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Chapter 315

Chapter 315: Playing with the enemy's tricks, faking death to deceive the heavens [Please subscribe and vote monthly]

"The Jade Emperor actually knows about it?!"

Kuimulang's face was dull, his eyes were desperate, and his face was in disbelief.

Su Chen nodded seriously again and said, "Yes, the Jade Emperor also knows."

"And, from beginning to end, he knew it."


Kui Mulang gasped, terrified.

"Since Your Majesty knows, why, why, why didn't he expose it and still..."

When he said this, he was a little scared, sweating profusely, and his body was shaking.

Su Chen didn't explain. This kind of thing should be done as soon as possible.

Kui Mulang's body became weak and he knelt on the ground, "King Su Tian, ​​now that the Jade Emperor knows about it, what should I do?"

"Please help me, help me!"

Kui Mulang also knew that colluding with the maids around the Jade Emperor was against the law of heaven.

The Jade Emperor did not punish him, and even pretended that it had not happened. He must have had ulterior motives.

Maybe it’s because there’s no conclusive evidence, maybe it’s just to catch them all, it could be anything.

No matter what the Jade Emperor thinks, but with this handle, Kui Mulang feels that he will always be held in the palm of the Jade Emperor's hand.

You can crush him to death at any time.

Now, he is not dead.

Most likely the Jade Emperor had some ideas.

He could only ask Su Chen for help, because he felt that only Su Chen could save him.

Su Chen said: "Get up. The fact that the Jade Emperor didn't expose you proves that there is still room for maneuver in this matter."

Kui Mulang nodded in agreement.

Su Chen continued: "But you have to understand that the Jade Emperor wants to lose face. He didn't make a move, maybe because he thought you had ruined his face, so you should stop this matter from now on."

Kui Mulang said without hesitation: "I will never be friends with her again."

Su Chen shook his head secretly, thinking that it was not worth being ashamed of Baihua.


Maybe doing this would be a good thing for both parties.

Kui Mulang seduced Baihuaxi just for profit, and even more, he let Baihuaxi stand up for him for profit.

Nothing is sincere.

But Baihuaxi really likes her, and now that she is in the mortal world, she doesn’t remember anything.

It may be a good thing for both parties to let each other forget and end the relationship.

Otherwise, Kui Mulang will harm Baihuaxi's family, who are now living a happy life, Kui Mulang himself, and the Jade Emperor's face.

Separate from each other, kill three birds with one stone.

Su Chen said: "Your Majesty did not touch you, just hoping that one day you would be able to figure it out on your own and put an end to this matter. However, you did not wake up and persisted in your obsession. Alas, it almost cost you your own life."

Kuimulang is about to cry.

How could his stupid brain think of so many things?

I have always thought that the relationship with Baihuaxi is very mysterious and no one knows about it, and they haven't even broken through the last step yet!

The reason is to prevent the beauty of the beautiful girl from being seen through.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered.

Kui Mulang said: "But, but I really don't want to let this opportunity go, because I haven't made a breakthrough for many years. If I don't make a breakthrough, I will only go downhill in this life."

He lowered his head, his eyes full of tears, "Besides, I was scared out of my wits when I fought against Monkey King, that monkey, and I had inner demons. If I can't go down to earth and defeat the inner demons, my life will be over."

Only by going down to earth, meeting Sun Wukong again, and fighting him without fear, can you defeat your inner demons!

Even if he eats Tang Monk in Sun Wukong's hands, or ruins Sun Wukong's good deeds, for him, he can get rid of his inner demons!

This is his only chance.

Any other time when Sun Wukong meets him alone, he has no chance of winning.

Su Chen said: "Then do you know that apart from the Jade Emperor, the real danger in your descent this time is actually Buddhism?!"

Kuimulang said: "I help Buddhists go down to earth to test Buddhist scripture collectors. How dare Buddhists be in danger with me?!"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Have you forgotten again that you once followed your master and took advantage of others to steal the exquisite inner elixir of Deng Deng Buddha's relic?!"


Kui Mulang gasped again and said in horror: "How did you know?"

"At this time, no one knows about this matter except my master and Deng Deng Buddha. Master will not talk to others, and Deng Deng Buddha is even more shameful and humiliating. How could it be spread to the ears of a third person?!"

Su Chen said: "As I said before, if you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself."

He continued: "Don't think that it is what it is. Many people in Buddhism know this. And your move is a slap in the face of Buddhism and takes away the most precious treasure of Buddhism. You feel that after leaving heaven, there will be no one like your master."

To protect you, if you descend to earth as a demon, Buddhism will not touch you?!"

Kui Mulang's eyes were shocked. After careful consideration, he knew that Buddhism would definitely touch him!

Moreover, he will also think of ways to regain his exquisite relic and inner elixir.


Even if you ask him not to descend to earth, he still can't do it.

Because he wanted to get rid of his inner demons and break through realms, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to cultivate his inner elixir.

Right now, his exquisite inner elixir of relics is only half-baked. If he can go to the next level and complete it, he will definitely be stronger.

Bang bang bang!

Kuimulang kowtowed to Su Chen and didn't stop until the blood started flowing.

"King Su Tian, ​​please, help me!"

Su Chen said: "I said that I will help you resolve it, but I need you to recognize the reality and understand your situation."

Kui Mulang thanked him profusely and said: "Thank you so much, King Su. Thank you so much, King Su. I know, I really know. I didn't expect that I am surrounded by traps on all sides without even realizing it."

Su Chen nodded. He could see that Kui Mulang was really scared.

Moreover, I will definitely obey his advice.

At this time, if he reveals the plan again, Kui Mulang will regard it as a golden rule and obey it.

Otherwise, Kuimu Lang might run away at any time.

Then his arrangement will be in vain, he will not be able to get the reward, and he will even be exposed.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Su Chen said: "As I said, you have offended the Jade Emperor and Buddhism, but going down to earth does not mean that you have offended the Jade Emperor. At most, you have offended Buddhism!"

"The Jade Emperor did not take action against you and the Jade Lady because of his face. Then he will definitely continue to do so, and you can go down to earth and break up with the Jade Lady, which can be regarded as saving the Jade Emperor's face."

Kui Mulang listened carefully and felt that what Su Chen said made sense.

Su Chen continued: "As long as you can save the Jade Emperor's face, he won't make things too difficult for you. In other words, as for the Jade Emperor, if you don't irritate him, nothing will happen."

Kui Mulang said: "I promise to sever all ties with Jade Girl."

Su Chen said: "The most important thing is the Buddhist side. You robbed the relics, the exquisite inner elixir, slapped the Buddhists in the face, and also took away the treasure. They will definitely take revenge and take it back."

Kui Mulang was very nervous and said: "What should we do?"

Su Chen said: "Then we will use the plan to lure you into an urn and fake your own death to deceive the heavens."

Kuimulang's eyes widened and he breathed heavily, asking: "How to do it?"

Su Chen said: "The trick is to continue to complete the catastrophe of Journey to the West and help Buddhism test Buddhist scripture collectors. Before that, Buddhism will not touch you."

"Then you fought with the Buddhist scripture seeker and lost. You surrendered directly, and even said that you would follow the Buddhist scripture seeker from the West. Monk Tang would definitely be happy to be able to convert monsters, but Buddhism is not happy."

Kuimulang said: "Should I join Buddhism?"

Regardless of whether Fomen is happy or not, Kuimulang himself is not happy.

Su Chen said: "You pretend to be like this just to let Buddhism stop you, or even surrender you. Then you can deal with the Buddhist people who come and die together, but in fact it is fake death, so you can deceive Buddhism and end the relationship."

The grievances between Buddhists."

Kui Mulang said: "In that case, wouldn't it mean that I can no longer act in my own identity?"

He was in trouble.

Su Chen said: "No, this is fake death. Just find a way to resurrect. You have already paid the price with your life. It is unreasonable for Buddhism to continue to pester you."

"It's like Jin Chanzi died and is now Tang Monk, and the enemies Jin Chanzi made will not come for revenge."

Kuimulang seemed to understand but not quite.

Su Chen revealed his final plan and said: "Of course, this is not enough. Because Buddhism can be very shameless. He wants your life, and even more, your relics."

"And you can kill the Buddhist people who came to subjugate you, refine them into relics, cover them with some breath, and fake them into exquisite inner elixirs. When the time comes, you can find an opportunity to use them in front of the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

It exploded!"

"In this way, without the exquisite inner elixir of relics, even if you are reborn, you will not arouse the slightest interest in Buddhism!"

Kui Mulang was surprised.

Su Chen's method is really good.

He walked around anxiously, slowly digesting Su Chen's plan.

He suddenly said: "By the way, King Su Tian said that I might get some benefits, what benefits are they?!"

Su Chen said: "If you fight against the Buddhist monks and kidnap Tang Monk once, even if you are better than Sun Wukong, you can also get rid of the demons in your heart. You have also used tricks to deceive Buddhism and plot against heaven and Buddhism. Your state of mind will definitely be greatly improved."


He smiled and said: "In the end, your strength will definitely be greatly improved, especially when you return after feigning death, it is inevitable that your strength will improve by leaps and bounds."

Su Chen could foresee that Kui Mulang, who was in a perfect state of mind, would definitely become stronger.

When Kui Mulang heard this, he laughed out loud.

He has accumulated enough, and he has not broken through for so many years. If he can really play with Heaven and Buddhism at the palm of his hand.

He also got rid of his inner demons, and he was really able to improve by leaps and bounds.


What Su Chen didn't say was that Kui Mulang might really lose the relic and the exquisite inner elixir in the end.

However, it was not lost by Kuimulang himself, but captured by Sun Wukong.

This is fate, Su Chen does not intend to remind Kui Mulang, after all, Sun Wukong is his own.

After Sun Wukong took the relics, the world didn't know that Kui Mulang had to put on a show to let people know that he had no relics.

In the end, he will lose the exquisite inner elixir of the relic, fake death, and be resurrected. His mood will be perfect and his strength will be greatly increased.


Sun Wukong will still be his weakness!

Everything was arranged properly.

Su Chen looked at the excited Kuimu Lang and couldn't help but smile.

Kui Mulang was a little confused and said: "King Su Tianwang, what are you enjoying?!"

(End of chapter)

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