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Chapter 607 Qian Duoduo is punished

Chapter 607 Qian Duoduo is punished

Now that the truth of the matter has been revealed, there is nothing more to say. The next step is to let them be punished.

Qian Weimin was unwilling to delay for a minute, because something unexpected might happen if he delayed, so Qian Weimin immediately sent Zhou Hai to drive a tractor and send everyone in the Song family and Qian Duoduo away.

As for the punishment they will receive, it depends on the comrades of the Investigation Bureau.

Lin An was relieved when he heard that Qian Duoduo was taken away by people from the Investigation Bureau, but he did not dare to take it too lightly, because Qian Duoduo would probably drag him into the water and use him as a backstop.

Because Qian Duoduo would not let him go to pursue true happiness and happiness.

Thinking of this, Lin An decided to add fuel to the fire. It would be best if he could hit Qian Duoduo with one blow, so that he would be completely freed and he would no longer have to live in fear.

So Lin An immediately found paper and pen, and began to write seriously about what Qian Duoduo had done over the years, and that he also wanted to seek justice for Li Jisi. Li Jisi could not suffer so many crimes in vain.

Lin An wrote down the names of all the people Qian Duoduo was looking for. He didn't believe that they could all escape. As long as he could catch one, they would naturally provide Qian Duoduo to survive.

Whether he can completely get rid of Qian Duoduo's control and turn over depends on whether he can win this battle.

Lin An wrote the letter, sorted it out, hid it in his clothes, and left Ping'an Village overnight. Now Ping'an Village has stricter control over the entry and exit of people. There is even an extra account-like thing to register everyone.

Time of departure and return.

If Ping'an Village wants to develop better, every step must be taken more carefully.

Lin An registered at the entrance of the village and wrote down the reasons for leaving the village. He was then released and came to the city. Lin An did not go home, but quietly put the letter into the complaint box of the Investigation Bureau.

He hopes to bring down the Qian Duoduo family, so that he can completely regain his freedom and be able to like the person he likes, but the person he likes is gone.

This is already the second time.

The first time he didn't react, let alone catch something, and she was gone. This time, he reacted, but he caused miserable harm to others.

Now every time he thinks of her name, his heart hurts. It's really the kind of pain that makes him want to live.

Lin An knew where Qian Duoduo's father worked, so he went to the place where Qian Duoduo's father worked, wrote a lot of handwritten letters, and posted them near his place of work.

He just wants everyone to know what immoral things Qian Duoduo and the Qian family have done. He hopes that everyone can stand up and boycott Qian Duoduo and the Qian family so that they can receive the punishment they deserve.

Later, some people who were unhappy with the Qian family came forward and wrote letters about Qian's mother selling supplies. In the past few years, Song Xi would always sell supplies to the Qian family as "Lantian".

Qian's mother tasted the sweetness of selling supplies. Later, she kept enough for herself and sold the rest. Because the price was higher than that at the night market, some people also held a grudge.

The reason why Song Xi did this was for this day, but she didn't expect that this day would come so late. It seems that the Qian family still has some power. Those people have long been unhappy with Qian's mother, but they still endured it.

On the day when the Qian family’s house collapsed.

People from the Investigation Bureau went to Ping'an Village to investigate Li Jisi's affairs. Only then did Aunt Li know that Li Jisi was not simply missing, but had been bullied by someone Qian Duoduo was looking for.

Aunt Li wished she could kill Qian Duoduo immediately. This young lesbian was so evil-hearted that she would do such a thing.

Their family, Li Jisi, suffered such pain before his death. Just thinking about it made Aunt Li extremely heartbroken. How desperate she must have been at that time!

However, for the sake of Li Jisi's reputation, Aunt Li did not announce this matter to the outside world. If people knew that Li Jisi was killed in the last moments of her life, even if she was dead, she would still be drowned in everyone's saliva. Aunt Li

I don’t want my precious granddaughter to be insulted and slandered even after she dies.

One thing after another happened, no one in the Qian family escaped except Qian Duoduo, the idle eldest brother who had nothing serious to do except eating, drinking and having fun.

Qian Duoduo, who had done the most bad things, was sent to a remote place to open up wasteland. Qian Duoduo also wanted to get Lin An to go with her, because she didn't want to leave Lin An alone here and then follow others.


But when people checked, it was found that there was nothing wrong with Lin An, so Qian Duoduo had no choice but to accept the punishment on his own.

When something like this happened, Qian's father's self-righteous friends closed their doors and no one was willing to help Qian's father, so Qian's father and Qian's mother also had to accept punishment.

The reason why Lin An's family agreed to Qian Duoduo marrying Lin An was because Qian Duoduo's family had good conditions and they thought they could get some better resources from the Qian family.

No matter what it is, as long as it is a resource that is beneficial to your family.

Now that the Qian family's house has collapsed, no resources can be given to their family, so Lin An's parents came forward to handle the divorce procedures for Lin An and Qian Duoduo. Because Qian Duoduo made such a mistake, can they get divorced in the future?

His return was unknown, so the divorce was quite easy.

With the help of his parents, who had ulterior motives, Lin An successfully gained his freedom, and would never have to face the psychologically perverted Qian Duoduo again.

When Qian Duoduo comes back in the future, he won't even know where he is, so it is naturally unlikely that he will meet Qian Duoduo again.

After that, Lin An went to the photo studio and took several photos of the hard-earned divorce certificate. After the photos were developed, he sent one to Qian Duoduo, Qian's father, and Qian's mother.

The purpose is to let them know that he and Qian Duoduo have divorced, and they should not treat him as a son-in-law in the future, let alone assign him anything to do.

He divorced when things first happened in the Qian family. Some people must have said that he was heartless, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get rid of Qian Duoduo. Does reputation matter?

Anyway, his registered permanent residence is in Ping'an Village, and he can't go back to the city for the time being. By the time he can go back, everyone should have forgotten these things!

During this short vacation, Song Xi's happiest thing was that both the Song family and Qian Duoduo's family were punished, and she no longer had to worry about Qian Duoduo causing trouble.

Jiang Jiayi's due date was mid-October, so at the beginning of the long holiday, Zhou Ping took Jiang Jiayi and Zhou Sijin to their residence in the city.

This way, when it starts, you can go to the hospital in time.

She had the conditions to go to the hospital to give birth, so why did she let Jiang Jiayi give birth at home?

That would be too dangerous.

After the family settled down at home, they went to grandpa and grandma's house.

(End of chapter)

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