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Chapter 188 The Monk Flatters the National Religion Ticket of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 188 The flattery of eminent monks, the state religion of the Tang Dynasty [Please subscribe and vote monthly]

Li Shimin was stunned.

Not only was he confused, but the civil and military ministers were also confused.

Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong, who were already drowsy, woke up instantly and looked at Wei Zheng with surprised expressions.

Is the old man possessed by a ghost?

Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji were also stunned. Originally, they wanted the iron-necked Wei Zheng to come forward and give the emperor a hard blow, and then they would smooth things over and delay it as long as they could.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zheng agreed directly.

He also watched the sky at night and saw that seven days later it would be an auspicious day.

Wei Zheng can still read the sky?!

The business is quite extensive!

Tang Jian coughed and said, "Xiang Wei, you, you, aren't you against it?"

Wei Zhengyi spoke righteously and said: "This old minister was ignorant a few days ago. Since the time for the eastern tour has been decided long ago, it cannot be changed. Otherwise, how will the world view our Tang Dynasty court?!"

Li Shimin was very moved, but he didn't dare to move.

He tentatively said: "Prime Minister Wei, I can actually postpone my eastward tour for a month or two."

Wei Zheng said: "No need. You should go when you have made a date. If you miss it, just don't go."

"Go, go, go!" Li Shimin hurriedly said: "What Prime Minister Wei said makes sense. I have decided to go to the east for an inspection tour. This matter will be left to Prime Minister Wei to handle."

Wei Zheng smiled.

He was just waiting for Li Shimin to say, leave it to him so that he could take the first step.

He alone has the final say in rewards and punishments.

That's when.

If Li Shimin wanted to reward the monk, he would have to obtain his consent.

Moreover, he can take charge of this matter and can also control the eunuch draft very well.

With power in hand, many things are easier to handle.

Therefore, he did not delay this time, but took the initiative. Because of his initiative, the emperor would delegate power to him.

After all, when everyone in the dynasty was opposed by civil and military officials, he was so powerful and chose to support it. The emperor must have great trust in him.

At this time, Li Shimin's thought was that Wei Zheng must have known that he could not be persuaded, so he simply agreed.

He also wanted to reciprocate the favor and give Wei Zheng a chance to keep an eye on him.

These are all transactions.

Li Shimin said: "My dear friends, do you have anything else to say? If not, I will withdraw from the court."

Everyone retreated one after another.

Immediately, a large number of people surrounded Wei Zheng.

Tang Jian said: "Prime Minister Wei, why did you choose to support this? This is completely different from what you said before."

Du Zhenglun said: "Prime Minister Wei, your Majesty's tour eastward is wasting people and hurting money. This is what you said. Why don't you mean it?!"

Fang Xuanling said: "Does Prime Minister Wei feel that there is no hope of persuasion, so he wants to personally take over the power to follow and watch over His Majesty?"

Changsun Wuji said: "There are so many people in the court who can't stand it. If Prime Minister Wei goes alone, I'm afraid it won't help."

They are not optimistic about this matter.

Wei Zheng said: "Your Majesty's eastward tour this time is more of a waste of people and money. I have already discussed it with King Bingjian and asked them to borrow food without interest. This can temporarily eliminate the hidden danger."


Fang Xuanling's eldest son, Sun Wuji, and others suddenly gasped in surprise.

"Is this true?!"

"Master Tianshi is really willing to borrow food?"

"There is a large warehouse in Yunyuan Mountain, no longer under Taicang. It can store tens of millions of tons of grain and can feed millions of people for several years!"

"If he is willing to borrow food, the emperor's eastward tour will not be a problem."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


Wei Zheng said, "I have said that it is not a big deal to waste money and people. Your Majesty's eastward tour this time is more likely to breed pride and complacency. He may also be greedy for wine and lust, which will damage your health."

He shook his head and sighed: "Luoyang is the largest stop of the Eastern Tour and the last stop of the talent show. Do you think His Majesty will not receive the talent show?"

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs suddenly widened his eyes, looking shocked and in disbelief.

None of them thought about this level.

Changsun Wuji bowed and said, "Prime Minister Wei is far-sighted and far-sighted. I am not as good as me."

Fang Xuanling also held up his hands and said: "Prime Minister Wei is so far-sighted that I am ashamed of myself."

Others also handed over one after another, making Wei Zheng feel a little embarrassed.


He didn't say that he was asking for a signature, Su Chen told him.

In fact, he didn't expect it either.

After all, many of the ministers present also believed in Buddhism. For this reason, they were somewhat dissatisfied with Su Chen.

And there are some things that he needs to do silently in order to succeed.

Tell it in advance, who knows if someone with ulterior motives may cause damage.

After all, there was a lot of oil and water on the eastward patrol.

Wei Zheng didn't trust anyone until the matter was settled.

He said goodbye to the officials and went to the East Palace alone to meet the crown prince Li Chengqian. At this time, Li Chengqian's crown prince was already pregnant and about to give birth.

Wei Zheng expressed his intention to come and asked Li Chengqian to invite the queen to the East Palace.

Li Chengqian dared to go against Wei Zheng's wishes, so he ran to the harem and invited the queen.

After Empress Changsun arrived, she first met with the Crown Princess to confirm that she was fine, and then said: "Chengqian, why did you ask me to come here?"

Li Chengqian said: "It's not that the sons and ministers want to see the mother, but the master wants to see him for something."

Queen Changsun was startled, and she saw Wei Zheng sitting in the corner, and she quickly stepped forward to greet him.

Wei Zheng stood up and saluted.

"Old minister, in vain of respect for etiquette, I ask to see the empress and ask her to forgive me!"

The queen said: "Prime Minister Wei does not need to be polite. Since we can allow Prime Minister Wei to see me through Cheng Qian, there must be something important."

Wei Zheng said: "There is indeed something big."

Then everyone retreated, leaving only the Queen and Li Chengqian.

In fact, Wei Zheng didn't want to keep Li Chengqian, but the thought of letting a cripple run errands and being avoided in other people's territory made the master feel embarrassed.

Just pretend you didn't see it.

He knelt down directly and said: "I would like to ask your Majesty to follow His Majesty on your eastward tour."

The queen was stunned.

She thought it was something, but it turned out that she was asked to follow him on the eastward tour.

He then said, "Why did Prime Minister Wei say this? Your Majesty is on a tour eastward. The journey is long and rugged. I am ill and cannot follow you."

She sighed and said, "Otherwise, I would also like to follow His Majesty on his eastward tour to experience the wonderful rivers and mountains."

Li Chengqian said: "Master, why don't you let me go on an eastward patrol?"

Wei Zheng said: "The Crown Princess is about to give birth, so the East Palace should not leave easily."

The prince was helpless.

He also wanted to follow the Eastern Patrol and be a powerful person, and be able to follow Li Shimin and declare his status.

No way.

Wei Zheng didn't allow it.

Wei Zheng said: "This time it is most appropriate for my wife to go with me."

The queen smiled bitterly and said: "Prime Minister Wei, why do you have to go with me?!"

She was very tired. Although the elixir could extend her life by several years, her body was still tortured by illness. Only Sun Simiao's occasional elixir could alleviate the pain.

However, he was still very weak and tired.

Although I wanted to go, I was unable to do so.

Wei Zheng said: "Your Majesty's eastward tour may affect the fate of the emperor and thus the fate of the Tang Dynasty. Only if the empress follows you can you have a chance to stop it."

The queen was stunned.

His face became solemn, "Okay, I understand, I will definitely go."

"I object!"

Who would have known that Li Chengqian was the first to object, saying: "My mother is ill and it is really not suitable for her to travel. Master, please let her go. If something happens, you will not be responsible."

He rarely spoke so rudely, so after he finished speaking, he felt a little stiff and did not dare to look at Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng's eyes were complicated. He could see that Li Chengqian objected simply because he felt that this trip would affect Li Shimin's emperor's destiny and that he would be able to rise to power quickly.

So, the impact is impact.

As for the national destiny of the Tang Dynasty, it does not hurt to have some influence.

He was very disappointed and did not reveal Li Chengqian's thoughts.

Instead, he took out a box and opened it. It was a pill, which was the pill that Su Chen gave him.

"This is the Strengthening Pill and Yuan Peiyuan Pill given by Master Tianshi, which can make your health better. Therefore, I don't have to worry about the impact of this trip on your health!"

The queen was overjoyed, "I didn't expect Master Tianshi to still miss me. Chengqian, you must go and say thank you in person if you find an opportunity."

Li Chengqian's cheek twitched, and he felt a little hatred for Su Chen.

But when I think of Su Chen's appearance, I feel even more frightened.

The queen took the elixir and her health was indeed much better.

Then she asked: "Why does Prime Minister Wei think that your majesty's trip will affect the emperor's fortune?!"

"Is it a waste of money and money?!"

Wei Zheng shook his head, "Yunyuan Mountain is willing to borrow food, and there is no need to waste people or money. The biggest problem will be known once you get there."

The queen was puzzled, and she didn't understand why Wei Zheng and the three of them refused to speak directly to each other.


With a clear understanding of justice, she decided to go along.

Anyway, her health is getting better, and the queen is very happy to be able to enjoy the mountains and rivers with her.

Seven days later.

The emperor led the civil and military ministers, as well as many Jinwu guards, with Qin Qiong, Wei Chigong, and Li Xiaogong leading the way, and they patrolled all the way east.

Cheng Yaojin stayed in Chang'an, the prince supervised the country, and Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji assisted the prince.

As for Wei Zheng, he has already taken the lead.

The emperor didn't even know what he was doing.

Half a month later, the eastern patrol team passed through three counties and twelve cities. After three days, they finally arrived in Luoyang.

There was already a sea of ​​people outside Luoyang City. The common people lined the streets to welcome him, and the monks from Baima Temple were chanting Buddhist scriptures outside the city.

Wei Zheng brought officials of all sizes in Luoyang City to greet him.

There was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking about Su Chen's clever plan.

But there was something wrong with the way many monks looked at Wei Zheng.

Because not long ago, after Wei Zheng came, he directly returned all the money and food they donated, and also sent people to repair the White Horse Temple for them.

This is a good thing and makes them all happy.


The more I think about it lately, the more wrong it becomes. I always feel that Wei Zheng is returning a favor by doing this.

If all the favors were returned, how could they ask for more rewards from the emperor?!

The abbot of White Horse Temple, Fa Ming, Xuanzang's master, led many elders and a young monk, Xuanzang, in front of the crowd.

Fa Ming said: "Xuan Zang, we came back this time to find a suitable opportunity to recommend you to the emperor. You must seize the opportunity."

Xuanzang wondered: "What opportunity?!"

Fa Ming said: "This is an opportunity for us to rise to prominence, an opportunity for our Buddhist sect to become the state religion of the Tang Dynasty in one fell swoop!"

Xuanzang also wanted the prosperity of Buddhism, and he was a little excited and said: "How should I get close to His Majesty?!"

Fa Ming glanced at the monks.

The monks understood immediately, and as they watched the emperor's chariot approaching, they also began to take action!

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Let me share with you my daily life. I ate the wrong thing yesterday and had a stomachache all night. I got acute enteritis. I went to get an injection early in the morning. Now I am fine.

Updates will not be affected, so stay tuned.

(End of chapter)

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