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168 Sorry and thank you

Hearing Cui Jing's question, Wei Shuyi was startled: "You don't know?"

At that time, he and Chang Sui Ning had just left Hezhou, and they met Cui Jing and Chang Kuo, and then they walked together. Along the way... Cui Jing must have seen the relationship between the little girl disguised as a man and Chang Kuo.

Such a relationship, you have never even asked Chang Kuo in private, or even inquired a little bit about it?

Cui Jing: "I don't know."

"Cui Ling'an..." Wei Shuyi couldn't help but ask, "Are you born without curiosity?"

Cui Jing: "Why should I pry into other people's private affairs that have nothing to do with me?"

Wei Shuyi looked at him for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "It seems... Mrs. Chang is indeed no longer an irrelevant person to Governor Cui."

Cui Jing ignored his teasing: "You haven't answered me yet, why did she appear in Hezhou at that time, and what happened."

"At that time..." Wei Shuyi had just started the first two words, and suddenly hesitated: "What you just said is right, this is her private matter, so if I tell you rashly, what should I do if she turns around and blames me for talking too much?


Wei Shuyi looked like "I should keep it a secret for her."

Cui Jing: "If I want to find out, it's the same as finding another way to find out."

"That's true... you can ask Mr. Chang and others, they won't hide it from you." Wei Shuyi thought for a while, then weighed it and suggested: "It's just that it will waste time. It's better to do this. If

When Madam Chang asks, please tell me that you found it elsewhere. Don't accuse me of it. How about just pretending that you and I have never met tonight?"

"Yeah." Cui Jing simply nodded.

The two hit it off immediately, and Wei Shuyi finally spoke with peace of mind.

"In fact, Mrs. Chang was abducted to Hezhou at that time."

Cui Jing was quite surprised when he heard this.

It turned out that something like this happened to her at that time.

"At that time, I went to Hezhou with your Majesty's secret order to secretly investigate the evidence of Zhao Fu, the former governor of Hezhou, in order to use Zhao Fu to get rid of the Pei family..." Wei Shuyi briefly explained the process: "At that time, Yu Gong's men had traced the case where Mrs. Chang was abducted.

Hezhou area, so he also secretly asked me to keep an eye on Lady Chang's whereabouts."

"Did you save her?" Cui Jing asked subconsciously.

Wei Shuyi smiled and shook his head: "She is not just waiting for me to rescue her. She got out of trouble on her own... and she did me a big favor, allowing me to complete my errand in Hezhou very smoothly."

He told how Chang Suining seriously injured and trafficked the kidnapping couple in Zhoujiacun, how he left the criminal evidence and confession in his car, etc.

In the darkness, the emotion in Cui Jing's eyes was unclear.

He suppressed other thoughts for the time being and asked at the moment: "Why was she abducted to Hezhou? Is it related to Yao Tingwei's abandoned ex-wife Pei?"

That day at Dayun Temple, Yao Tingwei's daughter stated in public that this was not the first time that her mother, Pei, had killed Chang Suining. After counting the time, it was not difficult to come up with this guess.

"Captain Cui's guess was correct." Wei Shuyi nodded: "It was because of Mrs. Pei's assassination that Mrs. Chang accidentally fell into the hands of the kidnapper."

"When Minister Wei first met her..." Cui Jing hesitated for a rare moment while speaking. He seemed to have mustered some courage silently, and then he was able to ask the next short sentence -

"Has she ever acted or spoken differently than normal people?"

Amidst the sound of rain, the young man asked almost solemnly.

Wei Shuyi did not answer for a moment, but looked at Cui Jing thoughtfully for a moment.

After a moment, an incomprehensible smile appeared in his eyes: "Today, the saint also asked me this question... It seems that I have really found the right person when I came to look for Governor Cui tonight."

Cui Jing indeed knew the secret that he didn't know.

Cui Jing was speechless for a moment when he heard the words. He just clasped his fingers silently, waiting for his answer.

"The strange thing about Mrs. Chang... that a girl can get out of trouble on her own in that kind of situation is enough to be strange, isn't it?" Wei Shuyi smiled: "To be honest, I am curious because of this.

I tested Mrs. Chang, but Mrs. Chang was cautious and I found nothing every time. However, she was probably too lazy to deal with me anymore, so she gave me an explanation so that I could no longer test it - "

Cui Jing looked at Wei Shuyi.

His intuition told him that this "explanation" might contain the answer he needed.

Wei Shuyi: "Ms. Chang told me that when she was abducted, she was in a coma for a long time due to an overdose of drugs, which damaged her brain. She was sometimes confused and couldn't remember many things in the past..."

Cui Jing was stunned, and his voice was rare and gentle: "Don't remember?"

Wei Shuyi nodded.

At this moment, Cui Jing felt that the sound of wind and rain suddenly stopped.

There was no ups and downs on his face, but the sound of his heart beating in his chest was like thunder and drums, as if it drowned out all the sounds in heaven and earth.

The process of guessing is long.

From the time the guessed seed sprouted, he felt its growth bit by bit. It grew from a delicate green bud to a straight sapling in the sunshine and rain, and now the sapling suddenly grew rapidly.

It rises high and stretches out, its branches and leaves are so luxuriant that they cover the sky and the sun. In an instant, it becomes a towering tree that will no longer be shaken by anyone or anything.

Cui Jing turned around slowly and faced outside the corridor.

The wind carried raindrops and blew between his dark and deep eyebrows. The coolness between heaven and earth hit him, but it felt like a gift to him at this moment.

He was born in a high place and had everything that was beyond the reach of others. Although he had never considered himself superior to others, his status as the eldest grandson of the Cui family made it difficult for him to look up to him, even in the face of all the praises from today's saints.

He has never had the slightest feeling of being given a favor.

But at this moment, he felt very clearly that he had been bestowed with the greatest kindness by heaven and earth.

He looked far away in the direction of the Goddess Tower.

In early spring and February this year, the Tiannu Tower was struck by lightning, the formation was damaged, and cracks appeared on the statue of Tiannv.

At that time, thousands of miles away in Hezhou, she saved herself from danger and forgot about the past...

When the statue of the goddess was damaged, the old friend had returned.

Everything has already been traced.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Therefore, the saint had the same guess for some reason, so he went to investigate in detail what happened to her in February...

"How much does the saint know about her experience in Hezhou now?" Cui Jing asked after calming down.

Wei Shuyi also turned around and looked at the rain curtain outside the corridor: "At the beginning, the sage only knew about Pei's case in general and did not ask about it in detail. This time, people suddenly asked people to investigate Mrs. Chang in detail. However, after a long time, the couple who abducted Mrs. Chang

The couple, as well as several people who witnessed Mrs. Chang's escape from Zhoujia Village, have all been executed..."

Cui Jing: "But the confessions of those people should be preserved above the case sect——"

Wei Shuyi: "Unfortunately, I was entrusted by Mr. Yu at that time, and I didn't want to leave traces of Mrs. Chang's abduction, so as not to damage her reputation... Therefore, when I was handling the Zhoujia Village human trafficking case, I concealed myself.

Confessions related to Mrs. Chang."

Cui Jing turned slightly to look at Wei Shuyi.

The insider is dead, there is no trace of the case, and all traces have been erased. Therefore, the saint can only find out that she was abducted to Hezhou, but it is impossible to find out that she saved herself from trouble, counterattacked others, etc.


Cui Jing: "So, the saint asked Wei Shilang about this matter in detail——"

That's why Wei Shuyi just said that he and the sage asked the same question.

"Yes." Wei Shuyi said: "I told the sage that I was asked by Mr. Yu to find someone. After I found the person, I took him with me. Because I didn't know the girls of the Chang family before, I didn't realize that Mrs. Chang had anything to do with her.

The unusual words and deeds worth mentioning, even if they are slightly abnormal, in my opinion are just ordinary reactions after being frightened."

Cui Jing looked at him.

Therefore, Wei Shuyi covered up for her the processes and details that would surely make the Holy Emperor suspicious.

"Doesn't Minister Wei intend to become a close minister of the emperor?" Cui Jing asked.

"The emperor's ministers also have friends." Wei Shuyi said with a smile: "It's just an unfortunate past incident in his daughter's family, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation of the country. Apart from the big issues of right and wrong, if you don't want to think about your friends at all, that would be too much.

It’s so unkind.”

Are they also friends?

Facing those smiling eyes, Cui Jing asked: "But why does Wei Shilang think that this matter cannot be discussed in detail with a saint?"

"It's just the intuition of a smart person." Wei Shilang asked him with a smile: "Hasn't Governor Cui ever had such an intuition?"

Cui Jing was noncommittal.

In his view, accurate intuition must stem from many subtle clues and guesses.

But what Wei Shuyi can guess is bound to be limited. It is true that Wei Shuyi is a smart man who only happens once in a century, but some things are far beyond the scope of ordinary people's cognition. Common sense is not easy to be broken, unless you can catch a glimpse of the opportunity——

If he had not been aware of the existence and mystery of the Goddess Tower from the beginning to the end, neither he nor the saint would have been able to make such clear guesses one after another.

Therefore, Wei Shuyi's intuition was probably based on the fear that saying too much would be detrimental to her.

Cui Jing believes that this intuition, which sounds limited, is actually worth his careful consideration.

"I have said so much, but Governor Cui has not yet answered my original question." Wei Shuyi asked Cui Jing again: "Why did the saint suddenly become so concerned about Mrs. Chang's experience in Hezhou?"

Cui Jing was silent for a moment and then said, "Sorry, I can't talk about this."

Feel sorry?

Compared with Cui Jing's "I can't say", Wei Shuyi was even more surprised by the word "sorry" in a serious tone.

Cui Lingan will also say sorry to others?

And tell him——

Based on the way the two of them usually get along, Cui Ling'an could have just responded to him with a lukewarm "I don't want to talk" or just walked away.

But Cui Jing said "sorry" to him seriously.

Wei Shuyi sighed strangely: "It seems that I have done a good deed that suits your wishes this time, and you actually feel sorry for me because of your concealment..."

Sure enough, no one can reject sincerity, Cui Lingan is no exception.

He seemed to really understand at this time.

Who doesn’t like to be sincere but likes to be tested?

Wei Shuyi's thoughts wandered a little further, and after a moment, he said: "It doesn't matter, your 'can't say' has already told me a lot."

Cui Jing at least told him that this matter was not a trivial matter, but a secret matter that even he, a close official of the emperor, should not know.

"Being in a position like yours and mine, there are always things that cannot be said. In that case, I won't ask anymore." Wei Shuyi smiled and seemed to be reassured: "Since it has something to do with her, you will do your best to protect her.

I must know what is best for her, so I won’t worry about it for the time being.”

Cui Jing nodded: "I will."

Then, he said to Wei Shuyi: "Thank you very much, Minister Wei, for this matter."

Wei Shuyi laughed in surprise.

What kind of luck did he have today? Cui Lingan apologized and thanked him at the same time.

He seemed to think for a while, then shook his head and said: "Although Governor Cui regards Mrs. Chang as his sweetheart, it is just wishful thinking at the moment, and she has no status... There is no need to express her gratitude on her behalf."

Cui Jing didn't care at all about his ridicule: "I'm not thanking her on her behalf, I'm thanking myself."

Seeing that this attack was ineffective, Uncle Wei nodded clearly: "Wei understands."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and saluted Cui Jing: "In that case, I also want to say thank you to Cui Dadu."

Cui Jing looked at him defensively.

Wei Shuyi smiled and said: "Thank you very much, Governor Cui, for taking care of my friend like this."

"..." Cui Jing put her hands behind her hands and looked at the rain and fog in front of her: "...You don't have to thank me. Regardless of my wishful thinking, she is also my friend."

After that, he added: "She said it herself."

After speaking, she turned slightly to look at Wei Shuyi, with a slightly questioning look in her eyes - had she personally said that she wanted to be friends with Minister Wei?

Wei Shuyi, who was caught off guard and was stabbed, was silent for a moment.

After a moment, he couldn't help but sigh: "Cui Ling'an, can your apology only last a few sentences?"

Cui Jing said bluntly: "I've just tried my best."

The implication is that the other party is too annoying.

Wei Shuyi wanted to say more, but Cui Jing said: "I need to go to the Tiannv Pagoda."

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Seeing him turn around and leave, Wei Shuyi seemed to suddenly remember something. He took two quick steps to follow and said with a smile: "...Ms. Chang and I are friends."

Friends, Governor Cui and Mrs. Chang are also friends. According to this, you and I should also be considered friends?"

Probably because there was still a spark of guilt that had not been completely extinguished, Cui Jing actually said at this time: "...maybe."

Wei Shuyi laughed and sighed: "I really came at the right time on my trip today, and I have gained a lot."

Cui Jing ignored him and the two of them walked out of the corridor together.

There was a temporary truce between Yuanxiang and Changji. Yuanxiang took the lead and held up an umbrella for his own governor, looking at Changji with disdain.

After struggling for a while to open the old umbrella in the temple, Changji almost gritted his teeth with hatred, so he turned around and changed to an umbrella that could be opened better and carried it with him!

In the rain at night, Cui Jing went to the Tiannv Tower.

The two monks guarding the outside of the pagoda put their hands together and silently performed Buddhist rituals with him. Cui Jing nodded and walked into the pagoda.

In addition to the Holy Book Emperor and Mingluo who were accompanying him, Wujue was also in the tower.

"Cui Qing is here."

Cui Jing raised his hand and saluted: "Yes, Cui Jing is here to see His Majesty."

"Cui Qing doesn't need to be polite." The Holy Emperor did not look at the person. He only looked at the white jade statue of the goddess and said: "I summoned Cui Qing to come here to inquire about something..."

Cui Jingjing listened to the Holy Book Emperor's words.

How to choose? On the way here, he had already made a decision in his mind.

Wujue, who was standing by the jade pond, didn't know if he had heard any speculation, and subconsciously looked at Cui Jing.

When Cui Jing raised his eyes, he met Wujue's eyes that contained Buddha's light and Zen spirit even when he didn't speak.

Cui Jing is uncertain at the moment.

Could Master Wujue have also noticed it, and has he said anything to the saint?

While Cui Jing was thinking about it, the Holy Emperor had slowly spoken.

This chapter has been completed!
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