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Chapter 144 Freshman registration [1]

Chapter 144 New Student Registration【1】

Song Xi caught the small fish herself and the little boy sold it to her. After drying, the dried fish already weighed several hundred kilograms.

If this is made into spicy dried fish or spicy dried fish and sold, it can be sold for thousands of dollars.

Not only did I make money, but I also helped children in need. It was really a good way to get the best of both worlds.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Song Xi and Zhou Yi went to the newly built school in Ping'an Village.

The school was indeed built according to Song Xi's drawings.

Entering through the gate, you will see a very large courtyard, and behind it are several houses side by side, which look like several facade houses.

The first house has two large water tanks and an earthen stove, but there are currently no iron pots.

Because new iron pots are very expensive, a ticket is required to purchase them.

But Song Xi has old pots and pans.

The kitchen stove also opened a back door according to Song Xi's request. The reason why Song Xi requested this was because she planned to pile firewood at the back, and she also planned to enclose the sandy land behind and take the children to plant some cash crops.

Song Xi walked behind the stove, reached out and opened the back door, and saw a large area of ​​sand.

The final end of the sandy land is connected to the barren mountains. There is only a little bit of green on the barren mountains, and most of them are stones.

The reason why Song Xi chose this place is because no food can be grown here, so no one will say that the school occupies a good place.

"Brother Yi, can you tell how big this sandy area is?" Song Xi squinted her eyes, looked into the distance, and asked Zhou Yi behind her.

Zhou Yi put his chin on Song Xi's shoulder, stretched out his arms in front of Song Xi, and said, "It looks like it's about two or three acres! Even if it's less than three acres, it's almost there."

"Really?" Song Xi was slightly startled, even her brows jumped slightly.

There is such a large area!

That's really great. Watermelons are expensive but easy to sell. If grown well, the yield per mu can reach 7,000 to 10,000 jins.

If these three acres of land were planted with watermelons and irrigated with spiritual spring water, with an annual output of twenty to thirty thousand catties, wouldn't it be a huge profit?

What's more, watermelons can be grown for two seasons.

Plant in March and harvest in July; plant in June and harvest in October.

If the output is doubled, then the annual output will be at least 50,000 kilograms. Fruits are marketable and priceless in this era, which means that it is difficult for anyone with money to buy them.

What price it can be sold for at that time depends on Wen Qiang’s pricing!

If you can order it for one or two yuan, it will really be a bonus.

Song Xi really became happier the more she thought about it, as if she saw the smiles blooming on the faces of the villagers in Ping'an Village.

Suddenly hearing a serious cough from behind, Song Xi quickly broke away from Zhou Yi's arms, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Song Xi, is there anything wrong?" Qian Weimin asked while standing outside the door of the first room, but he did not go in.

Song Xi closed the back door, turned around and walked over, "Lack of firewood and lack of clean water."

"I will arrange these." Qian Weimin nodded. He looked at Zhou Yi. He did not expect that the relationship between the two children would be so good, and he felt very happy.

As the head of Ping'an Village, he naturally wants to see all villagers live a happy life.

"There is still some land in the yard that needs to be plowed."

As soon as Song Xi finished speaking, Qian Weimin asked Zhou Yi to call a few people to get tools to repair the land in the yard.

Zhou Yi glanced sideways at Song Xi and left.

Qian Weimin said to Song Xi, "The carpenters are working on the missing wooden doors. After the late rice is harvested, they should be in place and the classrooms can be used by then."

Zhou Yi came back soon, and took Zhou Ping and three others with him, and then the four of them repaired the ground in the yard together.

With more people and greater strength, the land in the yard was quickly divided into vegetable patches.

After a while, someone brought their children to sign up.

It's Xu Yunying and her three children.

Song Xi knew that Xu Yunying would definitely send her children to study. This could be seen from the fact that she was not afraid of divorce, rumors, or hard work.

Whenever her children have a chance to succeed, she will never give up.

Although not everyone who reads has the opportunity to get ahead, reading has many benefits. At least it allows a person to know a wider world and more interesting things.

"Aunt Yunying, you came here to register so early. The three children are growing up really well. Come to the office quickly and I will register you." Song Xi took out a homemade roster and pencil from the cloth bag she carried with her and greeted her.

They entered the second room.

The second room is an office. There is a desk and chair in it, which is obviously not enough. The other desks and chairs are probably still being worked on.

Song Xi sat behind the desk, picked up the pencil, and looked up at the person in front of him.

Xu Yunying pulled her eldest son over and said in a businesslike tone, "Teacher Song Xi, this is my eldest son, Xu Bing. He is fifteen years old this year. Is it okay to send him to study at this time?"

Song Xi naturally also knew that Xu Yunying did not want outsiders to know that they had a good relationship in private, so as to prevent people in the village from gossiping.

After all, no one in the village has read a book, so not all of them are so sensible.

"As long as you want to, you can study and write at any age. After all, you have to live and learn!"

Song Xi registered Xu Bing's personal information, name, age, and gender on the roster.

As for the other things, I didn’t ask so much. After all, we can get to know each other gradually if we meet every day in the future.

Song Xi registered Xu Yunying's three children in turn. The eldest son Xu Bing is 15 years old, the second son Xu Qing is 13 years old, and the youngest daughter Xu Yujie is 10 years old.

After registration, Song Xi told them that all students start from the first grade.

As long as you can get above 80% in both subjects, you will be promoted to second grade.

The speed can be faster, and it doesn't have to be like the primary school in the commune, which has to be upgraded slowly year by year.

Some children are older and can be trained earlier and sent to high school earlier.

When I graduate, I may be able to find a job in the city.

If your grades are excellent, you may be recommended to attend the Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' University.

Even though it is recommended, its value is extremely high. Once you read it, it will be the envy of everyone.

Seeing that all three children had successfully signed up, Xu Yunying had a relaxed smile on her face.

Song Xi thought for a while and said, "Class starts at nine o'clock in the morning on December 1st. I hope everyone can get here on time and not be late. Do you understand?"

Song Xi also knew that children in rural areas had to help with housework, so they couldn't go to school at seven or eight o'clock like children in the city without having to worry about anything, so she set the time at nine o'clock.

As for why the start date of school is set on December 1st, it is because the late rice harvest will be done in two days.

At that time, there will be threshing, drying, and public grain delivery. There are quite a lot of things to do.

In addition, Zhou Yi said that after harvesting the late rice, there would be a banquet, which would also take time.

It's better to postpone the start of school a little later, so that you don't have to worry about anything.

(End of chapter)

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