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Chapter 478 Learning from Ping'an Village

Chapter 478 Learning from Ping An Village

There are many fruit trees in Song Xi's underground garage and on the roof of the supermarket, such as longan, lychee, cherry..., but it is impossible for her to take them out like this.

There is spiritual spring water in Pingan Village, so these southern fruits can bloom and bear fruit, but there is no spiritual spring water in other places, so it is really a waste to let people grow these.

In addition, Song Xi wants to grow these fruits that she likes to eat by herself, and does not intend to contribute the fruit seedlings, so it is best to cultivate them with local wild fruits, so as not to arouse anyone's suspicion.

"Okay, I'll arrange these things when I get back."

Following the footsteps of Ping'an Village, Ning'an Village will definitely be able to have enough food, warm clothes, and often eat meat. Village Chief Ning said this to Song Xi, and turned around and left full of expectations.

There were students from the other three villages who had not been sent, so Song Xi took the students and stood at the entrance of the village waiting, otherwise the village guards would have to go inside to call her later, which would be too troublesome.

"Classmates, you didn't get beaten or scolded when you went home this time, right?" Although they were asked to take the money back and give it to the person with the most say in the family, Song Xi was still worried.

A little girl said, "No, my grandma even gave me steamed egg custard to eat."

It is true that having money brings status. The little girl handed over the money to her grandma, and her salary obviously increased sharply. The little girl continued, "My grandma also said, let me work hard and strive to lead the way."

More money to put back.”

A sarcastic smile appeared on Song Xi's lips. She didn't expect that this little girl's grandmother was quite greedy. She actually wanted more money. Three yuan a month, which is thirty-six a year. How much is that?

Isn't it enough for a 36-year-old child to earn thirty-six yuan a year for his family by studying?

You know, in rural areas, you may not have a balance of thirty-six yuan after a year! You may not even make that much money.

Song Xi touched the little girl's hair and didn't say that much. Do you want to raise the money? Forget it, she didn't want to feed those people's appetite. The reason why she gave the students three yuan a month to take home was actually

In order to make the students' life at home easier, in order to allow them to go out to study successfully!

No matter whether they can successfully find a job after studying, studying will make them more sensible. When encountering problems in the future, they will know how to deal with them, instead of letting others dictate and compromise.

Reading will allow them to understand books and newspapers, and will allow them to experience more fun.

"My grandma asked me to tell the leader here and ask the leader to agree to trade me with my uncle's cousin." Another little girl lowered her head and said sadly. Her life here was very happy and happy, and she didn't want to change.

Cousin Cheng is here.

If her cousin was allowed to come, she would have to go home and do all the work as before, not only not having enough to eat, but also getting beaten.

"When you go home next month, you will tell your grandma that you have made her request to the leader, but the leader does not agree, because the leader only wants girls, not boys, do you understand?" Song Xi is a fan.

A person who plans for a rainy day, she had imagined such a thing in her mind, but she didn't expect it to actually happen.

She turned around and said to everyone, "Did you all hear what I just said? If your family members want to replace you, just tell them directly and say that the leader does not agree. The leader only wants girls here, not boys.

, do you understand everything?"

Every boy is the treasure of the family. Even if the conditions at home are not good, she will try her best to feed the boys and will not let them do anything. Girls are treated like grass at home, so she wants girls

All your days will be better.

Everyone shouted in unison, "I understand."

No one is willing to give up the good life here, so be selfish. They have suffered so much at home at a young age. Is it possible that they can't live a better life for themselves?

What's more, this opportunity was given by Principal Song, why should they give it to others?

When the village chief of Wangjiagou Village sent the students over, Song Xi asked curiously, "Village Chief Wang, I still remember the growing time of winter vegetables. If my guess is correct, your village has already sold them.

Have you eaten winter vegetables twice?"

After handing over the planting rights of winter vegetables to Wangjiagou Village, Ping'an Village reduced the planting of winter vegetables. What is now grown is divided among households after each harvest.

Village Chief Wang looked happy, "Yes, the yield of winter vegetables is good. I made a total of 16,000 yuan from 20 acres of land in two times. This is the first time I have seen so much money!"

Winter vegetables can be harvested twice a month, which means that Wangjiagou Village can earn more than 10,000 yuan every month from now on. Wangjiagou Village will become prosperous in the future.

"How much does it cost per pound?" Song Xi raised her eyebrows and asked curiously. She always felt that the price was too low. Of course, Wangjiagou Village was not like Ping'an Village in that it could water the spiritual spring water every few days.

, the taste and texture of the dishes are different, so the prices will naturally not be the same.

"Two cents per catty." Village Chief Wang said truthfully, "The buyer tried it and gave the price two cents per catty."

Song Xi nodded understandingly. It seemed that Wen Qiang tasted the winter vegetables from Wangjiagou Village and found that they were different from those from Ping'an Village, so he lowered the price.

"Teacher Song, how do you think I should allocate this money better?" Village Chief Wang has not told the public about this matter yet, so no one knows about it yet, and the villagers have not come to ask for money.

"First buy the things the village needs, such as bicycles, radios, tractors, etc. You can also order bricks and tiles to rebuild a better-quality village headquarters, and then give them to several girls who are responsible for growing winter vegetables.

The salary of five yuan will be distributed to each household first, and the remaining money will be saved. When the money becomes more and more in the future, we can increase the dividends for everyone."

"Many people reveal their true colors and do all kinds of bad things as soon as they have money, so village rules must be formulated. Those who violate village rules will be punished just like Ping An Village, with half a year's dividends deducted directly. If the village chief doesn't know

How to write the village rules? You can get a copy directly from Ping An Village."

Many people become bad when they have money. Even in this era, it is the same. Song Xi leads everyone to make money because she wants everyone to live a good life. If money becomes a weapon to hurt others, then she would rather let everyone

Continue to live a hard life.

"Okay, then I will go to Captain Qian to get the village rules now, and let the educated youth publicize the village rules in the village." Village Chief Wang said, and went to find Qian Weimin.

After Zhuyuan Village and Mulberry Village sent their students over, Song Xi took them to the elementary school to settle down.

Zhang Lianxin hasn't come yet after taking her children home. Zhao Jun always sends them here on the morning when she has to go to class. However, there are still two employees in the elementary school, so Song Xi doesn't need to worry about anything.

(End of chapter)

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