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Chapter 301 Sheng Guilan

"No matter what, I still have to thank Auntie." Lu Yuchen said sincerely.

She relies on her parents at home and her friends when she goes out. She is alone in a foreign land with neither parents nor friends to rely on.

Therefore, she was very touched by Wu Zhuhua's help to her.

After the water infusion was finished, the doctor checked Lu Yuchen and said he was fine and could go back to rest.

Wu Zhuhua took Lu Yuchen to ride an ox cart outside the commune, just in time to catch the ox cart going back to the village in the evening, so he didn't have to walk back so hard.

Wu Zhuhua sent Lu Yuchen to his room at the educated youth center and went to the village headquarters to report the matter to Qian Weimin.

The sound of dismissal sounded, and after a while, everyone from the educated youth point came back.

After Wen Wanwan came back, she went straight to the room and saw Lu Yuchen lying on the bed. The corner of her mouth raised a sarcastic arc, "Lesbians from the capital have so many ideas. They hooked up with three city men so easily."

Comrade, you should be able to return to the city soon, right?"

Why am I so stupid? I just want to get in front of those three people and make them annoying, but I don't know how to win their sympathy from behind.

Lu Yuchen frowned and ignored Wen Wanwan. Wen Wanwan only dared to talk and didn't dare to take action.

Because as long as Wen Wanwan dares to take action, she will go to the village head mercilessly. If she openly violates the village rules, her dividends will be cancelled. In this way, Wen Wanwan will arouse public anger. She also wants to use the educated youth to point out these five gay men.

And the three gay men who came to collect the food are back in town!

Seeing that Lu Yuchen ignored her, Wen Wanwan didn't feel any joy at all in successfully provoking him, but she didn't dare to make the matter a big deal, because it would also have a bad impact on herself.

However, she can borrow Lu Yuchen's method. Although Gu Beicheng, Xiang Yang and Ji Rufeng all came from the capital, their families must not be stable. For the time being, they definitely can't be counted on to get her back as soon as possible.

The people in the city must be those three people who have jobs in the city.

At the end of August, the lotus pods Song Xi planted in the ditch next to the rice field turned black and were ready for picking. Wu Zhuhua and Xiao Tao came specially to inform Song Xi.

In the evening, Song Xi went over to pick the fully mature lotus roots. These would be kept for planting in the next spring. With this collection year after year, one year, Ping'an Village would also be able to achieve the freedom of lotus roots.

The previous blind date party held by several villages did allow some people to successfully become singles, but Sheng Jiahe did not attend.

So on a rainy day at the end of August, when the temperature was obviously cooler than before, Sheng Jiahe picked up the things he bought and quietly visited the most normal family among his relatives alone.


The girl introduced by such a relative is definitely not bad.

Since his parents didn't plan for him, and he didn't know the young girl himself, he would find a way to get relatives with good character to introduce him to her. He believed that the relatives would be happy to introduce her.

The Sheng family and the relative's house they were visiting were relatively far away. It would take almost five or six hours to walk there from Ping'an Village, so the two parties rarely moved around each other for many years, especially now that Ping'an Village has developed.

My parents were even more afraid that poor relatives would come to visit them, and they almost lost contact with those who were not very close to them.

The Sheng family followed the route in their memory and successfully found the relative's house they were going to visit today. In fact, this relative was his father's cousin's sister, that is, his uncle's sister, and his father's cousin. He had to call him Tang.


It is an ordinary relationship, not a kinship relationship.

On a rainy day, there was nothing going on in the village. My cousin's family was also resting at home. The old couple, son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren... a group of people were sitting in the main room. The adults would say a few words from time to time, but most of them were silent.

The children were running around in the main room, making a lot of noise.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Aunt Sheng stood up and opened the door. She was stunned for a moment when she saw the tall young man standing outside the door. She didn't recognize him until Sheng Jiahe took off the bamboo hat on his head.

Sheng's sister-in-law Sheng Guilan patted Sheng Jiahe's arm excitedly, "What a rare guest, a rare guest, Jiahe, you haven't been to us for a long time, why are you free to come today?"

It is too far away from Ping An Village, and it is really inconvenient to go back and forth. Aunt Sheng has not taken her children and grandchildren back for several years, otherwise she would not be unaware of the current development of Ping An Village.

"I was tired when I was doing the double robbery before. I just took advantage of the two days when I am not busy to come out and relax." Sheng Jiahe handed the backpack to Sheng Guilan, "cousin, this is something to bring for the children. I hope my cousin will do it."

Don’t dislike it.”

"You kid, you're welcome here, what else do you need to bring?" Sheng Guilan pulled Sheng Jiahe into the house and closed the door. Naturally, she would not refuse such things that she had brought all the way.

Sheng Guilan's eldest son Qi Wei was more than ten years older than Sheng Jiahe. Sheng Jiahe had to call him cousin. He was very excited to see Sheng Jiahe, whom he hadn't seen for many years. He got up and went to the stove house to give Sheng Jiahe

Home and pour water to drink.

"Thank you, cousin." Sheng Jiahe picked up tons of water and drank it all in one gulp, like a cow drinking water. It seemed that he was very thirsty on the road.

Sheng Jiahe's eldest cousin Qi Wei is thirty-eight years old this year. He has a son and a daughter. His son is Qi Caiyun. He is eighteen years old this year and is married. His son is one year old.

Qi Wei's daughter is called Qi Caixia. She is sixteen years old and has no partner yet.

The second cousin, Qi Zhen, is thirty-three years old this year and has two sons. The eldest, Qi Caifeng, is fourteen years old, and the second, Qi Caiyu, is ten years old.

Third cousin Qi Fengxia is twenty-seven years old this year. Qi Fengxia got married early, before she was twenty. Now she has two daughters and one son. Today she brought all three children.

The eldest and second cousins ​​are actually not much older than Sheng Jiahe, and the younger cousin already has children. Can Sheng Jiahe not feel envious?

But envy is envy, and he will not get married casually. He should let his reliable relatives help him find a reliable wife!

There is also a fourth cousin, Qi Fenglian, who is nineteen years old and has no partner. I don’t know if Sheng Guilan and Qi Zhenguo have made arrangements for her.

Seeing Qi Caixia, Qi Caifeng, Qi Caiyu and the three children from her third cousin's family looking at him curiously with their eyes wide open, the Sheng family was a little embarrassed.

Because he hasn't been here for many years, these children have never seen him.

He can't just ask them to introduce someone to him as soon as he arrives, as this will make him look too mercenary.

It seems that I have to wait a few more times before I can make my request.

"Cousin, there are candies in the basket, please take them out and give them to the children!" Seeing that Sheng Guilan remained silent, Sheng Jiahe urged.

"Okay." Sheng Guilan responded, and the children all opened their eyes wide and shouted expectantly at the backpack in Sheng Guilan's hand. Their mouths were almost drooling.

This chapter has been completed!
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