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Chapter 465 The first heaven-defying supernatural power, Heart Like a Mirror Stage monthly pass]

Patriarch Bodhi is now a headless fly.

Even if he has extraordinary strength and is considered a master, when things come to pass, he will still be a common man after all.

Even the Fuxi family is not exempt from vulgarity, let alone him.

When the lottery was drawn, even Patriarch Bodhi was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood, as if all his years of persistence were in vain.

He himself is a master of arithmetic, so he believes in these things very much.

Su Chen's arithmetic deduction is unparalleled in the world, and even Fu Xi is ashamed of himself. Patriarch Bodhi naturally trusts him.


Su Chen said that it can be resolved by signing a lottery.

Even though Patriarch Bodhi thought it was unlikely, Su Chen had become his last life-saving straw.

"Give me your signature."

Su Chen stretched out his hand, and Patriarch Bodhi handed it over without hesitation.

"Emperor Su Tian, ​​a poor man has lived a poor life, but you still ask me for advice!"

Su Chen said: "Let me see what kind of disaster it is. It can actually be a lottery, ten deaths and no life. However, everything in the world is not destined to die. There is always something that can escape and save it!"

Patriarch Bodhi naturally understands that many people will definitely die if they are drawn into the lottery, but for the elder who is far beyond his understanding, it is just a small disaster that can be easily resolved.

But basically the boss will not personally participate in it, otherwise not only will the secret be revealed, but he will be burned, and he will be punished by heaven.


Most of them just point others to resolve it themselves.

Patriarch Bodhi has also resolved fortunes for others, and he understood the truth many times. However, he felt that Su Chen could not be much higher than him, let alone reach a level that even he could not recognize.

However, he had no choice but to believe in Su Chen.

Su Chen took the lottery, his eyes were filled with mist, and what he saw and heard was completely different.

The first thing that catches the eye is the period of the First Tribulation of the Long Han Dynasty. There is a Buddhist mountain range in the Western Paradise, which is a place where heroes fight. The biggest war in the Early Tribulation of the Long Han Dynasty broke out here.

Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shi Qilin, and the powerful men of all races involved fought to death, and finally broke up the Paradise Mountains here, and killed more than a thousand Da Luo Jinxian!

In the ancient times at that time, although there were no saints to preach and no direction to practice, the divine power was so strong that it was a thousand times more powerful than it is now. Indiscriminately swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, one could increase one's strength.

Therefore, there are still many Daluo Jinxian who united the six realms of the prehistoric era. However, after this battle, more than half of them were killed or injured, and they have been unable to recover since then.

During this period, within the ruins, there was a Bodhi tree that was not baptized by the flames of war. Instead, it relied on the boundless evil spirit and blood energy to condense itself, absorb thousands of divine powers, and transform into a human body.

The bodhi tree itself has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for thousands of years. Now, with the help of thousands of Daluo fallen, it absorbs the residual soul energy and blood, swallows the essence of divine power, and directly transforms into a form. Once transformed, it will be a Daluo!

The Bodhi tree in the picture is exactly the same as the Bodhi ancestor today. And because everyone is groping for each other at this time, the Bodhi tree did not leave seclusion after its transformation, but practiced for millions of times in the Paradise.

Years later, I stabilized my strength and figured out some methods of practice.

This is preparation for exit.

For this reason, the person who transformed into the Bodhi tree calls himself Bodhisattva!

Just as he was preparing to leave seclusion, he met Jie Yin, who also used the evil spirit and blood energy of this world to practice. Jie Yin claimed to be a piece of jade from the Paradise of Paradise, and had absorbed countless Daluo essence and blood, and even Zulong and Yuan.

The fighting spirit of Feng Shi and Qilin finally transformed, and his strength is also very powerful, reaching the upper level of Da Luo!

However, after millions of years of hard training, he still couldn't find the method of cultivation. I sensed that he was about to leave the seclusion, so I came to check.

The two met late, and the same experience made them naturally want to go together, but Jie Yin said that the source of the divine power in their practice was too complicated, and the evil spirit was very strong, so they had to find a way to exclude it!

Bodhizi naturally agreed. His strength at this time was at the peak of Daluo. In fact, he was even stronger than Jie Yin, so he didn't worry about being hacked.

In addition, the two of them were very happy with each other, Bodhizi didn't go out much, and had relatively little social experience, so he agreed. He also asked Jieyin to help protect the Dharma. He wanted to force this evil spirit out of the body first.

As a result, he spent ten thousand years in retreat this time, and within this time, Jie Yin went out again to take possession of all the divine power of the Paradise and collected many magic weapons.

The most important thing is that Jieyin discovered the hole where the Bodhi tree turned into and the root of the Bodhi tree. He had evil thoughts in his heart and used his magical power to guide some of the evil thoughts discharged by the Bodhi tree to the roots of the Bodhi tree.

After thousands of years, the roots of the Bodhi tree actually contain a lot of divine power, and they also actively absorbed many divine powers from the Paradise of Paradise. They also received guidance and gradually transformed into shapes.

When Bodhisattva opened his eyes, he felt that all evil thoughts and evil spirits had been eliminated from his body, and he felt very relaxed.

However, he saw a person who was 70% similar to him, who was transformed from the roots of the Bodhi tree, and he was confused.

"Who are you?"

"You and I are brothers. You are transformed from the trunk and crown of the tree, and I am transformed from the roots. I named myself Zhunti."

At this time, Bodhisattva's state of mind was like a clear mirror, and he only had good intentions in his heart. He accepted this fact with a smile. After all, he took the initiative to make friends with him, and even gave him some of the things he had harvested in the Paradise of Paradise for millions of years.

Bodhisattva still approves of his brother Zhunti, because Zhunti's talent is very high. Although he did not have Daluo cultivation when he transformed, he has already improved after only ten thousand years!

The three of them traveled hand in hand throughout the Paradise, and their relationship became increasingly deep.

Even later, they left the Paradise and walked outside to take risks together. Although the enemies they encountered were powerful, they could only run away when they encountered the three of them!

The names of the three became louder and louder, and in the end, everyone knew it. Even the members of the Lich Tribe, who were gradually becoming more and more popular at that time, could only take a detour when they saw them!

The two brothers Di Jun and Dong Huang who were nearby at that time often fought against the three of them, fighting alone. No one was their opponent, but three against two, the two brothers Di Jun could only retreat.

As their fame grew bigger and bigger, the strength of the three of them also grew stronger. However, gradually, there was a rift between them. First of all, Bodhizi, the strongest among the three, was respected, and secondly, Jing Yin,

After that comes the weakest Zhunti.

However, Bodhizi is pure and kind in his heart and does not care about reputation. The three of them travel together to experience and take risks, improve their own strength, and aim at all directions.

However, due to selfish motives, Jieyin deceived Bodhisattva into separating his evil thoughts and evil spirits in order to divide his strength, but he did not do so himself. He even asked Bodhisattva to guide evil thoughts and evil spirits to the roots of the Bodhi tree, just to make himself

Multiple helpers. The bodhi tree root, which is Zhunti, has already reached an agreement with Jie Yin before he took form, with Jie Yin as the leader!

After the transformation, because Bodhizi was still strong, Jieyin could not say anything more, but he secretly conspired with Zhunti to replace Bodhizi.

Zhunti was lured into seizing Bodhizi's strength, but he easily fell and agreed.

Later, the two conspired to set up a trap and informed Bodhizi that Zhunti was in danger and asked him to rescue people. The simple Bodhizi did not think much and immediately went to save his brother, but fell into a trap.

In the process, he was injured. Then, Jie Yin actually attracted the Di Jun brothers and asked them to join forces to injure Bodhizi.

In the end, Donghuang Taiyi realized something was wrong and left quickly because he didn't want to be used as a weapon.

However, Bodhizi has been injured, not only externally, but also heartbroken. Because he is not stupid either. He found out that his brothers were plotting to harm him, so he was extremely sad.

However, he is still very powerful. He can even injure Jieyin by force, and he is about to kill Zhunti!

At this time, Zhunti began to play the emotional card, saying that the two of them were born from the same roots, brothers, and he was bewitched and wanted to beg for forgiveness. After discussion, Bodhizi still had a soft heart and let him go, but relaxed

After being alert, Zhunti and Jieyin took action again, directly beating Bodhizi until he was seriously injured and dying!

Zhunti used secret techniques to drain part of Bodhi's essence and blood to strengthen himself, but instead made Bodhi's injuries worse and he was dying. In desperation, he had to find a secluded place to practice.

At this time, the Taoist ancestor in the Zixiao Palace issued a decree that all those who could pass through the chaos and reach the Zixiao Palace were qualified to listen to the lecture, and this lecture was to popularize the way of cultivation for the people of the world!

The two men, Jie Yin and Zhunti, suddenly gained part of the power of the Bodhisattva, but were worried about being retaliated, so they rushed forward in a hurry. They actually got a blessing in disguise, cheating, crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves to obtain the saint's seat!

On the other hand, because Bodhizi was continuously betrayed and suffered serious injuries, external and internal injuries, and heart injuries, he was unable to cross the chaos. He could only find a pure land, practice silently, and restore his own strength.

But after this time, the opportunities for both parties have completely changed.

Jie Yin Zhunti obtained the method of practice, understood some Buddhist principles from the sermons, and received the instructions from the Taoist ancestors to establish a Western religion and spread the religion to the world in order to become a saint.

Bodhisattva had no cultivation method and was injured. It took hundreds of thousands of years for Kazuya to recover with his strong strength and will. However, the inner demon had been born and he did not know how to cultivate. Instead, he was worse than other people in the same realm.

Stay far away.

In the past, when fighting alone, he was even able to keep up with Di Jun, but in this fight, he found that he was still at the peak of Daluo, and Di Jun was already a quasi-sage!

The strength gap is huge!

In addition to practicing methods, the Three Thousand Guests in the Red World also obtained some magic weapons and magical powers. Their methods have become more numerous, and more importantly, they know how to think for themselves!

Develop and practice their own exercises, magical powers and spells that suit them!

Bodhizi was completely thrown away. After he came out of seclusion, he could not beat anyone he saw. All his former subordinates and defeated generals were sitting on his head.

Fortunately, he is kind-hearted, and he did not kill others when he defeated others before, so he was let go even if he lost. However, as time goes on, he becomes more and more miserable, and he is defeated repeatedly!

Bodhizi also discovered the problem. In the following time, he stopped fighting. Instead, he concentrated on visiting some friends or enemies. Through fighting or asking for advice, he developed many methods.

He also said that he would humbly ask for advice from masters from all walks of life. Even the Sanqing, who was half a generation behind him, he was still willing to ask for advice as a disciple. After millions of years of hard work, he actually mastered all the skills, magical powers and spells of the three religions and nine schools.

So thorough!

Bodhisattva has a characteristic that the world does not know, even Zhunti and Jieyin do not know, that is, Bodhisattva has a mirror stand, and everything he has seen is easy to study and learn.

Therefore, even if the other party is hiding the magical powers and spells he asks for advice, he can still understand them if he uses them in person!

This is also the fundamental reason why Bodhisattva sought advice from various schools, and even after being rejected, he was still able to learn the three teachings and nine streams of exercises and magical powers!

The Mirror Stage is like the Sharingan. You can learn whatever you read. If you study hard, you will eventually be able to learn it!

The scene changed again. By chance, the two of them, Jie Yin and Zhunti, went against the will of heaven. After founding the Western Sect, they took the entire Paradise of Paradise as their own. Even Bodhisattva wanted to go back, but they were kicked out!

Once, Bodhizi was almost killed by the two of them. Fortunately, he ran fast. However, after many trials, Bodhizi also learned many skills and magical powers taught in the West.

He knew all the three religions including Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

Even if you are not proficient, you are still getting started.

Although he was kind-hearted, he also had obsessions and wanted revenge. Therefore, after the establishment of the Western religion, he took advantage of the situation and became a saint, claiming to be the Buddha.

Bodhizi is the self-proclaimed Patriarch of Bodhi. He appears as a Taoist and wants revenge, but when he meets Zhunti, he is no longer an enemy with one move.

Zhunti didn't kill him, thinking that keeping him would make him more comfortable. How comfortable it was to see someone who was stronger than him in the past being easily manipulated by him!

Patriarch Bodhi was deeply hit, so he hid himself, practiced hard, and looked for opportunities to become a saint, catch up with his former younger brother, and take revenge!

After going through the Lich War and the Conferring God War, Patriarch Bodhi discovered that Buddhism was about to revive, but he believed that prosperity must decline, and if he could make Buddhism decline, and there was a shortage of holy titles, he would seize the opportunity to fight for it, and he might have a chance.

For this reason, he made plans in advance and even took a fancy to Sun Wukong. He introduced Sun Wukong to the sect and taught him magical skills. Whether it was somersault clouds, seventy-two transformations, or the great immortal arts, they were not Buddhist and had nothing to do with him.

It's so big that I encountered it during my travels in the past.

Patriarch Bodhi didn't have to worry about being discovered. After he trained Sun Wukong, he used his great supernatural powers to calculate that Sun Wukong would definitely cause trouble. With Buddhism's urine nature and the upcoming catastrophe, he would definitely take Sun Wukong as his own.

In the eyes of Patriarch Bodhi, Sun Wukong may be the cornerstone of the revival of Buddhism, but he is also the source of cholera in Buddhism, because he calculated that Buddhism will decline after the catastrophe is over.

Apart from Sun Wukong who helped revive Buddhism, he couldn't think of anyone else who could do it!

But who would have known that with so many plans, Sun Wukong would be accepted as a disciple by Su Chen, and Patriarch Bodhi could not understand the way forward, so he was very confused.

Hiding in the chaotic space, wanting to wait for things to develop and look for opportunities.

Unexpectedly, when he met Su Chen and got a lottery, his already fragile Taoist heart was broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The picture ends here!

Su Chen's mood was complicated. Patriarch Bodhi's experience was the one he had seen for the longest time, even longer than the Fuxi clan.

And he didn't expect that Bodhi Patriarch and Zhunti were born from the same root, but one was a tree trunk and the other was a tree root. Moreover, Bodhi Patriarch was the strongest at the time, so he gave part of it to Zhunti!

However, there is no way to explain such things as opportunities. After going round and round, Patriarch Bodhi fell to this point, but Zhunti has become a saint!

The gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider!

As for the experience of Patriarch Bodhi, Su Chen also sympathized with it, but it seemed to be related to the saint. It was very difficult for him to change, and it was almost impossible.

However, he also has some experience as to why Patriarch Bodhi won the lottery.

at this time.

The gold medal is spread out.

[Sign below]

[Core disaster: too much obsession, two saints in the sky, no idea of ​​the way forward]

[Unlocking Reward: One Million Years of Mana]

[Resolving disasters: Reward [Heart is like a mirror]]

The heart is like a bright mirror, which can reflect all the heavens. What the mind sees can be seen clearly and clearly. What the eyes can see is clearly understood in the chest. The heart is like a bright mirror, and there is nothing in the world!

Su Chen was pleasantly surprised.

"It turns out that the heart is like a mirror, haha, that's great. When I read the experience of Patriarch Bodhi, I was amazed by his divine power of destiny. As long as you fight or 'communicate' with someone once, you will be able to understand

Enlightenment, you can understand the secret within no more than three times at most, it’s like stealing the secret treasure from the master!”

"Ancestor Bodhi did not go to the Zixiao Palace, but he is still able to spread his blood through the past and present, and is a master of all three religions and nine streams. This Heart is Like a Mirror Stand has the greatest contribution!"

"However, if you can see through, without enough understanding, you can only grasp the surface at most. If you want to practice well in the future, you still need to study hard. Fortunately, I also have the Red Lotus and the Gate of Wonders, so understanding is easier for me. I

It will be easier than Patriarch Bodhi!"

Su Chen was very excited.

Although Patriarch Bodhi has a mirror stand, his own understanding is just that. Therefore, he is able to master the magic of all three religions and nine sects, but he is not proficient in it.

There are only a few who are truly proficient and proficient.

Therefore, he can be a very good teacher, but not a very good fighter!

The heart is like a mirror for Su Chen, which is like adding wings to a tiger.

Because he has the power of chaos and has learned other people's magical powers, he can use the power of chaos to display them without any obstacles, making the magical powers and spells perfect.

Moreover, he also has the Red Lotus and the Gate of Wonders. If he has divine help in practicing, and if necessary, he still has enough time, he can even directly practice all the magical powers, spells and techniques he has learned to perfection!

Not a dabbler like Patriarch Bodhi!

The heart is like a mirror, an absolute good thing. Looking at ancient and modern times, even Taoist ancestors may not have such magical powers.

And even if they had, they didn't have as good basic conditions as Su Chen. Just a power of chaos would allow Su Chen to immediately use what he learned at his fingertips!


Su Chen was in a dilemma.

Because the problem with Patriarch Bodhi is quite big, involving two saints.

Do you want to avenge him?


give up?

This is not Su Chen’s character!


Su Chen has a headache and is thinking about what to do!

This chapter has been completed!
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