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119. Chapter 119 Earth Fiend Seventy-two Changes Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 119 The Seventy-Two Changes of Disha [Please subscribe and vote monthly]

Su Chen handed the bamboo tube to Prince Li Chengqian.

The prince took it and couldn't wait to cheer up.

He was really anxious at this time.

"God bless me, I am the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and the founder of the Tang Dynasty. I just made a mistake that any man would make. Why did my father want to destroy me? I hope it was just a joke of my father. Please give me instructions from God."

Swish swish swish.


The bamboo stick falls.

Prince Li Chengqian picked it up directly, took a look at it, and almost lost his breath. Fortunately, Manager Tiexin supported him.

Seeing the situation, Manager Tiexin could guess what the result would be.

He quickly reassured: "Your Highness, you are the founder of the Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty was just joking. Don't worry too much."

"When asking for a fortune, you have to ask gods and ghosts. If you believe it, it will work. If you don't believe it, it will not work."

The prince cried directly, "But I believe it."

In fact, Manager Tiexin just comforted him. He believed even more, after all, the man in front of him was a living god.

Asking for a sign and interpreting it will not work.

The prince looked up to the sky and screamed in sorrow, "O ancestors, why did you play this joke on me, Li Chengqian, make me the prince, let me have ideas for the superior, and then destroy me?!"

Then he cried bitterly and got up regardless.

Manager Tiexin said quickly: "Your Highness, where are you going?!"

The prince said: "I can't sit still and wait for death. I talked with Mr. Du before and I think this person is worthy of my friendship. I will go back to discuss important matters."

Manager Tie Xin was startled and glanced at Su Chen in panic, feeling very guilty.

The prince must have been so frightened that he dared to say these words in front of the Heavenly Master.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything treacherous, otherwise if it had reached the ears of the emperor, they might have moved their heads.

Su Chen watched from the side and was quite speechless. He had thought that the prince was brainless, but he had never thought that he would be so brainless.

But since I have already begged him, I still want to sign the lottery. As a prince, I should be able to get rich rewards on the gold list.

Let’s deal with his sign and get the reward. We’ll talk about the rest later.

Su Chen comforted him and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. It can be resolved by signing the lottery."

The prince seemed to have found a life-saving straw. He grabbed Su Chen's sleeve with surprise and said excitedly: "Master Tianshi, please help me resolve the lottery. I really don't want to lose my position as prince."

Su Chen comforted him and said, "Don't worry, I'll see what happens if you sign the lottery."

The prince handed the bamboo stick to Su Chen, and at this time, Su Chen was holding the bamboo stick, and scenes flashed before his eyes.

He saw that when the prince was young, he kept skipping classes, and after skipping classes, he went directly to play with dogs and horses. More often, he listened to plays, and even acted in plays himself.

The scene turned again, and the prince was surpassed in academics by his younger brothers. He became the stupid son of the emperor's family. The other brothers were all children of other families and were extremely outstanding.

In contrast, when the prince was still the heir, he was often punished by Li Shimin. Fortunately, he was protected by Li Yuan and escaped Li Shimin's beatings several times.

After Li Shimin came to power, Li Chengqian became the prince directly. Li Shimin did not relax his discipline and arranged for many famous ministers to be his teachers, and Wei Zheng was just one of them.

However, Li Chengqian's stubborn heart did not change, and he was still sensual. Later, he played with a male favorite named Chengxin, and was discovered by the queen, who directly punished him. However, Chengxin disappeared later, and Li Chengqian even broke his leg for this.

Later, in order to commemorate Cheng Xin, Li Chengqian specially found many male musicians who were as handsome as Cheng Xin to enter the palace.

The queen was so angry that she had all the musicians beheaded. In anger and grief, Li Chengqian held a funeral for these musicians in the East Palace. He personally wore sackcloth and mourned the musicians. Once again, the news reached the ears of the emperor and his wife, and he was severely punished.


Li Chengqian also summoned the Huns and other foreigners in the palace, asking them to play the role of kings of various countries, while he played the role of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and they called each other brothers. This also let Li Shimin and his wife know about it, and they directly sent those Huns

Everyone wiped their cards.

Not long ago, when the Tang Dynasty attacked Tuyuhun, the prince's caravan directly resold supplies to earn the difference. Also during the natural disaster, the prince conspired with Du Ruhui's son Du He to earn money from the national crisis and resell disaster relief supplies.

And all these things were known to Li Shimin.

Su Chen was stunned after seeing these pictures.

He has seen stupid people, but never such stupid people.

Prince Li Chengqian's previous actions can be treated as a dandy. In the future, no matter how unpopular Li Shimin is, he will be allowed to succeed to the throne in order to stabilize the situation.

But the prince's subsequent actions became more and more outrageous.

Li Shimin couldn't help but think that it would take a big heart to allow him to succeed him.

This guy is also self-aware. He actually knows that his status as a country may not be guaranteed, so he came to ask for a signature to confirm.

In Su Chen's mind, the golden list was beating.

[Sign below]

[Core catastrophe: lack of talent and knowledge, inadequate moral integrity, and the country’s foundation cannot be sustained]

[Lottery Reward: Thousand Years of Mana Power]

[Resolve the disaster: Reward "Seventy-two Transformations of Earth Fiend"]


Su Chen's eyes widened.

He has never seen such a generous lottery reward, it is directly a thousand-year magic power.

The most gratifying reward for killing people and resolving disasters is the Seventy-two Transformations of the Earthly Evil. It is the legendary Seventy-two Transformations and has seventy-two Earthly Evil spells.

Borrow the wind, spread fog, pray for sunshine, pray for rain, sit on fire, enter water, cover the sun, control the wind, boil stones, spit flames, swallow knife, pot of heaven, walk in the sky, walk on water, release with stick, clone, become invisible, continue to head

, immobilize the body, slay demons, invite immortals, chase souls, capture souls, attract clouds, capture the moon, carry, marry dreams, separate, send staff, cut off currents, ward off disasters, relieve disasters, yellow and white, swordsmanship, shoot over, earth element

, number of stars, formation, false form, spray, finger transformation, corpse dismemberment, scene transfer, attract, go, gather beasts, transfer birds, air restraint, strong force, stone penetration, light generation, barrier clothing, guidance,

Take food, break the wall, jump over the rock, sprout the head, climb up, drink water, lie in the snow, hit the sun, make pills, talisman water, medicine, know the time, know the ground, live without grain, and pray in the night.

After learning, wouldn’t it be possible to reduce the dimensionality and attack in this fairy world?!

Su Chen was very excited.

Must, get.

Su Chenan endured the excitement in his heart, coughed, and began to think about countermeasures.

"The disaster caused by the signing of this contract is due to lack of talent and lack of knowledge, and the lack of moral integrity. The country's foundation is difficult to maintain. I only need to help him renew his position as a country's foundation for a few more years, and I can resolve the disaster!"

"As for whether the prince will be deposed in the future, dead or alive, it is none of my business. Now, what I have to do is to let Li Yuan die so that the prince will not be deposed immediately. That is enough."

"Originally, the prince would not be deposed so easily, but maybe it was my arrival, or maybe this Xianxia Tang was different. The prince did a lot of ridiculous things, even pretending to be the emperor, making it difficult for the country to make money, and letting the emperor know

If anything, Li Shimin could destroy him."

I had this thought in my mind and thought about it for a moment.

Su Chen already had a plan.

He looked Li Chengqian up and down and nodded frequently, which immediately made Li Chengqian feel a little dizzy.

He asked tentatively: "Master Tianshi, is there any way?!"

Su Chen said: "There are still ways to resolve the lottery, but now I want you to figure out what your disaster is."

The prince said: "Yes, yes."

Su Chen said: "What you are asking about is your future, and as the prince, even if you make some small mistakes, you should be ignored, and your future is bright. In the end, you signed a lot, and this needs to be examined!"

Li Chengqian's eyes evaded.

Manager Tiexin also lowered his head.

Su Chen said: "You are dishonest, because your father will not easily depose the prince just because your grandpa died."

"The fundamental reason for all this is that you are useless."

The prince wanted to speak but stopped.

Manager Tiexin pretended not to hear it.

in the past.

The prince hated to hear others say he was useless, but he could only accept what Su Chen said.

Su Chen said: "Your virtue is not up to par, and the country cannot survive. This is your real disaster!"

The prince was shocked and felt aggrieved, and said: "Why am I not worthy of my virtue? I am the founder of the Tang Dynasty. I am the eldest son of the emperor. I have the best teacher and the best status. Why am I not worthy of my virtue?"


He was not convinced.

Su Chen snorted: "Because, your words and deeds are inconsistent. On the surface, you are the prince, but secretly you do some shitty things."

The prince hesitated to speak and wanted to defend himself.

But when he met Su Chen's eyes, he was defeated.


He remembered that Su Chen was a heavenly master and knew everything, so he must have known a lot of his behind-the-scenes activities.

As expected.

Su Chen hummed: "When you were young, you often skipped classes and did some sensual things, which made your father look down on you. After you became the prince, you still did not change your nature, and even kept a male pet. This is

The country’s reputation is unfavorable.”


The prince gasped.

He said in shock: "Master Tianshi, do you know all this?!"

Su Chen said: "If you don't want others to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself."

In fact, he was the one who helped Rong Xin escape from the clutches of the devil.

Su Chen continued: "The second thing is that you also held a funeral for your male favorite. It can be said that your father, the emperor, and the empress were heartbroken. They just think you are ridiculous."

The prince was shocked beyond measure.

Su Chen also knows these things.

However, he was still unconvinced because he felt that Queen Wende had done something wrong and should not have killed his male favorite.

Su Chen continued: "That's all. You role-play with the foreigners and let them play the king of the foreign race and you play the emperor. This is treason!"

The prince was completely convinced and knelt down.

"Master Tianshi, you really know everything like a god. I can't hide anything from you."

The prince cried: "I was confused for a moment, but I just did this wrong thing. Please save me."

Su Chen snorted: "It's not just this. When the Tang Dynasty was at war with Tuyuhun, you actually made the country rich and sold supplies to Tuyuhun. Now that the weather has changed, you are still selling relief supplies. You are an out-and-out worm of the Tang Dynasty.


Bang bang bang!

The prince kowtowed one after another. Su Chen exposed all his nonsense, and he was completely desperate.

He kowtowed repeatedly and cried bitterly.

Su Chen said: "If you don't want others to know these things, you have to do it yourself. Don't think that I am the only one who knows about these things. In fact, there is a document on your father's desk!"


The prince fainted from fright.

Su Chen said: "Otherwise, why do you think your father wanted to destroy you?!"

Bang bang bang.

The prince continued to kowtow, his head was bleeding, and he did not dare to stop.

She kept pleading and said: "Master Tianshi, please save me, please save me. If I am alive in the future and I am still the foundation of the country, Datang will share half of it with you!!"

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(End of chapter)

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