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Chapter 222 Little Fishing Expert

Chapter 222 Little Fishing Expert

Qian Weimin also nodded in agreement, "We will have a meeting tonight to see how many families want to build houses. Then we can go to the brick and tile factory to queue up to order bricks and tiles."

Individuals are not qualified to decide on bricks, tiles, cement, etc. They can only decide in the name of the collective.

As long as the brick houses are built, there will be no need to rush to change houses when the village gets electricity. This year, a small workshop has been opened in the village, and the apparent income can withstand investigation.

That night, the village called all the villagers to the village department for a meeting. However, the village department room could not accommodate that many people, so the meeting was held in the open space in front of the village department.

The theme of the meeting is to build a brick house. If your savings are not enough, you can borrow money from the village. When the grain and money are distributed at the end of the twelfth lunar month, it can be deducted.

Besides, there are still fifteen yuan in dividends every month, and you can pay off your debt in half a year or even a year, which is very cost-effective.

It can be said that most people agree with this proposal, because after building a brick house, it will be easier to get married.

However, some people are unwilling, especially the Sheng family and their unpopular sons. Once the brick house is built, their parents will probably exchange it for their filial piety.

So even if it is to be built, it cannot be built in the first batch. At least it must wait until your parents have built it first.

After the meeting, everyone went home to discuss the matter. Zhou Yi naturally discussed the matter with Song Xi. He had long wanted to build a brick house for his wife to make her life more comfortable.

Before, I was afraid of being too high-profile and causing unnecessary trouble, but now I can build a brick house with everyone.

Zhou Yizheng and Song Xi were talking in the main room. Zhou Ping and the other three came, also talking about building a house. Everyone's eyes fell on Song Xi, as if they were waiting for her to give orders.

"I don't have much to say about your affairs. If you want to build a house, just sign up. If you don't want to build a house, just wait until later. I don't believe that all the 283 households in Ping'an Village signed up in the first batch. In short, our family will not sign up in this batch.

, sign up for the second or third batch, after all, our family’s debt has just been paid off.”

If her family joins in the fun at this time, people might think that she is lining her own pockets. She gives the students ten yuan every month and the rest falls into her pocket.

Just replace the mud brick house with a blue brick house with large tiles before applying for electricity.

"Then we won't sign up for the time being." Zhou Ping said. He was not favored at home, and he was also afraid that his parents would force him to transfer his big brick house to his brother after it was built.

So she decided to wait until her parents and brothers had finished building the house before she signed up to build the house. By then, she had just spent the money, and they couldn't think of anything they could do to cheat him out of the money.

"Just make your own decision." Song Xi said with a smile.

Although Zhou Yi didn't know why Song Xi didn't sign up this time, he listened to her arrangements and knew that she must have a plan in mind.

After Ping'an Village was divided, there were 282 households. After Qian Xuefen returned to the village, there were 283 households. However, this time only 52 households signed up to build brick houses.

Later, Qian Weimin took his accountant to the brick factory, tile factory, and cement factory to order these things. However, there were still many people queuing in front of them, so they had to pay the deposit first and count the days to come over.

These factories will not deliver goods to your door.

Since too many prey were hunted last winter, if we hunt again this year, we may not be able to catch anything good.

In addition, each household received a lot of money this year, so the winter hunting was cancelled.

However, the winter fishing was arranged, that is, fishing in the river, fishing for two more days, and trying to give each family two more fish. However, the winter fishing was arranged for gay men with excellent water skills.

Zhou Yi is a little fishing expert, and his family keeps catching big fish, but he didn’t sign up. He knows that he can’t be too high-profile, so he will let others show off this time!

Zhou Yi took Song Xi up the mountain to find the rabbit.

Because Song Xi told Qian Weimin about the rabbit breeding farm, there must be rabbits first!

But it's just a show. It doesn't mean that you have to catch rabbits. When the time comes, you can catch a dozen smaller rabbits from the roof of the supermarket and build a rabbit breeding farm.

Song Xilian has already chosen the location for the rabbit breeding farm, which is in a valley between the barren hills where vegetables are grown and the barren hills where grapefruit trees are planted.

The terrain there is very flat, but it is full of rocks, with no mud or sand at all. There is no way to plant, so we can only do breeding.

It is such a waste of resources to leave such a good place empty.

At that time, a large hare breeding farm will be built, several houses will be built as staff dormitories, and kitchens, shower rooms, toilets, and firewood sheds will be built to accommodate those who raise rabbits and manage grapefruit trees.

Several gay men in the village fished for several days until January 8th, and caught a lot of fish.

Crucian carp, carp, snakehead fish, bearded fish, perch, Wuchang fish, herring, grass carp, silver carp, fat-headed fish, yellow stickleback, sweet-scented osmanthus fish, cock-mouthed fish, and the Tiaozi fish that looks like a cock-billed fish.

For larger fish such as grass carp, herring, silver carp, fathead fish, and carp, all fish weighing less than one pound are put back into the river to allow them to continue to grow.

Small fish such as crucian carp, yellow stickleback, and Diaozi fish, all of which were less than two taels, were all released, leaving the larger ones.

There are also crabs, river clams, snails, river clams, crayfish, etc., as long as they are caught, they are all kept, because Song Xi has greeted Qian Weimin in advance, and she pays to buy these things that no one wants.

The 9th is the day for dividend distribution in the village. Since the Chinese New Year is coming soon, the dividend will be increased by five yuan on the original basis, which means that each household will be given twenty yuan this month.

As for fish, each household can receive five kilograms of fish. There is no limit on the type. You can choose whatever you want.

You can just have one kind of fish, or you can collect five catties of several kinds of fish. Each household will go get the fish immediately after receiving the money.

Since there are not many fish, you cannot buy another one unless you have the ability to catch fish. However, the small fishing team has been catching fish for several days, so there should be no big fish for the time being.

The upper and lower reaches of the river must have been fished as well. If you want to catch fish again, it should be next year.

Other river delicacies, such as crabs, river clams, snails, and river mussels, are sold in the village for a penny a pound. No one is willing to buy them because they are not delicious. Plus, if you want to eat them, you can catch them yourself at any time, so there is no need to go there.

Buy it?

Do you have too much money to burn your hands?

As for crayfish, no one is interested because they don’t know how to cook it.

So in the end, all these things fell into Song Xi's hands. For 20 yuan, they bought several hundred kilograms, which was just in time to use today's 20 yuan dividend.

As for fish, Song Xi chose four kinds of fish: black fish, yellow spine fish, sweet-scented osmanthus fish, and sea bass. The black fish can be made into pickled fish fillet, the yellow stick fish can be stewed with tofu, and the sweet-scented osmanthus fish and sea bass can be steamed.

(End of chapter)

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