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Chapter 646 The Story of Song Can [16]

Chapter 646 Song Can’s Story【16】

"Okay!" Song Can glared at Xu Weiran, then stood up and went out with Song Xi.

As soon as they went out, the strong wind seemed to blow people away. They wrapped their clothes tightly and ran to the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

Xu Weiran put his feet up on the chair, leaned his back against the wall, and said nonchalantly to Fu Yingfei behind him, "Don't you think Song Can in your class is disgusting?"

I thought that Fu Yingfei would complain about Song Can with him, but I didn't expect that Fu Yingfei stood up all of a sudden, with a book in his hand, as if he was going to hit Xu Weiran, "Don't think that you

Celebrities make a lot of money, so they can disrespect people. We, Song Can, are doing well, but you are disgusting. If you were not disgusted, could you lose your job and hide in a remote place like ours to study?"

Xu Weiran didn't expect Fu Yingfei to be so protective of Song Can. He was a little stunned for a moment, but then he understood something and smiled slyly, "There must be some relationship between the two of you, otherwise why would you be so protective of her?"

"Xu Weiran, I don't allow you to speak ill of Song Can anymore. If you don't want to stay in our class, tell the teacher and stop looking for trouble." Fu Yingfei kicked Xu Weiran's chair.

"What's going on? What's going on here?" Hearing the movement here, Lin Zichen walked over and looked at Fu Yingfei and Xu Weiran in confusion.

Fu Yingfei pointed at Xu Weiran and explained, "This is the guy who actually called Song Can disgusting. He actually called Song Can from our class disgusting."

Lin Zichen looked at him helplessly, "Xu Weiran, do you know that as soon as you say these words, you will let everyone know that your character is actually very bad, and also let everyone know why you have no resources." Lin Zichen turned around.

On the occasion, he also left a sentence, "If you don't know what happened to others, don't judge others casually. Respecting others is also respecting yourself."

Xu Weiran was very unjust. He just said that Song Can was disgusting. He didn't expect that one of them scolded him and the other wanted to beat him. But he really saw Song Can do disgusting things, otherwise how could he say that?

When Song Can was washing her hands, she felt someone put something in her pocket. She quickly dodged it and said in surprise, "Song Xi, what are you doing?"

Song Can wanted to continue hiding, but Song Xi still stuffed the things into her pocket, "It's not much, just a few hundred yuan. You take it first. It's going to be hot soon. Buy yourself and Brother Guang some summer clothes."

Prepare something at home to prevent heatstroke. After all, severe heatstroke can kill people, so we should not take it lightly."

"I'm working a part-time job, so I can still cover my basic living expenses..." Song Can took out the money and returned it to Song Xi. She really hadn't reached the time to reach out to others yet.

"Don't say anything. If they are sisters, don't refuse!" Song Xi pushed her hand away.

Song Can's eyes suddenly became moist. She held Song Xi's hand tightly, holding back her tears, and said, "Song Xi, thank you, I will always remember it. When I make money in the future, I will definitely pay you back."


"We'll talk about the future later, let's live the present now first!" Song Xi patted Song Can on the shoulder, "Everyone needs help sometimes, you're just a little early, don't take it personally, you'll suffer the consequences

The best way to overcome hardship is to be a master, I believe that you two, brother and sister, will live a better life than anyone else."

"Thank you, thank you very much..." Song Can was really touched that there were so many kind people in her life. Only by working hard can she repay everyone for their help in the future.

"Okay, go back and do your homework!" Song Xi raised his hand and put it on Song Can's shoulder, and the two of them returned to the classroom together.

Song Can returned to her seat and immediately sat on the floor. She was so painful that she burst into tears. Fu Yingfei in the back seat hurriedly helped her up and glared at Xu Weiran next to her fiercely, "Xu Weiran, you

Is this interesting?"

Xu Weiran raised his hands innocently and shook his head, "I didn't do anything. Don't accuse me unjustly."

"I'm fine, thank you." Song Can pushed Fu Yingfei away, straightened her clothes, lifted up the chair and sat down again. Although Xu Weiran didn't admit it, she could feel that it was Xu Weiran who kicked her. She didn't know

Why is Xu Weiran unhappy with her? She doesn't seem to have offended him, right?

Fu Yingfei glared at Xu Weiran, "I really don't know how you were assigned to our class. You don't deserve to be in our class."

We are a group that loves each other, but Xu Weiran wanted to cause trouble when he first came here. Did he think this was still his e-sports circle?

No one here cares about his tepid status in the e-sports circle.

Song Can opened the textbook and saw the piece of paper tucked inside. He turned around and asked Fu Yingfei in confusion, "Did someone come to my place just now?"

"I didn't notice." Fu Yingfei shook his head. During the lunch break, due to the violent storm, no one could go home and had to stay in the classroom. Those who brought snacks shared them together. Everyone ate here and there.

, he really didn’t notice who was here.


Wait for me after school and I'll see you if I need anything.

Song Can looked at the words on the piece of paper and was very confused. She couldn't recognize whose words it was. After thinking about it, she looked at Xu Weiran and said, "Xu Weiran, did you see who came to my place just now?


"This classmate, am I familiar with you?" Xu Weiran rolled his eyes and turned around, his back to Song Can.

Song Can was immediately laughed out of anger. She didn't expect that he would use what she just said to reply to her. He was quite temperamental. Do his fans know that he is such a person in private?

She didn't blame him for causing her to fall, but he ended up being so fussy about it.

Xu Weiran has a special status, and Song Can doesn't want to have anything to do with him. He doesn't want his fans to know about it and cause unnecessary trouble. Although she doesn't go online often and doesn't pay attention to entertainment gossip, she knows that some people like to curse. She can

I don’t want to be scolded by Xu Weiran’s fans.

The wind stopped and the rain subsided in the afternoon. After school, everyone went home for dinner as usual. The classmates were almost gone. Song Can was still sitting in his seat, doing homework while waiting for the one who wrote a piece of paper for himself.

A person of stripes.

"Give way." Xu Weiran stood up with her schoolbag in hand, her tone a little irritable.

Song Can didn't want to deepen the conflict and quickly moved the chair forward. Xu Weiran walked out from behind her but did not leave. Instead, he stood next to her. Song Can looked up at him in confusion, "You still have something to do?"


"As long as I give you money, I can do whatever I want?" Xu Weiran held the money in his hand and looked at Song Can with contempt.

"Xu Weiran, what do you mean?" Song Can slapped the pen on the table angrily, kicked off the chair and stood up to glare at Xu Weiran.

"Am I wrong?" Xu Weiran glanced at Song Can's face with the money in his hand, "Don't you often ask boys for money? Other people's money is fine, but not mine.


(End of chapter)

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