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Chapter 215 Don't favor one person over another

It would be great if there could be more varieties, such as chickens, geese... Although there are chickens and geese in her supermarket, they are all killed. If she had known that she would travel here, she should have gone to a wholesale store.

Chickens, geese.

Now I can only let it happen. If I encounter it anytime, I will buy some and keep it on the roof of the supermarket.

The days passed in such a sweet and loving way for more than half a month, and soon it was the end of August, the day when Ping An Village Primary School started.

Thirty-three of the first batch of forty students have been promoted to second grade, and seven students whose scores are less than 60 points have to repeat the first grade.

In addition, fifteen first-grade freshmen have been recruited, which means that there are now fifty-five students in the entire Ping An Village Primary School.

Now there are two grades in Pingan Village Primary School, and there is only one teacher, Song Xi, so the curriculum has been rearranged.

The first grade students have classes in the morning and the second grade students have classes in the afternoon. When not in class, they can study at home or help out with small tasks at home.

The first grade is for laying the foundation, so the progress is slower. The second grade is faster because most of the students in the second grade are in their teens.

Song Xi wants to send them to junior high school and high school as early as possible. Otherwise, they will be in their twenties when they go to high school, and they may not be able to persist because they are too old.

Xu Bing and Mo Jingxiang are both sixteen years old. If they study step by step, step by step, they will be in their twenties after graduating from elementary school. By then, they themselves will be embarrassed to talk to teenagers.

The child sat in a classroom and had lessons.

It would be great if the five-year course in elementary school could be compressed into two to three years, two years in junior high school and two years in high school. When you graduate, you will be twenty-two or twenty-three, and you can work and get married.

Now there is only Song Xi as a teacher, so it is indeed a bit harder, but just wait for eight more months, because after eight months, a large number of educated young people will go to the mountains and countryside to receive re-education from poor and lower-middle peasants, which is the so-called educated youth


When the time comes, Ping An Village will definitely allocate educated youths. Educated youths are all junior high school students or high school students. Then they can select two people with good character as teachers to teach the students.

Achievement is not the most important thing, the most important thing is character. If a teacher has bad character and incorrect outlook, it will really ruin all the children.

All teachers must be carefully selected and not just based on their performance in school.

Classes officially started on September 1st. Song Xi didn't have time to go to Jiang Jiayi's place to pick out defective products, so she left everything. Between defective products and students, students were more important.

A small workshop in Ping'an Village makes potato cakes and potato balls, and the price of supplying them to supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores is only 50 cents per pound.

It was true that the business was snatched away by other production teams for a period of time, but the taste of the products made by other production teams was much different. After those customers tasted the different taste, they went to the supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores to cause trouble, which affected the supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores.

Reputation and reputation.

Later, both the supply and marketing cooperative and the department store sent the boss of the purchasing department to Ping'an Village to apologize to Ping'an Village, and then re-signed the agreement, and the price was raised from the original 50 cents to 60 cents.

After the tens of thousands of kilograms of potatoes grown in Ping'an Village were used up, potatoes collected from other villages were used. The potatoes from other villages were not irrigated by Lingquan water, so the taste was much different.

Of course, Song Xi would not let Ping An Village ruin her reputation, so she asked the aunt in the small workshop to peel and slice the potatoes and soak them in water for a few hours.

Of course, Song Xi secretly added Lingquan water to this water, so the taste will be much better than ordinary potatoes.

Wen Qiang and others also discovered business opportunities in potato cakes and potato balls, so they purchased potatoes from other provinces at low prices and asked Ping'an Village to process them, paying a processing fee of 30 cents per pound.

Song Xi thought it was possible to cooperate, so Qian Weimin agreed, and was only responsible for the processing. There was no need to pay any capital, and there was no need to arrange for people to deliver it to the city. It can be said that it was easy to make money!

After autumn, there aren't many things going on and everyone is relaxed.

Qian Weimin arranged for the gay men to continue to open up wasteland, and later came over to ask Song Xi what crops were better to plant. Song Xi asked Qian Weimin to plant potatoes, radishes, and pumpkins.

It is not possible to plant sweet potatoes now because the sweet potato harvest season is coming soon, but potatoes, radishes and pumpkins can be planted.

Because both pumpkins and radishes can be processed into cakes, after all the potatoes are used up, these two crops can be used to continue, otherwise the small workshop will not be able to continue to operate.

After that, the village began to cultivate land while clearing wasteland, and no trace of the land was wasted.

Qian Weimin is the head of a village, so he naturally wants to make more money so that he can keep giving fifteen yuan to everyone. He is afraid that when the village stops making money, everyone will go back to the old life of not having enough to eat and not having enough clothes to wear.

It's a warm day.

In October, the roselle flowers and tribute chrysanthemums planted by Song Xi around the school fence are in full bloom. The roselle flowers can be dried and made into tea, or you can boil roselle sauce to make tea. It is sour and sweet, and is very good.


As for dried Gongju, it can disperse wind and clear away heat, soothe the liver and improve eyesight, clear away heat and detoxify.

Song Xi didn't plant much, so she didn't spend money to hire students to help her harvest.

Instead, spend some time picking it yourself every day, and store it directly in the supermarket after harvesting.

Because the portion is too small now, Song Xi doesn't plan to make it. She will wait until the portion becomes larger after a few years.

The end of October is Zhou Yi's birthday, and Song Xi doesn't know what gift to give him.

Because she often makes new clothes for Zhou Yi and gets new sweaters from the supermarket. She also gave watches as gifts before, and now she also has a radio at home.

After three turns and one ring, their family now only lacked sewing machines and bicycles. It would be too ostentatious to buy a bicycle at this time.

After thinking for a long time, Song Xi decided to cook a delicious meal for Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi didn't have any hobbies, it was just her and delicious food, so of course the gift should be the most practical one.

So, after Zhou Yi went out in the morning, Song Xi started to get busy.

Boiled prawns, garlic crayfish, stir-fried river clams, steamed large crabs, pickled fish fillets, fish head stewed tofu, steamed minced pork with bitter gourd, braised lion head, fried pork with chili, braised pig trotters, shredded chicken, yam ribs


There are a total of twelve meat dishes, and there are also four vegetarian dishes, braised eggplant, garlic vine vegetables, cold fungus and kelp shreds, and cucumbers.

Sixteen dishes were laid out on the big square dining table, and there was no place to put the bowls and chopsticks. In addition, Song Xi also made a brown sugar cake with her own hands. It’s not like she would make it for her friend’s birthday and not make it for her husband’s birthday.


You definitely can't favor one over the other. Under normal circumstances, your husband is the one who will accompany you for the rest of your life!

This chapter has been completed!
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