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Chapter 281: Worthless

Chapter 281 Worthless

"Sister, how much should I give?" Lu Yuchen asked tentatively. She was afraid that if she gave less, people would feel uncomfortable, so she still wanted to see Song Xi's opinion.

"That's the bitter melon water that I collected myself. It's not valuable. Just use it if you don't mind." Song Xi waved her hand. If you really count the money, Lingquan water is a priceless treasure, and Lu Yuchen definitely can't afford it.

Song Xi and Lu Yuchen were talking, and Mo Jingxiang and Xu Yujie on the other side were also secretly looking at the three male educated youths Gu Beicheng, Xiang Yang, and Ji Rufeng.

The gay men in this city are good-looking, they are all gentle and quiet, just like the scholars in the drama. However, most of the scholars in the drama are unsentimental and unrighteous, and they are not something that rural girls like them can catch.

Mo Jingxiang is two years younger than Song Xi, and is already eighteen years old this year, while Xu Yujie is also thirteen and almost fourteen years old. They are not ignorant about getting married and having children.

In fact, rural children in this era, whether boys or girls, have known since childhood that they have to marry a wife or marry someone when they grow up, because this is what their elders taught them.

But they also know that educated youths cannot be provoked, otherwise they may end up like Xiao Yue and Qian Xuesong. In order to excuse herself, Xiao Yue said that Qian Xuesong seduced her...

If when they are with a partner, their partner shirks responsibility and does not admit that they are with a partner, they may instead put the blame on them and say that they were the seducers.

It's scary to think about it. Simple mountain people like them can't compete with city people who are more clever than briquettes. After all, they have received different educations and have different experiences and insights.

The bullock cart arrived at the meeting point of Pingan Village. Everyone got off the bullock cart. The educated youth point and the village were not in the same direction, so a group of people had to go their separate ways. Ji Rufeng came to Song Xi and said, "Teacher Song, let me help you get your things.


Since she was accompanied by Mo Jingxiang and Xu Yujie when she went out this time, it was difficult for Song Xi to collect things to the supermarket, so she carried them on her own. However, she didn't buy many things and they weren't heavy, so she refused Ji Rufeng's kindness.

Returned to the village with Mo Jingxiang and Xu Yujie.

Song Xi originally planned to prepare dinner as soon as she got home. After all, it was already past five o'clock in the evening, but she didn't expect that when she got home, Zhou Yi was cooking in the kitchen. It seemed that it was too early to rectify the underground construction in the swamp.

"Brother Yi, what are you cooking?" Song Xi took the basket into the kitchen and took out the lunch box that was transferred before entering the door, "I packed a box of braised pork, add some water to stew the bamboo shoots!


After being separated for two days and one night, Zhou Yi felt really haggard. He has a clingy husband. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Hey!

Zhou Yi took the lunch box, put it on the stove, pulled Song Xi into his arms, held her tightly, and sniffed the aroma of her hair with fascination.

He supports whatever she does, but at this moment, he suddenly doesn't want her to make friends, because he doesn't like others competing with him for his wife, but he can't say this, because it will definitely affect the relationship between the couple.

Song Xi reached out and patted Zhou Yi on the back, and said with a smile, "Okay, hurry up and cook, eat early and go to rest early."

After understanding the voice-over, Zhou Yi suddenly became happy. He quickly let go of his wife and ran over to cook. He made pickled fish fillets, braised pork and bamboo shoot slices, braised eggplant, cucumbers, and tomato and egg soup.

The vegetables in their garden mature earlier than others, and almost all of them are ready to eat. Now the two of them have no shortage of vegetables at all.

After having dinner early, Zhou Yi heated up hot water, filled the bathtub, and asked Song Xi to put the bathtub into the bathing tent and let the water cool down.

Feed the animals kept on the roof of the supermarket.

The unnamed waterfowl, wild ducks, and shelducks that Song Xi had trapped in the swamp had long since adapted to the comfortable life on the rooftop of the supermarket, where they lived and worked in peace and contentment to breed their offspring.

There are already a lot of rabbits on the roof of the supermarket. In the past, Song Xi and Zhou Yi pretended to be an old couple in their fifties and sent two batches to Wen Qiang. But now that the rabbit business in Pingan Village is on the right track, they will give them another batch.

If Wen Qiang gives them away, it will definitely affect the income of Ping An Village, so for the collective benefit, they will no longer send rabbits to Wen Qiang.

As for the drake, Song Xi likes to eat duck meat herself, so naturally she is reluctant to send it to Wen Qiang, so as long as the drake weighs more than 20 kilograms, she will move it to the underground garage, and she will not continue to store it there anyway.

It will not die even if it grows, just like a snake hibernating.

Zhou Yi always thought that Song Xi had sold the duck, but Song Xi let him continue the misunderstanding without explaining the matter.

Now there are ten more white goose seedlings and ten gray goose seedlings on the roof of the supermarket, which Song Xituo Wenqiang helped her to retrieve from other places.

Song Xi wants to raise chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep, but these three types are more difficult, so she can only take her time. However, she has already mentioned it to Wen Qiang. It depends on when Wen Qiang's side comes.

I can come across it.

"Brother Yi, do you know which village is the closest to Ping'an Village?" Song Xi stood next to Zhou Yi, looking at the rabbits that reproduced very fast, and asked with a headache.

There are rolling mountains here. It is impossible for Ping'an Village to be the only village, nor is Ping'an Village the only village that is not favored by the production team.

To be honest, it has been three years since Song Xixi came to Ping'an Village, and she has never heard of the production team leader coming once. Qian Weimin has always been running back and forth to convey the leader's wishes.

Fortunately, the captain of the production team didn't come here. Otherwise, if Ping'an Village is developing so well now, he might want to plunder it!

Song Xi discussed with Qian Weimin and encouraged the children to separate their families when they turned sixteen. In fact, they wanted to develop Ping'an Village and make Ping'an Village an independent production team, so that they would not be controlled by others.

"Mulberry Village! There is a huge mulberry tree growing on a grave in that village. The mulberry fruits are also purple-red and taste good. When we were young, we used to go there to pick mulberry fruits, but we don’t know where.

The mulberry tree suddenly died one year, but the village has never changed its name. It is still called Mulberry Village. Like our Ping'an Village, it belongs to the five-star production team of Huanshan Commune."

Zhou Yi said, recalling the simple happiness of his childhood in his mind. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, everyone would grow up and he already had a wife.

"Then we'll go to Mulberry Village tomorrow." She was going to be the Great Virgin to save gay women again.

"Okay." Zhou Yi supported his wife's decision, not to mention that she did not abandon him.

Feeling that the water temperature in the bathtub should have dropped, the two of them went to take a bath. They had agreed before that they would start having children when Zhou Ping and Jiang Jiayi's child was one month old.

Now Jiang Jiayi's child is almost two months old, so now...

(End of chapter)

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