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Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Forty-eight thousand and five hundred years of mana [Please subscribe and vote]

Song Guogong Xiao Yu was trembling in his heart at this time.

He never expected that there would be so many reasons for the decision to attack Goguryeo this time.


Each one is so deadly.

Any one of them is enough to affect the situation of the battle.

Taken together, it is enough to defeat the Tang Dynasty. Even if the Tang Dynasty is undefeated, it will be dragged down, causing the national destiny to decline for more than ten years, or even decades.

That's definitely not what he wants to see.

Although Xiao Yu has selfish motives, he still sees clearly the issues of right and wrong.

He understands more clearly that his honor, disgrace and wealth have long been tied to the Tang Dynasty. If the Tang Dynasty declines, his wealth and family glory will also decline even more.

Nothing can happen to the Tang Dynasty.

Xiao Yu knelt on the ground and said: "Master Tianshi, how can you resolve this sign?!"

Bang bang bang!

Then, he kowtowed three times.

Su Chen said: "From what you said, you probably have approached Buddhists before. What did they say?"

Xiao Yudao: "The Buddhist masters have said that the Tang Dynasty will be defeated if it commits unjust acts, but there is no reason or how to resolve it. They just ask us to stop this war."

He smiled bitterly and said: "However, it is impossible for Your Majesty to stop attacking Goguryeo."

Goguryeo repeatedly committed border plunder, and Li Shimin had submitted suzerain credentials to neighboring countries, but Goguryeo did not sign a contract.

Li Shimin definitely can't tolerate an unruly country around him, so he will fight.

What's more, emperors have always accumulated merits when brushing the Goguryeo dungeon, and no emperor has ever succeeded. If he, Li Shimin, can succeed, he will definitely become an emperor comparable to the Qin Emperor.

The temptation is too great.

Xiao Yu also understood that the possibility of persuasion was slim.

Su Chen said: "There are ways to resolve the lottery, but these disasters are too many and too difficult. If you want to resolve them completely, I must be obedient."

Xiao Yu said: "What if I sell this old bone to Master Tianshi?!"

Su Chen said: "Okay, I listen carefully. Let's solve this matter and do it one by one."

Xiao Yu's face was solemn and he listened carefully.

Su Chen said: "First of all, deal with the matter in the south. If the Yue barbarians invade the border, take precautions in advance and arrange troops. You can even make contacts with distant enemies and attack at close range, and unite with the surrounding countries to put pressure on the Yue barbarians. I believe you veterans will be able to figure it out."

Xiao Yu nodded. In fact, it is not difficult to solve the problem in the south. He also has some ideas.


He doesn't have the overall perspective like Su Chen, but if many ministers discuss it, they will definitely be able to come to a conclusion.

Now they must know that Yue Barbarians may cross the border. This needs to be investigated. If it is true, they can take precautions in advance!

Xiao Yu believed that what Su Chen said was true, so the first thing he did was to go back and deal with this matter as if it were true.

Even if you are under tremendous pressure for this, you will not hesitate.

Su Chen continued: "Secondly, the grain depot in the Jiangnan region is in short supply. This gap must be filled."

Xiao Yu said: "How to make it up?"

Su Chen said: "Whoever takes it can spit it out. What I'm most afraid of is a fire accident. You can't ask the fire for it, right?!"

Xiao Yu trembled all over.

He is very clear about the methods of famous families. He is also the helmsman of a famous family. If a family embezzles the three major grain depots in Jiangnan, and someone investigates, the grain depots will definitely catch fire.

By then, no one can be held accountable, and the food shortage will inevitably become a reality.


The corrupt person must be found and the food spit out before the fire breaks out.

Regardless of whether they sold it or hid it, no matter what, a family that could embezzle the three major grain depots would definitely still have grain in stock, enough to replenish the national treasury!


This is a difficult task, and very offending!

Su Chen said: "Song Guogong, are you afraid?"

He called Xiao Yu by his official title, so Xiao Yu had to face it seriously.

He said seriously: "It's just death, what's the point of me?!"

Su Chen smiled and nodded. He had the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart and had already seen Xiao Yu's thoughts, which were extremely firm.

He is indeed not afraid of death, at least not in this matter.

In this case, Su Chen can trust him and let him solve this matter.


Su Chen didn't mind fooling Xiao Yu, causing somersault clouds, and then killing him and letting others solve the matter.

"Okay, I am a real man, I admire you."

"Master Tianshi is joking, but it's just a little heart to serve the country."

Su Chen added: "How to solve the problem in Jiangnan? I believe that my husband will be able to find a solution after he returns."

"As for the situation in the court, the major families can definitely see His Majesty's determination, and the final resistance will not be too great. Only the soldiers of Mobei are not acclimatized, and Xue Yantuo is stabbed in the back."

Xiao Yu nodded solemnly and said, "What should we do?!"

Su Chen said: "The problem of acclimatization can be easily solved. Instead of deploying troops from the south, we can directly use troops from Shanxi and other places."

Xiao Yu was stunned.

Then his eyes lit up, and these words really woke up the dreamer.

Then there was some confusion: "But, can the Shanxi soldiers fight?"

Su Chen said: "Don't worry, there is a fierce man in Shanxi who can beat thieves."

Xiao Yu was naturally convinced. Since Su Chen mentioned the fierce man, it must have happened.

Then he asked: "How to solve Xue Yantuo's matter?"

Su Chen said: "The biggest danger in Xue Yantuo's matter is that the Tang Dynasty did not know that the imperial master had usurped the throne. Now that he knows it, he still doesn't know how to solve it?!"

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment.

Then he suddenly understood, nodded repeatedly, knelt on the ground, and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, he said: "I am convinced. Master Tianshi is really a god in this world. I actually despise the power of heaven with a mortal body. Please punish me!"

Su Chen said: "Remember, keep all the title deeds of your property. You have already lost to me."

Xiao Yu felt a little distressed and left everything behind. Although this was not all of his belongings, it was accumulated over several generations over several lifetimes.

If he loses directly, many people in his family will live on the streets.

Su Chen said again: "Also, you must listen to me now. When you go back from today, you must abandon Buddhism and practice Taoism. You must deal with Buddhism as your own responsibility and impeach Buddhism day and night."

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head and was stunned for a long time. He wanted to refute, but he couldn't say anything.

He is a devout believer in Buddhism.

It’s enough to ask him to abandon Buddhism and practice Taoism, but asking him to fight against Buddhism would be too murderous!


Su Chen had no doubts.

Since Xiao Yu was willing to be used as a spearman, he was not stingy and just used him as a spearman.

And if Buddhism wants to use high-ranking officials of the Tang Dynasty to deal with him, then he should also use high-ranking officials to deal with Buddhism.

Reciprocity is nothing more than this.

He didn't want to cause trouble, let alone the Buddha and Bodhisattva in heaven, who were definitely powerful beings.


There are only bald thieves on the ground, and he is not afraid of them!

Su Chen said: "What, you want to regret it?!"

He said calmly: "If this is the case, then I will have no choice but to cast a spell and send your whole family into boundless hell as punishment for your repentance!"


Xiao Yu was so shocked that he didn't even dare to say anything.

He kowtowed and said: "I don't dare, please calm down the Heavenly Master. I will go back and write a memorial to impeach the Buddhist sect!"

Su Chen said: "Which Buddhist temple did you come to this time?"

Xiao Yu quickly said: "Inside Chang'an, Shaoqing Temple."

Su Chen nodded. It was a royal temple, and there were many eminent monks inside. He could see a lot of masters with his clairvoyance.


That's for mortals.

For him, fighting alone, they can't even defeat Li Bai.

It's just that although the eminent monks in Shaoqing Temple are weak, Su Chen is still tired of it and must find a way to solve it once and for all.

"That's all. When the time comes, you can go down the mountain and go there in person to let them know how to write the word "death"."

Although Su Chen was very cautious and low-key, that was also a matter of personal distinction.

If you take a detour even though you know it's just a bunch of little white rabbits, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Talk about both ends.

Xiao Yu left his family property, signed the document of surrender, and went down the mountain.

Su Chen also naturally obtained five thousand years of magical power.

Su Chen suddenly gained five thousand years of mana and power, which made Su Chen feel a little elated, and his strength also soared.

His cultivation level has also reached the point where he has practiced magic power for 48,500 years, which can be said to be unparalleled.

In that moment, it was as if heaven was within reach.

There was a formation in Yunyuan Mountain, and Su Chen deliberately concealed his aura, but it still made the gods and spirits within a hundred miles of Chang'an tremble.

The two cranes had already paid homage to Su Chen, and Su Ao's eyes shone with excitement.

The disciples were all similar, feeling that Su Chen was getting stronger and stronger, and they worked harder and harder to practice.

You must not be held back.

Under the night, Su Chen looked at the direction Xiao Yu left and frowned.

"Li Bai, Yuan Tiangang, you all come."

Both of them were practicing on the mountain, and when they heard the call, they appeared immediately.

Su Chen said: "Go down the mountain and protect Song Guogong Xiao Yu. Don't let anyone kill him before he completely resolves the issue."

The two of them took the order and left.

Su Chen called Yun Zhongjun and Sun Simiao again, asking them to make a trip to Mobei.

It doesn't matter if the ordinary soldiers are acclimated to the local conditions, just use Shanxi soldiers, but not the generals. Let Sun Simiao cure it, it can have miraculous effects.

This time it is related to the fate of the Tang Dynasty, Su Chen decided to intervene!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to resolve the issue just by relying on Xiao Yu's old bones.

Talk about both ends.

Duke Xiao Yu of the Song Dynasty came down from the mountain and returned directly to his home in Chang'an.

As soon as he entered the house, his family members all welcomed him back.

Obviously, his family knew what he was doing.

The old wife said: "Husband, you went to outwit the Heavenly Master. What was the result?"

Xiao Yu immediately said seriously: "What nonsense are you talking about? How can I be the opponent of Master Tianshi? Don't talk about it anymore in the future!"

The family members immediately understood that the master had failed, and that he had failed miserably.

Xiao Yu scolded his family and asked them to retreat. At the same time, he ordered them to go down and said that he had lost all his family property to the Heavenly Master, including the place where he lived now.

Find a place to rent as soon as possible so that the whole family can live together.


In the palace of Duke Guo of Song Dynasty, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling.

at this time.

A monk knocked on the door late at night outside the house.

The servants opened the door, and several great monks wrapped themselves tightly and went inside to pay homage.

Lifting up their hoods, it was revealed that the great monks were all highly respected monks in Shaoqing Temple. There was even an old monk who was Elder Qian, the great master of Shaoqing Temple.

With the status of Elder Qian, even Xuanzang's master Faming would respect him as "Elder" when he saw him!

At this time, he actually came to the door in person.

Elder Qian said: "Amitabha, the Duke of Song Dynasty climbed to Yunyuan Mountain, what was the result?!"

Duke Xiao Yu of the Song Dynasty said expressionlessly: "I asked me about the good or bad luck of the Tang Dynasty's attack on Goguryeo."

Elder Qian's eyes shone brightly and he said, "What's the result?!"

(End of chapter)

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