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Chapter 51 Diary of a Missing Child

The first step is to investigate the most mysterious mirror!

In the mirror in the living room, the red curtain has been removed, and it happens to be pointed at the yard.

Wang Hao stepped forward cautiously, took a deep breath, and saw himself in the mirror.

There wasn't anything strange about him. He looked like an ordinary child in the mirror. His face didn't look very good. Maybe it was because he had been hungry all day, and his body was shaking slightly.

"If the mirror is a demon mirror, it means that I am indeed a normal human being. But why did grandma tell me not to look in the mirror?"

"Why is the neighbor's old man so frightened when he sees it in the mirror..."

But at this moment!

"Creak" - Wang Hao heard it in horror, and the chair behind him moved.

He quickly turned his head and found that there was no one on the chair, but the chair moved for no reason.

Look in the mirror again...

Through the mirror, you can see an old woman sitting on a chair, staring at his back expressionlessly.


The sudden scene made Wang Hao tremble.

He kept comforting himself that it was the "fourth natural disaster".

No matter how awesome grandma is, she is just a plaything of the "Fourth Natural Disaster".

"If this grandma is real, it means that she did not go out in the first place, but ran into the mirror. Only the mirror can illuminate her. Why?"

"If this grandma is fake...well, it means there is a fake grandma. Real grandma, let's be careful about the fake grandma."

"What does the fake grandma want?"

Now a new force has appeared again: the illusory grandma, which gives Wang Hao a wonderful feeling of being like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water: it is already so chaotic anyway, why not make it a little more chaotic.

His mind is now in a mess, there are too many clues, and he can't tell which side is the righteous side and which is the evil side. Or are these evil people just dog eating dog, thus maintaining a terrifying static balance?

The grandma in the mirror did not attack herself, but just sat there stupidly, staring at Wang Hao's back.

After a while, grandma got up, left her seat, and walked to the bedroom.

"So I've been sleeping with this illusory grandma these past few days..."

Immediately afterwards, the contents in the mirror actually changed.

A little boy appeared!

The little boy sat expressionlessly, playing with a Luban lock.

"This is... what the neighbor said, the last child?" Wang Hao was surprised by this novel discovery.

The Luban Lock seemed to be the last child's favorite toy. He played with it several times, putting it on and then taking it off, and then putting it on and taking it off again.

Wang Hao suddenly thought of something, left the mirror and headed towards the bedroom.

At this time, his vision had been greatly distorted. The old bedroom seemed to have passed by for decades. Some yellowish-brown mold was covering the quilt and bedside table. It was hard to imagine that he was actually in such a place.

I slept for five days.

The red mist outside the window has entered the bedroom, blocking most of the view.

The sound in the living room came again...

Compared with this unknown noise, the neighbor's old man breaking in seemed a bit cute. At least the neighbor's old man could understand it. But the unknown phenomenon in the living room was completely unreasonable.

Wang Hao couldn't figure out what happened. He recalled the actions in the mirror and dismantled the Luban lock as quickly as possible!

Sure enough, in a small groove at its core, there was a small piece of paper with some strange words written on it.

[You found an important clue—the diary of a missing child.]

A prompt popped up in the game, and Wang Hao was greatly excited. In the midst of extreme depression, there was good news.

[(Unknown date)... The pancakes are so delicious, but grandma won’t let me eat more. Today, while grandma went to the market, I ate two pancakes in a row. I was so satisfied. I was so full!! I

I found that the white fog in the sky had dissipated, revealing the long-lost sunny sky. I climbed up the big peach tree and looked at the entire village.]

[I discovered the innermost part of the village...(unrecognizable weird text)]

[I saw some strange people living in the house, and some people were still saying hello to me and wanting me to go out... It's strange, how did I get here? Who am I? I can't recall it. ]

[(The following content is difficult to distinguish.)]

[(Unknown date)...A big black bear came to the door. It seemed a little hungry and kept digging at the door to get in. 】

[I was afraid that it would break in, so I threw a tortilla out of the wall.]

[The big black bear actually ate the cake (these words were written in big letters), it was so satisfied!!!]

[But after eating the cake, it left. What a pity. I still wanted it to play with me. Hey, why do I remember the term zoo? 】

Next section of the diary.

[...It’s the fourth day now, but I’ve already finished the pancakes. What should I do tomorrow? Am I going to starve to death? 】

Next section of the diary.

[I'm starving to death...I don't know how long I've been asleep...]

[It should be the fifth day since grandma left? The sixth day? The white mist in the village has turned red. I am so hungry, so hungry that I feel dizzy... I hear the tables and chairs in the living room moving very frequently. Damn it.

The mouse!】

Next section of the diary.

[Mom is back! Oh well, she brought me a lot of delicious food and said she would take me to the city! Hee hee hee! (Following text is indecipherable)]

Wang Hao's scalp felt numb after reading this diary, and his breathing was a little messy.

In addition, the character he controlled was currently in the [Hungry] state, and the entire viewing interface was covered with a layer of dark red light.

There may not be much time left for the current role.

"The experiences in the diary are different from the events I experienced. The child in the diary did not have an evil neighbor causing trouble. He only got to this point by seeking his own death."

"But the diary should be a metaphor for some deep content...the content that can make the game pass. It cannot be meaningless."

"A mother appeared...what happened? Why is there another mother?!"

Wang Hao was currently in chaos. He thought about it for a while and felt that he would probably not survive the seventh day. In addition, his stupid brother was also dead, so he immediately broke the jar, lit an oil lamp, and walked directly to the paper man.


Pulling off the red cloth on the mirror of the Paper Man House, using the dim oil lamp to illuminate it, his own image was reflected in the mirror.

There is still a childish little person in the mirror.

The villain's expression became more and more frightened, his face turned blue, and his body was shaking slightly.

I don’t know why, but all the paper figures in the room have their backs to the mirror.

In the mirror, I saw the scene of "Grandma"'s paper drawing again. Stroke by stroke, it looked quite real.

This chapter has been completed!
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