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Chapter 89 Meeting Gods in Heaven

Chapter 89 Meeting the Immortals in Heaven [Eighth update please subscribe]

Li Bai was really unwilling to accept that he had lost his reputation for talent for a long time.

A well-known supernatural power in and outside Chang'an, he could recite the Analects of Confucius at the age of three, and when he took the imperial examination, he actually won the lottery.


Li Bai was stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face, "Master Tianshi, how did you know that this boy could recite the Analects of Confucius at the age of three?!"

Although he is famous, after all, only people in and outside the village know that he memorized the Analects at the age of three, and most people don't believe it when they hear about it.

How did Su Chen know?!

Su Chen smiled and said: "Everything is in the sign."

Li Bai immediately looked up to him like a god, "You are worthy of being a Heavenly Master. He can make calculations and predict things like a god."

Su Chen said: "Actually, you have long been known for your talent and your supernatural powers. The emperor also said that the Analects is the top priority in the imperial examination, and you will also be tested on some poems. Those are your strengths, so there should be no problem."


Li Bai nodded repeatedly. He also knew something about the imperial examination. After all, he was too eager to enter the officialdom.

This imperial examination has revealed some directions. Confucian classics, some Taoist classics, poems, songs, and calligraphy were all at his fingertips.

It shouldn't have been signed.

Yan Liben also felt a little pity at the side. He thought it would be okay for Li Bai to take the imperial examination.

Su Chen was by the side and confirmed their thoughts.

"If you take the imperial examination this time, you will definitely pass the high school." Su Chen suddenly said.

Li Bai and Yan Liben were immediately stunned.

Li Bai was even more astonished and said: "Master Tianshi, since you are in high school, why did you sign a lottery?!"

Su Chen said: "The lottery is not because you failed the imperial examination. What you are seeking this time is to pass the imperial examination. Entering the officialdom will be an action that will affect your life."

"And if you get the lottery, it doesn't mean that you can't go to high school. In fact, you can go to high school, but this will put you in shackles and make you unhappy, and it will affect your life."

Li Bai was immediately stunned!

Yan Liben also looked thoughtful.

Su Chen began to analyze and said: "Taibai, you are an innocent and romantic person. It is your nature to eat, drink, have fun, indulge in the mountains and rivers, and be obsessed with your own interests."

Li Bai was thoughtful.

Su Chen continued: "But why are you still obsessed with officialdom? That's because you have experienced many tragic things since you were a child. You even saw your mother being beaten by officials. On the way to escape, you saw too many troubles.

You can only eat when you have children, but people in the government have a big belly, so you are full of yearning for being an official. In fact, it is a kind of escape and self-protection for yourself."

He patted Li Bai on the shoulder, "It's not your fault, it's just your experience since childhood."

Li Bai burst into tears immediately. He felt that what Su Chen said touched his heart.

At the same time, he was also extremely shocked. Su Chen actually knew that his mother had been beaten by officials, and also knew about what he encountered on the way to escape.

Master Celestial Master is Master Celestial Master, and he knows things like a god.

At this moment, Li Bai's admiration for Su Chen became even more profound.

With a plop, he knelt down and said: "Master Tianshi, you are really good at predicting things. I am indeed more fascinated by the mountains and rivers, but I have an obsession in my heart and can't let it go. If I can't serve as an official, I will be sorry after all.


Su Chen smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can take part in the imperial examination, and you will pass all the way. Even with such achievements at your age, you will be summoned by the emperor, but you will not be reused."

Li Bai was immediately unconvinced and said: "Why can't I be reused?!"

Su Chen said: "It's because of your age and the fact that there are many capable people in the Tang Dynasty and there are many strong men. You are only talented in poetry and singing, but you have no ability to govern. Your Majesty has a rare knowledge of people since ancient times. He will definitely be able to

I see it, so I won’t reuse you. However, I will give you a chance to practice.”

Li Bai thought that if he had the opportunity to practice, he would be able to do better than others.

Su Chen seemed to see through his mind and said with a smile: "Taibai, you are not a local official. You can be a thinker, philosopher, calligrapher, poet and swordsman, but you cannot be a politician."

When he said this, Li Bai became even more unconvinced.


Su Chen's attitude was very firm. What made all this happen was not just nonsense on his part, but the result of his character.

Li Bai had the temperament of a young man who wanted to eat, drink, and have fun, and he had a surreal romantic spirit that was deep in his heart.

But he only has no ability to govern one party, which is also a limitation of his character.

Whether it is the historical Tang Dynasty or the fairy tale Tang Dynasty, Li Bai likes to eat, drink and have fun, but he does not have a down-to-earth style of doing things.

Judging from his experience, he would be angry when his mother was beaten, and in the process of escaping, he would sing for the misery of the world, but he would not do anything for others.

When he arrived in Chang'an, he had enough to eat and drink, but he did not do anything for the refugees outside Chang'an.

This is a character, not good or bad.

Such people are not suitable to be officials.

Li Shimin must also be able to recognize people, and he must be able to recognize Li Bai as a person, who is at most a minor official writing documents.

Li Bai felt that what Su Chen said made sense, but he still had some disbelief.

"Master Tianshi, that boy is going to prepare now to take part in the imperial examination. He must achieve some results."

Li Bai was still very determined in his heart. Since Su Chen said he could try the imperial examination, he would go.

If he is really reused, he will definitely impress the Master Tianshi.

Su Chen nodded with a smile and said: "It doesn't matter, there are still many choices in life. If you sign this, you will resolve it by yourself."

"If your request for an official position fails, you can come to me at Yunyuan Mountain at any time. I will be happy to accept you as my disciple."

Yan Liben listened next to him, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Both he and Sun Simiao took the initiative to become apprentices, and Su Chen was not very willing, but Su Chen actually took the initiative to accept Li Bai as his disciple.

This treatment made him a little jealous.

Li Bai was also very surprised, and he knelt down quickly and said, "Thank you, Master Tianshi, for taking me in. I will become my disciple now."

Su Chen said: "You don't want to take the imperial examination?!"

Li Bai said: "It's not too late to become a disciple first and then take the imperial examination."

Su Chen shook his head and said: "You are really a clever guy, but it's not the right time yet, so you should take the imperial examination first."

Li Bai was immediately disappointed, but he kowtowed three times and went down the mountain.

After sending Li Bai away, Yan Liben immediately stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

"Master, since you already want to accept him as your disciple, why don't you accept him immediately?!"

"He is a smart boy. He immediately became a disciple so that after the imperial examination, he can be reused with this level of status."

Yan Liben was a little surprised, "Junior brother is really smart."

Su Chen laughed and didn't care. This magical power "Qinglian Sword Song" may not be available for a while.

Because it's only February now, and the imperial examination is in April.


Asking Li Bai to take the imperial examination was an attempt by him to resolve the issue.

Many people will not look back until they hit the wall. Let them go through it, realize that they are wrong, and wake up. This is also a way.

And Su Chen also received three hundred years of magical power after sending Li Bai down the mountain.

At this time, he already had 6,600 years of mana and energy in his body. Such rich mana and energy gave him a sense of security.

Time flies.

A month passed quickly.

In this month, Su Chen gained another two hundred years of magical power through practicing the Holy Grade Heavenly Immortal Art and the Liujia Secret Blessing.

At this time, he had 6,800 years of magical power, and the soul in his body became more solid and powerful.

And taking advantage of this juncture, he planned to explore the mystery of the upper world again.

It's quiet at night.

Su Chen held the Demon-Slaying Sword in one hand and the Heartless Sword in the other while meditating with his eyes open at the same time.

After closing the door, he immediately left his body.

This time, the Yuan Shen carried the magic weapon and went straight to the sky, and soon came to the upper boundary again.

Su Chen once again broke into the upper realm and finally set foot in it again.

This time we are still in the upper world, which is vast and vast at first glance.

Su Chen held the magic weapon and carefully traveled in the upper world. This time, his soul was a hundred times stronger and his skill was also greatly increased.

Let him stay in the upper world longer.

However, Yuan Shen was also more powerful. It only took him an hour to see the mountains on the horizon of the upper world.

It seems that there are still pavilions and pavilions, and in the mist and rain, there is a sacred mountain standing.

Just at this time.

More than a dozen weird-looking figures came from the clouds and mist, and they saw Su Chen from a long way away.

Their appearance made Su Chen a little wary.

Fortunately, when they discovered Su Chen, they were very kind and took the initiative to step forward, clasping their fists and bowing in salute.

"Haha, may I ask my friend's name, where he comes from, and where he wants to go?!" There was only one man with several bumps on his head, a green face and fangs, but he was very kind.

Su Chen saw that they were dressed strangely, but they were very polite. He felt the aura emanating from them, and it seemed that they were not as good as him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He cupped his fists and returned the greeting, "I am a poor Taoist. I came to this upper realm from Yunyuan Mountain in the human world, but I lost my way. Fellow Taoists..."

The dozen or so people laughed when they heard this, "We were ordered to go on a business trip."

Order, tolerance?

Su Chen was stunned, "The Tang Dynasty actually raised so many capable people and strangers, and they can all come to the upper realm. It seems that there are many existences in the Tang Dynasty that I don't know about. I must keep a lower profile in the future."


Then he asked: "Dare you know your Taoist friends' surnames?!"

The dozen or so people waved their hands quickly, "Don't dare to take it seriously. The little god's surname is Bi, his surname is Chen, his surname is Gou..."

After the introduction, Su Chen couldn't hear anything and only noticed what these people called themselves.

Little God?!




Su Chen was shocked. These people were not officials of the Tang Dynasty, but gods from the upper world?!

At this moment, Su Chen was ecstatic, but also a little scared.

What kind of fairy world is this? And are the gods in the sky really peaceful, or are they just like the jungle on earth?!

Su Chen was very scared at this moment, but he acted very calmly.

He must not let these people discover that he is a mortal and there is a difference between immortal and mortal. He is afraid of causing misunderstanding.

Fortunately, these gods seemed to have misunderstood him, thinking that he was also a fellow Taoist god.

(End of chapter)

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