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Chapter 239 You Look So Pretty When You Smile

Chapter 239 You look so pretty when you smile

Xu Xiaoshan's new house has also been built. He spent some money on the homestead but not on the house. He provided everyone with a lunch every day.

There is no such thing as formaldehyde pollution in this era. After the house was built, Xu Xiaoshan moved in with his new wife. After all, she was a newly married daughter-in-law, and she was several years younger than Chen Fangfang. Xu Xiaoshan's freshness was not over yet.


On this day, when Song Xi was teaching the children to sing, Wu Zhuhua ran over in a hurry and said, "Xiao Xi, come to the village department quickly. I'll see you if I have something to do."

"Okay, I'll be here right away." Song Xi asked her two oldest children to take charge of the classroom, and then went to the village headquarters with Wu Zhuhua. After going to the village headquarters, she found out that it was Wen Qiang who sent the bricks, cement and construction drawings.

People who queued up to apply for bricks and tiles in the village wanted the bricks and tiles sent by Wen, and would return them to Comrade Wen when their own bricks and tiles arrived.

How is this possible?

Song Xi paid Wen Qiang to help her buy bricks and tiles to do good things for the village collective, not to let selfish people take advantage. Song Xi refused on the spot.

"Uncle Qian, since this was donated by Comrade Wen to Ping An Village, why should we build the cattle house according to Comrade Wen's requirements and drawings? If we misappropriate it privately, what good things will happen in the future? Comrade Wen doesn't want to think about Ping An Village anymore. What should we do?

?We can’t pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon!”

"The development of our Ping'an Village depends on Comrade Wen, so we can't offend anyone." Qian Weimin made the decision directly and listened to Comrade Wen's instructions to build a cow house and an educated youth home. The cow house was built directly in the old place, replacing the original

The dilapidated cattle houses were demolished and bigger and better brick and tile cattle houses were rebuilt.

As for the Educated Youth Academy, Song Xixi chose a piece of flat land that was relatively far away. It was about half an hour's walk from Ping'an Village and 40 to 50 minutes from Ping'an Village Primary School.

The purpose is to keep them away from Ping An Village, causing less trouble, and less prying into the secrets of Ping An Village.

After that, Qian Weimin arranged for gay men to work, and they started working enthusiastically. The work points were high, and they could also accumulate experience in building brick houses, so many people signed up to work.

With more people and strength, they built the cattle house and the Educated Youth Yard before the spring planting. Song Xi led the students to plant corn, sweet potatoes, radishes, cabbage, etc. in the large yard of the Educated Youth Yard.

She didn't use spiritual spring water because she didn't know what kind of people would live here, and she couldn't foolishly use spiritual spring water to nourish outsiders.

The reason why she planted these was because she didn't want them to have trouble with the villagers of Ping'an Village because of their food.

After resting for two days, we went directly to spring planting.

During this period, Jiang Jiayi would come to Song Xi's house whenever she had holidays, but she would sit there for a while and then leave, going up the mountain with Zhou Ping to find a place for a date.

The two of them have been dating each other for almost three months, and they have also done some small intimate gestures, of course, holding hands, hugging and kissing. No one dares to do anything more exaggerated. After all, not getting married is considered a hooligan.

Zhou Ping did not tell Jiang Jiayi in detail about the business. He just said that he and his brothers would catch some game at night and sell it to the people in the city. In one month, the income would be about the same as Jiang Jiayi's salary.

Jiang Jiayi was immediately envious. She worked hard every day and earned twenty or thirty yuan a month, while Zhou Ping just walked in the fields at night, and his income was almost the same as hers. She immediately wanted to resign.

This gap is too big!

Zhou Ping used big leaves to wrap a handful of red pickles for Jiang Jiayi. Jiang Jiayi sat on the stone and ate them one by one, her mouth full of juice, sour and sweet, so delicious.

"Jiayi, you look so pretty when you smile." Zhou Ping just watched Jiang Jiayi eating, feeling a little lost for a moment.

Jiang Jiayi was stunned for a moment, then smiled brightly, "Then why don't you take such a beautiful girl home as your wife as soon as possible?"

Zhou Ping suddenly felt his mouth go dry, "Yes."

Jiang Jiayi reached out and touched Zhou Ping's crew cut, and said softly, "Then when I have a break next week, you can come to my grandma's house to propose marriage. I am almost thirty years old and I can't delay it any longer."

She didn't want her grandparents to know about her marriage, otherwise they would definitely make a big deal out of it, so that they could force Zhou Ping to retreat, and then find her a rich old man in the city, so she just let her grandparents make the decision for her.


"Okay." Zhou Ping choked and nodded.

Jiang Jiayi put her hands on Zhou Ping's shoulders, pulled his head over, and then kissed him on the lips. Soon Zhou Ping became the guest, leaving Jiang Jiayi to open her mouth to breathe like a fish out of water.

Zhou Ping didn't understand anything before, but he was trained by Jiang Jiayi during this period. He is not an expert, but he can get by.

As for other skills, you have to wait until you get married.

After sending Jiang Jiayi back to the commune, Zhou Ping went straight to Zhou Yi's house, "Brother, sister-in-law, what do you think I should prepare for my marriage proposal?"

Song Xi's eyes lit up, "Are you planning to propose marriage? Can you get married this year?"

Zhou Ping pursed his dry lips and said, "Jiayi said that she is almost thirty years old and wants to get married early, and I also want to marry her back early because I am afraid of long nights and dreams. After all, my family is not very good, but her family is also very good.

, I’m also afraid that someone will interfere with it.”

Jiang Jiayi seems to be twenty-seven years old. She is indeed an older leftover girl in this era. It is estimated that in the city, Jiang Jiayi is often used as an excuse for her age. It is estimated that her ex and that vixen thought she was waiting for her ex!

"The most precious things now are food and meat. You can just use food and meat to propose marriage. Everything else is empty." Song Xi didn't know what to prepare for marriage proposal. After all, she had never experienced such a thing, but

There is nothing wrong with bringing your things to your door.

In order to propose marriage to Zhou Ping, they sent the four of them to the mountains to hunt quietly at night.

Song Xi gave them an idea, which was to find a good place to dig a pit, dig a two-meter deep pit, and then put a basin of poultry blood in it to attract the prey with the smell of blood, so that they would not have to search for prey everywhere.


Zhou Yi and the others followed Song Xi's instructions and indeed attracted wolves, badgers and bamboo rats.

Zhou Yi and the other three didn't want it, so they all asked Zhou Ping to propose marriage. Jiang Jiayi's grandparents were still very talkative, but they were also worried when they saw that their granddaughter was almost thirty and had become an old girl.

So when Zhou Ping came to propose marriage, they didn't ask for Qiao.

Besides, Zhou Ping himself is good-looking and tall. He seems to be a down-to-earth type. Isn’t the purpose of marrying someone to live a good life?

Jiang Jiayi's grandparents made the decision and asked for a bride price of 120 yuan. They didn't ask for that much after three rounds and they asked for a watch and a bicycle.

Zhou Ping now has a household income of 10,000 yuan, and Jiang Jiayi can find a way to exchange for tickets while working in the supply and marketing cooperative, so it is easy to buy watches and bicycles.

However, Zhou Ping negotiated with Jiang Jiayi and asked Jiang Jiayi to say that the watch and bicycle were her dowry.

(End of chapter)

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