maybe he drank some stream water and died of an inexplicable illness.

"There is also the research on steam power devices, difference engines, and steam machine guns. The design of these things is not difficult, but it also takes time to complete."

"Energy in the mountains and seas is a big problem. Coal and other resources will not be found for a while, and it is impossible to burn wood."

"The cost of transporting coal from game training camps would be too high."

These are all practical issues before us.

"Energy is easy to solve. We have ideal energy sources such as Roshan grease." An expert from the Anomaly Foundation said, "We are willing to fund some grease to solve the energy problem in the short term."

"Of course, from a long-term perspective, we still need to look for local coal and oil."

Roshan grease is naturally a trophy taken from monsters. Blue Star’s side has no shortage of such trophies.

"The last thing is the issue of safety and security."

"Due to the restrictions on war weapons, there may be some forces in the mountains and seas that can exterminate our forces. They may be human forces, or they may be evil gods or demons. We must be careful in the future."

"The anchor of Bluestone Town is still not enough for [Game] to project power on a large scale. Don't expect [Game] to save us when we encounter danger. We just cooperate with each other."


While the humans in the game training camp were carefully planning, Pan Hao and Lu Tianming were also working hard to plan for the future.

In the blink of an eye, Pan Hao has stayed in the Shanhai Realm for more than ten days.

He suddenly transformed into a local "great witch"!

As the name suggests, the profession of "Great Witch" is responsible for the mutual communication between humans and "gods".

Placed in "Qingshi Town", a corner of the world of mountains and seas, it can be considered a very powerful profession.

But Pan Hao was sitting in this position, but he didn't feel very stable. On the one hand, he was not a native after all, and he didn't understand many customs. On the other hand, the damn [Game] didn't reply!

He can't communicate with "God" now, what if the secret is revealed?

Will he be caught by the locals and hanged alive?

Will the evil god appear again?

What if... the sore mother comes back?

These are all real problems.

"Great Witch, the burial and compensation of the deceased have been completed."

The local squire "Huang Youcai" knocked on the door, showed his rotten teeth, and said: "When will the memorial ceremony for the Sore Mother begin? What kind of sacrifice is she interested in? Is it the same as before?"

"We in Qingshi Town are now a piece of ownerless fat meat. We must sacrifice it as soon as possible. Otherwise, the evil god may come to our door, and even bandits may target us!"

Pan Hao nodded repeatedly: "Yes, of course I know."

He originally wanted to ask what the original sacrifice was, but he didn't know how to ask.

The real god now is [Game], not some sore mother!

How did he know this information?

Pan Hao was completely annoyed and waved his hand: "Just prepare as usual."

"Yes." Mr. Huang nodded with relief and said happily, "Let's go prepare now. With the protection of the Sore Mother, we can finally live a stable life for a few years..."

After the first seven days, the dead were buried and Qingshi Town gradually settled down.

We have to admit that human beings are very resilient creatures. The dead are gone, but the living will continue to live.

With pain and sadness, as long as hope does not disappear, people will always be strong.

"Xiaohua, come here." Pan Hao waved and said to the witch's little daughter, "Do you have any books at home? Lend them to me, Old Pan, and I won't treat you badly."

"Yes, what do you want to see, witch?" Xiaohua's eyes flashed, looking a little weird, "Master Huang said that next year he will let me go to the city to learn Taoism. If I succeed in my studies, I will go back to the town.

Be a great witch!"

"If you want to take over, then of course it's best." Pan Hao chuckled and said, "Are you literate? If not, I can teach you."

"I can read!"

No matter how hateful the witches were in the past, they still died in the war against the Evil Nexus.

As for her daughter, there will be no further investigation.

Huang Youcai fulfilled his promise, adopted the little girl as his goddaughter, and sent her to the city to learn Taoism.

Pan Hao felt that this female doll was quite spiritual and had a relatively strong innate sense of spirituality. She might be one of the rare ones with innate superpowers.

The proportion of such people in the world of mountains and seas is only about one thousandth, which is similar to the proportion of people on earth.

I got some ancient books from the little girl's house and started studying them with Lu Tianming.

"In this hellish place, in a few years, this little girl will get married."

"Do you want to send her to school on Earth?" Lu Tianming picked up a book, "I think you are quite old, and you are still so lolita-minded."

"Men always like young girls." Pan Hao retorted, "And I think she is similar to my little granddaughter. She is a little wild flower in this ugly town."

"I understand, everyone understands. Huh?!" Lu Tianming picked up a book called "Guan Di Samadhi Sea Sutra" and read it a few times.

Breathing became slightly faster.

"Did you find it again?"

"People here generally use meditation and visualization methods to enhance their spiritual power, which is similar to what we do there."

Meditation and visualization are two different ways of practice.

Meditation is to be with yourself at the moment, let go of all external things, and focus on your heart and breathing to subdue your mind and desires.

As for visualization, focus on thinking about a special object, be with your future self, and preset an ideal picture of what you want.

Of course, people on earth have several other ways to improve their psychic power: surfing the etheric sea in game training camps, and... taking drugs directly!

"In the past, the nine Taoist views, namely, the new death, blue and blood stasis, pus and blood, crimson juice, insects, sinews, bones and graves, are they evolved in this way?" Pan Hao asked.

"When thinking about a new death, quietly visualize the person who has just died, lying straight on his back, cold to the bones, and unconscious. When I look back, I will be like this after my body is greedy for money and sex."

"Thinking about Qingyu, I watched the corpse that had not yet been encoffined. During one to seven days after the corpse was laid to rest, the black air spread out and the skin turned purple and swollen. It was very scary. Looking back on this beautiful body of mine, will it still be the same after death?


"Thinking about pus and blood. Watch quietly as the dead begin to rot and ooze pus, the pieces of rotting corpse collapse, and the intestines and stomach flow out. Remember that my charming body will be like this after death..."

"My father told me these things. This method sounds evil, but it is an authentic Taoist method of self-cultivation."

"It is indeed true," Lu Tianming continued: "The essence of visualization is to condense oneself, control desires, and communicate with the etheric abyss to trigger its feedback."

"Since the earth world is the main material plane, you usually visualize your future life and death."

"But in the world of mountains and seas, if you are visualizing other things, such as the 'Contemplating the Earth Samadhi Bodhisattva', I don't recommend trying it rashly. Because the methods explored on the earth have been tempered for thousands of times and have a neutral and harmonious effect on your own spirit.

Very small, even if the progress is a little slower, at least there are no side effects."

"But evil spirits are everywhere in this ghost place. Maybe the object you are visualizing is an evil being who lives for no reason."

"Of course, if there is a better way, I can try it. Anyway, I don't dare to try it."

Pan Hao said: "I don't dare either, let Li Qingshan try it."

The two of them laughed in perfect agreement.

"It can be considered a harvest."

Lu Tianming picked up another book. This family classic called "Qingshi Zhi" was actually more valuable. It described in detail the major events that had happened in Qingshi Town over the years.

There were originally six big families in Qingshi Town, namely Li, Sun, Huang, Ye, Xiao, and Gu. But now times have changed, many have fled and many have died, and only one local rich man, Huang Youcai, is left standing here.

In addition, there are some poor people who guard one-third of an acre of land and have nowhere to escape even if they want to.

"Alas, agricultural civilization is not like industrial civilization, where the population can move at will."

Lu Tianming sighed: "In the eyes of these farmers, the farmland that can be passed down is more important than life. They fight against the evil god with such ferocity that we people on earth cannot do it."

"Indeed... that battle was too tragic." Pan Hao nodded in agreement.

"Master Huang's name is Huang Youcai. He is 62 years old. He owns thousands of acres of fertile land and is considered a wealthy landowner. This man's reputation is not bad in Qingshi Town, so he is asked to do the work of appeasing the victims. I see him these days

It’s also done well.”

"Well, before the large troops are stationed in, your position is not stable. It doesn't hurt to give some power to the local forces." Lao Lu pondered for a moment, "Don't think about the power struggle, it's just petty profit."

"Except for the matters related to the gods, I have to take care of them, and leave everything else to Huang Youcai."

"Who cares about this little right?" Pan Hao shook his head.

The strong dragon cannot suppress the local snake, and the comfort of the widowed and lonely is too complicated. Instead of doing it yourself, it is better to rely on the prestige of the squire.

Certain pages of "Qingshi Zhi" also record the nearby geographical environment, which villages have become extinct, robbers and robbers are present in such and such a place, iron ore is found in such and such a place, etc., all are marked in detail.

Within a radius of 500 miles, the largest city is called Fenghua City, with a population of about 100,000. It is considered one of the largest cities in the world.

"Take time to go to Fenghua City to inquire about the news... It just so happens that Xiaohua is going to the city to learn Taoism."

"The sacrifice of the sore mother is a ten-pound fish, ten catties of shrimp, and ten catties of crab, once a year. This sore mother only eats aquatic products. She is really a strange guy..."

When Pan Hao saw this line of text, he inhaled slightly.

No wonder the "big mother with sores" is remembered by the people of Qingshi Town. She actually likes to eat fish, shrimps and crabs, but does not eat people!

It's really rare in this world.

But now, the memorial ceremony is about to begin.

The so-called "Big Mother of Sores" must manifest her divine power in order to appease everyone in the town.

Gods who cannot manifest their divine power will soon be abandoned by humans.

Pan Hao was a little anxious and cursed in a low voice: "What on earth is [Game] doing? If it doesn't come back, I won't be able to fool you anymore."

"When there is no news tomorrow, don't blame me for running away."

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Lu Tianming smiled happily: "Who told you to eat abscess? If you don't want to be a great witch, who will?"

"If I am hanged, you won't be able to escape! You are also a grasshopper on a rope."

"The mere villagers can't do anything to me, Old Lu." Lu Tianming took out a piece of waxy paper with an official seal stamped on it, and said with a smile, "Look, this is a recruitment order from the imperial court. They think I am good at it.

He wanted to recruit me to do an errand in Fenghua City."

"When Qingshi Town stabilizes, I will go to the big city to find out what the situation is there."

Pan Hao said: "You'd better take it easy. Evil gods are raging in so-called big cities. You'll be fucked as soon as you enter, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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