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232 What do you want to change?

A large number of soldiers were summoned, and they lined up in queues to wait for body searches. They were so densely packed with people that one could not see the end of them at a glance.

Chang Ren and Chang Ren were also in the team, and they were both holding their hearts high at this time.

The soldiers who were searched were required to first take off their armor, remove their cotton-padded clothes and trousers, leaving only a thin undershirt, and then be searched carefully.

This move made everyone suspicious. They felt that it was more like looking for something than excluding internal factors...

Did you lose something important?

But the people above naturally won't give them answers. All they can do is shut up and cooperate.

Chang Ren and Chang Ren also accepted the body search very cooperatively.

The palms of the soldiers in charge of the search were exploring their bodies very carefully.

Although he didn't know what these people were looking for, Chang Ren felt very uneasy.

According to this search method, once the girl is found, let alone other things, the secret that the girl is born as a girl is destined to be impossible to keep!


"Don't waste time, take off your armor early!"

While the searching soldiers were urging loudly, a louder, richer and longer voice suddenly sounded through the camp and cut through the night sky.

It’s the call to arms!

Everyone's expressions became serious, and they immediately became noisy.

It’s time to gather troops!

"No one is allowed to run around!" The soldier in charge of the search sternly stopped the rioting crowd and said loudly: "Those who have completed the search go to assemble, and the rest stand still and continue to wait for the search! Anyone who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to escape

All searchers will be treated as trivial and will be dealt with according to military law! Do you understand?"


Chang Ren and the two looked at each other and retreated temporarily.

The two of them had just walked a short distance away when someone suddenly tapped Chang Ren on the shoulder from behind.

Chang Ren turned around cautiously and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming.

Fortunately, the girl is fine!

The whole place became busy due to the sudden sound of trumpets. There were soldiers running around everywhere. The shouts, the sound of armor and weapons clashing, and the roar of blazing torches in the wind made people restless.

"...Where did the girl go?" Chang Ren asked after the few people temporarily hid behind a haystack.

"Hidden." As Chang Suining spoke, he took out three large cakes from somewhere, bit one in his mouth, and handed the other two to Chang Ren and the others: "If I had known they were going to search me, I would have hid.

Woke up."

Chang Ren took the cake that was obviously not brought with him and hesitated to speak. Does the girl's hiding mean that she stole a few large cakes by the way?

The other guard was suddenly moved and stayed with the girl. No matter how difficult the conditions were, the girl would not starve them. The girl had a way of stealing cakes to feed them! And the stuff she stole was meat stuffing!

He could suddenly understand the crazy words of his previous companion, "Even if the girl asked me to strip naked and run around Suzaku Street, I would not hesitate."

Now, he can do it too!

"Why did the girl know in advance that they were going to search her?" Chang asked in a low voice while chewing the cake.

The girl glanced around with a pair of dark eyes vigilantly, and her voice couldn't be lowered: "Because what they are looking for is here with me."

She carried the things that He Wei had given her before she died, so naturally she couldn't run to anyone again.

Chang Ren's expression changed and he was about to say more when Chang Sui Ning said: "Now is not the time to talk. Hurry and fill your stomach and follow me to find my father."

Both of them nodded.

Chang Suining hurriedly stuffed most of the meat pie into his stomach and hid the rest. Chang Suining stepped out of the haystack and grabbed a soldier: "...Where is the war again?"

"Have you not heard yet? The Xu rebels defeated Jiangning and are now attacking Hezhou!"

"General Chang is ordering troops and will set off immediately! All the third to tenth armies must follow. Which army are you from?"

"We are from the Ninth Army!" Chang Suining opened his mouth and came.

"Then hurry up. You're late. You can't afford to be blamed for delaying the military plane!" The soldier said and hurriedly ran ahead.

Chang Suining: "Let's go, follow them!"

The first army of Dasheng had 12,500 infantrymen, and the third to tenth armies had 100,000 soldiers.

Hearing that Chang Kuo was leading the troops in this battle, Chang Sui Ning felt a little relieved at first, and he could still lead the troops into the battle. At least it proved that Lao Chang was safe and sound at this moment, and in a certain sense, he was "out of trouble".

But this "escape" must have been tacitly approved by Li Yi, presumably because He Wei was dead and the threat was temporarily lifted.

But would Li Yi really let Old Chang go? Thinking of this man's attempt to kill someone in danger, Chang Suining had almost no hope.

Therefore, Lao Chang's crisis is far from over. The so-called "escape" is just superficial. She must see Chang Kuo and follow him!


Jiangning was defeated, and Hezhou was in danger...

Chang Suining almost cursed out from between his teeth: "Cowardly idiot!"

If you don’t dare to do business, you will learn the behavior of a gutter rat!

The man who was as timid as a mouse in the past, now, driven by selfish desires, actually dared to plot to kill He Wei first, and he was also holding back some bad tricks to deal with Lao Chang.

A handsome coach without a plan will frustrate all the teachers. What's more, this coach is not only incompetent and planless, but also stupid and vicious.

If the clan is full of people like this, there is no need for people with foreign surnames like Xu Zhengye or foreigners from the northwest to seize it. If the Li family does not collapse, it will be unbearable.

While Chang Suining was running quickly, he looked back in the direction of the coach's camp. There was murderous intent in his bright eyes and he was forced to temporarily suppress it.

The three men quickly blended into the Ninth Army.

There was a quota for the number of people, but Chang Suining and the others were able to sneak in only by knocking out three real soldiers of the Ninth Army.

A hundred thousand troops were assembled. Chang Suining was mixed in the crowd. Even though he stood upright, he couldn't see Chang Kuo on the military command platform in the distance.

On the battlefield, a hundred thousand troops were ready to go, but in the commander's camp, Li Yi frowned.

When he is nervous, his palms will become sweaty and he will move back and forth, and this is also the case.

"... Just let him go to Hezhou like this? How can this be done!" Only two of his staff and a few close guards were left in the camp, and he had no scruples in speaking at this moment.

It was Chang Kuo who recommended himself to go to Hezhou to fight the rebels, and he also had the support of his two military advisors!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "General, please be patient, my subordinates know that the general wants to get rid of Chang Kuo soon... But something happened to the imperial envoy He Wei and his entourage just now, and everyone in the army has already

There is speculation that if Chang Kuo is attacked without any reason at this time, it will definitely cause turmoil."

This is precisely the reason why during these days, the most they dared to do was temporarily put Chang Kuo under house arrest in the name of recuperating.

Chang Kuo was a man of great prestige in the army, and he was determined not to be forcibly moved.

Precisely because of this, they knew better than anyone else that as long as Chang Kuo was around, it would be impossible for Li Yi to truly command the 200,000-strong army and make them focus on their mission, just like an arm and a finger.

"If I could, of course I wouldn't want to kill him!"

Li Yi continued to walk around: "But in order to prevent him from seeing He Wei, he had been under house arrest for many days. When he saw He Wei's body today, he clearly noticed something, but he endured it without saying anything... It was obviously because of his heart.

Knowing that the time is not right now, he wants to settle matters with me later! He recommended himself to Hezhou just to take advantage of the opportunity to escape!"

"If I don't kill him, he will definitely not let me go!"

"It was you who suggested putting him under house arrest in the first place, and now you are the ones who let him go. If I let him out of this military camp, how should I deal with it afterwards? You know full well that he is a serious problem for me!" Li Yiyue said as the sweat on his head became more intense.

, "Besides, you allowed him to lead an army of 100,000 men!"

Once these 100,000 troops left the camp, he only had 60,000 left!

Apart from anything else, even if Chang Kuo turned around and led the troops to beat him, he wouldn't be able to beat him!

What's more, his current "enemy" is not only Chang Kuo, but also the saint... Once the news of He Wei's death is spread back to the capital, the saint will know his intention of not exchanging military power, and he will be punished then.

——So he urgently needs to have enough troops to protect himself!

"General, don't be impatient. Let your subordinates explain in detail..."

The two aides were dizzy from his walking. Every time they saw the general walking back and forth, they regretted that they could not put a plow on the other side, otherwise they would not be able to plow all the land.

An aide stroked his beard and said slowly: "I just want to say that Chang Kuo cannot die in the hands of the general, nor in this military camp... It must be noted that as a leading deputy commander, he must die on the battlefield as a general.


Die in battle?

Li Yi looked at him.

The aide said another thing: "One more thing, since the general has decided to oppose the saint, then Xu Zhengye is no longer the general's enemy... Why doesn't the general cooperate with him?"

Li Yi paused.

Cooperate with Xu Zhengye?

"I remember that Xu Zhengye sent a secret letter to the general before. Does the general still remember it?"

Of course Li Yi remembered.

At that time, his father, King Huainan, was still alive, and he had just lost the battle in Duliang Mountain...

Xu Zhengye ordered Luo Guanlin to write him a secret letter. From the letter, it can be seen that the other party's general Du Liangshan was defeated in the battle. He thought that he deliberately gave in and thought that he also had the intention to overthrow the empress, so he tried to write a letter and invited him to join forces.

great cause.

After he looked at it, his face turned red and white.

Bai was afraid that this letter would bring him trouble and that he would be labeled a rebel.

Red because...the defeat in Duliangshan was not because he deliberately gave in!

Did he fight so badly that the enemy suspected that he was giving in?

I'm afraid Xu Zhengye was humiliating him on purpose!

He immediately burned the letter.

At that time, he never thought about cooperating with Xu Zhengye. He only wanted to serve the court and the saint... But as soon as his father died, the saint turned against him. He first reduced the power of the Huainan Palace and now wants to take away his military power and punish him.


"Xu Zhengye is still gathering people from all over the world to jointly carry out great achievements. It is not too late for the general to reply now."

"Yes, Xu Zhengye's ability to grow so powerful in a short period of time is all based on the name of 'supporting the Li family', and the general is a bloodline of the Li family. If there is a general accompanying him, he can definitely help them win over people's hearts.


"Furthermore, the general has a large number of troops, and they will treat him with courtesy... If the general will work hard in the future, conquer all places, and stabilize people's hearts, but now the prince is unable to take on the responsibility... When he is only the king of Huainan, why should the general put him in the position?

In the eyes?"

Li Yi's eyes were shocked, and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest.

He was still thinking that if the news of He Wei's death was reported back to the capital and the saint later attacked him, how could he really win over the soldiers and what name could he use to really frighten them and make them willing to be used by him...

Now he seems to have the answer.

Yes, he is also a descendant of the Li family!

Even though he is not a direct descendant, the current prince is also an adoptive descendant, isn't he?

Since he is a descendant of the Li family, he can use the soldiers and horses of the Li family to support the great cause of the Li family... so why not? This is the true destiny of heaven!

But he alone is not enough to compete with the entire imperial court, but if he can borrow the power of Xu Zhengye... that will be different!

After counting the troops, war drums were beating outside the tent. The drum beats seemed to hit Li Yi's heart, making every part of his body tremble violently.

After standing there for an unknown amount of time, Li Yi slowly sat down.

"Chang Kuo's stubbornness is also a thorn in the side of Xu's army. Why doesn't the general put Chang Kuo on his head to show his sincerity in cooperating with Xu Zhengye?"

Li Yi finally spoke: "But if Chang Kuoru leads one hundred thousand troops, he may not lose to Xu Zhengye..."

"The general is joking, why do we have a hundred thousand troops?" A staff member stood up and said with a smile: "This battle with Hezhou is crucial. As the commander-in-chief, the general must have another good plan."

Li Yi raised his ever-changing eyes and looked over.

When the army leaves the camp in an emergency, it is not necessary to stop the troops and set off immediately. Usually the light cavalry and the vanguard are in the front, followed by part of the middle army. The rear army that is responsible for transporting food, ammunition, and equipment has to move slower.

Chang Suining and the other three reluctantly joined the central army, and followed the army out of the camp just before dawn.

When they were at the battlefield, she had originally thought about revealing Yi Shuai's secret order and trying to capture Li Yi with Lao Chang before the army, but this idea was undoubtedly too natural and was quickly rejected by her.


He Wei was dead, and there was no evidence. In the panic, she and Chang Kuo were unable to discuss anything in advance, and Li Yi could have asked someone to kill her with an arrow when she opened her mouth, and then finalized this imperial edict.

Forgery, and the crime of forging imperial edicts was put on Chang Kuo's head.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! I'm afraid that if you can't move Li Yi, Lao Chang will be killed instead.

Li Yi may not be able to fully control the overall situation, but in terms of odds of winning, Li Yi as the coach still has seven, and Chang Kuo can only take three at most.

Although Lao Chang is still popular, he can use the 30% of the troops to cause a massive rebellion, divide the army into two, and fight each other with Li Yi, but it is not a safe and sound strategy after all.

In particular, there is a crucial point - Hezhou is in danger at this moment, the military situation is raging, and the people are in a critical situation. If she takes out this imperial edict to start civil strife at this time, then she will be no different from Li Yi.

It is both stupid and bad to regard ourselves as the enemy more seriously.

If Xu Zhengye knew about her "righteous act" of harming himself and the enemy, he would definitely kowtow to her and burn incense all night long to thank her.

Furthermore, she must be clear that this imperial edict can only be used once. In other words, she must be sure of succeeding.

But Chang Sui Ning followed the army not far from the camp and quickly realized something was wrong.

After walking another three miles, she was able to confirm her suspicion - this was not the marching route to Hezhou!

Ordinary soldiers don't have a clear idea of ​​this, but some captains also noticed something unusual.

After thinking twice, one of the captains drove his horse forward and asked the deputy general leading the army in a low voice: "...Vice General Qu, aren't we going to follow Deputy Commander Chang to Hezhou? Could it be that we need to divide the troops into two groups?


The deputy general glanced at him coldly: "Important matters and secrets of the enemy are not something you can pry into at will?"

The captain lowered his head slightly and said: "I'm afraid that the people below will make random speculations, which will be detrimental to the morale of the army..."

"Just take care of your own people! If anyone questions the route, tell them that this is the decision made by the commander and Deputy Commander Chang after joint discussion, and it cannot be leaked! If anyone dares to use this to disturb the morale of the army, he will be dealt with according to the military law!"

The captain could only answer "yes", slow down his horse, and retreat to the regiment under his jurisdiction.

During a break, the captain sat absentmindedly on a boulder until a soldier came to him and handed him a kettle.

Facing this attentive gesture, the captain frowned: "No need, I have water."

"I want to use this kettle to exchange something with Colonel Bai."

The captain raised his eyes and looked at the soldier who made ridiculous and bold remarks.

Perhaps the other party's eyes were too firm and sincere. Colonel Bai narrowed his eyes slightly and asked tentatively: "What do you want to change?"

"Three fast horses and some dry food."

As "Xiao Bing" spoke, the hand holding the kettle was raised a little higher.

Lieutenant Bai subconsciously looked at the kettle, and his eyes changed slightly.

The hand holding the kettle was holding something surprisingly.

After a moment, Lieutenant Bai took the kettle and whispered:

"Okay, I can prepare it for you."

This chapter has been completed!
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