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Chapter 312 The miraculous resurrection

This scene of resurrection from the dead simply made everyone in Qingshi Town feel confused. Even the soldier who reported the story was stumbling and a little uncertain.

That is resurrection!

There is great fear between life and death. Nowadays, survival and death have been fundamentally reversed. What kind of power is at work?

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here www. 】

"What are you talking about? Those officers and soldiers are not dead...where are our soldiers?" Comrade No. 24, the commander-in-chief of Qingshi Town, did not react for a while.

"They're not dead, they're all still alive!"

"Everyone in the morgue has faked corpses!"

The veins on No. 24's face jumped a few times, pretending to be a corpse... what kind of international joke are you kidding?!

He had just inspected the corpses of these soldiers, and most of them were as shriveled as pieces of human skin, with the bones inside melted, leaving only a pool of fishy pus inside.

The sharp mouthparts of those mosquitoes contain a special kind of poison, which is like digestive enzymes. Only a very small amount of venom is needed to dissolve human flesh and blood.

This is also the main reason why this mosquito is so lethal.

In this situation where the whole body turns into pus, is it still possible to fake a corpse?

"Come on, take me to see it quickly!"

Not long after, a group of people hurried to the morgue. The room was filled with a strong rotting smell. Several soldiers guarding the room were wearing masks.

The scene inside is even more horrific, ten times more horrifying than the cruelest corpse corpse on earth.

After one glance, no one wants to take a second look.

"Come in." No. 24 took a deep breath, mustered up his courage, and was mentally prepared.

But when they saw the real scene in the morgue, everyone was shocked!

The terrifying pieces of human skin actually returned to the appearance of a human body, full and full of vitality. The breath of "death" was dispelled by a mysterious force and replaced by living humans!

Even the protagonist "Li Qingshan" has been resurrected?!

Pan Hao patted Li Qingshan's head, "Look, the protagonist is not resurrected in the temple this time..."

Although he kept mumbling "What's going on", the atmosphere of joy spread rapidly in the room!

Comrade Li Qingshan, who was brave and fearless, stood on the front line of the war, and was bitten by so many mosquitoes that his whole head exploded like a balloon.

It was a dead person a long time ago, and now it is growing again.

And the same is true for other people.

Li Qingshan was patted, woke up from his daze, and blurted out: "I am alive again... How was the war? How many people died?"

This is his biggest concern.

"Yes, you are alive, and everyone is alive. A good thing, a huge good thing!" Pan Hao said with a laugh.

On the 24th, I checked one by one and found out that I was in coma, coma, all of them were just coma.

After being confused at the beginning, my mind immediately changed and I blurted out involuntarily: "Is this... going back in time? [The game] loaded the file? That's not right, the thing is over and has not started again, but the ending has been changed.


How does it look like...a modification?

"It's not like we're going back in time." Ms. Chen, who was in charge of logistics, laughed.

After experiencing such a big thing, she finally had the mood to smile, "If time goes back, everything will be reset. But now, their vitality is still very weak, and it seems that some powerful existence has forcibly reversed the trend of death.


"Could this being be the ultimate mastermind behind the scenes..." Ms. Xiao Chen seemed to have discovered something, and laughed "Hey, hey," "It's nice to have thighs to hug."

"It should be a kind demon? It actually resurrected our soldiers without paying a price. Will it be like this in the future?"

The atmosphere of joy became more and more intense. Several foreign investigators cried and laughed while holding their companions who had come back from the dead. Things in the world are like gray dogs, and life will eventually wither. Only when you have lost something can you truly understand the value of life.

At this time, Pan Hao came into contact with Mr. Huang and others who came in a hurry, and whispered: "Everyone, ahem, the celebration party will be held in two days."

"Resurrection from the dead is naturally a good thing, but there are still many things to do now, and even the war is not over yet... What to do with the officers and soldiers outside the city gate? Although those officers and soldiers are still alive, they are extremely weak and cannot survive a few days there.

God, do we need to save him?"

"I think we should save as much as possible what can be saved."

"Judging from the internal strife among them, these officers and soldiers should be unaware of it. They were only bewitched by Taoists and participated in the encirclement and suppression of Qingshi Town."

No. 24 rubbed his temples and analyzed: "Now that those Taoists have fled back to the city, they will definitely slander us and put all the blame on us."

"But as long as these officers and soldiers are rescued... the sewage will not be poured on our side. Let them come forward and the rumors will naturally dissipate."

Pan Hao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, saving these people can also further consolidate personal relationships. With the support of these local indigenous people, future work will be much smoother. The counterattack on Fenghua City is just around the corner, and even this

It’s possible to win within two days!”

After the discussion, Pan Hao walked out of the room and found Huang Youcai and several older clan elders to mobilize for the next work.

These squires are still immersed in the magical phenomenon of resurrection from the dead and cannot extricate themselves.

The scholar Ding Zhijing's face was enthusiastic, he clenched his fists, and once again strengthened his belief: "Emperor Huang Tian is worthy of being a god at the level of 'heaven'. The miracle of resurrection from the dead happened unconsciously, without even any strange appearance."

, it’s like lifting a weight with ease.”

"You don't need any incense, it's so scary."

"It's just that our foundation is still shallow, so we still need to hide our capabilities and bide our time and be patient for a while."

"I know that even your mother-in-law doesn't know about Emperor Huangtian's affairs." Huang Youcai rubbed his hands excitedly, "I help Emperor Tiantian do things, but I don't want to stay young forever. I just want to live a few more years so that I can finally have a child.

If you end well, you will be satisfied."

"I..." Ding Zhijing fell silent instead. What did he want to gain? Fame and wealth may be too vulgar, but they are solid and reliable goals in life.

"I just feel that my talent is not being appreciated and I am just pursuing fame and fortune."

Pan Hao said loudly in the crowd: "Fellow folks, everyone has seen what happened."

"The Nameless Ancestor showed himself as a saint, helped us survive the disaster, and the dead people came back to life. These... are all the credit of the Nameless Ancestor.

"Even those officers and soldiers were resurrected, which shows that the unknown ancestor did not blame them."

"Now we need you to rescue those officers and soldiers."

"The imperial army is just in the dark. All the fault lies with the Taoist priests who ran away. I hope you can help. There are too many officers and soldiers."

"Don't say that, great witch. If you have anything to do, just give me your orders!" Huang Youcai was the first to speak.

"Yeah, it's just a matter of saving a few people. What a big deal."

"You must try your best!"

After a great victory, the masses had no doubts about the leadership's decision-making. It could even be said that the residents of Qingshi Town had raised their trust to the maximum level.

That is the "unknown ancestor" who can bring people back to life. Who dares to say "no"?

What's more, the current combat power of Qingshi Town is not low. Even the regular army of the imperial court has been defeated. What else can we not trust?

Two hours later, as the town's militiamen were mobilized in large numbers, the officers and soldiers lying on the ground were moved to vacant rooms.

It's just that there are too many people in coma, a total of 2,000 people, and there are not enough rooms and manpower. You must know that the current population of Qingshi Town is only a little over 2,000, and one person can take care of one injured person.

With no choice but to further mobilize the power of the masses, one or two injured patients were taken care of almost door to door.

Pan Hao also promised that these injured patients would not stay for long, and when they woke up from coma, they would naturally be given corresponding rewards.

The so-called life-saving grace, no matter what, you have to give some money.

In this way, the rescue work continued until late at night, and Qingshi Town gradually settled down.

Everyone gathered in the conference room to discuss the outcome of today's battle.

Because no one died, everyone was in a good mood even though they were tired, talking and laughing.

"The broken Yellow Turban Warriors and those giant puppets are considered good trophies at the moment. They generally use some special runes, and the specific principles are not known yet." No. 24, patted the huge "treasure weapon" behind him.

On the giant's body, there are strange lines carved on it, which are a bit like semiconductor lines and are drawn with the blood of some kind of animal.

"Their power source should be some kind of weird idealistic crystallization, which is equivalent to the 'source'. Therefore, this thing still follows the law of conservation of energy."

"It's just that the teleportation cost of the giant puppet is too high, so we won't transport it back to the game training camp for the time being. After we capture Fenghua City and strengthen the anchoring, the teleportation cost will be greatly reduced."

"In addition, the venom glands in the abdominal cavity of mosquitoes are also important trophies. These venoms are extremely toxic and can effectively dissolve organic matter. Only a trace amount of venom can kill people. However, large-scale extraction is difficult and risky, and it takes a certain amount of time.

With patience, I'm just extracting a little bit now."

"Professor Jin, you can really take anything as a trophy..." Ms. Jenny, the diviner, said with a smile, "If it were me, I would definitely want to take a rest for a while."

"This is to face this unknown world with a scientific and rigorous attitude. We must learn lessons from this war."

No. 24 looked calmer and explained: "Now this venom is our magic weapon. But in the future, when we face that kind of mosquito again, we need to think of a plan. There can't be a mystery every time

Strength gives us resurrection.”

"That's true." Mr. Carr from the Mystery Bureau said, "Such small insects are too troublesome. Are there any insecticides such as sprays? Will wearing a thick layer of armor be effective?"

"I have sent the corpses of mosquitoes back to the game training camp." Another researcher said: "Actually, these mosquitoes are not very powerful. Wearing high-standard biochemical protective suits, they will not be able to bite them."

"We don't have biohazard suits here. [The game] is not necessarily willing to deliver plastic props."

"That would be more troublesome. It is difficult to produce seamless protective clothing locally."

"You don't have to worry too much. Maybe... you can be resurrected after death?" Jenny had a bright smile on her face, "The Emperor is really full of goodwill towards us. I think it can still happen.

Please help us further."

Today's magical scene proves to a certain extent that the controller behind [the game] really exists.

Does the Demon God [game] have this ability?

Probably not. If it has this ability, why not send more resources in?

The extremely powerful demon [game] is actually just a tool. This weird and even crazy truth is really embarrassing...

Face No. 24 shook his head and said calmly: "I still hope that everyone will not put their expectations on the illusory and powerful existence."

"You only have one life, and adventurism is unreliable. What's more, I just received two important notifications on my watch. I don't know if you have seen them."

The first notice: [Resurrection insurance (one year): worth 10 points. The adventure in the world of mountains and seas may be too dangerous. When you purchase this insurance, your soul and memory will be taken back to the game training camp at the moment of death.

To avoid real death.]

Article 2.

[Reshape your body (single player): worth 150 points, reshape your body in the game training camp (the more times you are resurrected, the higher the price of reshaping, please cherish your life)]

"As you can see, there may not be anything as good as free resurrection in the future."

Everyone was silent, and suddenly the price was clearly stated...

In fact, the price is not expensive at all. 160 points per life is really not expensive, but it also means that you can’t go to whoring in vain.

"There is a big question. Why should resurrection be divided into two parts? Buy insurance first, and then reshape the body..." Karl from the Mystery Bureau asked doubtfully.

"It's very simple, [the game] may not have the ability to directly resurrect people in the world of mountains and seas." Professor Jin analyzed on the 24th, "Only Emperor Huangtian personally takes action, can people be resurrected for no reason like now."

"[Game] could only resurrect humans in the training camp. I even suspect that it was the cooperation of multiple demon gods that barely managed to do it."

"As for the separation of the two options, it may be to make it affordable for us. Insurance worth 10 points... After this battle, everyone can afford it. As for body reshaping, even if you don't have money, you can still delay it.

Not too anxious."

After such an analysis, there is a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

Life is suddenly guaranteed, and everyone is full of passion.

Of course, 160 points for one resurrection is not cheap...

And the more people die, the more expensive it becomes.

"No matter what, it's a resurrection service. [The game] suddenly treats us so well, I feel flattered." Jenny's smile became even brighter.

"Perhaps it was given over by Emperor Tian, ​​​​and had to launch new functions." No. 24 shook his head, "It is better to avoid death or not. The only exception is Li Qingshan."

"Pan Hao, how are you doing there?"

"The storage of more than two thousand officers and soldiers is almost done." Pan Hao wiped his sweat. He was really busy today. "Fortunately, the prestige of these brothers is enough, and the people will naturally have enough patience to accommodate them."

these people."

"How are their physical conditions? Has anyone woken up?"

Pan Hao said: "It's nothing serious. After medical examination, these people are weak and may need to recover for a while before they wake up."

"But the problem is that those Taoists who escaped may cause us a lot of trouble."

"After all, they control the voice of the local court, and they can't just give up. According to the speed of riding horses, they are almost back to Fenghua City."

"Our army must set off urgently... The Great Mother of Sores and the Great Mother of Turtle Spirits have prepared their tablets and are ready to fight for anchors at any time."

"Yes, we set out at midnight and can arrive in the city in time tomorrow morning. Let the participating soldiers purchase resurrection insurance."

Everyone was chattering and decided on a plan.

After some preparations, the army currently ready for the expedition consists of more than fifty soldiers, six special hunting dogs, and one hundred loyal militiamen from Qingshi Town.

In addition, there are two big turtles, the Mother of Sores and the Mother of Turtle Spirits.

The turtle's back carried most of the remaining war supplies, as well as the tablets of two local gods. These two tablets are equivalent to the "anchors" of Tianmen.

On the one hand, it is to deal with the possible disaster in Fenghua City, which is a big city with a population of 100,000. On the other hand, it is naturally to snatch the anchor, and it is best to regain the throne of the Turtle Spirit Mother!

By then, [Game]’s control over the world will be greatly enhanced, and there will no longer be the need to dig and search as in the past.

"Army..." Pan Hao waved his hand and changed his words temporarily.

This small force is really not a large army.

"Special Warfare Team...departure!"

"I wish you all a safe journey and a successful return!"

In this way, time passed by, and everyone in Qingshi Town kept taking care of the injured until early morning.

While waiting anxiously, everyone was restless, waiting for the war to break out in Fenghua City.

Until dawn, Professor Jin suddenly found the Conch earphones buzzing in his pocket and quickly answered it.

Comrade Lu Tianming, who was staying in the city and was responsible for investigating information, called on the 12th.

His tone was a little impatient: "An unexpected situation did occur. As soon as those Taoists came back, they hid in their mansions. A layer of pink mist filled the city, and faint shrill screams appeared in the red mist.


When he heard the keyword "pink mist", 24's face didn't look good, and his heart thumped.

"It's not like mosquitoes are laying eggs in there!"

The mosquitoes Qingshi Town fights have not grown to full size, and their numbers are not large.

but now……

When thinking that 100,000 people in the city might become food for mosquitoes, everyone in the conference room felt a subtle sense of horror. What kind of monsters would breed?!

Terror is quietly growing!

This chapter has been completed!
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