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Chapter 764

Chapter 764 I knew it

Author: Yuanjiu

Chapter 764 I knew it

She just wants to find a family with good conditions in the city so that her life after marriage will not be bad.

Seeing that many lesbians around her were having miserable lives after getting married, she didn't want to marry an ordinary person, let alone someone with poor conditions.

Zhou Yi was sending supplies at the post office, while Song Xi went directly to Wen Qiang's warehouse to drop off the supplies he wanted to send.

Although I have a big belly, it doesn't matter as long as I don't meet Wen Qiang head-on.

Lu Yuchen is also pregnant, and is only two months younger than her. Now Wen Qiang spends most of his time in Ping'an Village taking care of Lu Yuchen, so the chance of them meeting head-on outside is very slim.

As for the payment, Song Xi is not worried.

First of all, after working together for so long, she believed in Wen Qiang's character and would not cheat her out of money.

Secondly, she has all kinds of good things in her hands. It is impossible for Wen Qiang to lose her as a material supplier so stupidly, because in this era, Wen Qiang can never find another person like her.

Unless there is another time traveler or reborn person.

Because generally people who are reborn through time travel will more or less have a golden finger.

She had read many period novels in the past. Some period novels contained many characters who had traveled through time and were reborn. It felt like the world had been woven through a sieve.

Now there is an additional Song Can in the time and space she is in. It is not yet known whether Song Can has a golden finger. Since a second time traveler can appear, it is possible that a third time traveler will appear in the future.

If she can have a golden finger like supermarket space, then others may have golden fingers that are more useful such as shopping malls, plazas, docks or mobile phones, so it is hard to say.

Such a situation has not happened yet, so she can make money safely. Once a competitive peer appears, she will have to be more cautious to prevent the other party from finding out about her.

Before Song Xi's belly showed up, she told the old man at the flea market that it would be a few months before she could come over to collect usable used goods. If he was still willing to help her collect them, she would find a place to store them temporarily.

Keep it, or sell it directly to someone else, it's up to him to decide.

So Song Xi still doesn't know if the old man has continued to help her collect usable used goods.

Second-hand goods are not of much use to city people, because if they had a use, they would not appear in the flea market, but these usable things are very useful to rural areas, remote areas and small fishing villages.


Song Xi took care of her own affairs and went directly to the post office, but she did not go in, but stood outside and waited.

The last time she was with Zhou Yi in the post office, Jiang Yuan didn't realize that they were husband and wife. This time when she was with Zhou Yi again, Jiang Yuan might have realized that he would blame her for not telling her about her relationship with Zhou Yi, causing her to be in trouble.

Confessing to Zhou Yi in public, something so embarrassing happened.

In fact, she and Jiang Yuan are not close enough to talk about their personal families, and she is not a person who likes to communicate with others about her family. There are some things that there is no need to tell outsiders.

After waiting for a while, she saw Zhou Yi coming out. When Zhou Yi came to her side, Song Xicai asked curiously, "Did that comrade say anything strange to you this time?"

"This time, you didn't even give me a straight look." Zhou Yi said, "I knew it."

It is better to dress poorly so that no one will disturb you outside. If you have a home and room, you should not let people outside disturb you.

Song Xi smiled helplessly, this Jiang Yuan is really...

I don’t know what to say!

Jiang Yuan's approach is not wrong, because it is normal for a girl to want to marry a man with better conditions to make her life better, because marrying a man only requires clothing and food!

If a man does not have the ability to "dress and feed himself", can he get married?

Marrying is all for happiness!

But Jiang Yuan’s attitude of judging people based on their appearance is wrong. It’s a bit too one-sided to judge someone’s condition based on their clothes. In fact, there are quite a few people out there who are keeping a low profile!

Song Xi and Zhou Yi's houses were basically torn down and rebuilt, so it took a little longer.

But there were many people, so the house was built quickly.

Zhou Yi took several children around the courtyard wall and checked everything. After confirming that there were no problems, he and Song Xi moved back to their home from Zhou Zhong's country.

It's not that it's not good to live in Zhou Zhong's country, but it's not convenient to live there. Song Xi kept her voice as low as possible in his house, fearing that her secrets would be heard by Zhou Zhongguo.

When you move back to your own home, you no longer have such worries.

The day after moving home, Song Xi and Zhou Yi held a greenhouse dinner at home.

Invite close friends, villagers and school teachers over and have a meal together.

However, the hothouse dinner was held quietly and not many people knew about it.

Because Song Xi didn't want the uninvited incident to happen again, and she didn't want people with bad relationships to know the structure of her house, let alone what was in her yard.

Gu Ming and Qi Fenglian are getting married in December, so now they are already publicly dating.

This time Qi Fenglian came to Song Xi's house with Gu Ming, not with the Sheng family.

When she came to the main room and saw the dinner set on the big dining table, Qi Fenglian was a little surprised, "We came so early just to see if there is anything we need help with. I didn't expect that you are all ready. Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Song."


Song Xi smiled and said, "I didn't do anything. If it's hard work, it's Zhou Yi's hard work."

In fact, neither of them had to work hard, because this sumptuous meal was not made by them on the spur of the moment today, but was served directly from the previous meals.

"Qi Fenglian, come to the room with me." Song Xi wiped her hands and said to Qi Fenglian.

Qi Fenglian glanced at Gu Ming shyly, then nodded to Song Xi, "Okay."

Song Xi did not lead Qi Fenglian to the master bedroom where she and Zhou Yi slept, but to the second bedroom next door to the master bedroom where nothing had been put yet.

Song Xi picked up a basket with a lid that Tian Cuihua woven with rattan and handed it to Qi Fenglian, "Qi Fenglian, these are the clothes I prepared for you and Gu Ming to wear on your wedding day. You can see if you like it first. If you don't like it,

, Wear the clothes you prepared on your wedding day, and keep the clothes I prepared as normal clothes for you to wear!"

Gu Ming is her subordinate, equivalent to her employee.

She is the boss, and it is appropriate for the boss to give some wedding gifts to his employees.

Some bosses are so kind that they directly give mobile phones and computers to their employees, and some even give away houses and cars!

In this day and age, she cannot give away valuable things in such a high-profile manner, but she can give away ordinary things.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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