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Chapter 66 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 66 Mid-Autumn Festival

Song Xi didn't know that she had gained another die-hard fan in the name of "Lantian".

Of course, ‘doing business’ requires loyal people, otherwise what will happen if someone reports you?

Song Xi lifted the mushroom to the well and was about to fetch water to clean it when Zhou Yi came over and said, "Daughter-in-law, do you want to poison your husband?"

"What?" Song Xi looked at Zhou Yi with a question mark on his head.

She didn't say anything, and she didn't do anything. How could she want to poison her husband?

This is clearly a frame-up!

"Half of the poisonous mushrooms were in the basket. The poisonous mushroom powder was scattered everywhere. The other mushrooms cannot be eaten."

Zhou Yi picked the mushrooms in the basket with a branch and said helplessly.

I didn’t expect that my little daughter-in-law didn’t even understand this bit of common sense.

Fortunately, he was here, otherwise I would have been poisoned countless times.

"Daughter-in-law, you didn't touch your mouth and nose with your hands, did you? Go wash your hands quickly. Forget it, let's go take a shower quickly!"

"Oh, okay." Song Xi was stunned for a moment, then quickly got up and ran back.

The mushrooms all looked the same and she really couldn't tell them apart.

It seems that I will just eat mushrooms from the supermarket in the future!

After all, there are all kinds of fresh and edible mushrooms in supermarkets.

Besides, she also has various types of mushroom bags. After eating the fresh mushrooms in the supermarket, she can grow mushroom bags.

When Song Xi came out of the shower, she found that the poisonous mushrooms had been taken care of by Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi went over to help Song Xi wipe her hair, "Daughter-in-law, tomorrow I will take you to the mountain to pick mushrooms and teach you how to recognize mushrooms. You only need to know a few edible ones. You don't have to know every one."

"Okay!" Song Xi agreed readily.

It doesn't matter if the cage can't stand up for a day, since the things inside won't die anyway.

In addition, the location where she placed it is quite hidden, so no one will find it.

Since today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhou Zhongguo, Zhou Ping, Mo Jiaxiang, Sheng Jia and several others came over for dinner in the evening.

Zhou Yi and Song Xi made a large pot of braised crabs, braised prawns, and stewed half of the salted chicken from last time.

The salted chicken is washed many times before stewing the soup, so it is not so salty.

Some cold winter vegetables are also cooked in the soup, which can neutralize the salty taste very well and tastes pretty good.

In addition, I also fried garlic vines and stir-fried red amaranth.

Each dish fills an entire enamel basin. The portion is very generous and definitely enough to eat.

The staple food is white flour steamed buns and sweet potato rice.

Zhou Yi picked up a sweet potato in his yard.

Because Song Xi secretly poured the sweet potatoes and corns with well water mixed with Lingquan water, the sweet potatoes and corns grew so big!

The big sweet potato weighs almost two kilograms, and its skin is very smooth and flat, with no trace of being eaten by insects.

"Sister-in-law, I want to come to your house for dinner every day. It's obviously the same food, but I just think your food is more delicious."

As soon as it was served on the table, Zhou Ping quickly picked up the dishes, sighing with emotion as he did so.

Zhou Yi took a white flour steamed bun and handed it to Song Xi. Because white flour steamed buns are soft and easy to digest, Song Xi waved her hand and refused, "I'll eat sweet potato rice first. Sweet potato rice is very sweet and fragrant."

She can now eat and digest anything.

Unlike the period when I first woke up, I could only eat liquid food, which was so dry and hard that I couldn't swallow it at all.

"Zhou Yi, now that Xiao Xi is well, when do you plan to hold a banquet? Now we are not allowed to engage in feudal superstition, and we can't find anyone to calculate the date. You can choose a date yourself!"

As Zhou Zhongguo ate, he also sighed in his heart. The food at Zhou Yi's house tasted really good. It felt like Song Xi should have cooked it.

He also glanced at Zhou Yi speechlessly, feeling that Zhou Yi was not a man who loved his wife.

Let Song Xi cook so early.

Even if Song Xi was seriously injured before, another half a year would not be too much.

If Zhou Yi knew his father's thoughts, he would definitely cry out that he was wronged.

In their house, Song Xi would cook occasionally when he wanted to, and most of the time he would cook.

"We plan to do it at the end of the year. By then we will have built a new house and we will do it in the new house."

Zhou Yi turned his head and glanced at Song Xi with a guilty conscience, mainly because he hadn't discussed this matter with Song Xi yet.

It's all his own ideas at the moment, but he really wants to build a house before building it, because this mud house is not worthy of such a nice house like her.

"Our homestead has been used up, and you can't apply for it again. Do you want to demolish the old house and build it again?"

Zhou Zhongguo and his son split up their family early. The father and son divided three accounts and naturally applied for three homesteads.

If Zhou Yi wants a homestead again, unless he has a child, it will be enough to apply for a homestead for his child.

"I will ask the village chief to buy another piece of land for my home then."

He remembered that Song Xi wanted a big yard and wanted to grow various things.

And from the moment Song Xi asked him to dig back the grape vines, he knew that the small yard simply couldn't accommodate her thoughts.

"Just have your own ideas. If you have anything to discuss with Xiao Xi, you are not alone now. Don't be alone."

Zhou Zhongguo nodded and decided not to care about so many things.

After all, the child is older, and he also understands the principle of far away fragrance and near smell.

Parents who control their children too much will only affect their relationship.

It's better to stay far away and just reach out when you need help.

Song Xi never expected that there would be such an enlightened father-in-law in this era.

She thought that the father-in-laws of this era were like her grandfather from the Song family, like landlords and rich men, and everyone had to obey his orders!

Anyone who dares to express his or her own ideas should expect a slap in the face!

After Zhou Zhongguo finished eating, he went back first, leaving only five young people.

Zhou Ping said with a smile, "Yi Ge, call me when you choose a homestead. I also want to apply for a homestead to build a house."

He wanted to build a house next to Zhou Yi's house so that people could come and have food easily.

Besides, now that he is rich and confident, how can he get a wife without building a house?

"And I."

"I want to see too."

Mo Jiaxiang and Sheng Jiahe also expressed their stance.

Yes, they have made so much money during this period, and it is indeed time to change their houses.

How can a mud house be as comfortable and stylish as a brick house?

"How are your sales these days? Have you bought any bicycles?"

We had agreed before that the four of us would pool money to buy bicycles, but nothing happened.

Song Xi didn't know whether they bought bicycles.

"We didn't buy bicycles because the people who were trying to steal the business disappeared. Now there's no one trying to steal the business, so we don't have to go far to the county town." Mo Jiaxiang explained.

They wanted to buy a bicycle, but they couldn't ride it home and had nowhere to put it.

If you hide it in the woods and someone accidentally finds it and takes it away, you will lose more than you gain.

"Without exposing yourselves, go and find out which village the person who robbed the business is from. You can pay people in that village to help you catch them. In this way, you will make money and they will make money, and they will make money."

If you make money, you won't mess around anymore."

(End of chapter)

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