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136 If the sky falls, his mouth will hold it up

In the early morning, after Chang Sui Ning practiced martial arts, he changed his clothes and combed his hair, and then went to the study room with Qiao Yumian to study as usual.

Qiao Jijiu was mostly busy with matters in the Imperial Academy at this time, so Chang Sui Ning and Qiao Yumian were waiting in the study. During this time, Chang Sui Ning was mostly reading and practicing calligraphy, while Qiao Yumian was practicing the piano, or Chang Sui Ning and Qiao Yumian were practicing.

He read and listened to history, and occasionally asked Xi'er to read some story books to relieve his boredom.

Cui Lang kept the etiquette and could not go to the inner courtyard, so he waited outside the outer study.

He didn't come by himself. Besides a pot, there were also Hu Huan and Xi Zhiyuan.

The reason why he called these two classmates and friends was Cui Lang's original words - "I'll explore the way first. If Mrs. Chang really wants to accept a disciple, you two can follow me and just take advantage of it. When the time comes, Mrs. Chang will

I'm so happy, maybe I'll take the three of us together!"

What I was thinking was - if he was beaten so hard by Mrs. Chang that he couldn't get up, at least someone could carry him back.

But many of the dangerous scenes he imagined did not appear.

After he carefully expressed his desire to learn from his master, the girl with the book in her arms nodded quickly.


Cui Lang: “?”—Eh?!

"Ms. Chang... why don't you have a fight with me to test my qualifications?"

After all, this is how my eldest brother was inspected by General Chang!

Chang Sui Ning heard it funny: "It's just a ball game, it's very useful."

Sage Kong advocated teaching without discrimination, but she was just leading people to play ball, and she was not picky about it.

Besides, it is a good thing that someone is willing to become a disciple, let alone a disciple of the famous Cui family.

Just mentioning the Cui family's children, she couldn't help but say one more thing: "I don't have to fight you, as long as your father-in-law doesn't fight you."

Cui Lang was not afraid.

When it comes to beating people, compared with Mrs. Chang's method of beating people to make them unable to escape, his father is really weak. The reason why his eldest brother is often beaten by his father is because his eldest brother has a stubborn temper.

, to give face to the father - what if the eldest brother tries to run? It would be surprising if the father can catch up.

He has had experience in escaping punishment since he was a child.

As the saying goes, your eyelids should be alive when you can hide, your legs and feet should be fast when you can run, and your voice should be loud when you can't run. The sound of killing pigs should be whatever it is. It is best to shout as if one more hit will kill you on the spot.

In a moment, he would tell his father that the white-haired man would send the black-haired man away.

The reason why he still dares to cause trouble outside with such a father at home is the secret to saving his life.

But at this time, he still said: "If I can take Mrs. Chang as my teacher, it will be worth it even if I get a few beatings!"

Chang Suining nodded: "Okay, then it's settled."

"Thank you, Master!" Cui Lang grinned, showing his white teeth, and raised his hand to bow to Chang Suining.

"Playing polo requires more people to make it more lively." Chang Suining looked at Xi Zhiyuan and the two of them, and said in a casual tone: "Want to come together?"

Hu Huan nodded hastily: "Yes!"

He was also bullied by Chang Miao that day, and his admiration for Mrs. Chang was no less than Cui Liulang!

Not to mention that Mrs. Chang is now so well-known that even his father has asked him about climbing the Tailou several times.

Xi Zhiyuan looked at the girl under the morning light, smiled and nodded.

Hu Huan was about to imitate Cui Lang and clasped his hands to perform the apprenticeship ceremony, but Chang Suining stopped him with a smile: "There is no need to apprentice, we can just play polo together in the future."

Upon hearing this, Cui Lang quickly said: "Master, I just performed the apprenticeship ceremony!"

It doesn't matter whether Mrs. Chang accepts Hu Huan or the others, he must worship this master - he has issued a military order in front of A Niang!

Chang Sui Ning did not refuse, nodded and said: "Then I will try to be Cui Liulang's master."

Cui Lang's eyes lit up and he said obediently: "Then I am Master's disciple!"

Hu Huan: "...?"

Why is it closed?

Together with Cui Liulang, he walked in the door by himself, turned around and closed the door for them!

And it’s not just them, once the name of this closed disciple comes out, Mrs. Chang will no longer be able to accept other disciples!

Such greedy intentions and sinister intentions!

After receiving the eyes of his classmates, Cui Lang also vaguely realized that his behavior of leaving others with nowhere to go was not very righteous, so he changed his mind and suggested: "Master just said that playing polo is about fun, so why don't we do it?"

Let’s start a Juju club, what do you think?”

Hu Huan nodded quickly: "This is good!"

Fortunately, Cui Liulang finally had some conscience. Although he closed the small door, he was willing to keep them in the yard and give them the status of community members.

Xi Zhiyuan has always been good-tempered. When faced with these suggestions, he smiled and nodded, and looked at Chang Suining: "Ms. Chang, is she interested in forming a society?"

He came to Dasheng as a study tour when he was twelve years old, and he had a deep understanding of Dasheng's language and customs. He also knew that today's society is very popular. There are dozens of large and small groups in their Imperial College alone.

The so-called association can be distinguished by book clubs, poetry clubs, Cuju clubs, etc., or it can be a gathering of people with similar temperaments to form a society for mutual entertainment, and is not limited to a certain specific activity preference.

Although there is no explicit restriction on the number of people who form an association, in order to ensure closeness, the number of people is usually not too large, usually no more than twenty people at most.

The most famous Xunmei Poetry Club in the Imperial College only has nine members, and it has never easily accepted newcomers. The rules of the club are strict. The founder of the club was the famous Song Xian Juren from Song Dynasty.

If anyone can enter the Xunmei Poetry Club, it will be a great honor to the Imperial College and even the capital.

Meeting Cui Lang and Hu Huan's eager eyes, Chang Suining nodded: "Okay."

"Master will be the leader of the club!" Cui Lang was very excited: "Then there are four people in our club now... No, if we include Brother Qiao, there will be five!"

Hu Huan was so happy that he turned red when he thought that he had entered Mrs. Chang's club. When he returned home, he told his father the news. He would be so happy that he could eat three more bowls of rice!

"Do we need to recruit some new members?" Xi Zhiyuan asked.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Cui Lang's chin almost lifted to the sky: "There is no need to recruit. My master's reputation is here. When the news about our association spreads, I'm afraid...

I don’t know how many people are squeezing their heads to get in!”

His words were exaggerated, but Xi Zhiyuan didn't think he was talking big words. Recently, most of the comments about Mrs. Chang in the Imperial College were praise and admiration. Even though there were some naysayers, with the painting in the Dengtai Tower, those voices were destined to become

Not the climate.

So Xi Zhiyuan smiled and nodded: "That's true."

"Master, let me take care of this matter!" Cui Lang volunteered to take charge of this matter.

Chang Sui Ning nodded happily.

It’s good to have apprentices.

Qiao Yumian on the side gently tugged at the corner of her clothes and reminded softly: "Ning Ning..."

She has no objection to Ning Ning forming a society, but should she be more cautious when accepting Cui Liulang, who is too unreliable, as her apprentice? What if someone who is close to Mo is in trouble...

Chang Suining patted Qiao Yumian's hand to reassure her.

After all, she thought she was not much more reliable than Cui Lang. The two of them bumped into each other. They were probably a pair of unreliable masters and disciples. No one suffered a loss. If you really have to calculate it carefully, she might have made a profit.

Cui Lang glanced at Qiao Yumian's hand gently tugging on Chang Sui Ning's sleeve, fearing that she would turn a deaf ear later, so he simply struck preemptively——

He hissed softly and suddenly stood up on tiptoe: "Ms. Qiao stepped on Mr. Cui in the Dengtai Tower that night. My leg is still hurting now..."

Qiao Yumian's beauty immediately turned pale.

He, wasn't he drunk at the time? How did he know it was her who stepped on it!

"I accidentally stepped on Cui Liulang that day. Cui Liulang and I apologize...but I didn't use any force, and it has been nearly a month..."

Qiao Yumian grabbed Chang Suining's arm with a guilty conscience and nervousness - was Cui Liulang trying to blackmail her?

Sure enough, the next moment I heard the young man say: "It still hurts anyway. If my leg cannot heal, Mrs. Qiao will be responsible to the end."

Qiao Yumian became even more uneasy.

Cui Lang saw her expression and laughed again: "Ms. Qiao and I were joking. After all, now that I have accepted Mrs. Chang as my teacher, we can be considered a family. Even if my leg is touched by Mrs. Qiao,

It doesn’t matter if you’re trampled and injured or disabled!”

Qiao Yumian breathed a sigh of relief.


Then let Ning Ning accept him as his apprentice.

However, she didn't want to become a family with him.

Just hearing his surprises all the time almost scared her out of her mind.

But in order to calm down the incident, she didn't say anything more for a while and just held onto Chang Sui Ning.

When Cui Lang saw the thin and fair girl wearing a lotus root pink skirt hiding beside Madam Chang without saying anything, he couldn't help but laugh "Hey", but this time it was a little more silly.

Yihu couldn't help but take another look at her husband - if it wasn't enough to be good, how could he act like an idiot?

Just as Cui Lang said, once the news of Chang Suining's formation of the Juju Club spread, it quickly spread in the Imperial College.

Those supervisors who usually gathered around Qiao Yubai to inquire about Chang Suining turned around and gathered around Cui Liulang, who was said to be in charge of recruiting new recruits.

In the following days, Cui Lang was able to experience the feeling of being sought after outside of his status as a member of the Cui family.

But he was also very strict about the detention. The first thing he was wary of was people like Chang Miao sneaking into the club and ruining the reputation of their juju club later on.

On this day, after classes in various schools were dismissed in the morning, Cui Lang was on his way to the dining hall, surrounded by a group of people as usual.

But he noticed a young man in front of him and said loudly: "Song Juren stay!"

Then he quickly walked a few steps to the man and saluted with a smile: "I'm Cui Lang. I've heard about Song Juren for a long time."

Song Xian raised his hand to return the salute, but said nothing.

Not long after Cui Liulang entered the Imperial Academy as a Cui son, he became famous in the academy for his flamboyant behavior. Not to mention that he recently became a disciple of Chang Sui Ning and formed a Juju club, which caused a lot of uproar.

"A few of us have newly formed the Yishitju Club. The leader of the club is Mrs. Chang. I wonder if Song Juren is interested in joining?" Cui Lang warmly invited.

I heard that this Song Juren was famous for his writing, and the Xunmei Poetry Club he established was quite famous. If such a talent could be attracted to their club, it would be worthwhile to become a mascot!

Unexpectedly, the young man in simple clothes showed a trace of contempt when he heard this, as if his invitation was a very ridiculous thing.

"Since it is a women's association, you should go outside the Imperial Academy and ask those girls why they invited Song?" There was no irony in his tone, but a sense of righteousness.

Cui Lang was stunned for a moment - it was indeed a women's association, but it was no secret. The other party used this as a reason for rejection, and worded it in such a way, what did it mean?

It was not difficult to tell whether the words were friendly or not, and many people around him stopped talking and laughing.

"Besides, Mr. Song already has a poetry club, and he has no interest in the matter of bowing." Song Xian raised his hand seriously, and when he was about to say goodbye, he heard the Cui Family Liulang speak -

"Although I don't do scientific examinations, I also know that every spring, new scholars must gather at Yuedeng Pavilion to participate in the Cuju competition——"

Song Xian looked at Cui Lang.

"Song Juren claimed that he was not interested in the competition at all. Could it be that he thought he would definitely fail?" Cui Lang sighed: "This is too early to say. Song Juren should have more confidence in himself."

Song Xian's face changed slightly: "..."

Even if he doesn’t believe in metaphysics, these words are really unlucky!

Pianna Cui Liulang even stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder to show his encouragement: "Song Juren should eat more fish to replenish his brain, so that he will be more confident when he ends up next year."

Song Xian's thin lips tightened.

"Let's go, let's go." Cui Lang led a group of students towards the dining hall: "Eat more, you will have the strength to play ball in the afternoon."

After school in the afternoon, Cui Lang and others went to the river behind Qiao Jijiu's residence to have a relaxing time.

A few days ago, Qiao Jijiu ordered people to clear out an open space not far from the river and use it as a golf course for Chang Suining.

Cui Lang had already asked people carefully about Song Xian's daily behavior in the afternoon. When he met Chang Sui Ning, he said a few more words: "...Although this man does have some talents, he has high eyes and a high heart.

"The bones in his body look very arrogant, and his mouth is also very hard."

"There's nothing wrong with having a tough mouth." Chang Sui Ning, who was wearing a narrow robe of juiju, went to get the stick and said nonchalantly: "Whenever the sky falls, it will be with his mouth, isn't it great?"

"Oh, then maybe it's not his turn to talk about this." Cui Lang said, "My father is here to handle this matter."

When it comes to speaking harshly and venomously, this man is still a long way from his father, and he has a lot to learn from him.

Chang Sui Ning couldn't help but laugh, and instead of being angry at Song Xian's sarcastic remarks about her joining a society as a woman, Chang Sui Ning just picked up her staff and jumped on the horse's back.

The teenagers quickly started running on the court.

The bamboo forest blocked the scene on the court. Not far away, Master Chu, who was fishing by the river, could only hear the sound of horse hooves and the cheers of young people.

"You really did recruit a good student. It's like a blind cat bumped into that..." Mrs. Chu spoke for a moment: "You're really smart."

Qiao Jijiu smiled and shook his head: "It's just a child's play."

As a person, you must know how to be self-effacing, so that you will not be jealous of others.

However, Taifu Chu didn't like this idea very much. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the court behind the bamboo forest, and said in a sour tone: "As a young girl, I asked the officials and the famous eunuchs from the aristocratic family to take her as the leader... to make a fool of myself..."

With such a famous name, it is no ordinary joke."

Such a smart rat made him miss his students.

"Young people like to join in the fun, it's just a coincidence." Qiao Jijiu said with a smile: "By the way, this child told me yesterday that she wanted me to name her Juju club... Why don't you help me think of it too?

A thought?"

This chapter has been completed!
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