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183 She is happy to owe

"In your heart, how many masters can one of my subordinates serve?" Wujue asked sadly and angrily.

Chang Suining was also helpless: "I didn't even know what the formation was for at that time. How could I do nothing and just wait for others to rescue me?"

For her, having someone to help her is luck, and saving herself from danger is the norm.

Doing nothing was like sitting back and waiting for death, something she couldn't do or learn.

Wujue was heartbroken: "My subordinates finally understand that you have eight hundred tricks, of which 799 are probably used on your subordinates!"

Chang Suining smiled and said: "No way, at most I only used one."

Seeing that Wujue was still worried about her previous doubts, she said seriously: "Just think about it, what happened to each of you in the past ten years or so, I have no way of knowing, and I can't even imagine it.

I dare not believe it... When you and I are sitting here, even if we just talk for a few words, and see you shed a few tears, won't my suspicions disappear? Doesn't this still count as trust? "

Wu Jue's face softened slightly after hearing this.

Then I heard the young girl say: "I am neither a human nor a ghost now. It sounds just like a demon in the world. I will not be tolerated by the world. Even if it is to save this small life, I should cover it up."

Now that this secret is tight, we need to be more careful than before, what do you think?"

The bluff dissatisfaction on Wujue's face completely dissipated at this time.

He couldn't help but think of the example in the Western Regions where a hundred years ago a soul was resurrected using this formation, but was burned to death as an evil spirit.

Your Highness is right to be cautious.

After suddenly experiencing such a bizarre thing, he was still able to face it calmly and accept everything in a daze. He never tried to ask for help from others, and only relied on himself step by step to find his way to where he is today. His Highness was probably the only one.

And for him, these more than ten years have been lived day by day, and everything is clear and true, including his longing for and expectation for His Highness... But for His Highness, when she opened her eyes, it was more than ten years later.

, and the identities have been changed, everything is so strange and absurd, how can we not be confused, panicked, and alert?

His Highness is having such a hard time, so it’s fine that he doesn’t show any consideration or comfort, but he’s still showing off his temper and wants His Highness to coax him... Hey, is he still a human being?

At this moment, Wujue, who wished he could give himself a slap in the face, said in a hoarse voice: "Your Highness, you have been tired during this journey..."

This road home is not that easy.

And the journey home... His Highness must have had a hard time walking.

Seeing him like this, Chang Sui Ning knew that it was effective to show weakness by showing weakness, so he quietly relaxed - it is always useful to be miserable with one's own people.

However, Wujue was really deeply affected by her misfortune. At this moment, she couldn't help but ask: "Did your Highness live well during those years in Beidi?"

"It's not bad." Chang Suining said in a casual tone: "Beidi is a vast world, the horses can run very fast, and the lamb is delicious when roasted."

Wujue was silent for a while, then he held back his tears and said with a smile: "My subordinates are also good at roasting mutton and making mutton soup... Your Highness is back home now. You don't have to go to Beidi in the future to enjoy delicious food."

of roast lamb.”

Chang Suining looked at him funny and reminded: "But you are a monk now."

Wu absolutely disagreed: "You can return to secular life after becoming a monk."

He is just a fake monk. This Dayun Temple is not a serious temple. He stayed here as a monk just for the magic circle. Now that His Highness is back, he no longer has to be a monk.

As he said this, he wished he could roast the mutton right now and roast three, four or five of them to satisfy his highness's craving!

Chang Sui Ning hurriedly comforted her and told her to calm down. She was not that greedy. There was no need to roast the mutton in a hurry. Let's let the three, four or five sheep live longer.

Sigh endlessly.

There was no need to rush, even if it was just to avoid making the saint suspicious, he still had to stay in Dayun Temple and continue to act.

Chang Suining asked him some more things about the Heavenly Girl Tower, as if he wanted to know everything about the tower.

She suddenly realized in hindsight: "Since it's the Resurrection Formation and the formation has been destroyed, there won't be anything wrong if I look back, right?"

"What are you thinking? If this is the case, why would my subordinates agree to let Governor Cui destroy the formation? Don't worry, your soul is now stable, and the destruction of the formation will not hinder you."

Changsui Ningxin calmed down and said: "It's very good. If it is ruined like this, it will be ruined. It will be better if it is ruined sooner."

It also saves you from having to use that formation to test her in the future.

"But I still have to try to repair the pile of tatters in the secret passage, at least to make it look the same on the surface." Wujue thought about it and said: "Otherwise, if the saint thinks of it one day, he will let people go.

Use the secret passage to check whether the formation is complete, then the secret will be exposed."

Chang Suining nodded: "Be prepared and deal with it carefully. Thank you for your hard work."

After asking about the formation, she became curious about another thing: "I saw a jade box under the statue of the goddess that day. It seems to be very important. I wonder what kind of treasure is in that box?"

After hearing her ask this, Wujue was silent for a moment.

Chang Suining looked at him: "Is there something that cannot be said?"

"In there..." Wujue was silent for a moment, then whispered: "It's your remains."

Chang Suining: "...What kind of treasure do I think it is?"

So that’s it.

Wujue was dissatisfied: "What are you talking about? It is naturally the most precious thing in the entire Tower of Goddess!"

Chang Sui Ning could only put away his contempt, thinking of the not-so-big box, and said, "I wonder if you can still find some and bring them back. In this way, I can be considered a fallen leaf returning to my roots."

"It was Lao Chang who brought him back..." When mentioning this old incident, Wujue's voice still contained suppressed grief, anger and heartache: "Those beasts in Beidi... That's why Lao Chang disobeyed the Holy Order."

, insisted on beheading that beast Khan with his own hands."

After His Highness committed suicide, the beast had His Highness' body dismantled and destroyed to vent his anger...

In the end, Lao Chang only found a piece of His Highness's remains.

I can't bear to elaborate on it, but Chang Sui Ning can imagine it.

In other words, when she decided to kill the Beidi coach, she had already prepared that there would be no body left.

Seeing that Wujue lowered his head and said nothing, she said: "The two armies have not yet faced each other, and the other side has lost its commander first. In order to restore the morale of the army, it is common for them to do this. No one is born naked, and is not grown from a small piece of flesh.

, It’s just skin and bones, you just have to make the best use of it while you’re alive, it will return to dust after death, it doesn’t matter how you return it, don’t worry too much.”

Wujue remained silent for a while.

Then I heard the girl comforting me: "I'm back now. Look, I don't lack anything in my arms and legs."

Wu Jue seriously raised his teary eyes and looked at her arms and legs.

The girl took out a soft handkerchief, handed it to him to wipe his tears, and said with a smile: "Wujue, thank you for taking me home."

She said seriously: "I owe you a life."

Wujue took the handkerchief embroidered with cranes, pressed the corners of his eyes, choked and sighed: "What do you owe me? I am like a narrow river, and your highness is the sea. If the sea does not exist, where will the river go..."

He said: "The narrow river can only survive forever if it returns to the sea. The sea never rejects the river, and the river can only go to the sea. The two are to complement each other, so there is no talk of debt or lack of debt."

"It's too Zen-like to understand." Chang Suining smiled and said, "It's better to owe it to you. I'm happy to owe it to you."

She didn't want to be in debt to Ming Hou, because the debt was like a barbed net, which would only trap her without breathing.

She is willing to owe Wujue, because this debt is the root of her peace of mind and the bond that makes her re-rooted in this world.

There is a difference between bond and fetter, and in this life, she was lucky enough to be only bound by kindness and sincerity.

Chang Suining leaned forward and gently hugged the man who kept saying that he was a fake monk, but was more like her savior Bodhisattva than any other god——

She smiled again and said, "Just owe it to me."

Wujue wiped his tears and smiled: "Since you sincerely want to owe me, I will accept it."

"Well, keep it." Chang Suining let go of him.

Wujue smiled reservedly: "Then I have something to ask you..."

Chang Suining was very conscious of being indebted to others and said generously: "Just ask."

"I remember that you buried several jars of Feng Zhi Ning before. I planned to drink them with my subordinates... Where were they buried?"

Chang Suining blinked: "This... seems to have been drunk by me."

Wujue suddenly stood up: "When did you drink secretly?"

"Before leaving for Beidi." Chang Sui Ning smiled a little ashamedly: "At that time, I thought that we wouldn't have a chance to drink together, so I simply dug it out and drank it myself."

After she got drunk, she slept all night under the apricot tree where the wine was buried.

Wujue's face was full of heartache, and he almost jumped up: "This subordinate has been craving for it for many years!"

Chang Suining asked: "Why don't you go find Azeng and brew a few more jars?"

Feng Zhi Ning can only be made by Yu Zeng Nian.

"He is willing!" Wujue sighed: "Since you left, he has refused to make wine again, and my subordinates almost knelt down to beg him."

Chang Suining: "It's like Lao Chang begging you to make mutton soup for him?"

"Isn't that true..." Wujue said, his eyes brightening: "But now that you are back, he will have to brew some wine if you don't want to, so you will have to make up for the next few jars alone!"

The smile on Chang Sui Ning's face faded, but he asked: "In the past few years since I left, do you think there is anything unusual about A Zeng? Have you ever interacted with anyone worth mentioning?"

Wujue was startled when he heard this.

After thinking seriously for a moment, he shook his head slowly: "In fact, since His Highness left, his temperament has become increasingly deserted. In addition, he works as an errand in the palace and rarely leaves the palace throughout the year. His subordinates have less contact with him and know little about him.

It’s not too much, but I didn’t notice anything unusual.”

Among the four of them, plus Meng Lie who was in the dark, there were five people in total. Among them, the one who had the least contact with them in recent years was Yu Zeng.


"Why did His Highness suddenly ask like this? Could it be that..." Wu Jue looked at the girl who was still sitting on the ground seriously.

"Before I killed the coach of Beidi, I was already poisoned."

Wujue was shocked: "Your Highness, does he know who did it?"

"It's jade scraps." Chang Sui Ning said: "She was instigated by others. She claimed that she was deceived by others, and the person who 'deceived' her was A Zeng. She got a drug stamped with A Zeng's private seal.

Personal letter——"

She roughly explained what Yuchi had said that night.

Wujue frowned: "Well, how could he..."

Chang Suining didn't sigh or denounce anything, he just said: "The truth is not yet known, but he is in charge of Sigongtai at this time and works around the Ming Dynasty. It is not easy to investigate in detail. I have thought of many ways these days.

, are not feasible. This matter needs to be discussed in the long term, and before it is verified, you and I need to pay more attention and be on guard."

Now that she and Wu Jueyan have made their identities clear, the matter must be shared, just as when fighting side by side, colleagues should avoid hiding anything.

Wujue nodded with a complicated expression: "Your Highness, don't worry, I will pay attention to it."

Although he had not had much contact with Yu Zeng in recent years, his friendship had not diminished in the past, and he had never thought that the other party might betray His Highness.

At this time, he could also understand better why His Highness was so defensive towards this old man in the first place...

Wujue let out a long sigh in his heart.

Chang Suining stood up and dusted himself off.

"Second father, let's go out. Brother, it's time to finish eating."

Wujue's calves trembled when he heard the call "Second Dad": "Your Highness, how can this be done..."

"You are like my reborn parent. Calling me "Second Daddy" is a injustice to you. And whether it is allowed or not, this drama must continue, right?" Chang Suining shouted again: "Second Daddy, you have to get used to it."

Wujue could only nod his head, smiling extra reservedly: "Yes, you have to get used to it, my subordinate... I will shamelessly take advantage of it for the time being."

The two of them came out of the secret passage.

Chang Sui'an has eaten all the food on the table, and has never let down a grain of rice or a vegetable.

Seeing the two of them coming out, Chang Sui'an stepped forward to greet them, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Master Wujue, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Why does it look like you've been crying?

How can I cry while talking about Buddhism?

It can't be the younger sister who beats people. Although the younger sister likes to beat people, she can't do anything unfilial to her elders at the slightest disagreement.

Wujue sighed and rubbed his red and swollen eyes: "There was dust in my eyes just now."

Chang Sui An looked at it silently and felt that it was so swollen that ordinary gray would probably not be able to do it. He would have to put in bricks to start with, and his eyes were not spared. The bricks and blocks still needed to be put in the rain and dew.

All stained.

The adults always save face. Since the master doesn’t want to admit that he cried, he should just pretend to believe it.

He also suggested thoughtfully: "Then take a good rest later and don't go out for a walk now."

After all, it would be difficult to even deceive someone like him, let alone other people.

Wujue nodded in agreement, as if his eyes hurt badly, he found a chair and sat down to rub his eyes.

The Chang brothers and sisters planned to say goodbye.

"That's right." Before leaving, Chang Suining suddenly thought of what he saw when he came, and asked, "Do you know which girl from the family disappeared in the back mountain yesterday?"

Ordinary people don't know this, but monks from the temple are involved in finding people. As the abbot of the temple, Wu Jue should know something about it.

Since she became famous in the capital, there are many noble ladies who are willing to surround her and treat her in a friendly manner. Even if it is just out of concern, she should inquire about them.

I heard Wu Jue say in a low voice: "She is the girl from the eldest grandson's family."

Chang Sui Ning was startled for a moment, then asked again: "Which girl from the eldest grandson's family is...?"

This chapter has been completed!
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