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Chapter 102 Shopping

Chapter 102 Shopping

The golden crab roe is oily but not greasy, soft and chewy. It is really delicious.

And the crab meat is tender and delicious.

Father Li and Mother Li quickly finished one crab, then hurriedly reached into the enamel basin to get the second one, as if they were afraid that others would eat them all.

"Uncle and auntie, please eat slowly. I'll keep half of it in the basin and cook it in the evening."

Looking at Father Li and Mother Li eating crabs, they looked like they were fighting.

Song Xi and Li Qingqing looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

Sure enough, no one in this world can resist the temptation of delicious food.

"Mom and Dad, I have learned how to make crabs. Let me show you my skills tonight."

Li Qingqing clenched her right hand into a fist and made a "come on" look.

Mother Li rolled her eyes at her and said, "Come on, don't waste such a good thing. Let Xiao Xi do it tonight. You can help her from the side and don't let Xiao Xi get tired."

Li Yu and Li Lei also speeded up, fearing that they would not be able to eat anything if they started too late.

However, they are not selfish people. While eating themselves, they also do not forget to peel the crab meat and river shrimp for their grandparents.

"Xiao Xi, is the food cooked by my grandma delicious?"

Seeing that Song Xi always eats rattan vegetables and rarely eats meat dishes.

Li Qingqing thought she was impressed by Grandma Li's cooking skills.

"It's delicious." Song Xi smiled and nodded, "This vine grows very fast. If you can't finish it, you can blanch it and dry it, and save it for winter. You can also save a few flowers and seeds to make seeds. This way

There will be endless amounts of vines to eat in the future, and by the way, you can do the same with red amaranth."

No one else has space to keep fresh vegetables.

But you can also make it into dried vegetables and save them for later consumption.

Or you can go to the night market to sell some.

I'm afraid they don't dare to go to the night market to sell things, because if they are caught, it will affect the entire family.

"Let's try it when we have time, Xiaoxi, thank you."

Grandma Li nodded thoughtfully, she knew how to cook the dishes.

I just didn't expect that vines and red amaranth can also be cooked.

Since it can be done, of course she will try it, and she will feel bad if it is always given away.

Because not everyone is worthy of her gifts, she still understands the principle of rising rice and grudges.

It would be bad if you send them back and forth to get revenge.

This lunch was a feast for both the host and the guest.

Several people ate all the food, and everyone was full of food.

Of course, Song Xi didn't, because she only had such a big appetite.

Today's lunch was a bit slow, causing several people who needed to go to work to set off directly after eating without even taking a break.

Song Xi and Li Qingqing wanted to help Grandpa Li and Grandma Li clean up the kitchen, but they were kicked out by the two old people. "You two, get out quickly, don't make trouble here, and don't stay at home. Go out and digest."

"Then let's go to the supply and marketing cooperative and have a look?" Li Qingqing raised her eyebrows at Song Xi and spoke tentatively.

Song Xi nodded, otherwise it would be really boring to wait until ten o'clock in the evening at Li Qingqing's house.

Li Qingqing went back to her room to change clothes, and then started combing her hair.

Li Qingqing's hair is not long, only reaching the creaking point, but she is not satisfied no matter how she ties it up.

Song Xi looked at the scene where Li Qingqing was driving her crazy, and smiled helplessly.

Then he reached out and took the comb from Li Qingqing's hand, "Sister Qingqing, just sit still and I'll help you tie a different hairstyle."

Song Xi was afraid of hurting Li Qingqing, so she grabbed Li Qingqing's hair with one hand and gently combed it with a comb in the other.

After all the hair is combed, braid it for her.

Song Xi quickly braided Li Qingqing into a waterfall fishbone braid with both hands.

From the back, it looks fairy-like and sweet. If paired with a light pink, light blue or lavender skirt, it will look so beautiful.

Li Qingqing looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe it.

It's just a change of hairstyle, why does it feel like a different person?

Also, her skin color used to be very yellow, but when did she become so fair?

She couldn't help but reach out and touch her cheek.

Now her skin is really soft and smooth, just like that of a newborn baby.

"Sister Qingqing, you are so beautiful." Song Xi said with a smile beside her.

She added a little spiritual spring water to the honey grapefruit tea jam she brought last time and the honey she brought today.

The condition of Li Qingqing and the Li family will get better and better in the future.

"Xiao Xi, thank you. I don't know how lucky I am to meet you." Li Qingqing excitedly held Song Xi's hand.

Since meeting Song Xi, her condition has gotten better and better.

So Song Xi brought all this to her!

Song Xi didn't know why Li Qingqing suddenly thanked herself, but she still smiled and patted her hand and reminded, "Sister Qingqing, didn't you say you were going to visit the supply and marketing cooperative and the department store? If you don't leave, you won't be able to come back in time to do it in the evening.

Is it time for dinner? Didn’t you say at noon that you would show off your skills to everyone in the evening? "

"Yes, yes, I was so shocked and excited when I saw such a beautiful hairstyle that I forgot about our afternoon activities. Let's go now!"

Li Qingqing pulled Song Xi and went out in a hurry.

The first stop for the two of them was the nearest supply and marketing cooperative.

There was really no one around at noon, and it was quiet and empty inside.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see the old-fashioned clock hanging on the wall behind the glass cabinet.

There is no big clock like this in Ping'an Village.

Because there are no industrial coupons, even if you have money, you can't buy them.

Although Song Xi has money and tickets, she does not intend to buy them and give them to Ping An Village.

It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them to fish. She wanted to wait until she made money with Ping An Village, and then let Ping An Village do the shopping for itself.

Song Xi and Li Qingqing just looked at each counter from counter to counter.

Song Xi bought half a catty of ordinary candies that don't require any tickets, and also bought half a catty of pastries that don't require any tickets.

After that, I also bought half a catty of candies and cakes each for tickets.

After buying these things, when she went back, she mixed them with some candies and pastries from the supermarket.

Just get two kilograms of each item. The food in the supermarket is more delicate and delicious than in this era.

Song Xi had nothing to buy, because whether it was food or clothing, she had it all in the supermarket.

So she spent most of her time shopping with Li Qingqing. As soon as she arrived at the garment district, Li Qingqing was stopped by someone.

Song Xi followed the voice and looked over. She was a lesbian with dark skin and a thin body.

She walked towards Li Qingqing with a smile on her face, "Qingqing, do you have a day off today?"

"Yeah, I'm just taking a break, so I came over to take a look at the clothes. Are there any new styles?"

Li Qingqing smiled faintly at the female comrades. They were not very familiar with her.

But Li Qingqing often came to buy clothes, so I got to know her.

But it was only at the stage of acquaintance. They had never met each other outside the supply and marketing cooperative.

(End of chapter)

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